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Spatial relations in the Cognitive Realm

Richard Kopelow


We know that the space in the Cognitive Realm is different than in the Physical, space being smaller where there is no thought, the worlds being projected flat, and ocean/land flips, but I wonder if it goes farther than that.


Since things in the Cognitive realm are shaped by how people view things and how things view themselves, do ideas about spatial relations change the layout of things. For instance “the center of town” (where stuff happens, shops and jazz) is often not in the geometric center of town, but since it is a conceptual center point might it actually become the center of the town in the Cognitive Realm.

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That is an excellent question for Brandon. We currently don't know.

If I were to guess, there probably is some sort of change in spatial relations to that effect around town centers and nation capitals, but this warping has to be relatively tiny because the Rosharan Cognitive Realm still mostly aligns with the Physical Realm in terms of general boundary shapes (assuming that the Shadesmar map we've seen is correct in that regard).

If I may speculate further, it's possible that the only change that happens is that those centers of population on the Physical Realm are more active in the Cognitive Realm, i.e. the waves of the Cognitive ocean are stronger there. But again, that's just speculation on my part.

Edited by skaa
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We might be able to get some hints from Mistborn: Secret History, though information about spatial relations might get mingled with a disturbed perception of time. I don't have time for a reread with that aspect in the back of my mind now, just wanted to hint at the possibility.

While contemplating spatial relations in the CR one also should keep an eye on temporal stuff. So well used objects should have a representation in the CR well after they don't exist in the PR anymore...

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