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Your Cosmere OTP (spoilers)

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So Chaos posted a "what character would you date" thread. I'm here to ask the obvious follow-up question: what Cosmere characters do you want to be dating? 


For those not involved in shipping circles: an "OTP" would be a "one true pairing," or two characters that you think would be perfect for each other. (There are also things like OT3s and OT4s and such if that's your cup of tea). Cute shippy names are always nice as well, like the best canon ship: Vinlend. 


Feel free to talk about canon couples of course (Vinlend, Siri/Susebron, Raoden/Sarene, etc.) but the funnest ships are the ones that aren't canon! Crack ships are also welcome!


So my favorite non-canon ship? Shallarin! Shallan and Renarin would make such a cute couple in my opinion! Especially if they go and flip gender roles and shock the Vorin world. Shardbearer!Shallan and Artifabrian!Renarin? YES PLEASE!


My favorite crack ship? Vin/Human! 

otp_bby_by_chicaaaaa-d5cjfvd.png(Source: http://chicaaaaa.deviantart.com/art/otp-bby-323393305)


So perfect.

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  • 3 months later...

Revival! As I told you Feather, you have thoroughly persuaded me to the Shallarin side.

Sorry, Kurk! but I'm going to keep this going. ;)

Waynette: just for the humor factor. (By the way if you didn't get that it's Wayne+Ranette)

Dalinavani: they are awesome together.

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Dalinavani is pretty amazing, though I've heard people trying to expand it into an OT3... Dalianr/Navani/Eshonai. I believe the current name for that little ship is "The Three-Way of Kings." Which amuses me to no end, though I don't ship it.


Waynette might run into some canon orientation issues, but not that that's ever stopped anyone from shipping anything ever. 

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Wax and Steris.


And despite the age difference, does it seem to anyone else like Vivenna/Vasher might end up being a thing?


And to a lesser degree, Wayne and Marasi.  Wax and Wayne could literally become brothers-in-law.


There's Eshonai/Dalinar/Navani shipping. That sounds fun and I see how we could get there from the Eshonai WoR chapter.

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Spook and Beldre. I don't think it's confirmed anywhere that they ended up married. (Feel free to prove me wrong) I want Spook to have a happy end with Beldre.

Also, I just realized this, *gasp *jaw-drop *mind=blown if you ship Lightsong and Blushweaver, you get: Lightweaver! Yet another form of the word. (this is the third) :)

Edited by Mailliw73
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I'm totally for Wayne and Marasi. When she stops refraining herself from giving him a punch or two for his stupid "couldn't help myself". They'll hit it. Hope to see that. Wayne's not that bad. And his relation with Ranette is weird.


Then there's SHallan/Kaladin+Syl. Might be funny

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Vinlend is my OTP in general, but I don't oppose the many other Vin and Elend ships, such as VinSoon, Vin/Valette, Vinsier, Huvin, Vispook, VinShan, and Elend/The koloss who supposedly ate his horse but didn't actually. I do vehemently oppose any interaction between Vin and that poser Zane, however.


Also, for non-canon ships, I have a thing for Jasnah/Szeth, although meeting the parents might cause some complications in their relationship.

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...I vehemently support the Shallarin ship. The fact that they're both already breaking, though maybe not deliberately, gender rolls and how they would be able to mutually support each other, makes them my OTP.

...this concludes my test.

Edit: Feather failed to upvote this post. My test was a failure. I hearby renounce any loyalty or allegiance to the Shallarin ship.

Edit: I am back on the Shallarin ship.

Well...I suppose that technically I'm more on the Alaxel/Feather's Shallarin Fanfic ship.

Edited by Alaxel
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Good choice! I think Feather would agree. :) I say all Shallarin shippers should unite and put it in their sig. (Well, I guess it's up to you, but it'd be really cool ;) (and I started it :) ))

Edit: Or if someone made a fancy looking graphic, that'd be sweet too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, I missed the notification that this thread had updated! I just came back here to see if I could resurrect this one (so that we can move off the more... contentious thread) and saw that there were more replies! Trust me, there is now an upvote for the Shallarin shipping from me! That always gets love out of me.

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I think we can rule out Jezrien and Taln. Or Nalan and Taln. Or pretty much every one of them and Taln.

That's actually really difficult with Taln. I've been thinking a lot about him these past few days. The thing I think that is most important to understand about him is that it is absolutely, fundamentally impossible for any of us to comprehend the extent of his suffering. Not only does information in the prologue suggest that they experience tortures so severe that it would mean death for a mortal, but he experiences them constantly and can't look forward to the release of death. To make it truly brutal, he has been tortured in the manner for nearly five thousand years.

Have any of you been forced, for one reason or another, to go 48 hours without eating? It's distressing, uncomfortable sensation - and far from lethal. Or who among you have burned yourselves on a hot stove? It's a nearly inconsequential injury yet one that is fairly painful. Has anyone in this forum been dumped by their significant other? It's heartbreaking. These are all things that we can all relate to.

We cannot relate to having the flesh burned off our arms to the bone.

Or knowing you've been abandoned to that fate by the people you trusted the most.

So. With all of that in mind. Even if Taln had been OTP with one of the other Heralds, could Taln possibly have anything left but resentment and possibly hatred for any of them?

Remember...nearly FIVE THOUSAND YEARS.

Moving over from the other thread. This is in refrence to shipping Heralds.

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Shai and Hoid. Just because they're both super capable and cosmere aware, though Hoid is undoubtedly more knowledgeable. I think it would be a nice twist to move from hunting this man who betrayed her to ending up with him, would love to see a flustered Hoid. They both have very diverse and varied identities. 

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Moving over from the other thread. This is in refrence to shipping Heralds.

This was my response to Alaxel: And probably rule out Jezrien and Shalash as he is her father. Yeah, Taln would be difficult to place now. I for one, would be unimaginably angry with all the other Heralds for leaving me to burn in Hell, as it is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dalinavani is pretty amazing, though I've heard people trying to expand it into an OT3... Dalianr/Navani/Eshonai. I believe the current name for that little ship is "The Three-Way of Kings." Which amuses me to no end, though I don't ship it.

This... might quite possibly, potentially and certainly be the most amazingest shipping-name evah!


EDIT: Upvoted !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vasher/Vivenna! That is my OTP.


Shallarin works, but I lean more towards Shalladin myself. He would be drawn to her because of her sense of humour (which would remind him of home/his mother). And being drawn drawn to dangerous men is fairly common, and Kaladin basicly has danger written on his face! :D

Edited by Altonahk
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  • 5 weeks later...

I solemnly swear that I'm not a troll :) and I hope I'm not kicking a dead horse here, guys. Shipping discussions are just so fun.

Anyway, I've been reading the now-closed topic about shippings in the SA forum and I was really suprised that Kaladin/Jasnah pairing popped out so late and so few people believed in it because, you see, for me it was obvious once I thought about possible romantic relationships. And, since I always think from the writing perspective, I just wanted to state my reasons here.

First I believe that in such a big epic, especially the one that came from the fan of Robert Jordan, everything is mentioned for a reason. So, since Kaladin's attraction to girls is stated at least three times (Laras, Tara and the unnamed courtesan with the exposed safe hand), this, for me, means that: a) he is indeed heterosexual (romance novels can pull a reversal - they concentrate more on sexuality - but not a high fantasy); b ) he will have a romantic conflict in the future. Same thing with Jasnah - she obviously have some history with men that will be explored.

Second, since Brandon is not the one to make a main character's love interest to be some kind of a trophy dream girl, who isn't that relevant to the plot otherwise (thank God!), this means she will be one of the main characters as well. And since, according to Brandon, we've already met everyone, this leaves us with Shallan, Jasnah and Syl. I suppose, Eshonai could also be a possibility but we barely know her and she is not human, so I'm not going to count her for now.
Same with Syl - she's not human and moreover, she isn't even corporeal. Also, she fills the sidekick position. :)

Out of Shallan and Jasnah, pairing Kaladin with Shallan would be a cliche, and I believe Brandon is beyond them now. Also, her dynamic with Kholin brothers will be much more interesting, imho. Btw, these are also the reasons why I hope Wax would end up with Steris and not Marasi. They are one of my favourite Cosmere ships.

So - Jasnah. The age difference doesn't bother me because Kaladin is really mature for his age. They'll have lots of opportunities to interact, since he'll be providing security for her, and she'll want to keep him close and study his abilities when she'll know about his radiancy. Also, this will add an interesting dynamic to Kaladin's conflict about Lighteyes and throw a wrench into the whole Alethi class system, so, conflict-speaking, it's a win-win all around.
And they're both just these really intense persons who'd be extremely interesting and intense together. :)

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I am happy to see someone argue so eloquently in favour of a Jasnah/Kaladin pairing, which is my own favourite.


And since this seems to have been your first forum on this forum as well, permit me to hereby welcome you into our ranks! +1

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Up vote for the Jasnadin. When I first read WoK, I suspected we'd get Kaladin/Shallan, but hanging around places like this have changed my mind. I wouldn't be so quick to discount Eshonai though. As you said, we know nothing about her yet, so I want to save judgement until after Words of Radiance.

That said, a darkeyes and a Parshendi? Or, for that matter, a light eyes and a Parshendi? That would be an even bigger disruption to the status quo. Maybe that's what Honour meant when he said 'you must unite them' lol.

(Has Elokar/Eshonai ever been mentioned before now? Did I get a 17th Shard first?)

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Thank you guys!

Quiver, with Eshonai, I'm also waiting for WoR, not discounting her from the dating pool completely.) Right now, with so little information about her, she could be paired off with anyone. And yes, if something is indeed shady with Elhokar's wife, he might find himself in need of a new one :)

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  • 1 month later...

Vasher/Vivenna! That is my OTP.


Shallarin works, but I lean more towards Shalladin myself. He would be drawn to her because of her sense of humour (which would remind him of home/his mother). And being drawn drawn to dangerous men is fairly common, and Kaladin basicly has danger written on his face! :D

LOL that is the exact same reaction I had, for Shalladin

Anyone rooting for Jasnadin?

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