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Make up your own metals

The Technovore

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Very simple, name a metal, it can be an element, you can do a google for an obscure alloy, whatever, just name a metal, it allomantic power, it's feruchemical power, (and optionally it's hemalurgic power)

Osmium, the densest metal ever, when burned, gives the burner the power to read the thoughts of others, Feruchemically, it stores Literatic (a word I word-smithed from Literature) skill, when storing, you can't read, you can't write, and things like figures of speech elude you, when tapping, you read blazingly fast, you can write blazingly fast, and you have a fanstastic grasp of your language, and all of it's figures of speech. 



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Silver and sterling silver(silver and platinum): allomantically they give you the ability to shrink (silver) and grow (sterling silver), with no change to weight. Feruchemically, they give you the ability to store creativity(silver) and the ability to learn(sterling silver).

Edited by Ferumancer
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Allomancy: generate light (you glow brightly)

Feruchemy: store/tap loudness. When tapping, you can deafen people by speaking above a whisper and your footsteps sound like thunder; when storing, you have to shout to be heard by someone at arm's length and your footsteps are inaudible.

Mischmetal (mostly cerium & lanthanum with some praseodymium & neodymium)

Allomancy: absorb light (the area within a dozen yards or so is cast into total darkness, or near-darkness if illuminated by full daylight or something brighter)

Feruchemy: store/tap transparency. When storing, your skin looks different since vision can't penetrate even the thin top layer of cells ; when tapping, you become translucent or (at high levels of tapping) transparent.

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Ha, fun. Here, I'll do you guys a favor. I once tried to make my own 16-metal Metallurgic Table (which promptly failed; lack of ideas) but I do remember listing down the metals I had planned on putting there. Here it is:

  • Bismuth
  • Bismanol (88% Bismuth; 12% Manganese)
  • Lead
  • Durite (82.5% Lead; 17.5% Antimony)
  • Cobalt
  • Megallium (60% Cobalt; 20% Chromium; 5% Molybdenum; 15% Carbon or something)
  • Nickel
  • Argentan (--% Nickel; --% Copper or Zinc) Also known as "False silver"
  • Gallium
  • Galfonel (--% Gallium; --% Iron) Generic name for alloys of this kind
  • Tungsten, once known as Wolfram
  • Stellite (--% Tungsten; --% Cobalt; --% Chromium)
  • Indium
  • Fieldalloy (51% Indium; 32.5% Bismuth; 16.5% Tin)
  • Manganese
  • Mangalloy (15% Manganese; 85% Steel) Note that though Manganese is smaller in composition, it is alloyed with another alloy instead of a base metal like majority of the original metals.

Here, have at thee.

Edited by Mr. Staccato
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Indium- Allomantic power is the ability to generate radiation. The feruchemical ability is to store light so while storing its as if you and the surrounding area would look like vantablack and when tapping you would look like a lamp or become as bright as the sun itself.

I have no idea what to do for Fieldalloy as I am not a very creative person.

also the feruchemical ability of indium could be use in space travel due to solar sails

Edit: I just read all the replies and I apologize to cometaryorbit for ripping him off with feruchemical Indium

Lead- Allomantic use is that while you are burning it you can actively change features of your body like lengthen the length and density of your nails or just change general facial features for disguise. A more extreme example would be rearranging organs. It burns incredibly quickly that is about 3 times faster then atium. Feruchemicaly it allows you to store mental and physical sturdyness. While storing you can be easily insulted and are very weak willed kinda like electrum while you are also weaker in combat because you can just be pushed over and you'll give up while tapping it is somewhat like allomantic pewter but without the enhanced strength and it increases your mental fortitude like the Similar to the Kandra zinc blessing. I feel really unoriginal but this is the best I can come up with for new metals

Edited by Gizmosowner
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I have a few good ones! I wrote the following from Khriss's perspective, and it is supposed to be in the modern mistborn era, so enjoy!



Jumper mistings are notable in their ability to burn yttrium, a toxic rare earth metal. This metal possesses the dramatic ability to punch holes through the physical and cognitive Realms, through which only the Jumper may move.

Corpser ferrings possess a unique ability, I am inclined to believe, in the the entire Cosmere. A Corpser can store their spiritual and cognitive aspects' connection to their physical body. While storing, a Corpser must be extremely careful, the tenuous connection between their aspects and body means that a solid bump on the head can kill them. However, while tapping, almost nothing can kill them. While not granting healing, tapping their yttriummind vastly raises the threshold at which the body separates from its aspects. Nothing short of a meat grinder could kill a Corpser with a large amount of aspects stored up. I believe many more applications of this aspect could be found than simply delaying a death a few extra minutes.


Keeneye mistings who burn this metal are able to view the spiritual aspects of any entity. Notably, keeneyes have remarked that visibility rises dramatically while burning yttrite, though it is stopped by living material.

Bloodbuster ferrings can store in their metalminds blood pressure. While actively storing, a Bloodbuster will experience low blood pressure, and while tapping, high blood pressure. Surgeons and paramedics have found unkeyed yttriteminds to be invaluable, yet I am baffled as to how this ability relates to any of the others granted by yttrite and it's base metal.

It should be noted also, that anyone except a Keeneye and a Jumper are at danger of developing a serious lung disease when exposed to these metals.



This metal perhaps should be labeled as a God metal. Simply labeled Pullers, mistings who can burn mercury get a raw form of investiture. The applications appear to be as varied as the Puller's imagination and knowledge of Realmatic theory, but are limited to affecting the Puller's body. It should also be noted that mercury burns exceptionally quick, almost as fast as atium.

Due to the usually fluid state of mercury, it is hard for a feruchemist with the this metallic ability to keep and maintain a usable mercurymind. As such, Comedian ferrings, who store their sense of humor in a mercurymind, have to get creative. Often times, a Comedian will have specialized shoes designed to accommodate the mercurymind. 

Liquid Zinc

This metal is an amalgam of zinc and mercury. Mistings who can burn this metal, known as Pushers, have all of the same rules as mercury, except that they can effect everything save alone for their own body. Other people are also more difficult to affect. It should be noted that as soon as the metal stops burning, the effect being induced wears off.

Wondereye ferrings can store in their metalminds their sense of pleasure and wonder. While actively storing, life and sensation become more bland and tasteless, while tapping the metalmind can send them chasing after butterflies, or watching a shoddy movie, giggling in wonder. Wondereyes often use the same methods that Comedians do to keep contact with their metalminds.

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Tungsten- Allomantic Tungsten gives the user the ability to manipulate gravity in a bubble around them. They are able to increase the force of gravity multiple times to crush the life out of opponents but they themselves cannot be affected by their ability. The Feruchemical ability of Tungsten is the ability to store reaction speed so that while storing you will act like slowpoke always laughing to jokes late and being delayed in ending your storage of reaction speed. While tapping you can perceive the world around you incredibly well and to get some clutch dodges in.

Stellite- The Allomantic ability of Stellite is to lessen the force of gravity in a room and this time the Stellite misting can be effected by it if they want allowing for pseudo flight superior to steel pushes and iron pulls but if combined would allow for effortless flight. The Feruchemical ability of Stellite is the ability to store foresight. While storing they have incredibly bad judgement  have no idea what could happen in a given situation. They won't realise that what they do will have consequences so they might throw a rock at someone's head and wonder why they are mad. While tapping they gain insight into the spiritual realm so they gain a ability very similar to atium. At its max potential however it can look 10 seconds into the future but most tap enough for a constant tap of 2 seconds.


The gravity bubble works different from the external time duo as the bubble moves with you instead of being stationary.

Edited by Gizmosowner
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Oh, this is a fun thread (and I've already ran out of upvotes, of course :mellow:). I'll give it a try.

Bismuth - Allomantically, Bismuth allows a Misting (called a shaper) to change their appearance to some extent, ranging from swapping the eye colour to, if you flare it for a longer time, changing your biological sex. Every change is permanent (at least until the shaper burns Bismuth again), and returning to one's "natural" shape is no easier than taking on any other form, so it's pretty common for shapers to lose track of what they've looked like originally. A Bismuth spike steals another person's appearance. A shaper with a Bismuth spike can assume the shape of the spiked person without consciously focusing on what they want to change about their body. Feruchemically, Bismuth allows storing colour perception. A painteye Ferring can store their perception of one hue, and everything of this hue becomes grey from the painteye's perspective. When tapping bismuthmind, the painteye sees this hue more vividly and gains what Nalthians would call Perfect Colour Recognition, albeit limited to this one colour.

...I've just noticed I've copied allomantic Bismuth from Gizmosowner's allomantic lead. Sorry!

Nickel - A Nickel Misting, called a fader, becomes intangible while burning the metal. This ability requires a certain level of skill to use safely - many a beginner fader found themselves plummetting towards the planet's core until they ran out of nickel and merged with rock - and a fader can be recognized on the street by moving in short hops out of habit. In Feruchemy, nickelminds store charisma. When storing, a Nickel Ferring (called shepherd) will be ignored by those around them, up to people flat out not noticing they exist. When tapping, a shepherd has a very commanding presence and people are far more inclined to agree with them and follow them. A Nickel spike steals a passive Investiture-based skill (such as Nalthian Heightening abilities or Lift's ability to touch spren).

Edited by Rasarr
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Zirconium: when burned, you are reversed in all aspects. Feruchemical Zirconium allows you to store friction.

Vanadium: when burned, everything around you in a cube is reversed in all aspects. Feruchemical Vanadium stores entropy.

Edited by Hemalurgic_Headshot
Oops, idea already taken
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@Hemalurgic_Headshot, I'm curious, how does the Vanadium reversal work? Does everything turn upside-down, inside-out, do blue objects become orange and vice-versa? I'm genuinely curious.

Um, and it seems like I forgot to actually write alloys and just took two random metals instead. Therefore:

Bismanol - a Bismanol Misting, or a statue, keeps their appearance instead of changing it. While burning bismanol, a statue cannot be wounded, their hair can't be cut, and they're otherwise literally unbreakable, as well as completely immovable - a statue who starts burning bismanol in mid-air will literally freeze in place. They cannot move themselves while burning either, and all bodily functions, like breath and heartbeat, are frozen. If a statue was mid-movement, the motion resumes after the Misting stops burning the metal. Feruchemically, a voicecaster can store their voice - while storing, they can barely whisper, but while tapping, their voice is very loud. A Bismanol spike steals a person's memories.

Argentan - a Misting burning Argentan, or a breaker, becomes aggressively tangible, and their body pushes any non-living matter away from them when they get close to it, similarily to how a regular human pushes water away when they jump into a lake. The ability is just as dangerous as that of a fader, albeit instead of becoming one with the rock, a careless breaker will instead be trapped in a perfectly breaker-shaped hole. However, a trained breaker can easily tank bullets and walk through walls (though they're more conspicuous in it than a fader would be). Argentanminds store focus - while storing, your mind will wander, but you will notice more of your surroundings; while tapping, you will become very focused on the task or object at hand, but your perception of everything not pertaining to it will become limited. An Argentan spike steals an active Investiture skill that works on self, such as any form of self-healing.

Fader and breaker savants both gain the ability to limit their effect to only parts of their bodies. 

Edited by Rasarr
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6 minutes ago, Rasarr said:

@Hemalurgic_Headshot, I'm curious, how does the Vanadium reversal work? Does everything turn upside-down, inside-out, do blue objects become orange and vice-versa? I'm genuinely curious.

Literally reversed in every way. Male becomes female, in becomes out, up becomes down, happy becomes sad, light becomes dark, youth becomes age (aging is reversed as well), intelligence becomes stupidity, heat becomes cold. Things would function in reverse as well. And colors are reversed as well, everything becoming a distorted afterimage. It is really weird. I would much rather be a Vanadium ferring.

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Along with cerium and mischmetal (see the third post), gallium and galinstan complete the Electromagnetic (Allomantic term) or Perceptual (Feruchemical term) Quadrant of metals.


Allomantic (Internal, Pulling): Burning gallium allows an Allomancer to sense magnetic fields. This is a navigational advantage, but as carrying a compass replaces the basic use of gallium, it is often considered one of the weakest non-Gnat abilities. Gallium Mistings are therefore called Compassheads.

However, a truly skilled user - such as a Gallium Savant - can detect many subtle things, even developing something similar to an Inquisitor's strange sight by sensing the inherent magnetic properties (paramagnetic, diamagnetic) of ordinary objects not usually considered magnetic.

Feruchemical: Gallium stores scent - not the ability to smell (which falls under tin) but the odor of the Feruchemist's own breath, sweat, skin oils etc.

Storing allows one to hide from dogs, while tapping extreme levels can nauseate those nearby. However, Galliumminds are impractical to use, since gallium melts just below body temperature. This is a little valued power, and Gallium Ferrings are sometimes derisively called Stinkers.


Allomantic (Internal, Pushing): Burning galinstan allows the Allomancer to create electrical charge in the body, shocking people on contact - usually in their fingertips. Galinstan Mistings are called Shockers.

Feruchemical: Since galinstan is liquid even at room temperature, making metalminds extremely impractical, this metal's feruchemical property is largely academic. However, experimentation has determined that it stores presence. While storing, one appears undistinguished. While tapping, one is hard to ignore - even if people are looking in the opposite direction, they feel the Feruchemist's presence. This is considered by Cosmere scholars to be similar to the BioChromatic presence of those holding many Nalthian Breaths.

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On 25.02.2017 at 11:45 PM, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Literally reversed in every way. Male becomes female, in becomes out, up becomes down, happy becomes sad, light becomes dark, youth becomes age (aging is reversed as well), intelligence becomes stupidity, heat becomes cold. Things would function in reverse as well. And colors are reversed as well, everything becoming a distorted afterimage. It is really weird. I would much rather be a Vanadium ferring.

That sounds... eldritch. Like something out of a Lovecraftian horror. :o 

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Titanium Mistings are known as, who would've guessed? Titans. When burning Titanium they give off a incredibly powerful aura that strikes fear into the hearts of all those effected by it no matter what. It is on the level of TLR's soothing but the Titans are unable to use it very efficiently and it doesn't allow for the control of hemalurgic creations. Titanium Ferrings are known as Fearshapers. They automatically store while sleeping so that they store nightmares. When tapping those they target are subjected to the Illusion of what ever the Fearshaper stored however they will have the overwhelming sense that the Illusion is real and no matter what they cannot believe it is fake.

Palladium Mistings are know as Paladins (creative I know). Instead of inspiring great fear when burning Palladium, Paladins make people around them feel great bravery and courage. This boosts the morale of men in battle and makes them fearless. This boost to their systems makes them fight like a pewter arm just with out the tougher body. The range of a Paladins influence is much farther then a Titans but unlike Titans the more people they effect the weaker their ability becomes. A Palladium Ferring is known Miraclegiver. While storing they become incredibly sick, weak, slow minded, unlucky, hungry, and get anemia. While tapping however they can either give the large amount of abilities they stored to another person or they can give it to themselves in one burst stead of over time. These abilities make Palladium twin borns highly sought after generals as their troops are highly efficient.

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Cobalt Mistings, A.K.A. Goldings, have the ability to heal themselves when burning, much like Feruchemical Gold. Flaring Cobalt can heal a complete fracture or fatal internal injury in 10 seconds, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, assuming that they can lay low. Tutor Ferrings store Hindsight in Cobalt. When Storing, they don't retain anything they learn, and barely remember what they did 5 seconds ago. When tapping, they have near perfect recall of past events, even if they had previously forgotten them (because magic), allowing them to retain lessons from past experiences, hence the name, Tutor.

Mannyullen (is that a thing?) is made from Cobalt and Ardite (is that a thing?), and it's Mistings are called Doctors. When burning Mannyullen, Doctors can heal anyone they touch, except themselves, as such Doctors are practically drafted into the medical field, healing those in critical condition. Mannyullen Ferrings store Fertility... *cough*.

Statium (Steel + Atium) Mistings, A.K.A. Streaks, can move extremely quickly, like the Allomantic equivalent to F-Steel. When burning, their mind is accelerated along with their speed, to prevent them from running into walls at 100 MPH. Statium Ferrings store Magnetism, giving them a more inaccurate equivalent to A-Iron and A-Steel. When Storing, all metal in their radius is pushed away from them, and when tapping, it is pulled toward them. The radius and strength of their magnetism are proportional to the rate of storage/tap-age.

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Yeh I've played tinkers before. Fav version is 1.6.4 as it have the fully working Eco suit that allows me to act like have feruchemical speed just without having to store. Also rapiers mmmm the rapiers. Also I'm running out of ideas for new metals and it's making me very sad. Any idea I come up with feels very unoriginal but I think I have found one.

these are some crappy ideas for atium alloys.

Pewtium- While burning Pewtium the misting is capable of strengthening the weapon they are wielding so that even a fragile piece of glass becomes incredibly hard the break and it also makes a metal weapon incredibly hard to effect with allomancy. So you have a sword that is damnation near indestructible (includes being hit by a shardblade) and is impossible to effect with allomancy. On Scaadrial it would be considered one of the weaker allomantic abilities but on planets like Roshar it would be a incredible weapon against shardbearers because it could destroy plate in an instant and could block shardblade attacks.

Tintium- While burning Tintium the misting is capable of removing the conciseness from the apponents body at a touch so that they have an out of body experience for a few seconds. This gives the Tintium misting plenty of time to kill their apponent.

Nicrotium- Nicrotium Mistings have the ability to funnel investiture into an object. In something like metal it is able to use the investiture to enhance itself so you have an effect similar to Pewtium. However skilled users of Nicrotium are able to fling the investiture outwards like an energy attack or can draw it back into themselves to enhance their body like normal pewter. Most opt for a mix of the two which leads to Nicrotium being considered apart of the god metal teer along with pure lerasium atium and harmonium.

Edited by Gizmosowner
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Alrighty then. Here we go:


When burned, calcium grants its user the ability to imbue materials with investiture. This imbuement hardens materials to the point that they are nearly impossible to break except under extreme stress. Metal beams will not bend, and knifes will not dull. A calcium misting (a Cornerstone) wielding dueling canes might as well be smacking people with metal rods. It should be noted that metals effected this way are harder to Push or Pull on, yet the effect wears off when the metal stops burning.

Ferrings able to use calcium can store sturdiness. When storing, their bones and other bits are much less durable, yet while tapping, a pewterarm would have a hard time hurting a Tower.


An alloy of calcium and magnesium, a misting who burns this metal has the ability to soften materials, essentially liquefying materials. This can be used to corrode armor, walk through walls, or for simple pottery. A magnasium misting is known as an undermine.

Ferrings able to use magnasium can store their sensitivity to pain. While actively storing, an Undead will feel little to no pain, even after a severe injury. While tapping, however, the ferring will roll on the floor after a light slap on the face.


@gizmowner: Sorry, I realised that I stole your pewtium after I posted this.

Edited by TheTigerKandra
Edited for clarity.
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You also somewhat stole my feruchemical lead ability  for sturdiness but it's ok because I know how hard it is to make completely original metals. Plus you had really cool ideas with the Yttrium metals so it doesn't really matter

2 hours ago, TheTigerKandra said:


@gizmowner: Sorry, I realised that I stole your pewtium after I posted this.


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2 minutes ago, TheTigerKandra said:

Yeah, sorry about that. It just seemed to fit, with calcium storing sturdiness, especially in the bones. I hadn't realised that you had that power for your lead, I read it a while ago. 

How does Mr. Sanderson do this so well?

No fricken clue. Some people are just more creative then others. If you are creative and can write well then you can make it as a fantasy writer and be famous. However I cannot write well so I'm stuck making hypothetical powers for my favorite book series.

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