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Make up your own metals

The Technovore

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The thing is, he says that he isn't actually that creative (IIRC). Apparently his work ethic is more than enough to compensate. 

But yeah, I'm in pretty much the same boat as you, except everytime I try to come up with a magic system, it is something along the lines of this: you can do anything you want so long as you know the physics behind what you are doing. 

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Allomancy: Rivaling the Gnats for the most useless Allomantic ability, Uranium Mistings (Unshades) cause their shadow to disappear while burning uranium.

Feruchemy: Uranium stores the radioactivity of the body - including any radioactive contamination that has entered the body by ingestion, inhalation, etc. Uranium Ferrings are colloquially called Glows.


Staballoy (95.5% uranium, 4% vanadium, 0.5% niobium)

Allomancy: Staballoy causes the Allomancer's immediate vicinity to become dark. This absorbs all but about 0.01% of ambient light, so when used in broad daylight, people can still see - though the visual adjustment throws them off.

Feruchemy: Staballoy stores the growth of hair - it does not grow while storing, and grows rapidly while tapping. This is generally considered an useless power.

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10 hours ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Ah ha! Idea.

Sodium: burning it will make you hate everyone. Sodium mistings are called "Salty." Feruchemical sodium stores irrationality. Sodium ferrings are called "Itchy."

Odium is not pleased...

I, on the other hand, am dying from laughter. Does it speak much about my sense of humour that I found this so ROFL worthy?

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Allomancy-While burning Coppurnium all materials take on new hues. Each collor or mix of collors indicates which elements are present in the material.

Feruchemical-While storing in a Coppurniummind you lose the ability to empathize with those around you while tapping empathy becomes your strongest charachteristic

Hemalurgical-A Coppurnium Spike steal Self. Drive a spike directly through someones heart and into anothers forehead will not only change a person's Spiritweb to match that of the original but also the physical looks will be preserved creating a nearly exact duplicate the only difference is age.The original's age will not be transfered into the new host. 

P.S. (This is how Kelsier has stayed alive all these years.)

Edited by Cosmere Savant
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Quartz- Called Quartz Gnats, because quartz isn't a metal. They really burn traces of impurities in it to speed their digestion, but since we don't yet know the combo and percent composition of metals, they can only burn the tiny bits in a crystal, dissolving (or digesting) just it. If the actual composition was discovered (and hence larger samples of the metal), they would be called Eaters for obvious reasons. (Not the same as a Subsumer)

Ferring ability- Store ability to look Terris. Useful for disguises, but you have to have a giant arm bracelet to sustain the illusion for more than ten seconds. You look less Terris when you store, so you look like a very non-Ferring.


Gallium (hope no one's already done it) - Makes you really sticky, so you can palm a basketball with zero effort. Also useful if climbing cliffs and scared of falling.

Ferring ability- Stores hops. Like Pewter, but only in your legs. If you tap excessively and jump 30 feet, be sure not to twist about -- remember, it only strengthens your legs, so land on them, not your face.

Edited by Walin
Explained metal powers better and Quartz metal composition
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  • 3 weeks later...

Lithium: External Physical Pushing Metal

Allomantic Use: Similar to Steel but with one exception, instead of creating a push from you to a metal Lithium creates a push from a metal to a metal: Called Reflector

Feruchemical Use: Stores Storage, While Storing ones means of transporting goods grow less adept, while Tapping it causes you to literally have 'Deep Pockets' :-): Called Traders

Hemalurgic Use: Steals thoughts and ideas, driven through Victim's brain and into heart of Recipient (Why bother with torture) a Hemalurgist with a Lithium Spike can treat it like a CopperMind Tapping the thoughts and ideas into their own minds only when they wish.


Aluthium: External Physical Pulling Metal : Lithium + Aluminum

Allomantic Use: Similair to Iron but with one exception, instead of creating a pull from you to a metal Aluthium creates a pull from a metal to a metal: Called Magnetiser

Feruchemical Use: Stores Electricity, While tapping your brain struggles to send electrical signals to parts of the body and often sends them to the wrong destinations, While storing reflexes increase tenfold and actions happen even as your beginning to contemplate them: Called JumpSparks

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Receptivity, Once driven through Victims heart and into Recipient's ribs the Recipient becomes that much more receptive to ideas and teachings


Scandium: External Mental Pushing Metal

Allomantic Use: Dampens the thoughtfulness and creativity of those around you or of one specific person: Called Dampener

Feruchemical Use: Stores Intelligence, While Storing you literally get dumber, not slower of thought like with zinc but just dumber, while Tapping you become capable of: high speed thought, incredible leaps in logic, photographic memory and complex equations solved in seconds (this is an example of extreme Tapping in this case the Scandiummind would be drained in precisely 2 seconds): Called (Help needed on this one)*

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Morals, Driven through Victim's heart into Recipient's heart the Recipient will then have the same morals as those of the Victim


Hydrium: External Mental Pulling Metal: Scandium + Hydrogen

Allomantic Use: Enhances the thoughtfulness and creativity of those around you or of one specific person: Called Leader

Feruchemical Use: Stores Light, While Storing all light striking your body will be absorbed and placed in a Hydriummind making you appear to be a black hole, while Tapping you burst alight with radiant white light: Called Radiants

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Physical Allomancy


Palladium: Internal Physical Pushing Metal

Allomantic Use: Grants the Burner greatly enhanced endurance, doesn't grant the other effects of pewter but does grant more endurance then Pewter (like run 3 pewter drags in a row and not be tired): Called Marathoners*

Feruchemical Use: Stores Experience (Muscle Memory), Similar to Copper except Palladium stores muscle memories, when Storing you may choose which Skills to place in Palladiummind, when Tapping that Experience returns (Most useful in unkeyed metalminds): Called Trainers*

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Mental Allomancy


Ironium : Internal Physical Pulling Metal: Palladium + Iron

Allomantic Use: When burned Ironium makes the Burner not feel pain, this can be very dangerous but also very useful under certain circumstances: Called *

Feruchemical Use: Stores Serenity, While Storing you feel harassed busy and overwhelmed, while Tapping nothing can phase you: Called Meditators*

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Temporal Allomancy


Vanadium: Internal Mental Pushing Metal

Allomantic Use: Burning Vanadium allows you to create an extreymly loud allomantic pulse patterned after any metal you want potentially confusing Seekers into thinking that you are burning a metal that you cannot: Called Drummers

Feruchemical Use: Stores Confusion, Those who can create Vanadiumminds store confusion while Storing are extreymly confused and uncertain, while Tapping you become very confident: Called*

Hemalurgical Use: Steals Physical or Mental Feruchemy


Merdium: Internal Mental Pulling Metal: Vanadium + Mercury

Allomantic Use: Burning Merdium allows the Burner to extend a field around them in which all allomantic metals cannot be burned this however includes you so the field only lasts a few seconds

Feruchemical Use: Stores Durability, While Storing you can be killed extreymly easily and a paper cut could cut off your hand, while Tapping you skin becomes like hard plate armor: Called Knights

Hemalurgical Use: *


* = I need help with these ones

Edited by Cosmere Savant
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  • 5 months later...

I have been reading this page and making a 16 metal group of my own for a while now and I just finished with it. I even thought of a way to convert from the original 16 Sanderson metals to my own. And I have my own "Adolnasium" that goes with them too! (It is described in my signature.) So here is my metal group:

My Mistborn Metals.docx

Edit: Powerful Phasers like savants can phase through time making themselves immune to the effects of the cadmium and bendalloy time bubbles.

Edited by InvertShard
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Potassium:  Firework Ferrings can store Explosiveness in a Potassiumind.  While storing, explosions near a Fireworker are less powerful, and possibly fizzle out completely.  While tapping, nearby explosions can be more powerful, and if sufficient Explosiveness is tapped at once, any item can be made to explode just by touching it.  Many Firework Ferrings are missing fingers as a result.

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  • 6 months later...


  • Allomancy: Generates Electromagnetic fields that can be guided and shaped (including light). 
  • Feruchemy: Stores Feelings.


  • Allomancy: Absorbs Electromagnetic fields (including light).
  • Feruchemy: Stores Physical size. (Enuk chuck)

Here are some silly ones:


  • Allomancy: forces people to laugh.
  • Feruchemy: stores sense of humor.


  • Allomancy: imbues you with sexual magnetism
  • Feruchemy: Stores physical beauty



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sylvite (Potassium Chloride)
External Bodily Pushing "Metal"

Burning sylvite allows an Allomancer to push on muscles, forcing them to relax. Sylvite mistings are often called "Salt Masseurs" or simply "Masseurs" after the most common career that such mistings find themselves a part of. 

At a low burn, sylvite grants the ability to sense nearby muscles. Instead of the blue lines of steel allomancy, this extra sense takes the form of external proprioception. That is, burning sylvite allows one to feel the position of other's muscles as if they were your own.

There has been much research comparing the limitations of steelpushes and slyvitepushes. Both are more difficult when directed at a heavily invested target. Steelpushes are limited by intervening material, but sylvitepushes seem completely unimpeded by any material except aluminum. Skeletal muscle is the easiest to push on, and pushing on cardiac tissue is thought to be impossible.

Sylvite pushes are also limited by some more ephemeral factor thought to be the Allomancers' connection to or familiarity with the target. Masseurs need physical contact to sense or push on a stranger's muscles. But the muscles of a repeat client can be pushed on from several meters away, and some elderly Masseurs report being able to sense their spouse from across the city. Notably, this connection seems possible to build even when not actively burning sylvite.


Feruchemically, sylvite is used to store bodily waste. Filling a sylvitemind can empty the bladder, cleanse the bowels, or purge the blood of certain toxic compounds. Tapping a sylvite mind is seen as mostly pointless, though some ferrings are known to use a sylvitemind to store and tap blood alcohol content.

Sylvite ferrings are sometimes referred to as "Cleansers", but the most common name for such ferrings is much more rude.



External Bodily Pulling Metal

Burning Potassium allows an Allomancer to pull on muscles, forcing them to contract. Potassium mistings are derisively called "Potassium Gnats" due to the difficulties of actually using their power.

Potassium reacts explosively with water, and so consuming any significant quantity of pure potassium risks injury or death. Safely using potassium allomancy involves consuming extremely small specks of potassium suspended in oil and burning them immediately, reducing the practical applications to simple parlor tricks.


Feruchemically, potassium is used to store bodily excretions. Seperate potassiumminds can be used to store sweat, saliva, milk, tears, and sebum. Potassium ferrings are called "Pureskins".

Using potassiumminds is far less dangerous than trying to burn potassium, but still carries some risk. The reactivity of the metal, along with its softness, makes it impractical to carry as jewelry. Thus the metalminds are usually used in the home and kept in watertight boxes. Applications include personal hygiene and as an aid in wet nursing.



Hemalurgically, sylvite steals bodily allomantic powers, and potassium steals muscle memory. Thanks to the laws of chemistry, both of these forms of hemalurgy prove difficult to  actually use.

Edited by bacontime
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  • 2 weeks later...

Antimony: The first of the Manipulative Metals)

Allomantic: Projection, (External, Push; Manipulative)

A projectionist can project nearby active allomantic powers onto someone else, granting them weaker benifits than themselves. They are known for working with others, and being protective of those close to them.

Feruchemic: Mimicry

Mimics can store a power that is actively being used by someone in physical contact with them, so long as it is copied willingly. When tapping they can use the power, using the investiture stored in it when the metalmind was stored.

If copied against the originals will, only the person it is copied from will be able to use it.

Mimics are often unpredictable and adaptable.

Manipulation,                  Push--------Pull

External: Antimony (Projection)- Silver (Absorbtion)

Internal:  Potassium (Amplification)- Platinum (Reinforcement)


Edited by battleace
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While burning it, a Syncer creates a bubble around him/her (Half a meter wide) wherein he/she can sync into your mind and absorb feelings, emotions, thoughts, memory ... If more than one person is proximal enough, a Syncer can sync into multiple minds. Flaring the metal expands the area of influence. Syncer can only be detected by experienced Seekers and are known to mingle in social events of high caliber and within political circles. They are quick to gain power through manipulation and deceit though if not careful, they can be exposed through simple social capabilities. Experienced Syncers are able to withhold large amounts of data and only act upon their knowledge with efficient delicacy. 

Nocrium feruchemists, Revivors, exhibit the ability to store euphoria. Usually, Revivors will fill their metal minds during times of emotional stability to utilize it later in life. Revivors are known to be stoic and extremely controlled of emotion even in extreme situations. 

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Allomancy: when burning you can make people feel sick and nauseous. With training, you can make them feel other symptoms like migraines, muscle weakness, and even delusions.

Feruchemy: stores emotions. While storing you become clear headed, straight forward, and completely apathetic. You also become completely ignorant of other people's emotions. Tapping into it would increase each emotion you feel, and increase awareness of your emotions and other people's 

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Sodium and Halite complete the quadrant of bodily metals.

Internal Pulling Bodily Metal

Screeners can allomantically burn sodium to gain awareness of their body. 

A Screener becomes intuitively aware of everything happening in their body. The can feel their own bloodflow, detect infections, and sense the position of every internal organ. Sodium, like potassium reacts with water, making long burns of sodium dangerous. But the quick bursts accessed by ingesting small flakes of sodium are still immensely useful for the purpose of health checkups. 

The interest in sodium mistings has been bolstered by the recent discovery that sharing blood with another person allows a Screener to sense the other person's body as well. The medical potential is enourmous if a method can be devised which does not involve risky blood transfusions.


Painbearers can use sodium to feruchemically store bodily awareness. Storing in a sodiummind is primarily used to numb pain. This can be dangerous because it also makes the ferring unaware of injuries. Tapping a sodiummind gives an awareness of one's body similar to allomantic sodium, but also increases the intensity of aches and pains.


Halite (Sodium Chloride)
Internal Pushing Bodily "Metal"

Dancers can allomantically burn halite to exert control over their body.

Halite is viewed by some as an inferior version of allomantic pewter. This is because while both halite and pewter enhance dexterity and balance, halite lacks the boost to strength and healing. 
But halite grants control over all bodily functions. A Dancer can release or supress the release of adrenalin, granting some level of resistance to rioting and soothing. A Dancer can also cry on command, control their heartbeat, and contort into bizarre positions. 

A Dancer would rarely beat a Thug in a fight, but it would also be quite difficult for the Thug to actually land a hit.


Nimblefingers can use halite to feruchemically store dexterity.  While storing dexterity, a Nimblefinger trips and fumbles. While tapping, they gain the grace of an acrobat and precision of a surgeon. 

It is interesting to note that storing in a halitemind seems to make a feruchemist extremely irritable. It is unclear whether this is a direct side-effect of the ability, or just a normal consequence of the inconvenience of floppy fingers. 


Hemalurgically, halite steals human dexterity and sodium steals bodily feruchemical powers.

(These metals were inspired by the role of potassium and sodium in controlling the skeletal muscles.)

Edited by bacontime
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