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<Mi9 transmission>


I notice you have done nothing to counter my claims, Aries, only playing the victim card. Now I presume that every agent here has seen Revenge of the Sith, one of the mandatory films in the academy. Manipulation class, I believe. Now how did Emperor Palpatine destroy the Jedi and take over the galaxy? By playing the victim card. By painting a giant conspiracy against him, he did nothing to counter the rightful accusations of the Jedi, and garnered the sympathy of the galaxy. 

(Godammit that hurt you little.....)

I  (gasp) trust you as qualified agents will see through this deception. I...fully admit to being prepared for betrayal. Batman did it, and everyone in the academy idolizes Batman! If Batman made preparations to take down his teammates, I admit I did the same. But I point out that I was fully justified in doing so, as SHEEP IS ARIES. He has been subtle about it. First he began talking to you in your encrypted messages. He tried to gain your trust. I hope now you see the extent of his manipulation skills.

This is no longer banter. This is serious. Aries has made open war against me, and I am scrabbling. This is serious now.

Make the right choice. Please. 


Your country (wheezes) depends on you

In Paranoia we Trust

<Transmission ends>

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Location Unknown

The mist floated down, settling in a thick layer going just past Dolan’s eyes.  It was cold and wet but Dolan was used to it.  What he wasn’t used to was being so constricted.  He tried to move his arms, but pushed up solely against solid material.  It was rough and scratched his skin.  Dolan opened his eyes to see his face up against his knees.  In the gap between them he could see a dark material, tiny fragments of rock sticking out of its dark stone surface for its entire length.  It reached up into the sky and Dolan’s eyes followed it.  There were clouds up above.  He tried to move his arm again. He couldn’t move it.  His finger brushed against water. His finger was wet.  His feet were wet.  He couldn’t move his feet.  His shoes were gone.  His socks were gone.  Where was his shirt.  His back hurt.  He looked down.  He was in water.  The water was red.  He. Could. Smell. Blood.  He breathed.  The light down here was dim and he couldn’t make much out, but there appeared to be cuts and bruises all along his legs.  At least two of them were bleeding, the red liquid pouring round his leg and then dripping into the filthy water.  

Everything went dark.  He looked up.  There was something blocking out part of the light, a disc shape, like a moon against the sun in a solar eclipse.

“How are you liking your stay, Mr Mist.” the voice called down.  The person cackling.  Dolan recognised the voice, but he couldn’t quite place where from.  His head hurt and he couldn’t quite think straight and every other thought sent him back to a memory of spinning fast, in a car, he thought, making him want to throw up.  “Are you not going to answer me, Dolan?” the voice called down again.  Dolan tried to make a reply, but all that came out was coughing, mixed with specks of blood that spread across his knees and the wall like a modern art piece.

“Ah, I see that you’re… preoccupied.  Well, you seen conscious at least, which is a good sign.  Do you remember why you’re here?  I presume not.  You likely haven’t the least of where here is, do you?  Well, welcome to my lair, Dolan.  Or at least, your little part of it.  You’re welcome to stay for as long as you like.  Or as long as you don’t.”  The person laughed to themself again, and then the light reappeared.  Dolan shut his eyes tight again, the brightness from above blinding him, as the cloud seemed to have moved on.  He struggled a little more.  And then stopped.  He tried again.  It didn’t work.  He opened his eyes.  He looked around.  Stone, everywhere.  No escape.  He breathed out again.

MI9 Headquarters, WWMNBQ division

The door before Stick was ajar, left open, showing a tiny room on the inside.  It was an utter mess.  There were packets and plates littered across the floor, broken by the occasional spot of stained carpet.  On each side of the room was a large bank of monitors sitting up desks that were nearly as dirty as the room that held them.  The monitors each held almost identical displays, each monitoring every agent on WWMNBQ’s payroll.  Stick could see her own name and profile there.  They’d been tracking everything she’d been saying.  damnation them.  On the far side of the room was a mini-kitchen, fit with a fridge, stove and even a rather absurdly large closet.  There were noises coming from the closet.  Stick entered and walked over, stepping from clear space to clear space, trying to keep from getting left over food all over her shoes.  As she reached the closet, a loud thumping sound came out from inside it and she jumped back, inadvertently getting some dried ramen stuck on the sole of her shoe.

“Move over!” a voice shouted from inside.
“No, you!” a different voice replied.
Stick stopped and considered this.  What the storms was going on in there.  She moved closer and more thumping noises came from the closet.
“Seriously, there’s not enough space in here!  Why did you get in anyway?!”
“You and your damnation sheep will not get away with what you’ve done!”
“I haven’t done anything.”

“You know darn well what you did.”
Stick put her hand on the handle and pulled.  It didn’t move.  The voices inside went silent.  Stick tried again but the door wouldn’t budge.  It was locked.

“Ah, Miss Stick.”
Stick turned around quickly, drawing her gun from her belt.  It was Time.  He stood in doorway, looking, looking as arrogant as always.  A figure lurked behind him, a shadow in the hallway.

“Justin, what a surprise to see you here.”
“I know you’re one of them, Stick.  There’s no point in hiding it.”
“You’re mistaken Justin, don’t you see the signs on the walls?  I have nothing to do with this.”

“You’re one of them Stick.  I won’t let your lies corrupt me.”
In the blink of an eye he pulled his gun out and fired.  
The figure behind showed their face.
It was John. John Marshall.
damnation him.  damnation then both.
The bullet hit Stick right in the heart.  
She died almost immediately.

Also WWMNBQ dividion

> message start

War has broken out between myself and Mi9, there is no denying it.  Choose your sides agents.  It is vitally important that as many of you join me in defeating this corrupt and disgusting tyrant as soon as possible.  Declare your allegiance to all others, it is important that you know who is and who is not on your side.  We must stop Mi9 from distracting us from finding the voles.

Mi9, shut up. Yes.  STOP KICKING ME.

*coughs* Ahem.  Excuse me agents.  I shall return with more information for you as soon as I possibly can.

> message end


I_am_a_Stick has been lynched!  They were a Spy Coffee.
MI9 has fired Conquestor for poor performance!  They were a Spy Coffee.

Vote talley:
I_am_a_Stick (2): The Mighty Lopen, Drake Marshall
The Mighty Lopen (1): The Young Bard
Daniyah (1): I_am_a_Stick

Cycle 4 has now started!  You have 24 hours!

Have fun!



Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy Coffee
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis
Niobe - Seonid
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy
Yiferien - Daniyah
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"


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<Transmission begins>

That title though. Totally an abuse of position. Do you not see how biased the title is? Sheep is so obviously evil!

Mi9. I’m. Not really in the position to say much here. I’m currently locked in a cupboard with the traitor Sheep staring at me. Sheep, Aries, N, whatever you want to call her. She’s glaring at me, and if looks could kill, we’d both be dead several times over. And despite what she's saying, she's the one kicking me. With those damnation stiletto heels. They HURT.


Ahem. I’m counting on you agents to see the truth.

Anyway. Messages begin.

[Message 1 begins]



[Message 1 ends]

...What the hell is this?? This is going to take ages to decrypt...Whichever wise guy who's been sending this, you must think you’re very clever…

[Message 2 begins]

Marshall law has been declared in this facility. All personnel should exercise extreme caution.

I have intel that implicates Stick. Honestly, I wish I had a better lead, but its already cycle 3. It's sorta difficult to make a call on who is evil off second hand info, but the the time tested way to get more informed is to vote and discuss (or, in this case, post missives since we cannot freely discuss sensitive information).
Anyways, stay sharp, spies.
Speaking of staying sharp, I trust I don't need to identify myself at this point. Signing off.

[Message 2 ends]

[Message 3 begins]

Report: Things have quieted down a little today. The reveal that Jason was a Double Agent has everyone in shock no doubt. I'm attempting a takedown of Stick for her vote on Jason. Looked to me like she was trying to make herself look good and not actually kill Jason. Still unsure of Joe Bond and Desmond. 39214 is my newest suspect, due to roles. Not making any new Contacts today. It might spook my fellow Agents if I get too well connected. Good read on John and Arin. Everyone else, not enough data. This is Justin, signing off.

[Message 3 ends]

[Message 4 begins]

I'm a bit suspicious of Stick because of her vote on Drought. He was going to die anyway that cycle, so it might have been to gain trust. However, I forgot there was even an inactivity filter, so it could easily be an honest mistake.

[Message 4 ends]

[Message 5 begins]
Claim time: I am Bard, and a Contacts. Voting on Lopen today because both the people I've PM'ed have expressed distrust of Lopen, he lied about who he intended to vote for last Cycle, and... he's claimed Contact, and could be an Elim using his PM power. (Hypocritical of me to say, I know, but true anyway.) "Buckbeak"

[Message 5 ends]

[Message 6 begins]

I still have the contacts I started off with, one is Seonid, who hasn't said anything save for a hello. Might be a Double Agent, trying to avoid the filter, as someone else mentioned. I'm a villager.Go village.

[Message 6 ends]


And as to Aries' accusations, since when have I been distracting from the voles? YOU ARE THE LEADER OF THE VOLES: Hey, I have not been shy, I am just a spy in the private eye trying to do my best for our agency. I didn't wanna fight, but i won't apologize for doing what's right, Aries!" So you and your DOUBLE AGENTS are going down!

To the rest of you agents. You have all served faithfully, men. Thank you. 

Except for Assassin. Traitor. 

(Ahem) You have all served faithfully, and I trust that you will choose wisely.

Ow, Stop that!

Mi9, over and out.

<Transmission Ends>

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Joseph and Doc Oleny met inside the secret room underneath the third floor trashcan, as was their custom.

"Right then Busshu, we have news." Doc grinned, and handed over a file of photographs. there were pictures of Fay inside. the man was on various computers, downloading information, talking on phones, and sending emails. all of them were to Tybalt Transportation's. 

Joseph grunted. "I've always wanted to wring his scrawny neck. This double agent will be dead by the end of today. Bu Doc, what are we doing about Sheep, and the 12th Doc?"

Doc shrugged. "Personally, i'm going to support Doc in this matter. Doctors have to stick together. But I want you to support sheep. We play both of them, and whoever wins, we'll be thanked by. Ready? break."

Joseph was out of the trashcan and ready as soon as he said it. He had an evil irishman to kill. Noking Fay.

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Nothing was right anymore. They'd searched for the evidence that he was sure they'd find, but it appeared that Stick just wasn't one of the Double Agents. So, Justin ran. After a little while, he started gasping for breath, but he kept running. He'd been receiving so many messages lately, he'd begun to gain weight, so running was getting a lot more difficult. It was all that Mi9's fault. They'd been forcing him to eat every single message, each one a new flavor, many he couldn't even describe they were so grotesque. So he ran. He ran and he ran until he came upon a lonely sheep in the middle of a clearing in the woods.

Justin didn't move. He'd heard that Sheep were the most dangerous ninjas in the entire world. Maybe, just maybe, if he could get the Sheep to think that he was on it's side, he could learn it's ways and become a true master of sabotage. Then he'd have the power he needed to defeat these Double Agents that plagued the Agency.

He slowly dropped his weapons to show he meant no harm and waited. The Sheep didn't move. It just, stared back at him. Well, looks like it wants to test my patience. Might as well get comfortable, Justin thought as he sat down slowly on the ground.

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Hidden Safehouse

He thought he’d be safe here, the building was labelled Hidden Safehouse after all, but it had not helped, for even though he’d thought himself safe, they had found him, they had found him and cornered him, forcing him to hide himself away, stuck inside this wretched air vents, whose silvery metallic walls shone back any light made, blinding him, blinding his soul, and keeping him on edge, for, even though he knew he was alone in there, he could see every movement they made as they looked for him, the light passing through the occasional air vent and then ricocheting off the endlessly mirroring surfaces of the air vents, terrorising him even as he breathed in as quietly and as slowly as he could, making sure that the noise was almost silent, even as each movement of his diaphragm caused him to scream out in pain further, the wound in his side matching the pain from the bullet in his shoulder blow for blow, paralysing him and holding him, which, even though to his advantage, for he wanted to keep as still as possible so as not to be found, sent him into endless spirals of agony, making it harder and harder to keep his mouth shut and his voice inside, despite knowing that whatever meagre sound that voice made would give him up, would itself kill him, even indirectly, and he would be responsible for his own death, he would be responsible, for though it was them who was killing him, he was the one who let himself die, die, cramped in a small tube made originally simply for air, a place unfit for any human to go at all, let alone spend their last moments, which should be spent in a place of rest, of comfort, of friends, of family, of all those things that he could no longer have, of all those things which he longed for so much but his work pushed, but he pushed away, taking away any chance of happiness, though, he reminisced, that was irrelevant now, for what was happiness when one is about to perish to the ravenous fiends who haunt the world, following the orders of those who don’t even know better, like he himself once had, like he had continued to do so up until the point where they had tried to kill him for it, kill him, after all his years of dutiful service, the bastards, what right did they have, to take it away from hi- BANG.


> message begin

I would like to take a few moments.
Anyway, a few moments to thank Agents Yiferien and Strider for their most vital support in my moments of need.  The war is becoming more and more obvious, people.  It is unavoidable, and these two agents have taken the brave move to take a side.

Another, further note.  Do not trust Mi9, no matter what they tell you.  They are obsessed, narcissistic, and have recently developed a god-complex.  They are dangerous.

> message end

The Mighty Lopen has been lynched! They were a Spy "Contacts"

Vote tally:
The Mighty Lopen (3): The Young Bard, A Joe in the Bush, Drake Marshall
A Joe in the Bush (2): The Mighty Lopen, Magestar
Drake Marshall (2): Assassin in Burgundy, Daniyah
Amanuensis (2): Seonid, Arinian

Cycle 5 has now started!  You have 24 hours!

Have fun!


Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy "Coffee"
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen Spy "Contacts"
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis
Niobe - Seonid
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy
Yiferien - Daniyah
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"


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<Incoming Transmission>
Oh, how honourable of ewe for that title, N. If not for the fact that ewe immediately proceeded to ram me in your following transmission. Well. I shall not resort to your methods. If nothing else, I retain the higher (OW) ...moral ground. I am not the one who fleeced all our agents and put wool over their eyes! (Oww. Okay, guess I deserved that)


I'm tired. This prolonged war of attrition, this clash of good and evil between N and me is sapping our strength. Fortunately, she's geriatric (Dammit N! That hurt), and I'm in the prime! (Stop) of life! so I should hopefully be able to last longer. We'll see.

Anyway, here are the missives for this cycle. Make of them what you will.

[Message 1 begins]
Voted Lopen, because I think that Lopen/Bard or an eliminator, not contact. If anyone has proof to their innocence, please put it forward. They can prove innocence by making a PM between two players of your choice. Not their choice, as their choice could include a fellow eliminator. -Bush
[Message 1 ends]

[Message 2 begins]
Marshall law is still in effect.
This cycle I have seen fit to report Lopen for treachery.
He is one of the two contacts claims, which in of itself puts him under suspicion. Not only that, but as far as I can tell he is in contact with about half of the entire group, which is dangerous. Worse still, he has refused to run a test to see if he is really contacts, twice, from two different people.
Also, if possible it would be nice if someone could give word to me if the other contacts claim has been tested.
[Message 2 ends]

[Message 3 begins]
This is Agent Justin. Hopefully, we'll have caught and interrogated another Double Agent by the time you read this. If not, I fear the worst(that I've been silenced by Master Sheep). I suspect Desmond may be a Double Agent, but if so, he's a sly one. Difficult to get anything concrete on him. I believe Joe Bond and 39214 are likely our allies due to their roles, though I'm having difficulty getting info about 39214. Joseph is my target for tonight, as you'll no doubt hear of. Righto, back to training. *eats grass as instructed by the Sheep*
[Message 3 ends]

[Message 4 begins]
Yiferien here. My vote's on Marshall. His PMs with me are too suspicious to ignore.
He was too quick to cast suspicion on Justin Time only based on a small thing I told him. Seemed awfully like he just seized the opportunity to keep my suspicion on Time. And that's only one of the strange things in his PMs.
[Message 4 ends]

[Message 5 begins]
I'm voting for Lopen, because out of the 3 people making PM groups, process of elimination says that Lopen is most likely to be an Eliminator. I also suspect Drake, Daniyah or Seonid as the final(?) Eliminator if Lopen turns out to be one. You should see analysis of why coming around in the next Cycle or two. Bard/ Buckbeak
[Message 5 ends]

And yes. On that note, I wish to thank agents Joe Bond and...(death glare) the recently retired agent Justin Time for their trust in me. You will pay for Justin's death, N.  As to Agents Yiferien and Assassin, I can only say...You'll be back. Time will tell. Yes. You'll remember that I served you well, and return to me. Please.  I trust you. 

As for Agent Seonid! Who intends to bring down both of us and establish himself as new head. Well. Good luck! I'm honestly curious to see how far you go. 

As for N...(don't you dare) and I, we will be here. Stay tuned for the epic clash of good and evil, when our agency will triumph over the forces of corruption and deception.  Fellow agents. the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not. Let's shear this sheep once and for all...

...Also we really need someone to get us out of this closet. N's starting to smell. Thanks.

Stay sharp, shoot straight.

-Mi9 out

<Transmisson ends>

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Gemini-Aries’s Secret Base, MI9 HQ


“You’ve failed me, Mr. Oleny,” said Aries, somberly.  Her voice had a digital tinge to it and Doc could tell that it was coming not from a person actually standing there, but from a speaker somewhere in the room.  It sounded almost like she was whispering.

“Where are you?” Oleny asked.  The voice was disconcerting.  He couldn’t place it in the room, and with no light to see by, he couldn’t find the speaker either.

“That is no worry of yours.”  A loud banging noise suddenly sounded out.  The speaker crackled, the sound obviously far too loud for it.


“Do not… worry about that.  What is important is that you have been caught.”

“I can… I can explain!”

“No.  No you can’t.”

“Aries, please.  I’m good at this job, you know I am.”
“While that is true, you have compromised your position.  You really expect me to leave you in the field when MI9 know who you are?

“No, no, but, you could reassign me!  Put me somewhere else!”
“With Joe?”
“Joe is dead.”

“Joe is dead, Oleny.  Sorry.  Thank you for your service.”

The room was dark.


A Joe in the Bush been lynched! They were a Double Agent "Coffee"

Vote tally:
A Joe in the Bush (2): Amanuensis, Arinian
Drake Marshall (2): Assassin in Burgundy, Daniyah
The Young Bard (1): Seonid

Cycle 6 has now started!  You have 24 hours!

Have fun!


Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush Double Agent "Coffee"
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy "Coffee"
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen Spy "Contacts"
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis
Niobe - Seonid
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy
Yiferien - Daniyah
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"

Unfortunately, Mi9 seems to have... fallen asleep.  It's very uncomfortable.  Regardless, they have informed me that no missives were submitted.  Agents, step your game up.  How do you intend to catch the Double Agents without taking advantage of a vital line of information?!

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The launch codes had arrived. Niobe hadn’t expected Mi9 to comply, but they had done as asked.  Their loss.  Nine assault rifles, all loaded, at least two stuffed in each coat pocket.  The long-range bomber was set up facing the office as planned.  Niobe picked up the pictures of N and Mi9’s high school girlfriends. Cute.  They chuckled to themself and walked out the door, leaving it unlocked behind them.  They doubted they’d be returning.

The first port of call was getting those two out of the damnation closet they’d locked themselves in.  Fortunately, Niobe had some ideas about that.  They walked into the front entrance of MI9.

“Agent Niobe, how good to see you.”  The receptionist said, grinning.  A nice looking lad.  Niobe had probably interacted with them at some point in the past.

“Here to see N.”

“N?  I believe she’s busy dealing with her sister right now.”
“Even better.  Where is she?”

“In her office.”

“Thank you, I know the way from here.”

Niobe got into the elevator.

“Get your sister for me.  And her friend.”

“Sorry, what, Agent Niobe?” N replied.

Seems like she was going to resist.  Niobe pulled a pistol out of their jacket.

“Get your sister from that storming closet and bring her here.”

“I don’t have the key.”

“You what?”

“I don’t have the key.”

“For storm’s sake!” Niobe cried out.  They pulled the trigger.  “I guess I’ll be getting them myself.”

Gunshots.  The lock came off and the door opened almost immediately, with both the Sheep and Mi9 tumbling out and sprawling on the ground in a tangle.  Sheep looked up and immediately looked down again when she saw the gun pointed right in her face.

“A-agent Niobe.  Thank you for getting us out of there.  You don’t happen to have any water on you, do you?”
“Water?!” Mi9 perked up.

“I’m afraid not.”  Niobe replied.  They took the pictures out from their pocket and threw them onto the ground where Sheep and Mi9 were sitting looking dazed, recuperating from their unusually long stay in the closet.  Mi9 noticed them first.
“You weren’t kidding, eh?”

“Not at all.”

“So you really are challenging us?”
“Yes.  I am here to kill you both.”
“Mind giving us a breather before you do that?” Sheep asked.  Niobe sighed.

“So be it.”  They turned and walked over to the window, looking out over the Thames and at the buildings beyond.  It was so beautiful and yet so… awful.  A click sound behind them.  They turned to find both Sheep and Mi9 with guns pointed at them.

“I have many explosive devices throughout the building as well as bombers ready to blow this place to kingdom come.  You do not want to shoot me.”

“We’ll be the ones to decide that,” the two said in unison.

Niobe died.  The window smashed behind them.  They fell forward.  Neither pistol had been fired.  Sheep ran over to the window.  A figure stood down on the other side of the river, too small to make out the details, but big enough to see that they were holding a rifle.  They waved.  A notification noise.


In capitals.  On the screen.
The building blew up.

Sheep and Mi9 were thrown backwards, falling to the ground as it collapsed around them.  The wall fell in beside them and sparks flew across the room as the computer bank folded over itself, snapping the electronics within and breaking the circuits.  It took less than a second for Sheep to be back on her feet, pistol in hand.  She pointed it down at Mi9.

“This wasn’t me, Sheep.”
“I know.  It would be stupid of me not to take advantage of this, however.   You found me out.”
“I what?”

“You found me out.  I am Aries Mi9.”
“You are?!”

Sheep sighed.
“I thought you knew….”
“Well I claimed you were, but how could I be sure?!”
Sheep sighed even harder.

“Never mind.”  She fired a shot to Mi9’s side. “I don’t want to kill you, Mi9.  You are a friend, even if on an opposing side.  But if you try to stop me, you will die.”  She turned to go away.
“Sheep… answer me one last thing.  Who is Gemini?”
Sheep turned back and chuckled.
“Gemini?  Only time can truly tell that.”

And with that she was gone.

This is the endgame.
With me or against me, time is running out.
Your sides are meaningless.
Find the Double Agents or die trying, agents.

Seonid was lynched! They were a Spy "Hacker"

Vote tally:
Seonid (3): Amanuensis, Arinian, Magestar
Drake Marshall (1): Daniyah

Cycle 7 has started!  You have 21 hours!


Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush Double Agent "Coffee"
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy "Coffee"
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen Spy "Contacts"
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis
Niobe - Seonid Spy "Hacker"
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy
Yiferien - Daniyah
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"


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Mi9 opened his eyes, looking at the too-blue sky, unmarred by cloud.

Well. There was that rising column of smoke. He propped himself up to his elbows, then gasped as sudden pain bloomed in his side. His elbows gave way, and he fell back, groaning.


Storm Sheep. Storming Aries.

At least he was out of that closet, eh? Man, that had been a nightmare, trapped with Sheep. He was going to have to get an open-air wardrobe next time. A wry smile crossed his face. That had been a pretty big gamble on Agent Niobe. One which had paid off. More or less. Pity to lose him. That Agent had had potential. So much potential. 

He cracked open an eye, raising himself up carefully this time, noting the nice little hole right under his ribs. Interesting. The bullet didn’t seem to have hit anything vital, and had not embedded inside his body either, going cleanly out from the his back. That was interesting. Sheep was an expert markswoman, he knew. It wouldn’t be like her to miss her shot. So she still wanted him alive then.

Sighing, he pulled out a standard-issue medical kit from his back pocket, then set about staunching the bleeding and fashioning a bandage.

Finally, he stood, wincing a little, but managing to not fall over. Yaaay

Looking at the ruins of the Agency building, he was silent for a long while, before finally pulling out his phone and making a transmission.

<Emergency Transmission>
Endgame, fellow agents. The stakes have never been higher than they are now. The time for laughter is over. It is time to end this once and for all. 
We destroy the double agents. We put Sheep behind bars. And we’ll forge a new path for our agency. Gotta start a new mission, you see. 
You know our building is gone. Well, it’s thanks to Agent Niobe. Bright young man, lots of potential. He...blew us all away. Literally. So we’ve got to get new builders. Sigh.
To Sheep, if you’re receiving this, which you probably are, I hope that even now, you lie awake knowing Mi9 has his eyes on you. Mi9 has his eyes on you, Sheep. Understand this. There is nowhere you can go. We will find you, and you will be helpless. Just you wait. Mi9 will have his satisfaction, this he vows. Just you wait.

<End transmission>

He clicked off his transmitter and strode off into the the gathering night.

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The music had a beauty to it.  It was a terrible beauty.  An overpowering beauty. 39214 sat there, in their room, in the darkness, with only a dim light from the moon shining in through the thin window in the wall, playing along to it.  The light danced along the instruments and their fingers danced with it.  Tears formed in their eyes.  It was terrible.  It was sad.  The moonlight danced, and their mind danced along with it, sending them back to times past, times they’d rather forget.  A blow to their head knocked them down, sending the chair flying.  The music kept playing.  39214 lay sprawled on the floor.  The carpet was wet.  Tears dripped down.  The music continued to play.  They were sitting in an office, blood dripping from their face down onto the carpet, the folder in front of them and N briefing them on their death.  They were in a concert hall, the conductor beating them down, over and over and over again.  The music continued to play.  They were in a lecture hall, the lecturer’s droning voice sounding like something hitting them on the head, describing a process that 39214 could not care to remember.  The music continued to play.  They were sitting in their childhood home.  Their father came in holding a gun.  The end clicked off.  A puff of Dust.  Moonlight through a small window into a dimly lit apartment.  The music stopped.


[transmission begin]

And now a message from our sponsors, the *coughs* wonderful agents over at MI9.

[Message 1 begins]

Greetings, agents. Just wanted to let you know that Marshall law is still in effect.

Also, I'm voting on Bard. He is the second contacts claim which in of itself is dangerous. It also doesn't help that the two contacts I trust most both independently reached the conclusion that Bard is suspicious in addition to my own suspicions.

Stay sharp, agents.

[Message 1 Ends]

And.... no more!  *sigh*.  

[transmission end]

The Young Bard has been lynched!  They were a Spy "Contacts"

Vote tally:
The Young Bard (3): Magestar, Amanuensis, Arinian
Drake Marshall (1): Daniyah

Cycle 8 has now started!  You have 24 hours!


Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard Spy "Contacts"
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush Double Agent "Coffee"
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy "Coffee"
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen Spy "Contacts"
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis
Niobe - Seonid Spy "Hacker"
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy
Yiferien - Daniyah
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"


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They had one last chance.  One, final, chance.  Strider’s heart was beating fast than it should have been.  He’d doubted himself before, but the stakes had never been as high as they were now, even when his friends and colleagues had been dying around him.  He sat quietly on the rubble, thinking it over, mentally preparing himself. It was time to confront John Marshall, the final vole in MI9.

Desmond set down his glass on the counter, finishing his third martini for the day.  It was noon but already he was drinking.  It was not going to be pretty what was about to go down, and Desmond wanted to be prepared for that.  He took another gulp and downed a fourth, then swaggered out of the bar.  He checked his coat, ensuring every weapon he would need was there.  He walked over to the bridge, or what remained of it, and made his way over the Thames.

Arin “White Eye” was not scared.  No matter the circumstances, he would not be scared.  He was prepared.  He was ready.  This confrontation was expected.  It had been planned for.  Meticulously detailed and every action laid out in advance.  Even the chaos caused by Niobe’s insanity could not put a dent in this plan.  It was time.

Yiferien threw the wrapper down into the bin on the side of the street and put the last piece of chocolate - milk, not dark - into her mouth.  The chocolate was pleasing, and calming.  She expected that right now Desmond would be doing something similar, except getting himself hopelessly drunk.  She knew him well enough for that.  Yiferien made her way up the ruined staircase, up to the roof. It was a shame that he wouldn’t be sober when she killed him.

The stone on which Joe was lying was uncomfortable, but unfortunately there wasn’t much better in this now wasteland of a place.  He had laid down a picnic mat in an attempt to make it more comfortable, but to no avail.  There was gravel in his shoes now.  Gravel.  Joe groaned and then hoisted his gun up, shaking his head and reminding himself that it had to be done.  He put his eye to the sight and trained his Snoiper Roifle on Desmond.

John looked out over the Thames and gulped.  The rubble was silent.  So it should be.  A terrible thing had happened here and sombreness was only appropriate.  Still, it disturbed him.  He had agreed to meet the others, and he knew that there he was to confront Desmond with Joe and Yiferien.  He hoped only that it would not end with him in a coffin.


Desmond could hear the wind gently grazing the dust.  The quiet drowned his ears, and for a moment he revelled in the clarity it gave before returning him to drunkenness.  Across from him, maybe ten metres away, standing herself on one of the old tiles that had made up the great mosaic wall in the central hall, was Yiferien.  She was looking directly at him.  She looked calm and yet angry at the same time.  He nodded to her and she stared at him for a short moment, then broke and nodded back.  He had not lied to her, as much as she might think he had.  Desmond’s look was broken away by the sound of stone crumbling behind him and he looked around to see Arin and Strider, the two of them helping each other to climb up to stand next to him.  He smiled faintly, a smile filled with grief, then knelt down and offered out a hand, onto which Strider took hold.  Desmond pulled Strider up and then the two helped Arin up.  They stood together and Desmond nodded to them.

“Thank you for being here.”

The two returned his nod, then turned to face towards the other agents.  Marshall stood there, a foot maybe ahead of Yiferien.  Joe knelt behind the two of them, aiming a gun directly at the three allies.

John watched the wind whisper over the sands. It was quiet. Before him stood Desmond, visibly swaying, along with his two silent supporters. Behind him, Yiferien and Joe. He was so tense, yet he forced himself not to show it. He was so close to victory. Yiferien, one of his most ardent accusers, he had turned to his side. Honestly, he was amazed he had survived so long when his fellow brothers had been caught and executed so early. But now fate was serving him his victory on a platter, and by God, he was going to seize it.

Everything rested now on where the wind blew.

“We came here by agreement.” Desmond shouted.  The wind did little to dampen his voice.  The background was quiet.
“As did we.” John shouted back.
“We are here to end you, John Marshall.”
“Marshall law is still in effect, Desmond.  We are here to bring you to justice.”
Desmond took one last glance at Yiferien and Joe.  “I told you the truth, you know.”
Yiferien averted her gaze. Joe gave an indifferent shrug. “It’s too late to change sides, Desmond.”
“It is not too late for you to join me.  Do you not see how obvious it is?  The final Double Agent stands before you two and yet you do nothing.”
Strider drew a pistol from his belt holster.  Joe swiveled his roifle around on its stand, aiming at Strider.
“Be careful who you point that at, Bond,” Strider shouted over, “we’re not your enemy.”
Beside him, Arin sighed, drawing out his own sidearm. Joe pivoted again, moving round to face Arin. He glanced meaningfully at Yiferien, who drew her palm across her face. Reluctantly, her own pistol was produced. The tension reached its climax.  Joe coughed.  His finger slipped.  The safety off.
Desmond looked around, eyes wide. “Whoah whoah, wait just -”


Arin blinked as for a millisecond, a bullet flew past his face. Strider had fired the first shot.


Taken by surprise. Joe’s own shot went wild. Those two shots were the catalyst, and Desmond could only dive to the ground as a firefight erupted around him.  Yiferien did the same, taking cover behind a stray block of faintly azure rock.  She leaned out from behind the rock and took quick aim, firing haphazardly before jerking back to safety as Arin and Strider began to retaliate.

Soon bullets were flying everywhere, and even Desmond had gotten enough of his bearings to duck behind cover and fire off the occasional quick shot. In the quiet of the clearing, every shot sounded like a bomb going off.

Suddenly, a high pitched, incapacitating shriek screamed out of the waists of every single agent, causing some to drop their guns in shock. They ducked behind cover, eyes darting around in paranoia. Yiferien was the first to check her transmitter, realizing it as the source of the noise.


All heads swiveled at once to the middle of the clearing, where a figure stood in his shirtsleeves, a bloodied bandage around his torso. His arms were folded in disapproval, and his normally smiling eyes had been replaced with flinty grey.


At once, the agents straightened, some coughing awkwardly as they stowed away their still-smoking guns.

It was then that Yiferien noticed that on their side of the clearing, John Marshall was nowhere to be found.

“I saw them!  Aries and John, running off together.” Joe shouted out.  The battlefield had gone quiet again now, both sides tiring from the pointless fighting.
“What are you suggesting, Joe?  That you were wrong all along?”
Joe looked down as if in embarrassment.
“I’m… sorry, Desmond.”

“You are forgiven, friend.  This is a confusing time for us all.”  He looked up at Yiferien and she looked away, seemingly unwilling to talk to him still.  “What do you suggest we do?”
“We work together,” Arin said, quietly.  His plan was in pieces.  “We find them both and we kill them.”
Mi9 looked out over the river. “It’s over, agents. You have all done...well. Mostly.” He leveled a look at Strider, who gave a sheepish shrug and salute.
He looked at each agent in turn, smiling finally at how united they were. “It’s time.” He said. “With me, agents. We move undercover, and we move as one. Cut off any escape routes.” For dramatic effect, he cocked his pistol. “Time to hunt some barbeque.”

Aries stood looking out over the river.  The area had been cleared almost immediately.  The building abandoned.  Only she was left.  Her and the few others who dared to oppose her. She was turning over a gold disc in her hand, one inscribed with the zodiac symbol of Aries. She carried it with her at all times. Soon this would be over. Soon.
Marshall stood a few steps behind her.  He sounded solemn.
“They know what you’ve done, John.”
“It took them long enough.”

“They’re going to come for you, John.”
“I know.”

Aries turned around and looked out back across the rubble.  The silent rubble.  From here, one couldn’t see the other side of the building, for the explosions had been erratic, turning the MI9 HQ not into a flat plain of dust but into a mountain range of old plaster and stone.
“What do you intend to do about it?”
“I don’t know, Aries.”

“This is a difficult situation.”  She looked up at a pillar sticking up out of the pile of rocks.  “Let’s get to higher ground.”

“Bah, Bah, Black sheep, I have all your wool,”  Joe chanted.  They were searching the ruins now.  Aries and John couldn’t have run far away and were probably still on the site, hiding somewhere.  That would be safer than trying to leave completely.

“You, Sir, N, Sir, are being quite a fool,”

Yiferien groaned. “Shut up, Joe.”

Joe ignored her.

“Killed by the Sniper, Killed by the Shears,”

That John Marshall was the last of the Double Agents.  He should have seen this coming.  He should have known.  But he had sided with him.  Sided with the one who wanted to tear them all down and bring his beloved organisation to the knees.

“Killed by the MI9, Killed by the Spies,”

Yiferien groaned again.  She walked away from him, determined to search some other place in this ruin, somewhere where Joe wasn’t.

“Bah, Bah, Black sheep, you'll have no more wool…”

He was in the right now, though.  He had repented.  He had seen his mistakes and now saw fit to make all right.  He was going to find Aries.  He wasn’t going to find that damned Sheep.  He would find Marshall.  He would kill him.  He would kill them all.

“I'll have all of it, three bags full!”

And then he saw them.

They were standing in a clearing, right in the middle of what once would have been the grand lobby of the MI9 HQ building.  Joe was shocked.  He had found them.  He put his wrist up to his face and spoke into his watch.
“I’ve found them.  They’re in the lobby.”
A crackling noise accompanied the reply, “Noted, Agent Bond.  Agents, move in to surround them.”  It was all about to be over.

Joe waited a few seconds and then scrambled down what was once a vertical wall, now slanted towards the lobby, allowing him to make his way down.  He sighted Yiferien standing in the shadows across from him and then nodded.
He stepped out, and with him Yiferien, Desmond, Arin and Strider.  The five of them, for a time enemies, but now united against a common foe.  They would end this.
Strider spoke up first.
“John Marshall.  We accept your guilt as fact.”  He raised his gun up.
John looked at Strider.  Seconds again he had been hyperventilating, breathing faster than he probably should have been.  But now, it was all calm.  Perhaps he deserved what was coming to him.  He had tried.  Aries knew he had tried.  He had stood out against all of them alone.  It was fitting that he take his last breath with honour.  He pulled out his pistol and then dropped it on the ground.  He kicked it over to Desmond and then nodded at Strider.

Oblivion was almost welcome.

Drake Marshall was lynched!  They were a Double Agent "Coffee"

Vote tally:
Drake Marshall (3): Amanuensis, Arinian, Assassin in Burgundy
Amanuensis (3): Drake Marshall, Daniyah, Magestar

Spies have won!

Thank you everyone for making my first game GMed so incredibly enjoyable.  This was a new format to all of us and you all handled it amazingly.  I literally cannot thank you all enough for the fun I've had doing this.  I'd also like to thank Doc for being an amazing Co-GM and for handling everything while I was at school, plus his obviously wonderful sections by Mi9.  They really made the game.

Now, without further ado, what I'm sure you're all excited for:

Elim Doc
Spec Doc
GM Spreadsheet
All Write-Ups

In addition, I'd like to find out how many people would be interested in a collection of all the PMs that were in the game, so that it can be read properly.  If anyone wants it, Doc and I are happy to work on collecting them all together over the next week or two.

Player List:


Joe Bond - Magestar Spy "C"
Jason Bored - DroughtBringer Double Agent "C"
Fith Nameless - Ecthelion III Spy "Contacts"
39214 - The Young Bard Spy "Contacts"
Doc Oleny and Joseph Busshu - A Joe in the Bush Double Agent "Coffee"
Dolan Mist - Conquestor Spy "Coffee"
Justin Time - The Mighty Lopen Spy "Contacts"
Desmond Isaac King - Amanuensis Spy "Coffee"
Niobe - Seonid Spy "Hacker"
Ryth - Silverblade5 Spy "C"
John Marshall - Drake Marshall Double Agent "Coffee"
Stick Stick - I_am_a_Stick Spy Coffee
Arin "White Eye" - Arinian Spy "Hacker"
Alex Strider - Assassin in Burgundy Spy "Coffee"
Yiferien - Daniyah Spy "Bureaucrat"
Loyde - Darkness Ascendant  Spy "Coffee"


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After that heart-pounding final showdown, the quiet function held in Buckingham palace was a nice change. There were speeches, there were many symbolic presentations. The Queen herself presented the medals of service, with Mi9 proudly serving as the narrator.

Firstly, I would like to honor myself, Mi9, for my selfless contributions to this agency, the sleepless nights dedicated, and the work I put in to make each of my agents feel valued. Also, I’ve got to be compensated somehow for spending three days locked in a closet with Aries) Without me, there would be no Mi9, can you imagine that? Therefore I’m awarding myself a medal. Anyone unhappy about this can see me after this :P

Agent Joe Bond. For your great contributions to attempting to educate your fellow agents in ‘Literature’, you have been made the proud owner of a Piraha dictionary. Take care of it. Also, you have been signed up for three weeks of intensive speech training.

Agent Desmond King, for your contributions in the fields of analysis and wall-of-text transmissions, receive you now the Communications medal. Plus, as we believe you have followed orders to eat those messages, here is a new Blackberry.


Agent Yiferien. For managing to recognize, accuse, and latch onto the last double agent for four cycles, only to release him on the last, you have been granted the medal of Irony. (it’s actually made of tin) Your performance has been pleasing to observe. Take also these crates of milk chocolate. You’ve earned them.


Agent Strider, Agent Arin. I suppose I could commend you for staying alive and choosing the right people to listen to? You get shiny participation awards. *shrug Take it up with the Queen :P


Then, of course, there were the posthumous awards, for those who had died in the course of the battle. Tears were shed over elaborate coffins. It was all very sad and touching. Believe it.


Agent Stick, for your passionate use of the hashtag, you have been awarded the hashtag medal. You made me smile, agent. And that is a rare thing indeed. For this, as I pound the last nails into your coffin, in honor of your memory, I say “#NailedIt”. Goodbye, Stick.  


Agent Niobe. You blew us all away, you really did. You should be ashamed of yourself, really. But for being such a magnificent bastard, you can have those photos of our college girlfriends that you found. I...hope you like them. Goodbye.


Agent 39124, Agent Justin Time. For being the agents with the largest contact networks in the game, you have been voted ‘most likely to win prom king’ by the other employees of Mi9. Congratulations! I’ll… put your devilishly handsome portraits on your gravestones, perhaps,


Agent Busshu. While you were a double agent, you trolled your own teammates wonderfully, and even in death set in motion a plan to have Agent 39214 lynched. For this work of trolling, your coffin will have a trollface inscribed on it. I hope you like it. Good riddance? :P

Agent Marshall. For a double agent, you certainly made it extremely far. As a last request on behalf of Aries, in recognition of your service for the agency even before you turned away from what was right, we grant you the medal of Perseverance. Congratulations. We commend your ‘honour’.

Agent Mist, Agent Ryth, Agent Bored, Agent...fifth Nameless? Huh. Okay. As you had gone dark, we assumed you had went rogue and thus cut you off from the agency. If any of you are still alive, please come to claim your gift of alarm clocks to remind you of the urgency of time.  

Agent Lloyd, for being lynched on day one… uh. I’m at a loss. You...you get a participation trophy, yeah. :P

Finally, with the award ceremony over, they were treated to a celebration at the heart of the palace, where they rubbed shoulders with members of state.  Desmond was, as ever, incredibly drunk, continually going up to the bar and pulling his stupid line about shaking and stirring.  Yiferien stood beside him, slowly and thoughtfully taking pieces from a large bar of chocolate. Strider and Joe stood together, Strider casually joking about Joe’s accent with Joe returning the favour, joking about Strider’s age.  Arin sat on a table near them, tapping things into a small laptop he carried with him always.  It was finally over.


They had won.

Mi9 was idly texting on his phone when he felt someone’s gaze on him. Turning, he saw her watching him from behind the shadow of a pillar. Aries. Ah, yes. He had allowed her to slip away that day in the clearing, for old times’ sake. And now she was here. He didn’t bother to wonder how she had managed to get into Buckingham Palace of all places. She had always had her ways.


A simple call to one of the many security officers at the event would have gotten her arrested immediately. Instead, he cocked his head and walked over.


“You shouldn’t be here.”


She wore a teasing smirk and a pretty dress. She smelled good too. “No matter how many times you’ve said that, we both know you’ve never meant it.”


With that, she brought out a shining gold disc from her pocket, pinning it to his chest. With a smile and a teasing salute, she vanished into the shadows.

“Who was that?”

Mi9 turned to see Desmond, already more than a little tipsy. That was fortunate. He gave an easy smile, and steered Desmond back in the direction of the bar. “Nothing of importance. Go on, get a couple more drinks. They’re on the Queen, after all.”

Then he unpinned the medal from his chest, smirking slightly at the Gemini symbol engraved on it. Sliding it into his pocket, he made his way after Desmond to join the party.

The End.

GM thoughts coming later when it's not storming 3:30AM in the morning (Thanks Sheep :P)

Dear God I am exhausted :P

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