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When did the Thrill begin?


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I came upon a WoB that seems contradictory.



Has the Thrill existed longer than the Death Rattles or have they both been occurring for about the same period of time?

Brandon Sanderson

The Thrill and the Death Rattles started around the same time, but the locations for the two fluctuate and have been since they appeared.


This note is from the forums: (This is just a way of confirming that the Unmade have been active for about the same amount of time. Both started around the time Gavilar started to explore the Shattered Plains according to Taravangian.)

We do know that Death Rattles started around the time that Gavilar started to explore the Shattered Plains, around the time he discovered Parshendi (as the footnote says).

But we also know Thrill was present during the days of reuiniting Alethkar - Dalinar recalls feeling Thrill so strong he almost attacked Gavilar.  The thing is, they only started to explore Shattered Plains after reuiniting Alethkar.

Did I get something wrong or the WoB is wrong?

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Hmm at first glance this doesn't trouble me too much as 'around' the same time from even a modern Rosharan perspective could easily be within a decade or two from each other. If there's evidence that one was around centuries before that would be troubling. I'll look further but I don't have the Dalinar flashbacks so I'll have to take your word for it on the Thrill timing. 

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4 minutes ago, Extesian said:

I'll look further but I don't have the Dalinar flashbacks so I'll have to take your word for it on the Thrill timing. 

Actually the Dalinar quote is from WoK or WoR but Oathbringer flashback excerpt also confirms Thrill pre-Shattered Plains.

I also get the feeling that Thrill is something culturally grounded in Alethkar - this just doesn't feel like something that appeared only a decade or two ago.

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1 minute ago, Oversleep said:

Actually the Dalinar quote is from WoK or WoR but Oathbringer flashback excerpt also confirms Thrill pre-Shattered Plains.

Also do we know that's when the Death Rattles started?! Or is that just when they reemerged... Moellach woke up late perhaps..

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I don't have a solid answer, but personally, I think Taravangian may be in the wrong here.

He went to the Nightwatcher after Gavilar's death, so much of his study and clandestine activities may not have been in operation when the Thrill actually started, and since they can move, he may have noticed his first Death Rattle in Kharbranth around that time as Moelach started moving east with the discovery of the Parshendi.

To quote the Diagram: "It [The Desolation] can and will sit where it wishes." I see no reason to believe that can't apply to the Unmade as well.

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I also remember a passage about Death Rattles, something like "the surgeons are starting to talk of weird things the people say when they die" or something. It could have said something about the time they started.

There's also this WoB but it's not helpful:


Mason Wheeler

So, according to King Taravangian, the... erm... I don't actually know the name for it, the uh, death-babbling phenomenon...

Brandon Sanderson

Death rattles.

Mason Wheeler

OK, death rattles have been going on since about the time the Parshendi were first discovered. Soon after this, King Gavilar was killed, and he said something that sounds kind of nonsensical. Was that him talking, or someone else?

Brandon Sanderson

No, that was Gavilar.


Brandon didn't correct or react to the assumption they were going on since Parshendi were discovered but that's not saying us much.

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Yeah, I've been suspicious of that myself. In any case, according to Taravangian, Moelach can move and this does affect where Death Rattles occur, so it's possible that previously, it was in a location more removed where the death rattles weren't noticed. I think this is more likely. We can't take Taravangian's word on when they started since he doesn't have full knowledge of every death occurring on Roshar.

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I totally agree with you that Moelach just moved about that time. I think there is a WoB about something going on with the Alethi and their wars (not absolutely sure about this) and I always thought that was about the Thrill, which means that the Thrill have been there for at least several hundred years.

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