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Not sure if something like this has been posted before, but here it goes.


With all of the arrayed powers of the Cosmere at your fingertips, how would you use it to screw with co-workers, boss, classmates, or sports team?


My idea would be to use a reverse lashing at a baseball game to make every hit from the other team go out of bounds and every pitch miss.

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Scientists want to do a few experiments with gravity? Throw a few lashings their way and watch them squirm as objects fall to the ceiling.

Better yet: give just a few objects lashings in directions that are almost straight down.

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All the powers? I assume I would have a renewable source of Stormlight, Hallendren God King levels of Breath, and a source of atium and other metals for the Metallic Arts as you said that the powers are at my fingertips which wouldn't be true without them. Following that logic, I assume I have full knowledge/skill/use of Hemalurgy and the Selish arts of AonDor and Forgery. Also, Forgery and AonDor won't have their location dependency due to a hack that makes them work everywhere. I'm ignoring potential shardic powers pbecause I still want a physical presence.

Anyways, I wouldn't do anything petty or small time. With all the Surges (somehow keeping the separate oaths from interfering), full Allomancy, full Feruchemy, Hemalurgy, Forgery, AonDor, and the Tenth Heightening I would conquer Earth as I'm essentially the Lord Ruler, Susebron, a Knight Radiant of at least half the orders, Raoden, Shai, and a master Hemalurgist not yet seen all rolled into one person with less scruples.

I would start by creating a horde of Hemalurgy constructs (which would include awesome karate bears) to serve as my general forces/distractions. Then use the overpoweredness of fullborn compounding and all the other abilities to subjugate humanity. Once that is done, I'd set up friends, family, and acquaintances that I felt did me right before my virtual godhood as administrators of my domain.

After that, I'd gather those who have intentionally and maliciously hurt me and their loved ones. I would then use their loved ones to make spikes to shove into them. Once they're essentially Hemalurgist constructs I'd use emotional allomancy to essentially make them mildly hit themselves while I say "Stop hitting yourself."

Besides that I'd probably use a combination of feruchemical aluminum to store my identity, allomantic brass to make people care less if they notice me, and Lightweaving to escape notice of people only to shut it all off to surprise/startle people. Basically, mess around with my subjects like the malicious and capricious God-Emperor I would almost certainly be.

God, looking back at that... I'm a horrible person. A monster. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Edited by Knight Oblivion
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Use Lightweaving to set illusions that turn a typical office building into unpassable maze. Watch as people get lost and severely confused.


Lash a few objects in the classroom weakly "up", then observe classmates' confused reaction to their bags and other stuff slowly drifting towards the ceiling.


If we want to be really annoying, use F. iron and A. steel to cause small car crashes.


I'd totally put the teleportation Aon on doorknobs. Try to open the door, poof, your in the bathroom.


This. I like this. :D

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All the powers? I assume I would have a renewable source of Straight, Hallendren God King levels of Breath, and a source of atium and other metals for the Metallic Arts as you said that the powers are at my fingertips which wouldn't be true without them. Following that logic, I assume I have full knowledge/skill/use of Hemalurgy and the Selish arts of AonDor and Forgery. Also, Forgery and AonDor won't have their location dependency due to a hack that makes them work everywhere. I'm ignoring potential shardic powers pbecause I still want a physical presence.

Anyways, I wouldn't do anything petty or small time. With all the Surges (somehow keeping the sperm oaths from interfering), full Allomancy, full Feruchemy, Hemalurgy, Forgery, AonDor, and the Tenth Heightening I would conquer Earth as I'm essentially the Lord Ruler, Susebron, a Knight Radiant of at least half the orders, Raoden, Shai, and a master Hemalurgist not yet seen all rolled into one with less scruples.

I start by creating a horde of Hemalurgy constructs (which would include awesome karate bears) to serve as my general forces/distractions. Then use the overpoweredness of fullborn compounding and all the other abilities to subjugate humanity. Once that is done, I'd set up friends, family, and acquaintances that I felt did me right before my virtual godhood as administrators of my domain.

After that, I'd gather those who have intentionally and maliciously hurt me and their loved ones. I would then use their loved ones to make spikes to shove into them. Once they're essentially Hemalurgist constructs I'd use emotional allomancy to essentially make them mildly hit themselves while I say "Stop hitting yourself."

Besides that I'd probably use a combination of feruchemical aluminum to store my identity, allomantic brass to make people care less if they notice me, and Lightening to escape notice of people only to shut it all off to surprise/startle people. Basically, mess around with my subjects like the malicious and capricious God-Emperor I would almost certainly be.

God, looking back at that... I'm a horrible person. A monster. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

I think that's less messing with people and more world domination, that's a whole different thing. :P


As for me I'd just wait in the toilets and Soulcast everyones pants into solid gold. Then they can't pee but at least they now have a pair of pants worth several thousand dollars if they can take them off.

Or Awaken peoples shoelaces to tie together.

Or use Fabrials to levitate peoples beds in the middle of the night to freak them out.

Or, use Feruchemical steel, sneakily perform a sub-dermal implant operation on people, put a Fabrial in their fist then make them punch themselves in the face.

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What normal people would do:

    Win every event at the Olympics 

    Use bendalloy to get higher scores on a test

   Literally surf the clouds

    Save the world


What I'd do:

      Use steel and iron to mess with people as they walk by. Probably walk past them and say 'wake up' then put a bendalloy bubble around them and use lightweaving to make myself invisible... 

       Use cadmium to make a boring class go faster. Or zinc to make the class a lot more interesting.

       Use ten thousand Breaths to make me look epic at a party. 

        Make a stick that talks to me with said Breaths, then have conversations with said sticks at said parties.


    Although if I really wanted to have some fun I'd just Soulcast everything within a ten mile radius into metal and then call myself the 'SteelFace, Lord of Universe' 

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Awaken all the mannequins at the mall to "move when no one is looking".  Laugh as chaos ensues.

Make Awakened stone angel statues (Kalad's Phantoms) with the same command, only with the additional one of "Find Whovians"

Appear right next to someone, then just stand there while they try to process I'm there.

Write a poem about something like pond scum. Perform in front of group. Use emotional Allomancy to make them all get feels over pond scum.

Make everyone's chairs really squeaky with Forgery.

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  • 6 months later...

Emotional Allomancy to make people actually like my awful puns, but then when they think about it later, they are super embarrassed that they though it was so funny.

Buy a morgue to get access to cadavers, then make people's family revisit them from the grave in as freaky a way as I can come up with. Lifeless ftw!

Use lifesense to become the unsurprisable person. Also nice for infiltrations.

Steel Allomancy to fake suicide... repeatedly. Use Lightweaving to make it appear more realistic.

Some sort of Lightweaving fabrial to troll people with a 'bump in the night'... every night.

Forgery as a used car salesman. Nuff sed.

Iron and steel allomancy to remove fasteners on people's clothes and at the least embarass them, and potentially get them charged with public indecency.

Emotional Allomancy to make students despair during exams.

Make type IV bioentities that are totally useless, except to talk to people. Drive people insane and/or ruin their reputation by getting them to have voices in their head.

Lightweaving to make it appear that a deer jumped in front of cars, but don't actually cause any harm.

Soulcasting to easily perform otherwise impossible magic tricks.

Iron/steel to perform awesome feats with ball games. Incredible throw distance and precision as a quarterback or receiver, 100% shotrate in basketball, and unhittable pitches in baseball. Curling would be a complete joke as an Allomancer. Play with your opponent's sword when fencing. Push arrows in archery contests. The list here could be extremely long.

Feruchemy and surgebinding to play with an airless, frictionless room. Use Soulcasting to assume a spherical cow. Elsecalling to make Schrödinger's cat freaking disappear on experimenters. Soulcasting to mess with chemistry experiments.

That's what I came up with in just a few minutes... I guess I'm pretty scary sometimes.

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8 minutes ago, Djarskublar said:

Emotional Allomancy to make people actually like my awful puns, but then when they think about it later, they are super embarrassed that they though it was so funny.

Buy a morgue to get access to cadavers, then make people's family revisit them from the grave in as freaky a way as I can come up with. Lifeless ftw!

Use lifesense to become the unsurprisable person. Also nice for infiltrations.

Steel Allomancy to fake suicide... repeatedly. Use Lightweaving to make it appear more realistic.

Some sort of Lightweaving fabrial to troll people with a 'bump in the night'... every night.

Forgery as a used car salesman. Nuff sed.

Iron and steel allomancy to remove fasteners on people's clothes and at the least embarass them, and potentially get them charged with public indecency.

Emotional Allomancy to make students despair during exams.

Make type IV bioentities that are totally useless, except to talk to people. Drive people insane and/or ruin their reputation by getting them to have voices in their head.

Lightweaving to make it appear that a deer jumped in front of cars, but don't actually cause any harm.

Soulcasting to easily perform otherwise impossible magic tricks.

Iron/steel to perform awesome feats with ball games. Incredible throw distance and precision as a quarterback or receiver, 100% shotrate in basketball, and unhittable pitches in baseball. Curling would be a complete joke as an Allomancer. Play with your opponent's sword when fencing. Push arrows in archery contests. The list here could be extremely long.

Feruchemy and surgebinding to play with an airless, frictionless room. Use Soulcasting to assume a spherical cow. Elsecalling to make Schrödinger's cat freaking disappear on experimenters. Soulcasting to mess with chemistry experiments.

That's what I came up with in just a few minutes... I guess I'm pretty scary sometimes.

That's... um... kinda malicious. :P

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