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I was just thinking, and based off of personality alone, I'd think that Lopen would be a Willshaper. I'm not sure, though, so I figured to make this into a topic so that experts that aren't biased could debate it out, too. What do you guys think that Lopen will end up as?

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I suppose that has merit. The Windrunners had many squires, and the Lopen is in Kaladin's Bridge. Lopen was kind of taken under Kaladin's wing. What if he created another order of the Knight's Radiant? I could totally see that.

"This will be called the Order of the Lopens. Or better yet, the One-Armed Herdazians! The once One-Armed Herdazians!" That's totally going to be a Lopen quote. The Obnoxiousjokers. The newest order created for the Final Desolation alone. They'll tell bad jokes and the parshendi, unable to take it, will throw themselves into chasms in the ground, and then the Greatshells will kill them all. All of the ones that escape will be chased around by the Lopen, who will tell even more bad jokes and maybe throw some chouta at them. BAM!! The World of Roshar is saved!

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Well, technically, there is evidence that he is probably one of Kaladin's squires since there does not appear to be a spren associated with Lopen. Aslo, I hate to break it to you Willshaper, but you know...he's no longer a One-armed Herdazian, so his order would have to be The Two-Armed Former One-Armed Herdazians. And if you don't like it he'll give you a two-handed rude gesture!

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Hahaha! Lol. Okay, the Two-Armed Formerly One-Armed Herdazian Obnoxiousjokers. Got it. I should add that to my thingamajingy under my posts. Thanks. And according to the Knights Radiant quiz you're a Willshaper too, fellow brother-in-arms. You should want Lopen to be a Willshaper. But, you and Kurkistan are probably right. He'll be Kaladin's squire. :(

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Good question. Not sure, exactly. There has to be a lot of stuff that Brandon is just frothing at the mouth to tell us in the rest of the Stormlight Books. But for now, all we know is that they aren't full knights and they aren't able to do everything that a full knight does. Any thoughts, anyone?


Everyone upvote phantasmagorically's post below

Edited by TheWillshaper
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Well, it depends. Squires could be Radiants-in-training, where they learn to exemplify the qualities of their particular order in hopes attracting a spren, and / or as well (more in the case of Windrunners) as part of a unit/squadron/platoon etc etc. As for abilities, i think it just extends to stormlight inhalation/enhancement/healing, and perhaps being in close proximity to their bonded Radiant helps boost the abilities of both squires and Radiant to more than they would be apart, although that is a guess.

Edited by ParadoxSpren
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most people think squires get the passive bonus of stormlight, but no activesurges. we stilll don't know foor sure, though.


lopen'ss potential order was already discussed in the past, here


but i will repeat what i said at the time:

the lopen is an order all by himself, with the power to summon cousins to do his bidding


we may tentatively call his surges cousingbinding and favorcalling


here an example of how his power works:

-kaladin can fly with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but he has a cousin who has a cousin who owns an airplane factory, and owes him a few favors, so he can loan a plane (favorcalling) and fly.

-Kaladin can fight like a little god with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but after all they've been through kaladin is practically his cousin (cousinbinding), so lopen can get kaladin to fight for him (favorcalling again).

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Lopen was kind of taken under Kaladin's wing.


This is the understatement of the year.


Without Kaladin, Lopen would have had a 100% chance of death.  One armed bridgeman with a big mouth?  Yeah, that's not going to fly.  He'd go to the front on the final approach.

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most people think squires get the passive bonus of stormlight, but no activesurges. we stilll don't know foor sure, though.


lopen'ss potential order was already discussed in the past, here


but i will repeat what i said at the time:

the lopen is an order all by himself, with the power to summon cousins to do his bidding


we may tentatively call his surges cousingbinding and favorcalling


here an example of how his power works:

-kaladin can fly with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but he has a cousin who has a cousin who owns an airplane factory, and owes him a few favors, so he can loan a plane (favorcalling) and fly.

-Kaladin can fight like a little god with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but after all they've been through kaladin is practically his cousin (cousinbinding), so lopen can get kaladin to fight for him (favorcalling again).

My morning looks so much better after reading this. :D

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I was going to make a joke about him being a WindLoper, but I have been as thoroughly defeated as a formerly one-armed Herdazian realising that his one-armed Herdazian jokes are now useless.  :lol:


The Lopen can be the guy waving at you on the left end of the Windrunner glyph who you can see if you squint really, really hard.  B)

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most people think squires get the passive bonus of stormlight, but no activesurges. we stilll don't know foor sure, though.


lopen'ss potential order was already discussed in the past, here


but i will repeat what i said at the time:

the lopen is an order all by himself, with the power to summon cousins to do his bidding


we may tentatively call his surges cousingbinding and favorcalling


here an example of how his power works:

-kaladin can fly with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but he has a cousin who has a cousin who owns an airplane factory, and owes him a few favors, so he can loan a plane (favorcalling) and fly.

-Kaladin can fight like a little god with the power of stormlight. lopen cannot, but after all they've been through kaladin is practically his cousin (cousinbinding), so lopen can get kaladin to fight for him (favorcalling again).

Heck yes! That's much better thn my made up order of Two-Armed formerly One-Armed Herdazian Obnoxiousjokers! Everyone upvote king of nowhere's post!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to make a joke about him being a WindLoper, but I have been as thoroughly defeated as a formerly one-armed Herdazian realising that his one-armed Herdazian jokes are now useless.  :lol:


And that is what finally broke Lopen. He may now bond a spren whenever he wants  :P

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