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I've realized a problem in running this game. As it currently stands, it will run over Thanksgiving Break for us in the US. Because of that, I likely won't have reliable internet from Tuesday night until Friday/Saturday. So, I have a dilemma, I'll leave it up to you guys how you want to solve it. 


Option 1: Begin the game on Monday as planned and pause the game after a cycle or two, to be resumed when I return.

Option 2: Begin the game Saturday, cutting signups a couple days short, and get a few more cycles in before we pause.

Option 3: Wait to start the game until next Friday/Saturday when I return.

Option 4: Begin Monday, and if a spectator desires, they can take over as GM for fourish cycles while I'm gone. This one requires the support of a spectator, and most of them declined to play because of time constraints, so until I get an offer, assume this to be implausible. 


What do you guys think?

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Alright, guys, we're going with option 4! Elbereth and Hael have graciously agreed to help me out for the weekend when I won't have great internet connection. So they'll be in all your role PMs to help me collect actions. We'll start on Monday and continue on. :) Thank Hael and Elbereth for not making you pause your game.

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The smell of fish drifted through the trading outpost as a young man climbed from a carriage. It didn't take him long to set up a stall, selling freshly caught fish.


Borter Clams, returning from the grave for another jaunt through Jeskeri territory.

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I've realized a problem in running this game. As it currently stands, it will run over Thanksgiving Break for us in the US. Because of that, I likely won't have reliable internet from Tuesday night until Friday/Saturday. So, I have a dilemma, I'll leave it up to you guys how you want to solve it. 


Option 1: Begin the game on Monday as planned and pause the game after a cycle or two, to be resumed when I return.

Option 2: Begin the game Saturday, cutting signups a couple days short, and get a few more cycles in before we pause.

Option 3: Wait to start the game until next Friday/Saturday when I return.

Option 4: Begin Monday, and if a spectator desires, they can take over as GM for fourish cycles while I'm gone. This one requires the support of a spectator, and most of them declined to play because of time constraints, so until I get an offer, assume this to be implausible. 


What do you guys think?


I say 2.

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I will be Seixa. After his faction finally lost its place at the head, he, as an arbiter, would probably be assassinated. He escaped and began to head back to Elantris, where he could continue as a Shu-Korath priest. Unfortunately, he was trapped in this way-station...

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Ostrich and Bort, Hael and Elbereth have offered to help me run the game for three days, so there won't be any break and the game will stil start on Monday.

Winter, sad to see you go. Good luck with real life.

Phatt and Shallan. I'll add you to the list.

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I haven't technically signed up for this game yet but I see that my name is on the players sheet so I guess I have to join now.

Claan will be in this game

I just wasn't sure if your post was you joining or not, that's why you have a question mark next to your name.

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I just wasn't sure if your post was you joining or not, that's why you have a question mark next to your name.

Yea I figured that was the case. I was planning on signing up anyway.


So close. :o  Almost thought Claincy signed up as his name last time was Caan. :)


Now if we could just get someone to sign up as Greggon, then we would be set. :P

Sorry for getting your hopes up :P  

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It was late into the afternoon by the time Merad neared the outpost. There was a storm brewing on the horizon and he had to run to stay ahead of it. 


He almost made it. By the time he burst through the door and threw it shut again, the storm was beginning to pick up speed. He stayed by the door as his eyes adjusted to the light. There were a surprisingly low number of people snowed in here, but there was more than enough to get at least him through the rest of the winter. He neared the counter and approached the owner. 


"I need sanctuary from the storm and some..." -he said as he looked the owner up and down- "food." 

He didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but with so many warm bodies around, he was optimistic that he would survive the winter. 


Edited by Metacognition
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