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17th Shard Forum Family

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*laugh track*

Welcome to the 17th Shard Forum family! Let's dream up a forum family!

The family:

Mistrunner, Honor Spren, Allomancy, RippleGylf, Mashadar-Quintuplets

Anamaximder- Slightly older brother

Kaymyth- Forum Mom, duh!

Twi- Cool Aunt

Kobold- Oldest sibling

Mr and Mrs Voidus- Other Aunt/Uncle, bakers

Babaji- Slightly weird cousin that shows up only at reunions

Chicken Plague- Pet bird who learned to talk

Scottleft- Older brother only seen through Facebook

Quiver- Brony brother

Patar365- Older cousin who shows up occasionly.

WayneStick-Weird Uncle who changed his name

Sunbird- geeky adult cousin

Carola- Little sister sitting in corner drawing

OstrichofEvil- baker cousin

Lark- Eccentric Artist

Curiosity- Friendly Mailman

Nashan Elin- Family Friend

Voidus Junior- Forum Baby

Slowswift- Strange brother in the attic.

Mestiv- Cousin outside the US

Kynedath-Just There

*laugh track*

Just say what part of the family you are, and you are in!

Edited by Curious Anamaximder
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*laugh track*

Welcome to the 17th Shard Forum family! Let's dream up a forum family!

The family:

Mistrunner, Honor Spren, Allomancy, RippleGylf- Quadruplets

Anamaximder- Slightly older brother

Kaymyth- Forum Mom, duh!

Twi- Cool Aunt

Kobold- Oldest sibling

Mr and Mrs Voidus- Other Aunt/Uncle, bakers

Babaji- Slightly weird cousin that shows up only at reunions

Chicken Plague: Pet bird who learned to talk

Scottleft- Older brother only seen through Facebook

Quiver- Brony brother

Patar365- Older cousin who shows up occasionly.

*laugh track*

Just say what part of the family you are, and you are in!

I want to be the weird uncle.

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You're the Forum Mom who is also High Priestess of the Church of Wayne? :ph34r:


I wear many hats.  Which is quite fitting, actually.  :lol:


She has way too much power. 


With great power comes great responsibility.  I am responsible and dependable and reliable and all sorts of other words that end in ibble.

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5 1/2 months until we can add Voidus jr. as the forum baby to the list.  :wub: 

I make no apologies for being one of those annoying people who keeps mentioning their child. I get to read cosmere novels to someone who isn't allowed to say no and I am excited darn it! :P

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5 1/2 months until we can add Voidus jr. as the forum baby to the list.  :wub: 

I make no apologies for being one of those annoying people who keeps mentioning their child. I get to read cosmere novels to someone who isn't allowed to say no and I am excited darn it! :P

that is genius! someone who was raised on cosmere? he shall be the most powerful sharder of them ALL!!!


*laugh track*

Edited by warriormark16
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