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Long Game 1: In the Wake of the Koloss


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Alright guys, this is half and half out of game here, but wow! This is getting really intense. It would be so cool if we "novelized" this game into a readable document with sentences to fill this out. I'm feeling this betrayal really personally.

Edited by bartbug
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I'm feeling this betrayal really personally.

You're not the only one. I seriously thought our group was clean. Although I will say that I'm extremely glad we brought Kurk in rather than Mat. That would've been a feather in the Spiked's cap we never would've lived down.

Gambles and Clancy: Maill actually was part of the group. Mat wasn't (if you couldn't tell from my comment above).

Personally, I think it's best if we go after Mat right now. Take out the one we know has to be Spiked. Plus, that'll give Beetle time to Seek out one of us that he hasn't already, and hopefully provide us with a target tomorrow. Or at least a 50/50 shot at guessing who to go after tomorrow.

May sound foolish, but I'm willing to trust anyone Beetle has Seeked. As of right now, that's pretty much just Gambles and Clancy. Please note, however, that I'm not asking for you guys to trust me in return. He hasn't Seeked me yet (I'd volunteer myself, but I think there's a higher priority target (Maill). Unless you guys really want me Seeked. Perfectly fine with that too).

Yeah, so. I think killing Mat today, and then Seeking either Maill, Darnam, or me tonight is our best bet.

Edited by little wilson
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I agree it would be best to wait to see the results of who Beetle seeks... but will he survive the night to tell?
The fact Beetle hasn't been killed yet is mind boggling to me, actually.
I'm pretty sure they were waiting for the 'grand betrayal' though first probably, and now that they took out their biggest fear - our coinshot - Beetle is next in line, now that his trust is no longer of use to them.

So Mat and Maill. I want to vote for the one in the group we're all pretty sure of, but I understand the suspicions of Mat and if everybody wants to kill him and start voting for him instead, I'll follow along.

We, the Villagers, need to be unanimous in our votes to ensure the Spiked get killed. We can't have any split decisions or close-calls. We can not allow the Spiked to kill even one more of us.


Edit: And when this is all done, that would be pretty cool to turn it into a short story or something fan-fiction.
I think that would be cool if some (or most) of us wrote complete narrative short stories and shared them from our character's point of views. We already each have a lot of good groundwork here in the thread.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Uh, Little Wilson? If the Spiked have infiltrated us, (which they have) then they know that I am the only target worth killing at this point, as Gambles so cleverly shows in his above post. Maill has shown himself to be tricky, and it's possible that they do not know the code, only he does. Our insider's death is of vital importance, also because we can get a whole host of information if we find that Maill is dead.

As for why I'm alive, I guess the Spiked wanted a schism of the votes. It's an excellent tactic, honestly. If the teams are evenly split, then they can add however many votes to whichever sides, all while looking very clean.

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Gambles and Clancy: Maill actually was part of the group. Mat wasn't (if you couldn't tell from my comment above).

Ah, right. So it was actually:

You, Beetle, Gambles, Kukri and Maill?

A pity it didn't really work out :(


Uh, Little Wilson? If the Spiked have infiltrated us, (which they have) then they know that I am the only target worth killing at this point, as Gambles so cleverly shows in his above post. Maill has shown himself to be tricky, and it's possible that they do not know the code, only he does. Our insider's death is of vital importance, also because we can get a whole host of information if we find that Maill is dead.

As for why I'm alive, I guess the Spiked wanted a schism of the votes. It's an excellent tactic, honestly. If the teams are evenly split, then they can add however many votes to whichever sides, all while looking very clean.

We seem to have been getting outwitted at every turn :angry:

We definitely need to band together on a single person. At the moment I think that the odds on Maill being spiked are slightly better than the odds of Mat being spiked (or they both could be of course) as a result I will vote for Maill now just in case I am not on later, I should be around for a while yet though.

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I guess I was just hoping that maybe they'd follow the same tactic and keep you alive like they had been, but of course they're not going to. Not only are they down one, they're down their Smoker. They have no protection.

And I agree Gambles. We need to be united. Your soothing will help if there's any division, but...we don't know what the Spiked still have. I think a part of me is really hoping that there are only two Spiked, since one of them ended up being the Mistborn. Wishful thinking, I know. I just don't want to go back to square one to figure out who's playing spy.

Basically, if everyone wants to go after Maill instead of Mat, I'm in. I'd prefer Mat, because he's surefire, but I get the strategy of saving him til later as well. Find the one (or two, heaven forbid) we don't know and then save him for last.

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Woah, I come back and all the suspicion is on me. I honestly swear(I would swear religiously, but that might offend some) on Brandon's life, my own life, every book Brandon has ever published and all Maill's shoes that I am a regular villager with no powers at all. I'd use Meta's pm but that's against the rules. We cannot afford to mess this up though, if we kill one more villager and there are three Spiked left, we will lose after this night.

I have no reason at all to be Spiked, even if I do know the code, that wouldn't help at all because I have no powers and so couldn't affect the Seeking or Coinshooting. I say we all vote Mat or maybe even Beetle. I have suspicions about Beetle just because there have to be more Spiked, but I vote Mat today.

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I honestly swear I am not a Spiked. If you want to actually Seek me this time, go ahead. I have no qualms about you Seeking me. I wasn't the first one to propose splitting our group, that was you, if I recall correctly. You have been proposed as a vote multiple times and you happen to be the one of our PM group who I said I never fully trusted. If you Seek me and decide not to kill me, I will believe you and work with you for the rest of the time. I propose that for now, we vote on someone, we all have suspicions about.

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It's either me or Maill, it seems... Ironic, that the vote swings to him right after I suggest he's innocent. Well, maybe not ironic per se... I've always had issues with knowing what's ironic. Someone help me out.


Anyway, my vote is on Maill.


This vote is crucial. Here's to hoping we're right.


If Maill IS Spiked, there's only one left, right?

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Ok, here's who's all alive still.


And Darnam has
been AFK from this game for too long. If he's not in it anymore... we're basically screwed. (Unless he's been a spiked hiding in the background, using his storm-off as cover to just listen and wait) ((Remote, slim chance.))

What's more is that there is also a small possibility that we weren't betrayed, and that the Spiked just hit Kurk by chance, he was one of the more vocal, stronger villagers and still a threat.
But as I said, I think we were infiltrated in the 'Circle' and that was used to draw the Coinshot out into the open. And with the Mistborn being spiked, there's not even a guarantee we can kill him even if he vote for them somehow. (Iron or Pewter)

We still have plenty of hours. I'm not sure where the vote lies at this point, I know it's heavy in Maill's favor.

But we need to think carefully before we proceed.

Let's use our time and really, really, figure this out.
(My vote is still for Maill at this point... but we need to be certain to go forward with this)


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Request to Meta: Can you please just PM Darnam and ask if he still wants to participate at all?

Edit: Unless anyone has new questions to ask me, I really am not going to be able to get on much before the end of the day so my defense is there, kill me and you will almost surely lose.

Edited by Mailliw73
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What's more is that there is also a small possibility that we weren't betrayed, and that the Spiked just hit Kurk by chance, he was one of the more vocal, stronger villagers and still a threat.

This is exactly what I'm worried about. We've killed so many on our side already, I don't want to go for someone I'm not certain is Spiked. Amd I'm not certain about Maill. We don't know how many Spiked there are and although we've gone through most of this game saying there's probably 3, maybe 4, there is a small, very remote, chance that there's only 2. The only reason they'd have a glimmer of a hope is because they had the Mistborn AND the Smoker. Is this scenario likely? Not really. But it IS a possibility. And if Mat's the last one, the game will end the second we kill him. If it doesn't then there's one more, and we'll be down another Villager, but they will also be down a Spiked. Less on their side. Which we need right now.

I'll cast my vote in the morning. I'm going to bed right now, but I'll check in here before I head to work. And I'll vote whichever way the majority still is. I'd feel most comfortable voting for Mat. But if, after discussion and thought, everyone still wants to go after Maill, I'll do it.

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Still saying we could use a 'snapped' villager misting right about now... Heh.

But seriously. I have been worrying more and more about the possibility of no betrayal. It does seem likely, but we need to start second guessing ourselves.

I still have to throw my full trust into who Beetle and who he all all seeked and cleared. Even if Beetle has been leading the best deception of all time (and I mean committing to it enough to call out and have one of his own killed - still a remote possibility) I have no choice but to continue on this course. I've placed the last of my chips on this bet, so to speak.

I highly doubt Beetle will survive the night. But maybe vote for Mat tonight?
(and then if there's a third spiked, which I'm sure there is (probably just a regular one) it's got to be Darnam.


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I need to head to bed now. I won't be back on till after the day ends. Maill's logic about us killing him making us lose the game unfortunately applies universally: If Mat is a villager and we kill him, we lose. If we kill anyone who is a villager, we lose.


So I just have to go by who I think is the most likely to be spiked, and that is still Maill. Sorry Maill, but my vote stands.


Goodnight all, and good luck :/

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It's impossible to be sure, since it's very hard to tell the difference between a Spiked and someone playing a villager very, very badly, but in my opinion the Spiked are Beetle, Clancy and Wilson.


If there were 4 Spiked to begin with, we lose the game in the next hour or so. We prolong the inevitable if there were only 3 or even 2 Spiked to begin with.


If I'm right, we're dead, end of story. If I'm wrong, our only hope is that I give you my vote. Maill.

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Aftermath (In the Wake of the Koloss)

Three deaths in the night were three too many for the remaining survivors. By the time they woke the next day, the Koloss had closed the distance. They weren’t attacking yet, but it seemed like it was only a matter of time. As the survivors stood on the wall, looking out at the monstrosities at their gate, a sense of despair fell over them. One by one, they left the wall and went their own way.

Gambles found himself at the freshly turned graves, bottle in hand. Surprisingly, he didn’t feel like drinking anymore. Perhaps if he had been sober more often, he could’ve stopped all this. He poured out the drink, a final show of respect to the dead and resolutely made his way to the meeting he knew would be taking place.

Maill tidied up his shop. Some might have laughed at him for it, but he took pride in his craft. A pair of well made shoes could last a person their entire life, taking them wherever they wanted to go. As he looked around his shop, he wished one of the pairs would take him away from this hell that they had found themselves in, but they all just sat on the shelves, pristine after his cleaning. With a heavy sigh, he left and locked up the store. It was almost time.

Wilson kept close to Beetle. It wasn’t clear if she was trying to protect him or if he was just a pillar of support for her within all the chaos. Besides, there weren’t any messages to run. She didn’t let herself think about how that was because there were so few people remaining, but the thought nagged at her anyways. Together they arrived at the square in the middle of town.

Darnam sat in his office. Ever since the town rejected his ideas, he’d kept himself apart. He didn’t want to be involved in their senseless slaughter. That didn’t stop him from hearing the cries, the pain, and the sorrow though. He fidgeted in his chair. As much as he hated their wanton, illogical violence, he found he just couldn’t let them go through it alone. Surprising even himself a little, he left his office to go to the meeting.

Clancy was already at the square as the remaining villagers started to arrive. He typically spent his days here. Most days he’d be telling stories, trying to bring joy and brief respite from the villagers worries. At least that was what he would tell others. Not that there were many people left to hear his tales anymore. He nodded to Mat as Mat wandered into the square in a way that only a wanderer could wander.

When everyone was finally gathered, Beetle found himself a pedestal and preached down to the waiting crowd. He ranted and raved as well as any priest, riling up the crowd. He jumped up and down. He waved his hands wildly. He shouted and called for a final purge. How one little street urchin had been risen so high, he never knew, but he used his position to instill fury into their hearts and then gave them a target: Maill.

With almost unerring precision, the entire crowd turned on Maill simultaneously. The grabbed him and started to drag him off towards one of the small parks where a pyre had been erected by unseen hands.

Only three people didn’t join in the push of the crowd.

As the mob pushed a screaming Maill towards his inevitable death, Beetle giggled.

“I can’t believe that worked!” He said, barely containing his laughter.

“You evidently have a gift for public speaking. Once we’re done here, perhaps I should train you in the ways of storytelling. It has to be better than living on the streets,” said Clancy.

“Yes, well while you two are busy patting each other on the back, some of us have work to do. I’ll go let them in. They should be fairly riled up by now. I’ll meet you at the designated spot, as planned. Oh, and don’t forget the couple bottles we stored away.”  With that, Mat dropped a coin and flew off towards the gate.

The slaughter lasted hours. It was getting close to evening, but the sky was still lit by the flames of burning buildings. Mat, Clancy and Beetle sat on the roof of Dyring’s inn, watching the world burn around them. They shared a drink and recounted their stories of their time in Tyrian’s Fall.

Clancy stood up and held his drink in the air. “For the glory of Ruin!”

“For the glory of Ruin!” exclaimed both Beetle and Mat.

At that moment, a crash came from behind them. Three Koloss had found the door to the roof and were now on the rooftop with them. They were some of the bigger ones, standing almost 8 ft tall. Their eyes were glazed over with a thirst for violence that could never be quenched.

The glass slipped through Clancy’s fingers, falling to the ground and shattering. Mat’s face grew paled.

Beetle fell to his knees and cried out, “Lord Ruin! We are your faithful servants! Save us!”

The Koloss rushed forward. Over the sounds of the mayhem, they heard a voice. It was only a whisper, but it seemed to cut through everything else.

“Everything has its time and place. Once it has passed its usefulness, it is time for it to return to Me. You have passed your usefulness.”

All was silent on the rooftop after the Koloss had finished. It was the silence of the grave.


The Spiked win!

…Well, sort of. Good game everyone! I doubt I need to list the remaining people’s allegiance and roles, but here they are, all the same.

Gambles was a
Wilson was a
Darnam was a
Clancy was a
Mat was a
Beetle was a

Day 4 Votes

Maill - 6 (Clancy, Gambles, Beetle, Wilson, Mat, Darnam)

Mat - 0 (Maill)

And here are the Google Docs to everything I used in the game:

Master Doc

Wake of the Koloss Spreadsheet

Mistborn Heaven

Ruin’s Guide to Destruction

We’ll start a new game soon. I’ll be doing a summary of it later on (probably tomorrow) and after that, I’ll be accepting players. Everyone is welcome to join, even if you’ve never played before! If we get a HUGE influx of players, I’ll be taking newcomers and those that died early in this game first.

Also, at this time, I’d like to start a GM list. If you’d like to try running one of these (and let me tell you, it is a blast!), feel free to speak up. The GM list will be first come, first served. Instead of having a huge list of possile GMs though, the list will be limited to 5 GMs. That way, if later on, you’re no longer interested or have something come up, we don’t have to keep waiting and going down a long list before we find a GM!

I’ll make any and all changes needed to the OP and we’ll go from there! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did! You all were so good at killing each other, even if it was only metaphorically! :)

Edited by Metacognition
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Sorry ppl, I´m weak. but.. I TOLD YOU SO!


Kill beetle! nuff said ;)


(thou I was wrong about clancy being spiked instead of Wilson, thou I was admittedly never sure there.)


And we ghosts have had fun sitting commenting on whats been done here, knowing who was what(after death, Meta gave us access to the spreadsheet:))


Thanks for the great fun anyway all but meta especially, love to join a second game:).

Edited by dyring
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This was awful. The game is only fun when played with intelligent people. In response to my logical debate, I was ridiculed and belittled, and when I tried to stand up for myself, I got shot down by the same moderator that allowed these bullies free rein. It makes me sad to know I can never hurt any of you the way this game has hurt me.


edit: P.S., Spiked, don't go gloating. The villagers handed you this game and you know it.

Edited by Darnam
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Phew, I can finally speak! As soon as the game started I regretted not joining, and it has been SO hard not to jump in and start accusing people! You stoopid villigers! (Just kidding, I wasn't paying enough attention to have done any better).


P.S. Can I be a Mistborn in the next game? :rolleyes: 

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Who says me and Weiry are OCD?


*Totally didn't just peruse the Ruin-sheet word-searching for the 123 entries of "ku"*


Some comments on your comments:



So far as my steel-trapping mind goes, 21 pages of arguments might be a bit much for me




Sorry I forgot about you being somewhat tangentially involved in that one RP group. :P


Also, I did give a way for the Grand Coalition to indicate roles, but in a later version of the code that Beetle didn't share on the Doc.

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