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Shadows of Self Chapter 4


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As with Alloy, I'm enjoying all the allusions in place/house names to the original trilogy. The name "Covingtar" (Wax thinks of it briefly as the location of Pathian gardens) stuck out to me as something that I ought to recognize as a derivative of a previous name. Am I imagining things, or can someone remember a similar word from before?

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TenSoon was at least smart enough to quit before people started getting suspicious.

So, is Flog the steelrunner? He does apparently like to avoid the mist, which is slightly suspicious if he's connected to a group that might be connected to hemalurgy.

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So, let's suppose that the Set is in fact using Hemalurgy to make a new mistborn.  This raises a few fairly disturbing points:


 * Someone taught the Set enough to make a Hemalurgic construct.  This is highly nontrivial, as described in HoA, unless they are going to simply duplicate a Steel Inquisitor.  If the magic is so complicated that it takes Shard-level cognition to understand it fully, and we assume Sazed isn't behind this, we must then ask how the Set learned.


 * A powerful Soother/Rioter could take control of someone with enough spikes, meaning that the question of loyalty is moot.


 * What happens if a spiked person has children?  If I recall, spiritual DNA has its own hereditary rules, meaning that this could be a somewhat more involved scheme.


Lastly, I also have to wonder why the next book deals with the Lord Ruler's atiumminds.  It seems a bit in contrast with the current plot, except that atium is the wonder spike.

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Lastly, I also have to wonder why the next book deals with the Lord Ruler's atiumminds.  It seems a bit in contrast with the current plot, except that atium is the wonder spike.


This has always been an assumption on our part. Could be something else entirely.


As for the hereditary rules of Hemalurgy, I could've sworn there was a WoB somewhere, but I can't find it...

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As for the hereditary rules of Hemalurgy, I could've sworn there was a WoB somewhere, but I can't find it...


Here is the quote natc referenced. It's the only WoB I'm aware of:



You've said that Inquisitors could have children. Would those children have a better chance at being Allomancers compared to if they had the kids before they were Inquisitors?


Yes, but there also could be...complications.

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