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Maill, after the half-shard bounced from me, where would it have gone? Because Wilson is my current heir.

If you received a Half-Shard while already holding a different T1D item, the Half-Shard would go to your heir.

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Two things.


One, Mail, Twei canceled her vote on me last page when she said that she realized that I only had one item, the painrial.


Two, Nyali, why can't Kynedath have both the Shardplate and the Soulcaster? You said that due to some communication with Mail he said that wasn't a possibility? 


EDIT- on the pathway of Heirring Half-Shards. I get a painrial, and I give up the Half-Shard. My half-shard goes to Nyali, Twei, my heir, who already has a painrial, so it bounces to her heir Wilson. Wilson has Shardplate, so it bounces either to her heir, or to someone random if she in un-heired or her heir is dead. So that means that either Nyali is Wilson's heir, or Wilson's heir is dead. 


EDIT 2- Or I suppose, it could bounce some more. Wilson's heir bounces to someone to Nyali. Wilson, who is your Heir?


EDIT 3- Fixed Edit 1 by crossing out Nyali and putting Twei.

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Two things.


One, Mail, Twei canceled her vote on me last page when she said that she realized that I only had one item, the painrial.


Two, Nyali, why can't Kynedath have both the Shardplate and the Soulcaster? You said that due to some communication with Mail he said that wasn't a possibility? 


Because someone spied on Kynedath and found he only had the Shardplate. Since then, only two items changed hands openly, and I only know of one T1A item that changed hands covertly (and I know where it went). The two that changed hands openly are the Soulcaster that passed through me and was destroyed since my heir has one, and the Painrial which caused the Half-shard to bounce around before settling on me and being destroyed due to me having one already.


As far as I'm aware, the only way for Kynedath to have a Soulcaster is if someone handed him one, or chose to keep another T1A item instead of theirs. How many Soulcasters were in the game, 2 or 3? If 2, we know where both are (EDIT: one is destroyed, the other where it's been all game). If 3, I've totally lost track of the third one, but the scan of Kyne tells me he didn't have it (unless some T1A items were still bouncing around like the Half-shard did...)

Edited by Nyali
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If you received a Half-Shard while already holding a different T1D item, the Half-Shard would go to your heir.

What about if this would set up an infinite loop?


I'm asking because Wilson might not have attacked Nyali if she knew Nyali was getting a half-shard.



EDIT- on the pathway of Heirring Half-Shards. I get a painrial, and I give up the Half-Shard. My half-shard goes to Nyali, my heir, who already has a painrial, so it bounces to her heir Wilson. Wilson has Shardplate, so it bounces either to her heir, or to someone random if she in un-heired or her heir is dead. So that means that either Nyali is Wilson's heir, or Wilson's heir is dead.

...Now I'm confused. Nyali had a half-shard then (Burnt's), so wouldn't the new half-shard have been destroyed immediately?

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SIgh. I miswrote. Sorry. Let me repost it the way I meant to write it:




On the pathway of Heirring Half-Shards. I get a painrial, and I give up the Half-Shard. My half-shard goes to Nyali, Twei, my heir, who already has a painrial, so it bounces to her heir Wilson. Wilson has Shardplate, so it bounces either to her heir, or to someone random if she in un-heired or her heir is dead. So that means that either Nyali is Wilson's heir, or Wilson's heir is dead.



And as much as it pains me, Kynedath,  Wilson.


Why? Four things. 


One is the logic that Nyali used above. It doesn't seem like there's anyone left to have a Soulcaster to redirect your Shardblade kill. Either everyone's items are accounted for, or everyone's actions are accounted for. Except for Twei, but I agree with Nyali that she'd have to be playing a really really long game in order to be an Eliminator. 


Two is the fact that there wasn't a GB kill these past two nights. You said that your three actions were taken up last night. That makes sense. You guarded yourself (potentially against Stink), attacked Nyali (believing her to be undefended), and used your spanreed, apparently. So that's why there wasn't a GB kill last night. 


But what about Night 8? Why wasn't there a GB attack then? Easy. You told me why in our PMs. You told me that you planned to attack Kyne on Night 8 with your Shardblade, but you thought there was another 24 hours in the kill, and you forgot to submit your night actions.


Three is the meta-game. You and I used the meta-game to look at the distribution of experience among eliminators earlier in the game. 

We used this to argue that it was likely that Burnt (someone with a few games), and either Macen or Kyne were the remaining Eliminators. 


But since then, we learned that Alvron was an Eliminator. That makes the whole group of Eliminators (Alvron, Kasimir, Lopen, and Orlok), very experienced players who have played a multitutde of games with Mail. Perhaps, for Mail's last game for two years, he wanted ti put them all on a team to see what happened. It seems to me that the person that fits that group isn't Kynedath- it's you. 


Fourth is the admitted fact that this ties up the lynch so that there's a fifty-fifty chance of me making it out of here. :)


I really hope that Kyne's not the last Eliminator. But if he is, you can attack him with your Shardblade tonight, and he'll be gone, and we'll have won. But if we lynch him today, and he's not the last Eliminator, that just gets things closer for you.

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What about if this would set up an infinite loop?


I'm asking because Wilson might not have attacked Nyali if she knew Nyali was getting a half-shard.

If you rejected an item and it went to your heir and then the heir rejected it too and their heir is you, the item would disappear.

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If you rejected an item and it went to your heir and then the heir rejected it too and their heir is you, the item would disappear.

Then Wilson has been lying about her heir. Either she's been suspicious of me and changed her heir without my knowledge, or her heir was Alv so it went to someone random.

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Night 11: Turning Tides


Kenara stopped in her tracks. “What the storms?!” She yelled. Arisia had gathered the few remaining nobles and they had surrounded Kenara’s house, Arisia standing in front with her Shardblade in hand.


“Brightness Kenara, we have no other recourse but to take you,” Arisia said. “I would have rather been able to avoid this course of action, but we have no other choice. There’s not much left.” She bowed her head in sorrow.


Kenara began to panic. They were killing her? But why? Some of her best friends had been killed by the Ghostbloods. She herself had spent every waking moment hunting them. Every. Single. Minute. Storm these few that remained if they didn’t see it.


Kenara bolted into her house, locking the door behind her quickly. It wouldn’t hold. Not against a Shardblade. She only needed to delay them though.



Arisia walked through the doorway, having cut through the lock with her Blade. As she entered the house, she saw Shardplate the color of the tides. She had expected nothing less. Kenara was robed in the godly metal that nothing, save Shardblades could hold up to. This wouldn’t be a quick fight.


Her Blade rung out against Kenara’s own. Parry for parry, block for block, attack for attack, Arisia and Kenara were a perfect match. One hit there, one hit here. Each took a few blows and each delivered their own.


As the battle wore on, Arisia managed to break a piece of Kenara’s Shardplate. A chunk at her side fell to the ground, utterly useless. Kenara ran. She vanished into the sunset as the few nobles left tried to decide on their course of action for the night. Where were the last Ghostbloods?


Wilson was lynched, but did not die!



Wilson (5): Twei, Nyali, Zas, Macen, Kynedath


I'm...not entirely sure when this night will end. Plan on 48 hours. It will be at least that long.

Edited by Mailliw73
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So if we're going to go after Wilson, I think we need to try and hit her hard. She potentially has two kills, and so we need to hit her with everything we got.


And if anyone's worried about what a GB knowing what you have and targeting you for it, I think it might be a good idea if we set up actions for items we might receive from people we're not in communication with.

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Day 12: Fatal Miscalculation

Teialan never did get her numbers right. Working for the artifabrians, it was essential that, as an engineer, Teia got her numbers right. But, to the frustration of those above her, she never did. Sometimes it was a simple swap of the numbers, sometimes it was a brutal miscalculation.

Tonight, it was neither. Tonight, Teialan figured it out. She had it. She had cracked the equation for creating Shardblades! No artifabrian had ever managed to figure it out, leaving it as something reserved for the Stormfather. Teia had stuck it out, knowing there had to be an answer.

She rushed from her house, into the dead of night. Right. Regular people slept at this hour. Most lighteyes didn’t spend their nights on equations like Teialan did. No matter, she’d wait for a couple hours. It couldn’t hurt to get a few winks of sleep for once.

Teia walked back to her home, getting into bed when a figure appeared in the doorway. “I’m so sorry,” the figure choked out. “But no one can know this. The secrets of the Shards must stay secrets.” With that, the silhouette lunged, Shardblade appearing in its hand, plunging it through Teia’s chest as she spluttered out a final cry. Marks of death nonexistent, the killer left, sniffling as they took the papers with Teia’s calculations.

As the figure left her house, it whispered another apology and sent the papers fluttering into the wind, ready to be taken by the highstorm predicted for the next day.

Teialan was killed with a Shardblade! She was a Noble Spy! She had a Soulcaster, Painrial, and Emotion Bracelet.
Someone was attacked by the Ghostbloods and a Shardblade, but survived!

This turn will last for 48 hours. Edited by Mailliw73
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So we have something happening here.


First off, was the shardblade on Twei an attack through a Soulcaster redirect, or a direct attack? Wilson, I believe that was your Shardblade? Unless you passed it along to someone else. 


And I assume that it was either DC's missing Shardplate or Wilson's that was attacked. That included a GB attack, which.... doesn't make sense. If Wilson was a GB, why attack herself? If she's not, why would the GB try to "clear" Wilson by attacking her?


EDIT- And Stink, where was your Grandbow attack? 

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So, there is almost no way for Wilson to be the GB. I'm assuming she was attack by Nyali, and I pain knifed her. So, She couldn't have used her shardblade to kill twei, blocked with her armor, AND used the GB kill. I would have blocked one of the three actions. 

I could be miscounting here though. :)

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Kenara sat in the empty tavern, staring at the drink in front of her, and pondering on her failed existence. She'd come to this camp to do one thing--find her daughter's hand. Wilson had even helped put her on the right track by giving her a lead. Alv, that crazy whitespine salesmen who was most definitely more than he seemed.


But instead of looking for the arm, she'd gotten distracted. Well, recruited, actually. She still wasn't entirely sure how they'd pulled that off, but for whatever reason, instead of hunting Alv, she'd started working with him, and even though she'd only heard of the Ghostbloods by name before this whole thing and she still didn't know what they really stood for, she'd killed for them. She couldn't even say that it was for her daughter, since if that was the case, she would've killed Alv. Though she had considered killing Alv for a time. Probably would've been better for her if she had...


She sighed and stood up, kicking the pieces of her broken Plate to the side as she left the tavern. So much time spent there, planning, and now it was coming to an end. She'd tried to kill that Ace character last night--or whatever his name was. She hadn't taken the effort to learn anyone's name, since she hadn't anticipated sticking around for so long. The guy who spoke to his hammer.... Was his name Ace or did he call his hammer Ace? She couldn't remember...Anyway, she'd tried to kill him, but instead she'd hit herself. Useless. She couldn't even make a proper kill. Well, except for the Spy. That was a good kill, and one that was clearly not anticipated. And best of all, now she had the Soulcaster. Shame she wouldn't really be able to use it.


She headed towards the main part of the camp, where the last few members of the camp were gathered. As she walked up, Ace declared that she must be innocent. Her step faltered and she almost started laughing. Her Plate was the sole reason she was still alive, and she was grateful to both it and Kasim (or whatever his name was....) for giving it to her. It was only failing her now. Now, after everything else had failed her. Including herself. She'd failed Katara.


"Your Pain Knife never hit me. It bounced off my Plate. And yes, I assure you I most certainly did kill the Spy. I looked him right in the eyes as they were burned out." And she'd only felt a bit of sympathy. Did that say something about her? She was pretty sure she would've felt something....more....if she'd done that a month ago. What have the Ghostbloods done to me?! "The other kill was a massive failure, but you should really say your thanks to the Spy, for if he hadn't Soulcast me.....you'd be dead." She smiled, showing teeth.


She addressed the others there. "I know when I'm caught, and I know how to accept death with dignity. Do your worst." For it won't be nearly as bad as what I'll do to myself, she added mentally. She'd failed.



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