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defense designs


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I noticed that while it is impossible to draw a line of forbidance it is possible to draw a line of forbidance behind a line of forbidance. Right? :) (tell me if I'm wrong)





I also noticed that the biggest weakness with the lines of forbiddance is the where they meet to form a corner


So if I was going to be trapped by Edit (Wild) chalklings but had a while before they got to me, this is the defense I would do. What do you guys think? It wouldn't allow for any offense.. but then again offense against chalkings isn't very effective unless you aren't the only person fighting. Do you guys have any interesting chalk defenses that you have kept pent up inside? :D I'd love to see some epic chalk ninja ideas!
...hmmm lets add cat to that. Epic Catchalkinja. cat-chalk-inja. :ph34r:

Cats seem to be like bacon. they go with everything. :lol:






(click on the images to make them bigger)

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I am actually not sure this is all that effective. At least not much better than just a bunch of lines behind one another. The corners still feel weird, though yours are stronger than the sides - but only because you've drawn a ton of diagonal lines. You also have those V-shapes I am not at all convinced are doing you any good - their sharp pivot points sounds like an excellent attack point. 

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I think that it would be effective in only certain situations. The reason I would choose this as a defense against wild chalklings is because I think it would last longer than a circle defense. if offense won't do you much good then abondon it for a stonger defense. Your right about the V things though, they are a little random and acutally make the whole structure weaker. I would never use this in a tournament. This is something I would use if I was alone at nebrask. I just think it would last a lot longer than most other defenses. this is a rather pathetic design if you were going to use it in a one on one battle or other competitions. this would only be a defense against willd chalklings

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What you could do with a defense like that is use the extra time to draw a bunch of thumping good chalklings to defend you when the attacker gets through.  The rub with that of course is that you don't have any bindpoints.  Also, such a defense would be very time consuming to draw.  Remember what's his bucket in the book did a similar defense and bought it in the end.  If you had enough time to draw all that out, it seems like there would have been better ways to use that time.

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It seems to me that if you're going that elaborate in your defenses, then you're merely buying time.  Playing pure defense means that you'll never defeat the other side.  You'll merely slow down the rate at which they reach you.  Sooner or later they *will* get through.


There's a parallel here with modern military static defenses.  Mine fields, barbed wire, and other positional defenses are great at slowing an enemy down.  But that's all that they'll do.  Instead, military planners use them to channel enemy forces into following certain preferred paths.  And they *always* make sure that such defenses are covered by actual weapons in some fashion.  Otherwise there's nothing to stop the enemy from coming through - just more slowly than they would otherwise.


In many ways, the open path drawn during the final confrontation in the dorm is just as effective as the squares above.  Yes, the chalklings can get through.  But by forcing the chalklings to repeatedly go out of their way to reach their targets, you slow them down - just as is done with the multiple squares above.  And you don't end up trapping yourself inside as is the case with the typical defense.

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I'd go with Shardlet or Junior's ideas, either keep a bunch of chaklings somewhere in the design or else alter it to force them down a certain path and then just bombard them with either your own chaklings or else lines of vigor, that way you'd actually destroy some of the enemy chalkings and could potentially hold them off for much longer.

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I have just reread Rithmatist, and had a crazy idea: if one can control the chalkling's movements while in contact with it (that was never outright stated, but it might be possible, given that one dismisses the line my touching it with chalk and willing it away), and the chalkling can push and pull stuff (and is strong enough to wind a spring that propels a whole train) - one may be able to draw a chalking that would then crawl onto Rithmatist and serve as a power suit, in a way. Then, while your opponent still doesn't have any lines of forbiddance up, you jump over his circle (it admits humans going over it) and hit your opponent in the face. Also, maybe learn how to become a regenerating chalkling yourself, for lots of awesomeness :) (not directly relating to a duel).

Granted, this possibilities are not very good against Forgotten.

As for more normal defenses, I am not sure. Lines of Forbiddance are good if you are just stalling for time, or can't draw a straight circle (due to, say, being nervous upon seeing a horde of bloodthirsty chalklings going your way) I am also wondering, if your chalkling is pushing your chalk, does it count as you drawing?

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I don't think we have seen any chalkings with the ability to fire projectiles of any sort, but if this were possible, I would totally go tower defense mode. They seem to like taking an open route when they can find it. If you maze the path just right, you could buy yourself enough time to eliminate them.


EDIT: Here's where I remember that LoF are solid... okay, maybe use LoW instead? Hmm. Okay just build your path and send hordes of your own chalkings after them!

Edited by Turos Stoneward
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