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Long Game 33: Life

Welcome to The University! You’ve heard about the famed institution your entire life, dreaming of attending and possibly even learning the arcane arts. Well, congratulations! You’ve finally made it. You’ll have no problem impressing the Masters enough to let you into the school, though perhaps your tuition could be high. Or it could be low. You just don’t know! All you really know is that you’re where you’ve always wanted to be, and you’re here to learn all you can.

 But what’s this now? Rumors abound of Skindancers in The University. But the Skindancers are all supposed to be dead, right? Apparently not, because sure enough, students and Masters alike start having problems. Most of them seem to go crazy, and the Crockery is filling up, though some even die. Although you’re no Taborlin the Great or Kvothe the Bloodless, you and a bunch of fellow students have taken it upon yourselves to solve the mystery. You’ve resolved to eliminate the Skindancers once and for all. Only then will you be able to resume your studies and learn to your little heart’s content.

 Good luck!

Section 1: Game Basics

This section entails the basics of the game like the factions and their win conditions, the cycles and order of events, and how voting works.


There are two factions in this game: Students and Skindancers. The Skindancers are the eliminator faction.

The students at the University come from all across the Four Corners. They’re at the University to study, and nothing should interfere with a student and his (or her) pursuit of knowledge. Including Skindancers. With their regular studies interrupted, the students are doing all they can to rid the University of the Fae infiltrators.
Students have the chance of becoming a Master of a field.

Win Condition
Kill all the Skindancers.

Fae creatures believed to have been exterminated by the Sithe centuries ago, the Skindancers are making one last stand at the University. A small group has infiltrated the students, taking over their bodies. They have one mission: eliminate the arcanists.

Skindancers have access to a Google doc to plan and conspire. They start the game mixed with the students, and they are able to anything a student can, including becoming a Master.

Skindancers can sabotage one person per turn. Sabotage appear as if the person simply cracked, and they are sent to the Crockery. If the Skindancers sabotage someone already in the Crockery or an expelled student, that player dies, unless they are protected.

Win Condition
Kill all the arcanists OR Destroy the University (remove all fields).

Cycles will be separated into two turns, each representing one month in the game. This means that each cycle will represent one full term at the University, since terms at the University are two months in length.

Turns will be 36 hours long with 12-hour rollovers between each turn, making the cycles 96 hours of real time, and 72 hours of in-game time. 
Turns will be mostly indistinguishable from each other. Players will be able to take the same number of actions each turn. The only difference between turns will be certain events—stipend payout, admissions, and lodging—that affect all players. Players have no control over stipend payout or admissions, but they have some minor control over lodging, in that they can choose where they want to stay.

Turn Event Order
All Non-Offensive Role & Item Actions, including Imre actions
All Offensive Actions
Insanity Roll
The Horns
Events Only Occurring Just Before the First Turn of Each Cycle
Stipend Payout
Admissions & Tuition

Instead of lynching players, the daily vote will be used to file complaints with the Masters. Every player is able to cast two votes. Each vote counts as a complaint lodged against that student, and every two complaints counts as one Discipline Point against the player if they’re taken On the Horns.

All non-information gathering actions do not receive any information past whether you succeeded in attempting the action and whom you targeted. Unless an action specifically targets a player to learn something about them, you will not learn whether your action succeeded. 


Section 2: University Basics

This section entails basics that are related directly to this game and the University. These include the currency system, social classes, lodging, admissions, insanity/The Crockery, and discipline points/The Horns.


Currency System
The University uses Cealdish money, and each student gets a stipend every term, determined by their class. At the beginning of each cycle, the GM will PM each player to tell them how much money they have after admissions, stipend renewal, and any items they may have purchased/sold the previous cycle.

Iron Drab: lowest denomination. worth 1/10 of a copper jot
Copper Jot: worth 10 iron drabs and 1/10 of a silver talent
Silver Talent: highest denomination. worth 10 copper jots or 100 iron drabs

Social Classes
Vintish Nobleman: You start the game with 20 talents burning a hole in your pocket and staying at The Horse and Four. You also have a 30 talent stipend per term, which puts you among the richest students at the University. Unfortunately, no one really likes you, including the Masters, so your admissions tend to be higher than most (33% higher than they should be, to be exact). Still, you can afford it, so it’s not a bother. Right?

Aturan Nobleman: You start the game with 13 talents, 3 jots, and 4 drabs and staying at either The Golden Pony or The Horse and Four. You have a 20 talent stipend per term, and you’ve also made sure to not make enemies of any of the Masters, which means your admissions aren’t horribly inflated unlike those other noblemen around. Your admissions accurately reflect your skill and knowledge. You just tend to lack a little skill and knowledge when it comes to the arcane arts. Your superstitious nature makes you hesitant to really dedicate time to them. (10% chance you’ll back out if elevated in Sympathy, Naming, Alchemy, or Artificery)

Yllish Commoner: You start the game with 7 talents, 4 jots, and 9 drabs and staying at either The Golden Pony or Anker’s. You have a stipend of 11 talents, 2 jots, and 3 drabs per term. You’re the average student, with an average stipend, and no real bonuses or drawbacks to speak of based on your status. And you’re okay with that.

Cealdish Commoner: You start the game with 6 talents, 5 jots, and 8 drabs, and staying at either The Golden Pony or Anker’s. You have a stipend of 9 talents, 8 jots, and 7 drabs per term, which can sometimes get a little tight, but you’ve never had problem balancing your finances, so you make it work. In fact, you’re so good with money, you tend to get a little extra when you sell or purchase items. (10% increase when selling, and 10% decrease when purchasing)

Edema Ruh: You start the game with 3 talents and 4 drabs and staying at Anker’s. The poorest of the poor, you have a stipend of 4 talents, 5 jots, and 6 drabs. Fortunately, you’ve grown up playing music and entertaining crowds, so you’re able to reduce your room rentals through your playing. Your rooms are half-price.

There are multiple places at the University and in the town around the University where students can lodge. Where you lodge can either positively or negatively affect students. Each location has a set cost that varies from location to location. Players should PM the GM once per cycle to say where they are lodging for the next cycle/term. If players fail to send in a location, they will spend that cycle on the streets.

All players not in the Crockery must have lodging, even if they are expelled or not attending the University for that term. Lodging is paid after tuition, unless otherwise specified (students can say that if they can’t afford tuition and the location they’ve chosen, they choose not to attend the University that term). If a student cannot afford their chosen lodging after tuition, they will be moved to the most expensive location they can afford.

For example: Wilson chooses to lodge at The Golden Pony for the next term. However, after her high tuition, she only has 6 talents. She will lodge at Anker’s instead. If she only had 4 talents, she would be lodging in the Mews. If she instead sent an order to the GM saying “I will lodge at The Golden Pony next term, and if my tuition is too high to stay there, I’ll skip term,” she would stay at the Golden Pony and keep the money that would’ve been paid for tuition.

On the streets (no location): no cost. Living out on the street makes it so all actions against you succeed. Positive actions (like protection or being given an item) have 50% chance of failing, due to the rough circumstances you’re surrounded by. Your own actions also have a 50% chance of failing. There is a 25% chance you will be killed by a rogue mercenary just for looking at him the wrong way.

The Underthing: no cost. This location is only accessible by those who have escaped the Crockery. Unfortunately, as long as you live in the Underthing, your actions are severely reduced. As no one can find you, actions done to you have no effect, but since you are in the Underthing, you are unable to make any actions yourself. You cannot PM, impress a Master, go to Imre, or even talk in a doc (if you’re a Skindancer). You still collect money from your stipend, and you have to pay tuition, if you’re still enrolled at the University.

Mews: 1 talent. Having to deal with other students constantly gives you a +2 bonus to Insanity rolls.

Ankers: 4 talents. Rough living and lacking security gives you a 10% chance one of your actions will fail or you will be robbed of one item.

Grey Man: 7 talents. This lodging is in Imre, and may only be used by players who have been expelled from the University or are not attending it this cycle. It allows a player to be in Imre both turns of a cycle. 

The Golden Pony: 9 talents. Students staying here have enough money that they've got an in with the Masters. They go into the secret vote with (-1) votes on them. 

The Horse and Four: 12 talents. Security: 40% chance for Sabotage/Kills to fail.

Every term/cycle, students must go through admissions and pay tuition if they want to continue studying at the University. Tuition varies on a student-by-student basis, as well as a term-by-term basis. If a student cannot pay tuition, they cannot attend the University for that term. They can continue using abilities or items previously acquired, but they cannot impress a Master nor can they create any items. Students who cannot/do not attend a term do not go through admissions again, so they retain the tuition cost given to them until they have enough to attend another term. Players who fail to attend the University for a term will be required to tell the GM when they would like to return to their studies. The GM will not automatically enroll them when they have enough to pay.

Each player’s tuition is determined through various game elements. By participating in these elements, players can reduce their tuition, making it easier on their pocketbooks to attend. Reductions and Inflations are calculated per turn and averaged together for the cycle. The starting tuition per term for each student is 10 talents.

Tuition Reductions
Post once in the thread: 1 talent
Quality thread participation: 5 drabs per post
Quality RP: 5 jots per post
Impress a Master (regardless of elevation): 1 talent
File a complaint: 5 jots
Send messages: 5 jots
Selling an item in Imre: 5 drabs
Purchasing an item from the Apothecary: 5 jots-1 talent (depends on the item purchased)
Placing a request on the Black Market: 5 jots-2 talents (depends on the request and amount placed with it)
Trying for Talent Pipes: 1 talent
Fulfilling a Black Market contract: 5 jots

Tuition Inflations
Participate heavily in messages but very little in the thread: 1-4 talents (75-85% of the communication being in PMs, as opposed to in the thread, is 1 talent; 86-90% is 2 talents; 91-95% is 3 talents; and 96% or higher is 4 talents)
Have complaints filed against you: 1 jot per complaint
Being brought On the Horns: 2 talents
Not RPing a public apology: 2 talents
Re’lar: 1 talent
El’the: 2 talents

For Masters:
Fail to post in the thread: 3 talents
Don’t elevate a student: 1 talent
Fail to use any actions for the entire term (role-blocks do not count): 4 talents

Insanity and the Crockery
All players players in the Arcanum have a chance of going crazy and being sent to The Crockery, the University’s famed insane asylum. This “cracking” can happen through either a sabotage by the Skindancers or actual cracking. Depending on the field(s) a player chooses to study and their rank in the field(s), each player’s chances of going insane could increase—sometimes drastically.

Insanity Points
Players accrue Insanity Points (IP), which are reset every turn. A player goes insane when they accrue at least 12 IP in a single turn. Each turn, all Arcanists will have an Insanity Roll which will determine if they go insane. Insanity Rolls start with a d10, with additional IP gained through Arcane Arts added to the Roll as a sort of “bonus”.

Example: Orlok is a Re’lar studying Alchemy and Artificery. Both of these fields have 2 IP for Re’lars. Orlok will have 4 IP added to his Insanity Roll, making it all that much more likely that he will go insane.

When a person goes insane, they cannot use any abilities or items they had. Their stipend is put frozen and they will not have access to their coins. Their tuition is also frozen at the amount it would’ve been had the player not gone insane. They do not have to worry about lodging, as the Crockery is their home now. Sabotages on the insane function as a kill, and they cannot be blocked. No action targeting the insane can be blocked, regardless of bodyguards or Medica/item actions.

There is a small chance that those in the Crockery can escape, returning to the game. All players in the Crockery will have a Breakout Roll, using a d20 dice. If a player has a background in Naming, knowing at least 5 Names, the Breakout Roll will use a d10. There is a 1/20 chance players with no (or little) background in Naming will break out. There is a 1/10 chance an experienced Namer will break out.

If a player breaks out from the Crockery, they will return to the game. However, they will return one rank lower than they were when they went insane, and they will have one random power less than they had when they entered. Their stipend and coins will unfreeze, and they will resume studies at the University using the same orders they had in place before they went insane. If they went insane during the first turn of a cycle and therefore didn’t have lodging orders placed, they will lodge in their previous lodgings if they can afford it. If they cannot, they’ll be placed in the most expensive lodging they can afford.

Players who break out from the Crockery can no longer impress a Master and be elevated.

The Horns and Discipline Points
The Horns is the disciplinary system of The University. Every turn, students will accrue Discipline Points (DP) through both the lynch and from the Masters. Each Master has a total of 5 DP per turn that they can give to students. While Masters are NPC-controlled, this distribution will be random, based on students who have had at least one complaint filed against them. If a player becomes Master, they have total control of the DP.

Elevation Points (will be addressed further in the next section) can be used to reduce the number of DP a Master gives to a student. For example: If Aonar has 5 EP in Naming and the Master Namer places 3 DP on Aonar, 3 of Aonar’s EP in Naming will be used to reduce the Master Namer’s DP to 0. If he has no EP in Naming, he cannot substitute EP from a different field.

If a student accrues 5 or more Discipline Points on them in any turn, they will brought On the Horns and potentially face punishment. Students with 11 or more DP on them will risk expulsion from the University.

There are a number of malfeasance charges possible, each with their own form of punishment. Charges are determined by how many DP a student accrues. There is a chance that all forms of malfeasance will be dropped; however, this chance disappears when a student has 11 DP. The more DP a student has, the higher the risk of expulsion.

5-7 DP: 60% charges dropped, 30% Undignified Mischief (apology), 10% Reckless Use of Sympathy (lashings)
8-10 DP: 20% charges dropped, 30% Undignified Mischief (apology), 30% Reckless Use of Sympathy (lashings), 20% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (lashings)

11-12 DP: 20% Undignified Mischief (apology), 20% Reckless Use of Sympathy (lashings), 50% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (lashings), 10% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (expulsion)

13-14 DP: 10% Undignified Mischief (apology), 20% Reckless Use of Sympathy (lashings), 40%  Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (lashings), 30% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (expulsion)

15-16 DP: 5% Undignified Mischief (apology), 5% Reckless Use of Sympathy (lashings), 25%  Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (lashings), 65% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (expulsion)

17-18 DP: 20%  Conduct Unbecoming a Member of Arcanum (lashings), 80% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of Arcanum (expulsion)

19 DP: 10%  Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (lashings), 90% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (expulsion)

20+ DP: 100% Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Arcanum (expulsion)

Formal Apology: Player must apologize in-thread, making up a misdemeanor—RPing the apology is a must. Failure to do so warrants 2 DP the next turn and a +2 talent tuition increase.

Public Lashing: Cannot take action for X amount of cycles, unless they have nahlrout. Reckless Use: 1 turn. Conduct Unbecoming: 3 turns.

Expulsion: Student is kicked out of the University. They also lose their ability to speak in PMs, but can still talk in the main thread (and in a doc, if applicable). They cannot lodge complaints. They must still arrange boarding each term, but they cannot sleep in the Mews, since that’s an option available only for University students. Expelled students can continue using any field ability they may have had and any items they created. They cannot gain any more abilities or make any more items. Their abilities can only affect people in Imre, but players still in the Arcanum can affect them, even if they are not in Imre. Sabotages kill expelled students, if they are unprotected.


Section 3: The Arcanum

The Arcanum is where all the fun happens at the University. Led by the nine Masters, there are many different fields of study in which for students to try their hands: Sympathy, Artificery, Alchemy, Naming, Rhetoric & Logic, Arithmetic, Linguistics, Physicking, and the Archives. University students do not start in the Arcanum. They are brought into the Arcanum once they have shown they have the moral fortitude necessary for a member of the Arcanum, are sponsored by a Master, and are elevated to the rank of E’lir, which is the lowest of the Arcanum ranks. Once you are in the Arcanum, you can be elevated again, through the ranks of Re’lar and El’the and potentially become a Master of a field.

This section covers the ranks and elevation point system and all nine fields.


Ranks and the Elevation Point System
There are three ranks in the Arcanum: E’lir, Re’lar, and El’the. In order to get into the Arcanum, students must impress a Master and be elevated.

Each student will be given Elevation Points (EP) they can spend to impress the Master of their choice. If these points are not used to impress a Master, they do not roll over onto the next turn. Students do not have to know the name of the Master to impress them. They need only say the field (eg, Archives, Sympathy, Naming, etc). EP rolls over to following turns, until it is spent through elevations or disciplinary actions.

At the end of each turn, Masters get a list of everyone with EP in their field. So the Master Archivist would get a list of everyone with Archives EP, and so on for all other Masters. That next turn, each Master chooses who (if any) on this list, they wish to elevate. Therefore, no one will be elevated on the first turn, but elevations will happen the following turn. NPC-controlled Masters will choose who to elevate based on how many EP is in their field. For example: Aonar has 3 Archives EP and Orlok and Wilson both have 5 Archives EP each. There are 13 Archives EP. Aonar has 3/13 chance at being elevated and Orlok and Wilson both have 5/13. An RNG will decide who is elevated.

Elevations cost a maximum of 5 EP. If a student is elevated and has less than 5 EP, they will lose all their points in that field. If they have more than 5 EP, they will only lose 5.

Students elevated will be revealed in the writeup, but what field they were elevated in will not be, nor will their rank be revealed.

If multiple Masters try to elevate a student, the student will be elevated in the field they have the most EP in. If both fields are tied, a coin will decide. If all students with EP in a Master’s field have been elevated that turn, the Master will not elevate. A PC Master can choose not to elevate anyone, should all of the options be undesirable to them. PC Masters can also submit a preference list of students available for elevation, in case another Master takes their first choice. For example: The Master Artificer has 5 students with Artificery EP. If he’s worried his first choice will be elevated in another field, he can submit a list like this: 1-Wilson, 2-Aonar, 3-Orlok, 4-Elbereth. If Wilson is taken, Aonar will be elevated. If Aonar was also elevated by a different Master, Orlok will be elevated. Etc.

Students elevated by an NPC-controlled Master are randomly given an ability in that field. PC Masters should decide what ability they wish to give the student they just elevated. If they fail to do so, an RNG will decide and the Master will be informed.

Students outside of the Arcanum have 5 EP each turn.
E’lir’s have 4 EP each turn.
Re’lar’s have 3 EP each turn.
El’the’s have 2 EP each turn.

An El’the who accrues 15 EP in a field will become the Master of that field. El’the’s who have only studied in a single field gain an automatic 5 EP in that field upon elevation to El’the.

There are nine Masters at the University. They are Linguist, Arithmetician, Rhetorician, Archivist, Physicker, Sympathist, Artificer, Alchemist, and Namer. When a player becomes a Master in a field, certain mechanics change slightly.

The Horns
Masters cannot be brought On the Horns. All Disciplinary Points on a Master are dissolved.

Lodging & Tuition
To make things easier, Masters do still have to worry about Lodging. The Lodging options are the same as they are for students, but cost 25% less for Masters.

Masters also still have to pay tuition. However, their tuition will be halved. If a Master cannot pay tuition, they are removed from their position and replaced with an NPC. Once they pay the tuition they failed to pay, they will regain their position as a Master, assuming a PC hasn’t taken it. If one has, the former Master will be second in line.

Stipend remains the same.

Kills, Sabotages & Insanity
If a PC Master is killed or sabotaged, the Master will go back to being NPC-controlled. If a former Master breaks out of the Crockery and their field is still NPC-controlled, they will not become the Master of that field once again. They will permanently be reduced to El’the (unless they go insane and break out again, in which case they become Re’lar, etc). 

Skindancer Masters
If a Skindancer becomes a Master, they have a special ability they can use on any turn while they are a Master: destroy that field of study. If a field is destroyed, no one else can be elevated into it, even if the Skindancer Master is killed. Students already in the field can continue using the powers they already have and any items they have may already created, but they cannot gain new powers nor can they create new items.

Arcanum Fields
There are 9 different fields of study for students at the University. By impressing a Master and being elevated into a field, students learn abilities in that field. Most fields have 3-4 role abilities accessible, with the Master choosing which of those abilities they want that student to learn. By impressing a Master multiple times and being elevated multiple times, students increase their knowledge in that field, and gain another ability.

While most fields have role abilities, Alchemy and Artificery students are able to create items. Items can be kept by the student who made it, or they can be given away to other players. The Masters of Alchemy and Artificery do not give their students items to create. Each item in those fields requires students to be a certain level before they can make that item. Items take one turn to create, and during that turn, students creating an item cannot file a complaint or impress a Master (flavor-wise, because they’re too busy creating the item to focus on anything else).

The Linguistics field works solely with words and languages. The abilities are basic, but they get more powerful when combined together. Additionally, students who stick with Linguistics gain a little extra. Second level upgrade: Gain a second action period. Third level upgrade: Gain a third action period. Master level upgrade: Gain a fourth action period.

Mysterious Bulletins: In the middle of the night, you and a few friends post a message on as many surfaces around the University as you can. No one knows who these mysterious bulletins came from.

Hand Delivery: You’re paranoid and hand-deliver your messages to the recipients. No one can peek at your messages. Unless of course, you’re incapacitated. Then you have to rely on the normal messenger service. This is a passive ability. If it gets role-blocked, your PMs can be spied on the turn the role-block happens.

Bribe the Messenger: You’ve made friends with the messengers and for a few drabs, they’ll let you take a peek at some of the messages your fellow students send. You can spy on the messages of one player. You will learn the contents of all incoming and outgoing PMs as well as the recipient or sender of the messages.

Linguistic Analysis: Your analysis skills are legendary. All you need to do is read a message from someone and you just know if they’re lying or telling the truth. You can ask the GM if your target lied the previous turn, and will receive yes/no for an answer.

Like Linguistics, Arithmetic abilities don’t increase in potency as you elevate further in the field, but because the added abilities compound, students who stay in Arithmetics become stronger from the combined powers they can do. Second level upgrade: Gain a second Arithmetic action period. Third level upgrade: Gain a third Arithmetic action period. Master level upgrade: Gain a fourth Arithmetic action period.

Reduced Interest: You have a knack for convincing moneylenders to give you reasonable interest rates. This includes gaelets like Devi. If you go to Devi, your interest is cut by half, to 25%.

Pickpocket: You’ve been practicing your sleight of hand while studying. You’ve gotten pretty adept at pickpocketing people and stealing some of their coins. However, since it’s pickpocketing, you can only really do it to the people who get close enough to you. Target a random person targeting you that cycle and take 20% of their coins.

Great Deals: You have an eye for a good deal. Somehow, you’re able to talk your way into a deal no matter what you’re buying or selling. 10% increase in the payout when you fulfill a Black Market contract. 10% decrease when purchasing items from the Black Market or the Apothecary. (This percentage does stack, so if a Cealdish Commoner was an Arithmetic student, they would get a 20% increase/decrease)

Decreased Tuition: 10% decrease to your tuition.

Rhetoric & Logic
Rhetoricians have learned the power of persuasion and manipulation better than almost anyone else. As such, Their abilities are mostly focused around action and vote manipulation or role-blocking. Second level upgrade: Gain a second Rhetoric action period. Third level upgrade: Gain a third Rhetoric action period. Master level upgrade: Gain a fourth Rhetoric action level period.

Law of Contraposition: Redirect a targeted action of another player to another player of your choice.

Proficient in Hyperbole: You can cast four complaints, either against the same student or different students. These complaints are still filed in the thread, so to cast for different people, you would make a red-vote without retracting the previous vote.

Argumentum Ad Nauseam: You begin a conversation with your target, educating them on the intricacies of ancient Yllish agriculture (or something equally fascinating to you), boring them so much they forget to file a complaint.

Persuasive Arguments: Change someone’s complaint to someone else.

Scrivs spend a lot of time in the Stacks and Tomes. There’s a lot of knowledge crammed in their heads, making them an unexpected sort of formidable foe. Second level upgrade: Gain a second Archive action period. Third level upgrade: Gain a third Archive action period. Master level upgrade: Gain a fourth Archive action period.

Fae Lore: Your fellow students may laugh at your studies, but they’ve come in awfully handy lately. While they’re all carrying around iron to protect themselves from the Skindancers, you know holly is the way to go. If you target a Skindancer, their actions are cancelled.

Omen Recognition: You recognize the signs of all kinds of fae. Because of this, you can investigate any event and determine whether or not it was caused by a fae.

School Records: You can research any student, learning what fields they’ve been elevated in and what their specialties are.

Banned Books: With a bit of searching, you’ve managed to find a few dangerous books deep in the Stacks. If you’ve studied in another field (with the exception of Naming), you may use these books to learn another of that field’s abilities, of your choice. If you have not studied in another field, you can choose which field you’d like to study and you will learn a random ability in that field. Learning a new ability takes 2 action periods. This can be spread out over the entire term (2 turns) or half a term (1 turn). If you use two actions periods on the same turn, you will lose all other actions, including PMs and complaints, since you’re spending all your time studying in the Stacks. You have a 10% chance of getting caught the first time you research. There is a 10% every time you research thereafter. If you use it for two action periods on the same turn, there is a 20% chance of getting caught. If you are caught, you will be brought up on Conduct Unbecoming and receive lashes as your punishment. Master level: No chance of getting caught. They’re not banned from you, after all. :P

Sympathy works with Alar, and the stronger one’s Alar is, the harder it is to beat them. All sympathy abilities have one upgrade, based on the student’s strength. If students stay in the field, they can gain the upgraded version of the ability they have, or they could gain one of the other abilities. Those who study Sympathy are susceptible to cracking and being sent to the Crockery. E’lir: +1 bonus to Insanity Roll. Re’lar: +2 bonus. El’the: +3 bonus. Master: +4 bonus.

Mommet-making: Target someone who was sabotaged/killed the previous cycle to search for traces of their killer/saboteur, making a mommet of what you find (though you won’t know the target of the mommet). You can then use that mommet to role-block them for as long as you have the mommet. (25% chance the mommet won’t be the killer but someone else the person was in contact with). Upgrade: Mommet can kill.

Malignant Sympathy Protection: Protect you or someone else from malignant sympathy (including mommets). Cannot be used two turns in a row. Downgraded effects: role-blocks→no effect, kills→role-blocks (all other actions that cycle are cancelled for the player: complaints, impressing, anything in Imre, etc). Upgrade: kills→no effect.

Malfeasance: Create a binding between you and another student. All actions that happen to you also affect the person you’re bound to. Upgrade: Your bind can affect two other students.

The Medica is a great place to learn all about medicine and keeping people healthy through treatment and preventive care. Most Physikers only have one action period, but the Master Physiker has two action periods. All Physikers can access all abilities, but each ability’s use depends on how much time a person has spent studying Physicking.

Medica Emergency: Due to a medical emergency, you’re spending a lot of time in the Medica to help out. All actions targeting you fail. Cannot be used twice in a row. First level: You cannot take any other actions, including PMing or filing a complaint. Second level upgrade: You’ve learned to juggle things a little better, so you can PM, but you still can’t file complaints. Third level upgrade: You can both PM and file complaints. Master level upgrade: You can still use your second action period, but only through items or other specifically Medica powers (like Medica Detainment), since the other Physiker powers require more attention than you can give.

Medica Detainment: Detain a player in Medica for a turn, role-blocking all of their actions for one turn. First level: 30% chance you’ll get caught and brought up on charges of Conduct Unbecoming, with a punishment of lashings. Second level upgrade: 20% chance of getting caught. Third level upgrade: 10% chance of getting caught. Master level upgrade: No chance of getting caught (you’re not doing anything wrong).

Psychological Counselling: You provide counselling for someone at risk of cracking, helping them cope with their problems. This counselling decreases their chances of cracking that turn. If you attempt to self-target, you will receive an increase to your insanity rather than a reduction, as talking to yourself is not a sign of a sound mind. First level: -1 reduction. Second level upgrade: -2 reduction. Third level upgrade: -3 reduction. Master level upgrade: -4 reduction.

Cheating Death: Follow a player and if they’re attacked with a sabotage or kill, your amazing skills prevents them from dying. Unfortunately, this also drains you of energy, so you can’t do it twice in a row. First level: 50% chance their wounds from a kill attempt are beyond your abilities and they will die. 25% chance you won’t prevent a sabotage. If you don’t succeed in fully protecting them, you’ll at least succeed in delaying their death, and they will have an extra turn before they succumb to their insanity/death. Second level upgrade: 50% chance their wounds from a kill attempt are beyond your abilities and they will die. Sabotages are fully prevented. If you don’t succeed in protecting someone from death, you will at least delay their death for a turn. Third level upgrade: 25% chance their wounds from a kill attempt are beyond your abilities and they will die. Sabotages are fully prevented. Deaths you can’t prevent will be delayed an extra turn. Master level upgrade: Both kills and sabotages are fully prevented.

All alchemy items are usable only once. Each has a risk to it that lessens as the student is elevated higher in the field. All of these items can be given away or destroyed. Those who study Alchemy are more susceptible to cracking and being sent to the Crockery. E’lir: +1 bonus to Insanity Roll. Re’lar: +2 bonus. El’the: +3 bonus. Master: +4 bonus.

Tenaculum: E’lir - Destroy an item or cancel an action. First level: 20% chance of going awry and destroying a different item or canceling a random action of the target or yourself. Second level upgrade: 10% chance of going awry. Third level upgrade: 100% chance it will destroy what you want or cancel what you request. Master level upgrade: You have enough for two uses.

Firestop [Kvothe’s name] (That thing Sim develops that is fireproof, but volatile under the right circumstances): Re’lar - Protects from heat-based malfeasance and bone tar. First level: 20%  chance of failing and going volatile, sending the target to Medica (total role-block for that turn and the next while they recover). Second level upgrade: 10% chance of failing and going volatile, sending the target to Medica (total role-block for that turn and the next while they recover). Third level upgrade: no chance of failure. Master level upgrade: You’ve made enough for two uses. Usable twice.

Plum bob: Re’lar - Drug a player and gather information from them. When using the plum bob, player will PM the GM, informing them of the use, and the questions they want to ask, just to make sure the questions are valid. Players can ask a maximum of 5 basic questions (questions like “Who are the other Skindancers” and “What abilities do you have/What fields are you studying” do not count as a single question). Once the questions have been cleared, the GM will set up a PM between the two players during the next turn. Target must answer all questions truthfully. Because the plum bob is dangerous, there is a chance the target will fly into a rage. If this happens, the student who used the plum bob will instantly be brought on the horns for Conduct Unbecoming, receiving lashings as punishment, and no more questions will be asked. First level: 30% chance the target will fly into a rage on the second question. Third and fourth questions go up each 20%, with the fifth question increasing another 30%. Second level upgrade: 30% chance of flying into a rage on second question, 10% on third and fourth, 30% on fifth. Third level upgrade: 10% chance on second question and third questions, 20% on fourth question, 30% on fifth. Master level upgrade: Same chances of target flying into a rage as the third level, but you will not be punished for using the plum bob.

Bone-tar: El’the - destroy a location (Mews or an inn). First level: 50% chance of it going volatile, and killing half of the players staying at the location (including yourself). Second level upgrade: 25% chance of going volatile. Third level upgrade: 10% chance of going volatile. If it does, you will be injured and cannot make any actions the following turn, as you’re recovering in Medica. Master level upgrade: You may choose if it goes volatile or not. If you choose for it to go volatile, there’s a 10% chance you’ll be injured in the fire-fog and you’ll spend the next turn recovering in Medica, unable to make any actions (including disciplining).

All artificery items can be given away, and most can be destroyed. First level: Items are usable only once. Second level upgrade: Items have a 50% chance of being usable twice (decided at the creation, so the creator knows upon creating the item if it has one or two uses). Third level upgrade: Items are usable twice. Master level upgrade: Items are usable thrice. Note: Players who create an item and then are elevated to a new level do not gain the upgrade on the item they created previously. Items retain the upgrade of the level the player was when they created them.

Those who study artificery are more susceptible to cracking and being sent to the Crockery. E’lir: +1 bonus to Insanity Roll. Re’lar: +2 bonus. El’the: +3 bonus. Master: +4 bonus. 

Ward: E’lir - Detects a random action used on you by someone else (either offensive or defensive)
Bloodless: Re’lar - Passively protects from a sabotage
Thieves Lamp: Re’lar - Robs a player of 30% of their money and 50% of their possessions
Gram: El’the - Passively protects from sabotages, kills, and malignant sympathy (cannot be destroyed)

Naming is perhaps the most arcane of all the arcane arts. Seeing the true Name of a thing or living being, if one calls the true Name, one can control it. As such, Naming works a little differently than the other fields. There are no specific abilities, but there are Names students who wish to learn Naming can learn. Each Name has a basic function, but it’s up to the Namer’s discretion on what they want to actually do with that Name.

When the Master Namer elevates a student the first time, the student learns the Name of the Wind, and by using Wind, they can learn more Names. Once the Namer has used Wind once, they have a 25% chance of learning a new, random Name. Upon using Wind twice, they have a 50% chance of learning a new Name. This percent increases until the Namer learns a Name, and then it resets, contingent upon using the new Name. While the Namer is still on their first Naming rank, they can only use one Name per turn, regardless of how many Names they learn.

Warning: As a Namer learns new Names, their sanity is affected. For each Name beyond the first that they learn, their insanity roll bonus increases by one per Name. Additionally, each time they use more than one Name in a single turn, their insanity bonus increases.

First level: Namer learns the Name of the Wind. Each Name learned after the first gains a +1 bonus to the insanity roll. Second level: Gain a second Naming action. Can use two Names at once. +2 bonus to insanity rolls each time you use two Names in a turn (on top of the Names bonus). Third level: Gain a third Naming action. Can use three Names at once. +4 bonus to insanity rolls each time you use three Names in a turn (on top of the Names bonus). Master level: Gain a fourth Naming action. Can use four Names at once. +6 each time you use four Names in a turn (on top of the Names bonus). Note on the Master Namer: They know all 10 Names, but because they are the Master and have therefore proven themselves to be a competent and responsible Namer, their Naming knowledge insanity bonus is only +3.

Important Note: Names can only be invoked once per turn. Invoking a Name takes an action. This applies to every Name invoked, even if they’re tied to the same action.

Multi-Name Order Example: Use Fire to kill all those who attack me this cycle and use Earth to prevent my death.

Insanity Bonus Example: Aonar is an El’the Namer who has been elevated by the Master Namer through E’lir and Re’lar. He knows 5 Names, so by default, he has a +4 bonus to his insanity rolls. If he uses three of his Names in a turn, he will gain an additional +4 bonus to his insanity roll. Therefore, his insanity roll will have a +8 bonus, making it much more likely that he will crack and be sent to the Crockery.

Naming Actions
The following lists the types of base action each Name is capable of. However, you can add additional Names to the base action to increase the power/effect of the action.

Wind - Action Manipulation, Action Block, PM Spying, Attack
Iron - Artificery Items, Fae, Action Block, and Protection
Earth - Action Block, Action Protection, Attack Protection
Fire - Attack, Mass Attack, Item Destruction
Water - Action Block, Attack Protection, Action Manipulation
Blood - Action Manipulation, Attack Protection, Attack
Bone - Action Manipulation, Action Block, Attack Protection, Attack, Alchemy Items
Stone - Protection, Action Block, Items
Holly - Items, Fae Protection, Fae Action Block, Seeking Manipulation/Fae
Amber - Alchemy, Mommets

Important Note: Be ready to state both the base action you’re going for and how each additional Name is affecting that action. You’ll want to place Naming action early so the Naming GM has a chance to work with you and decide the effect of the action.


Section 4: Imre

Every term/full cycle, players (students and Masters alike) can go to Imre once (except for those living in the Grey Man). For the half-cycle they are in Imre, students cannot impress a Master and Masters cannot elevate students. Players cannot do any University action (use a field ability or create an item), but they can do anything in Imre.

Imre has a whole host of possibilities that aren’t necessarily available at the University. There are four locations players can stop by: The Eolian, The Apothecary, Devi’s, and The Black Market. Items for sale at the Apothecary and Black Market will be given to each player going to Imre at the beginning of the cycle they are heading there. Players can also sell items and contracts on the Black Market. Contracts are sold for whatever the seller thinks they are worth.

Players can only go to the Eolian once per game, and they can only go to Devi’s once per time they are in Imre. They can purchase/sell any number of items/contracts at the Black Market or the Apothecary, while supplies last.


The Eolian
Each player can try for their Talent Pipes once in the game. An attempt costs 1 talent, nonrefundable. Every player has a randomly-distributed base stat for their character’s musical ability. Players who wish to attempt to boost this stat can send a recording to the GMs during signups showing off their musical ability. This will boost the base stat, and when you start the game, you will know the average musical talent of your character.

When you try for the Pipes, the GM will roll a die for your performance, and that will be added to your base stat. This means that a really good musician who has a bad performance might not get the Pipes, while a mediocre musician who has a really good performance could. You’ll never know unless you try.

Talent Pipes give an additional 10 talents per cycle to any player who holds them. Talent Pipes can be given to other players, but they cannot be stolen. If given away, the player who initially won them cannot win another set.

Each player can go to Devi’s to borrow money from her. The minimum loaned is 4 talents and the maximum is half of the player’s term income. Interest starts accruing immediately, at a rate of .5, so if a student borrows 4 talents, the interest will be 2 talents, making the full amount owed 6 talents.

The amount of interest is due at the end of each cycle, though students are more than welcome to pay more than the interest. If students cannot pay the interest, Devi will make a mommet with the player’s blood, and that mommet will go into the Black Market for other players to purchase, with a cost equal to the player’s debt.

The Apothecary
Each half cycle, a variety of items/services are available for purchase by anyone who wants to pay the cost. The courier service is always available, but the items are based on inventory and may run out. Should an item run out, players will have to wait for it to be restocked. You may also fail to purchase it if it runs out while you and many others are trying to buy it. Important Note: Most Apothecary items can be destroyed.

Nahlrout: 1 talent per ounce. Protects against lashing effects when used on self; action-cancellation when used on someone else. (one-time use per ounce)

Couriers: 2 talents per message. Sends an anonymous message to any player, delivered at the end of the half-cycle.

Bloodless: 10 talents. Protects against sabotage.

Gram: 15 talents. Stops kill/sabotage/malignant sympathy actions against the holder. (cannot be destroyed) May only be used twice. 

The Black Market
The Black Market can be separated into two distinct sections: For Sale and Contracts.

For Sale
This section of the Black Market is populated partially by the GM with certain items available based on inventory. These items can run out, but will be restocked every few cycles. Services provided in the Black Market are always available to players. Players can also anonymously sell items/services on this part of the Black Market. These items/services are sold for the amount chosen by the player, so they can be as cheap or expensive as you want.

Mommets: Price is the player’s debt to Devi. Mommets can be used for role-blocking, effectively cancelling all of that player’s actions (complaint, impressing, etc) the turn it is used (use does take up your own action). If multiple people try to buy the same mommet while in Imre, only the first will succeed.

Bodyguards: Variable. When purchasing the bodyguard, you tell them who they are to protect, and that’s who they will protect for as long as they are able. The bodyguard cannot be transferred to another player. Protects from kills, sabotages, and theft. Will protect from theft indefinitely, but can only protect from two sabotages, and one kill. (Note: if the bodyguard protects from a sabotage one turn and a kill comes the next, he will protect from both, but if both come through on the same turn, he will only protect from the kill. If theft comes through in either of those scenarios as well, he will protect from the theft in all cases).

Assassins: Variable. Kills a player of your choice, even if they are still attending the University. Can be blocked by actions/items that stop a kill, but cannot be blocked by actions/items that only stop sabotages.

The Contracts half of the Black Market is populated solely by players. Players sell contracts anonymously, with the price of the contract paid to the person who fulfills the contract. The amount tied to the contract is paid upon delivery. There are no limits to the types of contracts that can be sold. For some ideas of the types of things that can be sold: kill a particular person, intercept a person’s messages, bribe a Master’s vote or a player’s complaint, provide information, etc.

If a player accepts a contract, they will not be told who sold it, but they must fulfill the contract by the end of the next cycle. If they do not, the contract returns to the Black Market, and not only does the one who previously accepted it not get anything, but they also cannot go back into the Black Market and accept it again.

Example 1: Elbereth goes to Imre and sells a contract for someone to sabotage Alvron for 100 talents. Orlok goes to Imre and only sees “Sabotage Alvron - 100 talents”. The seller of the contract remains anonymous. Should Orlok choose to accept this contract, he must sabotage Alv the next cycle. Once he has, El loses 100 talents and Orlok gains 100, but El won’t know who took the contract and Orlok still won’t know who sold it.

Example 2: Alv goes to Imre and sees a contract. “Sabotage Alvron - 100 talents.” Shocked and horrified at the level of betrayal, he accepts this contract, solely to keep others from profiting from his demise. At the end of the next cycle, he has not sabotaged himself, so the contract returns to the Black Market. Alv returns to Imre that same turn, but in the list of contracts available he receives, that contract is not included, even though it is in the Black Market.


Past Clarifications

This section covers the Talent Pipes, Plum Bobs, and Masters/EP/Ranks in depth, as well as a variety of other questions raised in the previous run of this game. 


About the Talent Pipes
Can I submit something pre-recorded for the Talent Pipes?
Yes. It would be preferable if it were a recent recording, but so long as it’s not autotuned or anything like that, anything is fine.

Do you need the whole song or would a few scales be sufficient? Can I submit multiple pieces?
The whole song, unless the song is like 20 minutes long. You can submit a couple pieces to showcase your skill a little better, if you’d like, though it’s not necessary in the slightest. I’d say no more than 3 though. And preferably each piece is to showcase different instruments or skill level with a particular instrument. Like playing the piano and singing at the same time, and another of just playing the piano.

How do I submit the recording to you?
PM the link to Droughtbringer, Lopen, and myself. You could upload it to soundcloud or even Google Drive.

What are my chances of getting the Talent Pipes?
Fairly low. We don’t want everyone running around with Talent Pipes because that cheapens them, especially since they’re so rare and coveted in the books. If you submit a recording, your chances improve slightly, but it’s far from a guarantee that you’ll get the Pipes even if you submit something.

Do these recordings have to be professional-quality?
Heavens no. Recording with just a phone or a low-quality mic is absolutely fine. Wilson linked to a couple pieces she recorded herself last time - here and here.)

If you win a Talent Pipe and someone gives you theirs, how many Talents do you get per turn?
If you have two Talent Pipes you would get twenty talents per cycle. I'm not sure why someone would give you Talent Pipes if you had already had some, but in theory, if they did, it would double the benefit.

Does the recording have to be a solo piece or can it be with a group?
It needs to be solo.

About Plum Bobs
Does this apply to any PM?
No. If the Plum Bob is used, the GMs will ask the user how many questions they want to ask and what those questions are. The user can only ask basic questions. Once the questions have been okayed, the GMs will start a PM between the those two players and the user can ask their first question, the target answers, the user asks the second question, the target answers, and etc, until all questions have been asked or the target flies into a rage and refuses to answer any more questions.

What does a "basic question" entail?
A question that can be answered with one word, generally. Any question that requires multiple answers or clarifications or explanations of an answer is not basic and therefore cannot be asked. The more specific a question and simple an answer, the more basic it is and the higher the chance you will be clear to ask it.

Can the target be evasive with their answers?
No. You must answer truthfully. Fortunately, you don't need to explain your answers, since the questions are basic. Though if a basic question is passed that has multiple answers, you can answer however you'd like. For example, if someone asks what your field of study is and you've studied in multiple fields, you don't have to (and shouldn't) list them all. If someone asks how many Skindancer teammates you have, and one or two have died, you can give the full count or just the living. It's up to you. Your answer just has to be truthful.

Basically, don't be evasive, but it's up to the asker to find a question that there is only one answer for. If they ask a question that could potentially give you multiple ways of answering, you only have to give one answer. And if they want all possible answers, that question isn't basic anymore so you don't have to answer.

About Masters, Ranks, and Elevations
Can a player become a Master in multiple fields?
You can only be a Master of one field at any given time. If you're asking about something else....PAFO. :P

Do Masters advance players from E'lir to Re'lar to El'the?
Yes. If the Masters are not PC's, then the elevation will be randomly selected out of the players who have EP with that Master. Once a PC is a Master, however, they can elevate anyone of their choice who has EP with them. Same with the discipline points for the Masters.

Are the El'the, Re'lar, and E'lir elevated from the same pool?
Yes. Each Master only gets one elevation per turn, which they choose from the students who have elevation points with them. There will be a maximum of 9 elevations per turn (one from each Master), though there could be less in any given turn. No one is elevated on the first turn.

What happens if an El'the accrues 15 EP in a field that already has a PC Master?
That El'the will be second in line. Should anything happen to the PC Master, they will replace them (assuming they still have 15 EP, since EP can get used for discipline).

What if multiple El'the's accrue 15 EP before anything happens to the PC Master?
Those El'the's will get in a line, from the first to accrue the required amount to the last, and they'll wait they're turn.

The rules say that unused EP doesn't rollover but then says that EP does rollover. Does the second refer to used EP?
Correct. EP that not used to impress a Master doesn't roll over to the next turn, but if you use your EP, then it stays within that field until it's used for an elevation or to get rid of discipline points.

Can we PM freely?
Yes, but your PMs could get intercepted and spied on because you can't really trust your courier.

What do all these acronyms and abbreviations mean? IP, d8, and d10. Explain?
IP is shorthand for Insanity Points. It's the same for EP and DP (Elevation Points and Discipline Points, respectively). d8 and d10 are dice sides. So d8 is an 8-sided die and a d10 is a 10-sided die. Most of the references to the type of dice being used is to show the chance you have of having something happen. For example, the d10 is for Insanity, and that's relevant to players because all you need is 12 IP to crack, and with a 10-sided die, if you're unlucky on the roll, and you've done anything to add to your Insanity that turn, you're basically certain to go insane. If you didn't know what the die used was, you wouldn't be able to decide if doing certain actions is worth the potential risk.

How does Linguistic Analysis work?
The Analyst is told if their target told a lie the previous turn. The Analyst is not told how many lies the target told or what the lies were. If the target was wrong about something (like they say someone isn't a skindancer, but that person is), but they believe what they say, it comes up as a truth, because it's true as far as the target is aware. The Analyst is only told about forms of communication they have access to--so the thread or PMs they are in with that person or PMs they've spied on that that person is in.

Can you post in the thread if you're in the Crockery?
No. You're insane. And you're stuck in the Crockery. The thread is for sane people who can actually do things. You're basically dead if you go insane. Yeah, you have a chance of breaking out, but those chances are pretty low, even if you're a Namer. So if you go insane, you shouldn't post in the thread or use game PMs. Your role in the game is done until/unless you break out.

Does non-game related discussion in PMs count against the PM-to-thread inflation point?
No. If you have an entirely non-game-related discussion with someone in your PMs, that won't change the numbers. However, if there is anything game-related in a message, that message will count. For ease, probably mark out-of-game discussion in PMs in blue.

Will Lodging, Tuition, and Social Classes be public knowledge?
Lodging and Tuition are private. Social Classes are public.


Later Clarifications


Q. Can an El'the be promoted by an NPC Master to the Master before gaining 15 EP in that field?
A. No. An El'the must have 15 EP in the field in order to become the Master of it.
Q. How does the rank system work? If I'm a Re'lar Linguist, and the Master Physicker elevates me, does that mean I'm an E'lir Physicker and a Re'lar Linguist?
A. No. Your rank is your rank. What field you're studying in is simply that. So if the Master Physicker elevates you, that makes you an El'the studying Linguistics and Physicking. You cannot be different rank in different fields. You are that rank. You just haven't studied in those other fields. But that lack of studying doesn't diminish your rank.

Q. How does the rank system work with the arcane fields and Insanity Points?
A. You gain insanity points based on what rank you are. It doesn't matter how much you've studied in an arcane field. If you've studied in an arcane field at all, you get the insanity points for the ranks. So if the Master Alchemist elevates you to E'lir, the Master Archivist elevates you to Re'lar, and the Master Linguist elevates you to El'the, you have 3 Insanity Points, because you are an El'the, and you've studied an arcane field.
You would also have 3 IP if you'd been elevated by the Master Alchemist, Artificer and Symphatist.

Q. Is it possible to become a Master in a field I haven't studied in? If so, what happens?
A. Yes. You gain access to all the abilities of that field, at the Master level. However, if that field has multiple action periods tied to that field, you can only use those abilities for those action periods, even if you know other abilities. The only way this would be different is if you were an El'the in a similar field that gains action periods. For example, if you'd been been elevated to El'the in only Arithmetics, you'd have 3 Arithmetic action periods. If you are then elevated to Master in Rhetoric & Logic, you have 4 Rhetoric & Logic action periods. This does not mean you have 7 action periods, however. You have 4 action periods. The first action period (the general action period anyone can use for items or services), you can use for anything. The second and third are for either Arithmetic or Rhetoric & Logic. The fourth is only for Rhetoric & Logic.

Q. In the rules in Section 3 it mentions gaining 5 EP in the field you studied in when you are elevated to El'the if you have only studied in one field. What is considered studying, if I spend EP in both Naming and Sympathy, but am only ever elevated in Naming did I study both or just Naming. Would you get the bonus EP in this case?
A.  Studying is referring to being elevated in a field. So even if you have EP elsewhere, you've only studied in that one field, so therefore, you'd have 5 EP instantly added once you become an El'the.

Other University Abilities
Q. If you use Banned Books to learn actions in another field, can you use multiple Archives action periods to use multiple abilities in the field you've learned?
A. No. Archives actions are specific to Archives. You cannot use Archives actions for abilities gained with Banned Books. Only the first action period can be used for anything. All other actions labeled for specific fields can only be used for those fields.
Q. Does your chance of learning a new name reset if you don't use the new name but only use the Name of the Wind?
A. Once you learn a name, your chances of learning a new name reset. If you continue using Wind, you will not increase your chances of learning a third name until you use the new Name you learned.

Q. If I've been elevated multiple times in Linguistics and have multiple action periods and study in Alchemy, can I make multiple items?
A. Yes. Action periods gained in Linguistics are not tied to Linguistics.

Q. If you become a Master, can you continue to study other fields and gain new abilities?
A. No. Unless you're the Master Archivist and have access to Banned Books.

Q. Are coins transferable?
A. No. The only things that are transferable are items. Services (like the bodyguard and assassin) are also non-transferable.
Q. Do stipends come every term or turn?
A. Every term.

Q. When can we put in lodging orders?
A. You can put them in whenever, but we don't actually need your orders until Month 2, since you spend the whole term at the lodging you've chosen (unless something happens to it mid-term). The cost for the lodging applies for the whole term and not per month.

We've come to a decision on the idea of making contracts only specific people can take. The answer is no. It's basically just a way to skirt the rule that money isn't transferable, and while it could make for some amusing situations, we don't want to add a loophole like that for people to exploit. The juggling of finances was meant to be an aspect of this game (and with so many ways to reduce tuition, it's absolutely possible to get your tuition to 0), and we'd like to maintain that.

Q. Hey GM's is there a cap on the number of tuition reductions available from RP posts?
A. Nope. Feel free to RP as much as you want. Please do, in fact.

Q. GM's, what if you do quality RP and quality thread participation in one post?
A. It counts as both. 

Your PMs with the GM do not count toward your PM-Post ratio. You can ask as many questions or post in there as much as you'd like and nothing will happen. If you're talking about non-game related things in your PMs, please change the font color to blue. Completely blue-text PMs that are truly non-game-related (if you say anything game-related in that PM, that should be in black) will not count toward your ratio. If you've got non-game-related PMs in black, they will count (the reason for this is because we're not going to go through and read every PM you send to every single person you're talking to when we're counting how many PMs you're sending. We're skimming through. If it's blue, we'll skip over it. If it's not, it counts). Please do not abuse the blue text by talking about game-related things in blue to avoid it counting toward your ratio. If someone is abusing it, we'll have to discontinue it for everyone and no one wants that.
And another request: To make PMs easier for us when it comes to counting PMs and also to reduce the chances of messing up when someone spies on someone else's PMs, please start a new PM every turn. Do not roll PMs over to the next turn. Thank you!

Last I just want to clarify, you only gain a new ability upon being elevated?
Within the University, yes. But there are a number of abilities you can purchase from Imre. A person could completely ignore the University aspect of this game and still be a threat to arcanists simply through the things they can get in Imre.

Complaints against the insane are invalid and will not reduce your tuition. 

Lashes and voting/impressing Masters: I'm going to rule that yes, you can file complaints but you can't impress, since you're resting in Medica and even the Master Physiker isn't around enough for you to impress.

Q. How do Grams bought in Imre differ from those made by an Artificer? Do the amount of uses you get out of a boughten Gram depend on the buyer's artificing ability or is it assumed that it was made by a Master artificer and thus has three uses?
A. Grams bought in Imre have 2 uses. All other items from the Apothecary are single-use items, but since the Gram is more expensive and it's rarer, it's got an extra use out of it. But just one.

Q. Is it possible to visit Imre the first month?
A. No. The earliest you can visit Imre is next month. Everyone starts at the University. However, if you'd like to visit Imre next month, you need to say that this month, so we can give you the information for Imre at the start of the turn.

People in Imre can still be elevated.

Q. If a Skindancer Master destroys a field, can they study in another field and destroy it?
A. Yes. However, it requires 15 EP to become the Master of a field. Even if you're already a Master, you cannot take over another field unless you have 15 EP in it. So if a Skindancer Master destroys a field, they have to acquire 15 EP in the other field to take it over and then they can destroy that as well.

Q. Does the Skindancer sabotage take an action?
A. Yes. It takes the first action period (assuming you have more than one action period available).

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Votes: two per cycle, ties are irrelevant.
PMs: Open, but limited by tuition inflation and the fact that they could be spied upon.
Rollover: begins 12 p.m. MDT / 7 p.m. BST / australian time. New cycle is posted 12 hours later. Game will start April 24th for Americans, April 25th for everyone else. 
GMs: Elbereth, The Mighty Lopen, and Droughtbringer. 
Clarifications: Anything before the game starts will be put in this post, below. Anything asked after the start of the game that is not a mistake on the GMs’ part will be answered only in the place where it is asked. 

Countdown Clock


Player List
1. Queensteph
2. Randuir (Telar Pike)
3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester)
4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh)
5. Wilson (Sloan Walker)
6. Straw (Medicus Novis)
7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule)
8. Ornstein (John Springer)
9. Jondesu (Vell)
10. Drake Marshall (Greyson)
11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell)
12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro)
13. Orlok (Locke Alveron)
14. Magestar (Magestar)
15. Alvron (Stryker Nox)
16. Arinian (Darian)
17. Stick (Stick)
18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh)
19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny)
20. Silverblade (Ryth)
21. Amanuensis (Esuan)
22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia)
23. Eolhondras (Eolah)
25. Hael (Glavion)
26. Sart (Titud)
27. Joe (Chalks)

Grams from Imre may only be used twice. 

Can you choose which abilities you get from a field?

List of Changes from LG18

  • Mews are now +2 to Insanity Points
  • Examples changed to entertain me. :P
  • Horse and Four and Golden Pony bonuses switched. 
  • Horse and Four bonus up to 40%, rather than 25%. 
  • Grey Man included as additional lodging.
  • Bloodless cost increased to 10 talents. 
  • Gram cost increased to 15 talents.
  • Actions now do not reveal success unless information-based.
  • Students expelled from the University can talk in thread but cannot lodge complaints or talk in PMs. (change made after rules were posted)
  • Thieves' Lamp now steals 50% of items in addition to 30% of purchases.

Rules Document
This document contains the exact same ruleset as this post, except with a thorough table of contents and slightly nicer formatting. I suggest saving it and using it, rather than scrolling through 10,000 words of rules in a post. 

Edited by Elbereth
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This game sounds absolutely fantastic. Unfortunately, I try to avoid playing two games at once, so unless I get eliminated from MR21 early, I won't be able to...

Wait, who...?


Yeah, sorry about that. I needed to knock out Randuir's common sense for a bit. <- The part of Randuir that really enjoys complex games like this.

Anyway, I'm signing up as Telar Pike. Make sure I don't weasel out of this once my common sense wakes up again :P .

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16 minutes ago, randuir said:

Maybe I've just read over it, but what exactly are the action periods described in the 'Arcanum fields' section?

To begin the game, you don't have any roles as such. So when you get Elevated in a field, you gain an action period to use your new role. Some fields allow you to gain extra action periods, but only for that field.

As an example, let's say you put your Elevation Points(EP) into Arithmetics and Archives. You get Elevated in Arithmetics first, giving you an action period to use the Arithmetic powers. Then, your next Elevation is in Archives. This does not give you another action period. Instead, you have to choose whether you want to use Arithmetics or Archives for your only action. However, if you get Elevated again in Arithmetics(or Archives), you gain a second action period you can use for Arithmetics. So you could choose to use Archives for your first action and then you could use Arithmetics as your second action, or use 2 Arithmetic actions.

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20 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

To begin the game, you don't have any roles as such. So when you get Elevated in a field, you gain an action period to use your new role. Some fields allow you to gain extra action periods, but only for that field.

As an example, let's say you put your Elevation Points(EP) into Arithmetics and Archives. You get Elevated in Arithmetics first, giving you an action period to use the Arithmetic powers. Then, your next Elevation is in Archives. This does not give you another action period. Instead, you have to choose whether you want to use Arithmetics or Archives for your only action. However, if you get Elevated again in Arithmetics(or Archives), you gain a second action period you can use for Arithmetics. So you could choose to use Archives for your first action and then you could use Arithmetics as your second action, or use 2 Arithmetic actions.

Okay. Is it correct that linguistics gives general action periods, as it doesn't specify that the extra action periods you gain are for linguistics, unlike the extra action periods mentioned for all other fields?

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Eh...... I probably shouldn't sign up for this, but after helping to GM it last time I really want to play....

Just checking first, I'm not banned from Naming this time around, yes? :P (Saw the tag so I'm not sure. :P)

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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24 minutes ago, Aonar Faileas said:

Eh...... I probably shouldn't sign up for this, but after helping to GM it last time I really want to play....

Just checking first, I'm not banned from Naming this time around, yes? :P (Saw the tag so I'm not sure. :P)

Don't worry, I'll be running naming (probably) so you won't be giving El the headache, just me.

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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

huh @little wilson huh, didn't know you play piano wonderfully. well, didn't know you played at all. 

I don't have access to a piano now like I used to (an old roommate had a baby grand), but, yes. I play. Almost 22 years now. Not sure I'd say 'wonderfully' but thank you. :)

I am absolutely signing up for this and if I'm still alive in LG 32 when this starts, so be it. I will break my rule about two games at once because how can I not play this? Name will come later though.

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1 hour ago, Aonar Faileas said:

Eh...... I probably shouldn't sign up for this, but after helping to GM it last time I really want to play....

Just checking first, I'm not banned from Naming this time around, yes? :P (Saw the tag so I'm not sure. :P)

You are not. :P Regardless of the headache. Part of the point of running this was so that all three previous GMs could enjoy the chance to play their own game. Go ahead and have fun. (And yes, I won't be handling that section, so I don't care about saying that. :P)

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Alright then. Aodhan Breacadh, Namer in potentia, and general arcane enthusiast, is signing up. (Hoping for Cealdish commoner to make the name fit (since Cealdish seems to have some similarities to Gaelic) but I'll find a way to make it work if not.) 

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