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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Wilkins sat while the others voted on whether it was time to kill Hal. He had been the first to cast his vote. While the others made up their minds, he began


“There, out in the darkness

A fugitive running

Fallen from Honor

Fallen from grace

Kiireon be my witness

I never shall yield

Till we come face to face

Till we come face to face

He knows his way in the dark

Mine is the way that brings life

Those who follow the path of all Hatred

Shall have their reward

And as he falls as Jain did fall

The flames

The sword…”


He was broken out of his reverie by Hoid. “We’ve reached a decision. We kill him today.”



Hal sat on Odium’s throne on Braize. He knew what was coming. May as well meet his end with pride, still in control. He had finished penning a letter to Clan Heatherlocke, detailing his side of the events happening across the Cosmere at present. That is what they did, after all. Keep History. Only this time, he’d become part of history. He didn’t want his story to be misrepresented. There would have to be a reckoning for the injustice done by Wilkins. As he waited in an usual state of serenity for the delegation of Shards to arrive, he began to

, before adding some words.


“Take my Hate, take my Shard, break away the dark facade. I don’t care, I’m still free, you can’t take the sky from me.” As he sung the words, he suddenly knew how he should go.


“Take me out to the black, tell ‘em I ain’t coming back.” He’d picked up a few tricks throughout his travels. Death did not have to the end.


“Burn me up where all can see, you can’t take the sky from me.”

He had seen the presence of the deceased remain to further affect the world they had just left.


At that moment, there were a series of pops as the forms of the five Shardbearers materialized in his throne room. Hal stood.


“Welcome to my humble abode.” He bowed a deep flourishing bow.


“You know why we’re here. What is about to happen.” Wilkin’s voice was guarded.

Hal smiled, moving forward to lean over the podium that stood between him and his foes. “I know what you expect to achieve here.” He took a step back.


He suddenly gathered his power in towards him, before letting it explode out of him, pushing his would be executioners back a few meters. His arms held out to the sides, he held the energy as a barrier between them. Letting out one final grin, he sung out a few last words. “There’s no place I can’t be, since I’ve found serenity.”


While the last word rang clear through the room, he took the energy barrier, forming it into red lances. Honor threw up a shield around the group of Shards, thinking it was another attack. But rather than propelling the spears at his foes, he instead let them shoot towards himself. The energy pierced right through him, destroying the man that had been the Lord of Hate. The room exploded with light.



Wilkin surveyed the ruined scene that had been Odium’s throne room. Where Hal had last stood, there was now a large crater. There was no body to be found, nor a Shard. He figured it had gone to one of Hal’s compatriots, one of Odium’s Champions. No matter. Odium will not remain unfound. After one final glance, he stepped into Shadesmar. There is more work to be done.



Hal watched as Wilkin disappeared. He hoped that by taking his own life, that perhaps Wilkin would resent the fact, not having been able to land the final blow. Hal would have to make sure that Wilkin found out that Hal was still around. He grinned.  “But you can’t take the sky from me!  He whispered the last line of the song. Now he could watch, and maybe meddle somewhat, and this time, Wilkin would not be watching for him.


Haelbarde was Odium! He provided the writeup BTW.



Paranoid King(3): Kipper, Mailliw, Haelbarde

Hael(5): Wilson, Seonid, Nicoco, Honey, Dowanx

Phat(1): Clanky


Player List:

  1. (IrulelikeSTINK) Leyton

  2. (LittleWilson) Wilkin

  3. (Mailliw73) Maw

  4. (Shallan) Nacoti Diniv

  5. (RavenRadiant7) Nyra

  6. (Kipper) Stick

  7. (Clanky) Clink Jr.

  8. (Paranoid Emperor) Maliss

  9. (Nicocoberru) Coco

  10. (The Honey Badger) Eon Begherd

  11. (Seonid) Sheon Idris

  12. (Dowanx) Dow

  13. (TheMightyLopen) Chilinko

  14. (Phattemer) DanStar

  15. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin


  1. (Winter Cloud) Ruin

  2. (OrlokTsubodai) Devotion

  3. (Phattemer) Poisoner

  4. (Araris Valerian) WorldHopper

  5. (Alvom Halbin) Lifeless Operator

  6. (OstrichofEvil) Worldhopper

  7. (Alvron) Dominion

  8. (Eolhondras) Champion

  9. (Macen) Dominion

  10. (Quiver) Endowment

  11. (Antillar Maximus) Awakener, Ruin

  12. (Haelbarde) Odium




Edited by The Only Joe
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I have no idea when this game became Les Miserables but I am so glad it did. That rap battle was AWESOME. Heck I was listening to the songs while reading it!


Joe started it in signups. If you look through the tags in the main thread, a couple of them are "Another day" "another destiny" "this neverending game" and I saw them and so I finished the stanza and the rest is history. :)

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Great write up, Joe. Can't take the sky from me, eh? Sounds familiar. On a completely different topic, I'm glad Hael found the serenity.

Where is he now, off on another world, catching fireflies?


Back on topic, now that the MR is finished, I'll be paying more attention to this game. I'll see if I can pin down who I think the innocents are, and then you guys can vote for them. (Because every one of my suspected conspirators was innocent last game and half of my suspected innocents were guilty. :P)

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Awesome Wilson we have a solid lead on another one then.  If that person is an OC that means there is probably only one after bloodsealer's death.


Would the last person automatically get Odium's shard?  If so then finding the player with shard investing or a new endowment shouldn't be too difficult.

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RP time!

Sheon Idris stood on the edge of the cliff, frowning. Around him, the Shattered Plains stretched into the distance. He eyed the far-off speck that was the war-camp of Dalinar Kholin. At least the scheme to assassinate the brightlord had failed.

He laughed as he remembered the rumors about his own death that had circulated the camp. "Fainted when confronted with a Shardblade!" Nobody had seen him since. They probably assumed he had been one of the casualties. As if he, Sheon Idris, King of Arelon and trained Jindo warrior, would have been afraid of a mere shardbearer. Even if he had been living as a grocer in Arelon before that...

But it fit the persona he had been cultivating there - bookish, timid, analytical but easily startled. Yes, the Sheon they knew in the warcamps might well have done something like that.

He tossed a pinch of dust in the air, watching as it molded itself into the figure of a skinny man falling to the ground. A little Lightweaving had been more than convincing enough, and it saved him from the awkwardness of having to explain why the Shardblade completely failed to kill him. And it has saved him the Investiture it would have cost to heal from that wound.

He turned again to look at the warcamp. His work wasn't done here, yet, but he would have to take a brief hiatus. This business with Odium was far more pressing.

He would have to come back, though. But how? Being a noble had been fine, but rather boring, honestly. Almost as bad as being a grocer in Arelon had been. The King's Wit, though, now there was a job worthy of his talents. He'd have to pull some strings when he came back to the camp.

Smiling to himself, satisfied, he took a step off of the cliff and vanished. Cold frost crystallized where he had been.

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Day Eight: Plans within plans.


The other Shards had decided that there was nothing much more that they could do that night. They figured that Odium would come for them anyway. Honor accompanied Wilkin back to his home, Investing in the place to protect from intrusion. Wish Wilkin a good night, Honor departed, leaving Wilkin to get some rest. He poured himself a cup of hot chocolate to calm his nerves, before eventually heading off to bed. Sleep came quickly.


The silence in the dead of night was shattered with an explosion that rocked the house. Wilkin rolled out of bed, knife at the ready, immediately wide awake. The glowing sigil that signaled Honor’s protection was presented faded in front of his eyes, returning the room to darkness. He held his breath, listening. He could hear some muttered words from outside his door. Wilkin moved quickly and quietly to the door. He could hear his attacker (or attackers. He could quite tell yet) fumbling with something. Taking a moment to prepare himself, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he laid his hand on the door handle, about to rush out and surprise whoever was out there.


A sword burst through the door, splitting through wood and clothes and flesh as if it were butter. He gasped and shoved himself backwards, sliding off the blade. Investiture flowed through his veins as the skin started to reknit. The door burst open, and a figure wreathed in smoke and cloud strode through the door. It closed the distance to him in a matter of seconds, slamming him back into the wall. The figure’s face, hidden behind a sheet of smoke, seemed to morph into a macabre grin. “Surprise!” Smokey confetti exploded from behind the figure. “Hal was right about how fun it is to give you a good fright! He left a message by the way. Before he went, he says to me “Now, remind Wilkins that I forgive him, okay?” He seemed to think you’d want to here that. Or you wouldn’t. I couldn’t quite tell. Well Wilkin? Any last words?”


Wilkin grinned back. “You should've learned from Second’s mistake. Don’t play with me, just kill me quickly.”


The figure raised one smokey eyebrow, before being yanked violently backwards by a grey arm. The Lifeless corpse of Araris Valerian threw the figure through the wall, and jumped down after it, giving Wilkin time to grab his emergency bag and make a run for it. The lifeless wouldn’t survive, but it had served it’s purpose. He hoped this new holder of Odium was stupid enough to engage the lifeless in a sword fight. If he did, he wagered the lifeless would have a fair chance of victory.


The next morning, Wilkin returned to the scene of the attack, this time with backup in case his attacker was still there. They found the body of Araris propped against a fence, with a sword skewered through him. He was a corpse for the second time. The scene showed that a fight had taken place, with a couple areas where there were drips of blood. It seemed the lifeless had indeed managed to engage the Lord of Hate in single combat, and had even managed to draw blood. Wilkin’s reflected on how lucky he was. Alvom, instead of Commanding his lifeless to to defend him from the crowd, had instead Commanded it to protect him. And it had done so gloriously this day. He resolved to see that Araris was given honor for his service both in life and in death. He would see this new Odium brought to justice for his crimes.



Wilson was attacked! She survived.

Wilson was attacked! She was saved by a Lifeless.



Players are no longer restricted to one action per turn. If they have multiple actions that can be used, up to three of them may be used on a turn.

EDIT: Haelbarde decided to Embellish the writeup. Go shower one of his posts with Upvotes pls.
Edited by The Only Joe
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Simply put, A couple of cycles ago, I accidentally allowed a few players to take multiple actions at night, and only just now realized that it was against the rules. As I can't go back and stop those actions without drastically changing the game, I simply have to let everyone make multiple actions. (After spending an hour trawling through every single PM to make sure anyone else with Two Abilities, couldn't have changed the game too much had they been able to use them both.)


So the situation was covered, but I accidentally uncovered it.

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