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If you were a rithmatist


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So if you were a rithmatist, what would you be like, what would be your name, what kind of powers would you have(when I say powers I mean the kind melody has), what would you look like, what would be your back story, what kind of chalkings would you draw, what would be your beliefs, basically if you were a rithmatist who would you be, also ps when you are answering humor is always accepted, but please try to be a little realistic, because I doubt they would have Pokemon chalkings

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

Just be good at everything (by that I mean moderately good at everything without being great at anything), but be able to do chalklings amazingly well, like Melody but actually good at drawing defences etc.Even if the opponent were good at drawing defences, you could just draw a Jordan defence and draw knights with shields and jousting poles so that they can defend themselves but also attack from a greater range than a spider/animal. Defending chalkling would also have this, so that they could do the same thing. Chalklings drawn to absorb attacks would carry wall so that they could also block attacks from chalklings. Then, as the match went on, I could draw a better defence during a wave that my opponent had trouble defending against, since they wouldn't be able to attack me. Thus, I would be able to win almost every match I'm in. During the Melee, it would be better to just start off with a good defence and start drawing chalklings without having to worry about my defence too much. This, again, would make me very hard to beat. Of course, an all-rounder like Fitch might be able to beat me...

Edited by Lord Bookworm
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  • 2 months later...

I'd be the guy who finds it easier to make a good nine-pointer than a six-pointer, because I know enough math for the construction.  (Making a nine-pointer can be done with just the ability to bisect arcs and find the point opposite a given point; six-pointers require trisection.)

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  • 1 month later...

I would have  spent a long time trying to find other patterns for that Silencing line, like one that absorbs light instead of sound, or amplifies it instead... Or something.

I'd be a Christian from Bonneville who believes that Rithmatics are just science that nobody understands yet, and totally unconnected to God.

Rithmatically, I'd specialize in lines of Vigor and Revocation and would be an expert on the angles they deflect at, and would try to figure out how to make a chalking that could deflect them. I would create my own defense, a combination of Eskridge and Taylor.

My special ability (if I had one) would be the ability to draw evenly and quickly, which would help with firing of quick lines of vigor and drawing a starting circle.

As for my name, I'm going to go with Kirk or something.

Edited by Sazedezas
Additional infromation and a typo.
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  • 1 year later...

I've already thought about my Rithmatic strategies, and I'm pretty sure I would be someone who creates a basic line of warding, then surrounded it in Lines of Forbidance. Then I would use a bind point to surround my shape in a giant chalkling, that would drag my line of warding around and assault other people, essentially making a mobile base from which I would fire off lines of Vigor and Revocation. That's about it for my strategy. My only interest in Rithmatic theory would be for battle, and I would have spent a long time in Nebrask.

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  1. I would practice art for the next year
  2. I would make the most intricate chalkling ever made
  3. I would attack a random village, then move on to another, terrorizing the country
  4. Then I would kill the chalkling, becoming a hero
  5. Then I would do it all again somewhere else
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I would make futuristic soldiers in powered armor and particle accelerator rifle. Sad thing, they would not shoot, they'd just bash each other with their rifles.

Also, I suck at drawing, so I would make a poor rithmatist. I'd stick with being a chemistry teacher.

Though now that I think about it, I have a few unruly classes that could use lines of silencing. And some kids who enjoy throwing objects while I am turned. I could box every student in a line of forbiddance and draw lines of silencing all around. Would be great.

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  • 4 months later...

I would be an unruly rithmatist that was somewhat a troublemaker in school, but is fascinated with the possibilities of lines of Forbodance.

I mean, it's a forcefield, imagine what you could do with it! Can I draw it on a chalkboard and swing it at people? What if I draw ascending flat lines on a wall, to make invisible stairs? What happens if I draw a line of forboding when something is above the line already? Will it be pushed away or cut in half? If I draw a line of forbodance on a stick and set down the stick, then if somebody pushes on the forcefield will the stick move? --Does force translate from the forcefield to the chalk to the material?

There are so many cool questions! I would be a scholar of sorts, but more focused on application than on theory.

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  • 2 months later...
On 4/1/2019 at 9:33 PM, Ammon Kunzler said:

I would be an unruly rithmatist that was somewhat a troublemaker in school, but is fascinated with the possibilities of lines of Forbodance.

I mean, it's a forcefield, imagine what you could do with it! Can I draw it on a chalkboard and swing it at people? What if I draw ascending flat lines on a wall, to make invisible stairs? What happens if I draw a line of forboding when something is above the line already? Will it be pushed away or cut in half? If I draw a line of forbodance on a stick and set down the stick, then if somebody pushes on the forcefield will the stick move? --Does force translate from the forcefield to the chalk to the material?

There are so many cool questions! I would be a scholar of sorts, but more focused on application than on theory.

So i think that LoF lock the object in place. I believe if you drew it on a chalk board. The boars would be locked in space-time by the LoF. 


Pretty much what im trying to say is the LoF is the anchor not the chalk board. Kinda like a the "Immovable Rod" from Dungeons and Dragons

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  • 1 month later...

Assuming I had to go into rithmatics in some way I'd likely be a scholar (as I'd be hopeless in a duel, my hands shake when I get nervous) looking into the origins and roots of rithmatics, researching new lines etc. Any chalklings I draw would probably be fairly basic, mostly dogs. Maybe I'd find a way for things like swords to function as chalklings or other inanimate objects.

Chances are I'd be like Melody in my attitude towards it but with a little more interest. At the risk of sounding like a child I didn't ask to be a rithmatist yet everyone things they know how my life should be just because I am.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I'm very late to the party, but I thought this was a fun question to answer. :D

If I were a Rithmatist, I would spend my time wondering why the Master chose me.  I passed all my math classes in school but retained very little, and I'm not naturally math-brained.  I also can't sketch anything more complicated than a star.  I wouldn't be very good at lines or at chalklings, and my battle reactions are subpar at best, if my experience with Overwatch is any indication.  Do you think there would be Rithmatists at Nebrask like me?  If aptitude at math, sketching, and thinking quickly are what make a good Rithmatist, but if Rithmatists are chosen at age 8 (before these characteristics would necessarily be evident), then clearly Rithmatists are chosen based on other criteria.  This forum speculates on the question of "other criteria" at length, so I won't go into it, but it does make me think that there would be some Rithmatists at Nebrask who only survive because of their intense training, not because they're naturally talented at any of the components.  I'd like to meet someone like that in book 2!

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  • 1 year later...

If I were a rithmatist, I would make chalklings with incredibly precise instructions that involve input in making decisions, and would allow for the reshaping of the chalking akin to wild chalklings. Additionally, I would test using multiple colors of chalk to see if coloring a chalking makes it stronger than lines, as it would be more detailed. Also, I would use chalk that's extra thick for most things, but extra thin for warding lines.

I would definitely try to create more warding defenses, for more specialized application, such as a retreat, and create guidelines on permanent defense incase of attack where you just trace the forbiddance lines (or they are incredibly thin)

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  • 2 months later...

If I were a Rithmatist. I would be a master of the chalklings (even to the degree of Melody and her ability to just tell them what to do) and decent at lines of warding and forbiddance but not so good at vigor or revocation.

I would draw defensive carnivorous plants around my defenses and then draw a bunch of insects that get sent out to attack. (if I could I would draw Pokemon chalklings as well but...)

My name would be Lazarus.

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  • 8 months later...

I would be okay at drawing circles and would be limited in my ability to draw chalkings, but I would be amazing at the lines of vigor and revocations. I would be able to bounce them off each other and hit the weak points of other people's circles. 

I would draw kind of just the average chalking, like a snake or a blob monster for defense. I would have one very powerful chalking that is used to bring my phone from across the room (but not much use in a battle).

I would not believe that Rithmatists were connected to God, I would hate studying. I would fall asleep in class but always be able to answer a question from the teacher.

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