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LG17: Heronfall 

Sixty-seven years ago, Wyran Heron was born, and The Third World of Scadrial died.

Nine others were born later that same year. Whether planned by Harmony or not, or perhaps even lingering elements of The Set, ten children were born with great and terrible strengths, each both Allomantically and Feruchemically complete. With powers bordering on the divine, they carved the world up between them through feats of manipulation and cunning and strength. Ten Lord Rulers, with ten Final empires to rule; the Megacorporations of Scadrial.

Now the Megacorporations control almost everything. To keep the peace between them and maintain control, each holds a monopoly on some vital aspect of life - food, metals, and so on. Their power is so great that they are even considered to be sovereign countries in their own rights, with none willing to oppose them for fear of their lives being destroyed by the vindictive companies. Those who work for a Megacorp are guaranteed a safe and comfortable life within the family, 'from cradle to grave'. Those that do not, however, are cast to the wayside. They are the Skaa of the Fourth World.

But with great power comes great paranoia. Compounding is no longer a secret for the common people, and even Hemalurgy is known of in both the darkest and the brightest parts of the world. There is one thing they fear more than each other - That more of their kind would grow to oppose them, or worse, all the people of the world become gods like them. From this fear grew the Hemalurgically Identified Spirit System. The HISS was designed to track everyone unique via small computerised chips embedded in the skin, acting as spikes to observe and ensure that people did not engage in Hemalurgy. This was not the reason they gave, of course; HISSes are used for every aspect of daily life, including employment, banking and even accessing The Cognitive Matrix.

For one reason or another, you despise the Megacorporations enough to be HISSless, one of the forgotten people of the world. What is there for you to do but live in the underworld? But you have less savoury talents than most. You are employed as a Mistrunner, a person employed by the wealthy elite, other Mistrunners, or even sometimes other Megacorporations, for seedy purposes. In your time, you might have been a part of bodyguarding duties, 'retrieving' valuable goods, or even the dangerous task of breaking into and hacking Megacorporation assets. But like the Skaa Rebellion in the tales, you know that it is futile.

There are whispers of change on the wind, however. You have a new benefactor, Feis Yolen, a man whom it is rumoured belongs to the most secretive and powerful Mistrunner group in the world - The Seventeenth Shard. And he thinks big. By bringing together representatives from a large number of Mistrunner crews, he hopes to emulate the Survivor himself - Destabilise the establishment, and create a war between the Megacorporations. Then, while they're distracted, he wants to steal the atium that keeps them young and ensures their dominance over the world for many years to come. To that end, they must break into their secure facilities and steal data until they find the location they keep it and the location of the source.

But with so many teams in one place, it is inevitable that some will be compromised. The job cannot wait though. The longer it takes, the more likely that the Megacorporations will tighten their hold on the world and kill more Mistrunner crews. The risks are high, but the rewards are greater still.




The dingy bar that you are called to for this job is fairly standard for businesses in the underworld. It is dark and poorly lit (though possibly by choice rather than accident or necessity), and there is a lingering smell of strong alcohol in the room. Too strong, in fact. The smell is almost that of pure ethanol, and there is a very real sense that the building would not so much burn as caramelise if a fire broke out. There are no patrons here, or at least no actual ones. It is very obvious that all who are here before you are here for this job.


Behind the bar, and surveying the rest of the room with no concealed distaste, is a young woman. It is obvious that she would prefer to be anywhere else; her glares and the wrinkling of her nose at the smell say that much. The other evidence for this is that she is wearing a rather expensive suit, the sort that a higher ranking employee in a Megacorp might wear in order to be noticed. Whenever a drink is ordered, she takes great care when serving it to avoid marking her clothes, slowly filling the glass and placing it between her and her customer cautiously. The service might be poor, but it's quickly forgiven whenever she says that it is a free bar.


You take your drink with no small amount of amusement and thanks for the fact that you didn't have to pay for it, and sit with a few people you half-recognise but don't really know. People you have heard of, that you only really know by their Mistrunner handles, their descriptive nicknames. Surveying the room, you also note with some slight sadness that there are fewer of you than you would expect for a job like this. The Lone Shard crackdowns on Mistrunners seem to be having their effect.


Returning to your drink and the polite but anxious light conversation that is sprinkling through the room, your mind turns to the job at hand. Your new employer, Feis Yolen, wants to take down the Megacorps, entities that have existed for decades and only become stronger with each passing moment. How it will be done, if it can even be done at all, you have no idea. But at this point, you are past caring. You signed your crew onto this mission because you have a dream of a world without the tyranny of the Megacorporations, and you will go to any lengths to realise it. No matter the cost, you will be free - in this life, or the next.


General Rules
While the game for the most part runs as a standard Long Game, there is one important addition: Between the Day and Night Turns, there is also a Planning Turn, based on the Resistance deception game.

The Day Turn is the same as normal and lasts 48 hours. A vote will be taken and a player lynched, as usual. In the event of a tie, or of no player gathering two votes, no lynch will occur.

During the Planning Turn, one player is publicly chosen at random. That player must assemble a team from the living players and inform the GM of their choice in private via their game PM. The Planning Turn lasts 24 hours. If no team is chosen, then the planner is lynched for indecision. The planner does not have to go on the mission. While I will accept Night Actions during the Planning Turn, note that it could be invalidated by the choice of players on the mission, as actions cannot be used on players on the mission.

The Night Turn also lasts 24 hours, and for most people is the same as normal. At the start of the mission, the players on the mission will be publicly stated. Players who are on the mission cannot post in the thread, or use or be affected by actions. They must each message the GM via their game PM, informing them of whether they want the mission to succeed or not. If at least one player votes 'no', then the mission fails, and a random loyal crewmember on the mission dies. The players will be informed that the mission failed, but not how many 'no' votes there were, or how people voted. A Loyalist who does not message the GM will be treated as a failure vote, but they will be the one to die rather than one chosen at random. A Traitor who doesn't inform the GM is treated as a success vote. Check the thread to see if you're on the mission!

Traitorous crewmembers know the identity of their allies automatically, and share a Google doc to conspire on. Each Night, one of them may inform the GM of a player who is not on the mission that they wish to kill. If multiple players are chosen, then the first player who sent the PM will carry out the kill. The Eliminators win if they either outnumber the crew, or if the crew do not have enough players left to carry out a mission. The Eliminators lose if they all die.

Flavour-wise, unlike in previous games, your Roles are not based on your character's abilities - Your character may be completely separate from the specialisation of their crew, so feel free to pick whatever Allomantic and/or Feruchemical power you want for the sake of your RP. These Specialisations (as well as the Eliminator kill) cannot target people on the mission.

  • Communications Expert - Your crew is one of the best when it comes to making connections between people in the field. While there is still one Communications Specialist still alive, players may send PMs to each other during the Planning and Night Turns. No PMs may be sent during the Day Turn (as you're all in the bar together anyway, so you may be overheard). As a Night Action, you may also either send an anonymous message to another player through the GM, or send a message to the GM to post in the write-up. 
  • Medical Knowledge - Your crew has an extensive knowledge of healing and surgery thanks to its somewhat reckless past, and combined with the advancements 'procured' from Megacorp installations, you can patch anyone up almost instantly. As a Night Action, you may target yourself or another player and save them from death if they would die that Night.
  • Well-Connected - Your crew works best with people, manipulating and misdirecting them into thinking that they want to give you what you want without them ever realising. As a Night Action, you may target another player and... persuade them to see things your way the next day. That player's vote will change to be on another player of your choice. This choice is made during the Day. This change will be reflected in the number of votes in the writeup, but the player will still appear to have voted for their original choice.
  • Temporal Displacement - Your crew consists of many, many Pulsers and Sliders, able to subtly change the flow of time in miniscule ways around people here and there. You may target two players at once each Night Turn. The first will have his action copied onto the second in addition to any other targets it may have. They will be informed of this and the results of both their actions. If a kill is copied in this way, they will be written as separate events in the writeup.
  • Assassins - You're the best at what you do, and what you do isn't very nice. Death is a form of art for you, and you take it very seriously. Each Night, you may target any number of players and take out the key players in their Crew, killing that player. However, if you happen to target an innocent with these attacks, your action will be entirely negated. This attempt is a one-shot use. If you are an Eliminator, you instead get a one-shot kill.
  • Hackers - Your crew is good at sniffing out hidden information from the Cognitive Matrix, no matter where it may be or how many locked doors it is behind. Each Night, you may invade Heron IndustriesTM' computers in a targeted strike, and discover target player's Alignment. 
  • Data Gathering - Your people have so much information at your fingertips already, thanks to your plants in the Lone Shard police force and other spies. The problem is just finding it, which will take quite some time, even if you know what you're looking for. Each Night, you may discover target player's Specialisation.
  • False Trails - Your crew is extremely good at covering tracks - both its own, and those of others. Each Night Cycle, you can hide the Alignment and Role of yourself and/or another player during the next Cycle. This causes the target(s) to appear as Non-Specialist and Loyal. Unless stated otherwise by the player, you are assumed to be using this ability at Night on yourself.
  • Non-Specialist - You provide the brute force (or brute intelligence, whichever is required) for the job. While you may not provide a specific strength, your versatility allows you to contribute particularly well to missions.

Player List


  1. IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
  2. Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
  3. Mailliw73 - Miller Washington
  4. Hellscythe - Avis
  5. Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
  6. Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
  7. phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
  8. Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite.
  9. RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
  10. Elkanah - Lane - None of your business.
  11. Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer.
  12. Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name.
  13. TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
  14. Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword.
  15. Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra.
  16. Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder. (will be replaced when I have the R
  17. Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad.
  18. The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious
  19. luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early.
  20. LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner.
  21. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush.


The game will begin on Saturday 6th at 8PM GMT.

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Edited by Alvron
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DragonSight had entered the bar hours earlier. He had watched as nearly every seat in the establishment was being filled. People were slowly filing into the bar with weary and detached visages. They were all wary and nervous; they were ready to start killing their government. The bar keep had looked at him strangely when he had walked in. He had simply sit down without ordering drink. That was his way of operating, clean and completely capacitated. Drinking was one of the only things that he couldn't do. Anything else, killing, lying, stealing, betrayal, arson, treason, especially treason, he could and would do. But only if it suited him. There were traitors in the group gathering in front of him, he knew there were. He would find them eventually, but right now, he had bigger fish to fry.

The man beside him regarded him with a jovial look. "Hey Nate, you wa-"

At the mention of that name, DragonSight whipped around to glare at the offender.

"Never Call me Nate again! Rykor died two years ago, you should know that Rylin. What do you want?"

"Jeezes, nothing. Just trying to start a conversation."

"By the dissonance of the music man, this business is too important for petty small talk about your boots!"

The archaic curse was designed to confuse any who might out-maneuver him with their words, force them to slow down and think. It didn't happen with his second-in-command.

"How did you know I was going to talk about my boots?

"You just got them two days ago, what else are you going to talk about? Now go get yourself a drink or something."

With that, he burned some of his earlier ingested steel and pushed the chair away from him. The feet of the chair had been coated in metal so that they could be organised more efficiently by the staff. Rylin got up off the chair and walked to the bar, grumbling to himself about sleep and booze. DragonSight pulled the chair back to the table with a quick tug of iron. He was an anomaly. He was able to burn steel and iron, but nothing else. Several doctors had checked for hemalurgic spikes inside and outside his body, but had always found none. On top of what he could do with allomancy, he could store his wakefulness in bronze. He wore a pseudo-armor of aluminum and bronze. All it was is just thin, fitted plates of aluminum covering his chest and coming over his arms and legs, leaving gaps at his joints. It had bands of Bronze in the torso. True he was a bit less maneuvrable than he was, but he could fit clothes over top of it, and he looked more burly and muscled than he actually was. Other than his abilities and odd choice of outfit, he was just an unremarkable guy taking part in a rebellion.

I'l sign up as DragonSight please. He has a bit of a backstory, but you'll learn about it soon enough.

Edited by Kynedath
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DragonSight had entered the bar hours earlier. He had watched as nearly every seat in the establishment was being filled. People were slowly filing into the bar with weary and detached visages. They were all wary and nervous; they were ready to start killing their government. The bar keep had looked at him strangely when he had walked in. He had simply sit down without ordering drink. That was his way of operating, clean and completely capacitated. Drinking was one of the only things that he couldn't do. Anything else, killing, lying, stealing, betrayal, arson, treason, especially treason, he could and would do. But only if it suited him. There were traitors in the group gathering in front of him, he knew there were. He would find them eventually, but right now, he had bigger fish to fry.

The man beside him regarded him with a jovial look. "Hey Nate, you wa-"

At the mention of that name, DragonSight whipped around to glare at the offender.

"Never Call me Nate again! Rykor died two years ago, you should know that Rylin. What do you want?"

"Jeezes, nothing. Just trying to start a conversation."

"By the dissonance of the music man, this business is too important for petty small talk about your boots!"

The archaic curse was designed to confuse any who might out-maneuver him with their words, force them to slow down and think. It didn't happen with his second-in-command.

"How did you know I was going to talk about my boots?

"You just got them two days ago, what else are you going to talk about? Now go get yourself a drink or something."

With that, he burned some of his earlier ingested steel and pushed the chair away from him. The feet of the chair had been coated in metal so that they could be organised more efficiently by the staff. Rylin got up off the chair and walked to the bar, grumbling to himself about sleep and booze. DragonSight pulled the chair back to the table with a quick tug of iron. He was an anomaly. He was able to burn steel and iron, but nothing else. Several doctors had checked for hemalurgic spikes inside and outside his body, but had always found none. On top of what he could do with allomancy, he could store his wakefulness in bronze. He wore a pseudo-armor of aluminum and bronze. All it was is just thin, fitted plates of aluminum covering his chest and coming over his arms and legs, leaving gaps at his joints. It had bands of Bronze in the torso. True he was a bit less maneuvrable than he was, but he could fit clothes over top of it, and he looked more burly and muscled than he actually was. Other than his abilities and odd choice of outfit, he was just an unremarkable guy taking part in a rebellion.

I'l sign up as DragonSight please. He has a bit of a backstory, but you'll learn about it soon enough.

Accidental downvote, sorry. I loved the RP.

Also, I will need a spec doc.

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I'd like to join as Citona Vinid, a Allomantic bendalloy/Feruchemical zinc Twinborn. She just thinks incredibly quickly, and for the purposes of this game, I'm going to assume that storing while in a bendalloy bubble is relative to your sense of time, not the world's.

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Can I be Elbe, please?

I think this game I'll finally be the character I've wanted to be for a while, the PM-heavy one. I know that I can't PM during the day, but even so it's the loosest PM restrictions have been in while.

So, this character basically only talks in PMs. The equivalent character from my novel (not my RP character) is invisible to all but one person at any time. I will try to talk in thread about once a day cycle, but I'll keep those posts as brief as possible. It's also certainly possible (though I haven't decided yet) that I'll pick one other player who's not likely to go inactive halfway through, and only post once they've posted. (Mostly because of my novel, but also an interesting exercise.) I will let that player know in PMs, and pick someone else if necessary.

Obviously, this time I will be in character in PMs, unlike usual. That will be plenty of talking, and (theoretically) wittiness. I'm not very good at being funny, though, so we'll see how that goes.

Although I won't do much RP, for obvious reasons, I would appreciate suggestions on an appropriate Sanderson power. The only one I can think of is Duralumin Ferring, which is fine, but I feel like there's something better that I'm not thinking about.

See you in PMs!

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It's Shadowfall+Resistance. I'll take it.


My character will be Sam Flynn, a hacker extraordinaire. The game has changed.

*cough* You mean Shadowrun or Dragonfall.

I am really conflicted about whether to sign up but I'm just going to remove temptation for myself and request to be in on the spec doc as the penultimate-ish draft of my thesis is due at the end of this short month.

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Signing up as Niter, a kid with a whiteboard tablet and stylus. Going to try to copy what Elbereth's doing and play the game in-character this time. Niter's mute, and can only "talk" by writing on the whiteboard tablet, so I'm going to be more concise than usual, RP less, and overuse emoticons.


*deletes message*


No idea why Niter's the representative for his crew, but his brother probably has good reasons for it.


EDIT: updated character to reflect the level of technology

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