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Heirs to the Final Empire: Roleplaying Thread


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Also, this is a question for Wyrm: can you do large deals like this for one action, where each player has an opportunity to respond and trade?


You can trade as much as you want with a single player in one Action.

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Hadrian was a bit upset. He had been trying to negotiate some trade deals, but the current economy was too unwieldy. He could sell his lumber for a profit, but then it would cost the other House just as much as going to some random vendor from another city. But it he made his prices competitive, then he would earn no more than if he gave the products to a less threatening buyer. The nobility needed a new level of currency so that both sides of such business deals could profit. For that purpose, Hadrian decided that Books, from his Archive, would make a perfect unit of currency. They were worth something on their own, but far more as a representative of half of the units currently traded about by the houses. And of course, since he came up with the idea, he could turn a small profit off of it for House Penrod.


Action 2:

Who: Lord Penrod

Where: Imperial Archive

What: Establishing a bank of sorts. Basically, this is supposed to allow everyone to use 1/2 units of wealth, so that both sides of a trade deal can benefit more than if they had used NPCs. Because as I see it, raw goods earn 2 wealth when sold to NPCs, and cost 3 when purchased from them. So only one side can win in a deal, making trades very limited in their usefulness. If Wyrm doesn't want to keep track of half wealths, then I am offering everyone the opportunity to buy in ratios of 2 Books from me at the cost of 1 Wealth, which can then be traded like anything else, and later back to me at the rate of 2 Books to 1 Wealth. As for me, I expect to gain a bit more passive income from my archive as a result of people visiting more often to exchange books. It's almost like a library now!

When: Action 2

Why: Kinda explained about, but people can use books as a 1/2 unit of wealth

Looks like this isn't going to happen :(

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Action 2:

Who: Lord Penrod

Where: Imperial Archive

What: Establishing a bank of sorts. Basically, this is supposed to allow everyone to use 1/2 units of wealth, so that both sides of a trade deal can benefit more than if they had used NPCs. Because as I see it, raw goods earn 2 wealth when sold to NPCs, and cost 3 when purchased from them. So only one side can win in a deal, making trades very limited in their usefulness. If Wyrm doesn't want to keep track of half wealths, then I am offering everyone the opportunity to buy in ratios of 2 Books from me at the cost of 1 Wealth, which can then be traded like anything else, and later back to me at the rate of 2 Books to 1 Wealth. As for me, I expect to gain a bit more passive income from my archive as a result of people visiting more often to exchange books. It's almost like a library now!

When: Action 2

Why: Kinda explained about, but people can use books as a 1/2 unit of wealth


I *really* don't want to have to keep track of half-wealths. It's just additional fiddly bits which make it harder for me to figure things out. The issue with there not being much benefit between trading between NPCs and PCs will be alleviated a little at the start of the next Generation.

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No time to roleplay, sorry; sudden, unexpected load of "homework".


Turn 4

Who: Lord Tydan Queade

Where: Imperial Court

What: Tydan wants to establish a courthouse, with himself and his heirs as the judges

When: Action 1

Why: As of right now, I assume that crime within the Final Empire is either being dealt with by the nobles, or by the Lord Ruler directly. Obviously, the former can lead to corruption -houses not policing themselves, or being sneaky and underhanded tactics to get an advantage- while the latter is time consuming for Rashek. What Tydan is sugegsting is letting House Queade be the administrators of the law, at least so far as criminal acts are concerned.

As for why House Queade? Well, between rebuilding his city, supplying him armies and selling his daughter into slavery offering Raynah as a servant, I think Tydan has probably earned a reputation as being loyal to the Empire, and at least somewhat impartial, politically. He should also be (relatively) well-liked by the skaa, considering he rebuilt the city and all. While those qualities may not be reflected in his heir's, it's at least a starting point to establish a more long-term solution to beauracracy than having Rashek handle it all personally.

As for what I as a player, might get from it? It's a pretty influential position, and I can think of a few benefits that being the Chief Justice In the Land, with the approval of The Lord Ruler would grant- not least of which is the fact that it does kind of shoot my own personal stock up a bit if I can secure that title.


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No time for Rp either, I've got a flight in two hours and a bunch of other stuff to write before then x.x


Who: Lord Turukseed Uethorn

What: Building a lumber to produce timber (for 2 gold & one extra upkeep, right?)

When: Action 1

Why: I require lumber for other propertys, building a lumber mill is the cheapest and most sustainable way of maintaining a steady flow of materials

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I was really hoping to get some final RP in for Gamic before the Generation Rollover. >.> Perhaps I can squeeze some in later, but for now, I'll post my public action. (Sorry, Wyrm!) :P

Turn 4 Action 3: Gamic Urbain is buying some prime land locations throughout Luthadel! He figures, with a growing city, eventually space will be hard to come buy, causing some sort of real estate bubble or something, making choice land and properties worth a good bit more. :D It's called Investment! :P

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Not time to RP for me either, haha. Have to be at a wedding in an hour and a half. This must have been a busy week for everyone.

Action 0 - Lady Lutha Elariel declares Lysander Elariel to be her heir.

Action 3 - Arranging Marriages (PUBLIC):

Who: Lady Lutha Elariel

What: Arranging marriages between her son and heir, Lysander Elariel, and Lord Tekiel's daughter, Dido Tekiel, and between her daughter, Emmaline Elariel, and Lord Tekiel's son and heir, Scipio Tekiel.

Where: Luthadel.

When: Turn 4, Action 3.

Why: To bring houses Elariel and Tekiel closer together, and foster peace in the West.

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Turn 4 Action 3:
Who: Lord Locke Tekiel
What: Arranging marriages between my son and heir, Scipio Tekiel and Lady Elariel's daughter, Emmaline Elariel and between my daughter, Dido Tekiel, and Lady Elariel's son and heir, Lysander Elariel
Where: Luthadel.
When: Turn 4, Action 3.  
Why: To bring houses Tekiel and Elariel closer together, and foster peace in the West.  

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I'm gonna declare Arandar my heir, if he isn't already by default.


Keep Penrod seemed a bit small sometimes. Now, there were not too many people living there at present, but Hadrian felt that some day he would need a larger keep to support all of his House. Being part of a noble House wasn't just about bloodlines, after all, otherwise after a thousand years his entire house might only have thirty or so members. It seemed that now was the time to make any such changes, rather than a hundred years later when every alleyway was selling for hundreds of boxings.

Action 3:

Who: Hadrian Penrod

What: Expanding his Keep

Where: Luthadel

Why: Because it is too small for future generations

When: 3rd Action

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I just realized its almost the end of the generation. I'll edit this to rp a bit, but for now, I'll rush this through.


Action 0 - declaring Mai my heir


Action 2


Who: Lord Mennet, as House Lord

What: Paying Lord Penrod one MP and one wealth to write Mennet's biography

Where: Wherever Penrod is, I'm in a bit of a hurry to get this done quickly

When: Second action

Why: To get my biography, because of reasons. And vanity. And pride. And an obese wallet.


Action 3


Who: Lord Mennet, as House Lord

What: Arranging marriage preparations for Jorah to enter House Artorious, sending two MP to Lord Artorious

Where: Seran

When: Third action

Why: To forge a lasting alliance

Edited by Adamir
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Lord Aodhan Izenry was not a young man. Not any longer, anyways. Even with the power granted to him by Rashek, the years had not been kind. He kept his pewter at a near constant burn these days, just to avoid the pains of age.


And so, staring out at the flooded city of Urteau, Izenry started to wonder if he was getting too old for this. Leaning a little more heavily on his cane, he glanced across at Jeane. She somehow managed to look far better than he felt, as usual. Jeane was no younger than him, but somehow she seemed stronger, more self-assured, less affected by time’s passage. He shook his head slightly. And she doesn’t even have pewter.


She smiled faintly, noticing his attention. “What’re you thinking about?”


“Time,” Izenry said, sighing. “We don’t have much left, do we?”


Jeane laughed, although her voice was edged with concern. “Come now Aodhan. We’re not that old.”


“Perhaps not. But there is so much that we have to do. Capturing Urteau, working out trade deals, coordinating weapons shipments, finding suitable partners for Noerin and Maerys, teaching them how to wield their powers, rust, even just training them to handle themselves in court. How will we find time for it all?”


“We’ll make time, dear.”


“I hope so.”


A quiet cough interrupted their musings. “M’Lord?”


Izenry didn’t bother turning. His tin had picked out the Captain’s distinctive footsteps well before he arrived. “Yes Captain?”


“The men are ready. Everything is in place.”


“Good. And Maerys?” Izenry could feel his wife’s disapproving stare. While she agreed that Maerys was nearly an adult, and needed to learn something of how to run the House, she insisted that he teach her in less risk-intensive ways; never mind the fact that Maerys was a Mistborn, and likely the second most dangerous person in the whole army.


“Well guarded, if somewhat annoyed at being so, and excited to be able to participate.”


He nodded, chuckling inwardly. “My spear?”


“Here, sir.”


Taking the proffered weapon, Izenry gave it a brief inspection. The spear was a thing of beauty. Made of a fine Terris hardwood that had gone extinct with the first of the Ashfalls, it was intricately carved with swirling designs reminiscent of the gathering mists. It’s obsidian head was razor-sharp, glittering darkly in the sun’s red light.


More interesting to Izenry, however was the iron counterweight sitting just below the spearhead. “You’re sure this will work?”


“We think so, sir.”


The counterweight was something he had designed himself. It was designed to detach if Pushed or Pulled upon by an allomancer, but could be locked in place if he needed to manipulate the weapon allomantically.


“That will have to be good enough.” Izenry flared his metals, grinning at the rush of power that flowed through him. Flicking a boxing into the air, he looked back towards his wife. Although she tried to hid it, she still looked worried. “Don’t worry, Jeane. We’ll be back by supper, I promise.”


With a thought, he Pushed against the falling boxing, and shot off into the air.



Not my best work, by any means, but at least I managed to RP this time. :P


Public Action:

Who: Lord Izenry and Co.

What: Capturing Urteau for the Lord Ruler and the Final Empire.

Where: This should be a tad obvious, should it not? I wouldn’t want to conquer the wrong city. :P

When: This will be my first action for the cycle.

Why: To gain reputation and favour in the eyes of the Lord Ruler, and expand the Final Empire.

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The grounds and corridors of Keep Artorius were teeming with activity, and Cyrus was pleased. He was not often given to sentimentality, but it was safe to say that, whatever he had imagined his life to be before Rashek's coming... this was not it. He was now the head of a noble house that was, by all accounts, thriving... and while he knew that his own time was short, he had provided well for his children.


"How are we doing, Alvina?" The skaa beside him was small, and quiet, but she'd proven to be worth her weight in boxings for her organisational ability. She gave a quick but unnecessary bow, avoiding his gaze as she responded.


"The invitations have been sent out, my Lord, the awnings are in position, the kitchens are at work for the feast even now. Lord Izenry and his entourage will be here soon, I imagine."


"Good... yes, good." He continued to walk along the corridor, and while Alvina obediently kept pace with him, he knew that he had gotten slower with age. An old grey wolf, he thought ruefully, long past his prime. It's long past time for someone younger and stronger to lead.


But this was not a day for regret, or brooding. It was time to check on Valden, and see if he had any worries or fears to be put to rest. It was a daunting thing, after all, to have such responsibility upon one's shoulders... when Rashek had offered such a thing to Cyrus, he had seized it with little in the way of second thoughts. Those had come later, but they had not lasted - he hoped it would be so for his children as well. Whether they had their father's sternness or their mother's fire, they would be well-suited for the many tasks ahead of them.


And while the ash still fell outside, Cyrus felt that he had never breathed more easily than he did today.



Who: Valden Artorius and Noerin Izenry

What: Getting married! Deal wording below

Where: Within the grounds of Keep Artorius

When: Generation 1, Turn 4, Action 1

Why: To form an alliance and foster co-operation between the two Houses, and to strengthen the Allomantic bloodline of House Artorius


Noerin Izenry is marrying into House Artorius as the wife of Valden Artorius. In exchange, House Artorius is purchasing the Luthadel-Northern Dominance canal for House Izenry. House Artorius will also transfer another select property to House Izenry at a later point. In addition, House Izenry is paying House Artorius in exchange for interesting or useful information that they may gather.

Edited by Blank Fate
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Bah, I overslept.  If I have time later, I'll edit in some RP.


Action 3: Renea Gardre is expanding her House's Housing district in Luthadel, in order to accommodate the growing population and gain money faster by collecting rent.

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Is Kliss already my heir?


As eldest-born daughter without a son, she is your heir by default.


The Cycle will end in an hour. I will be posting Generation 2 in here, as I don't think there's a need for another thread.


Generation 1 has ended!

Edited by Wyrmhero
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'Understanding Mennet Farrsolin and his actions can only happen with some information about his lineage.', Lord Penrod wrote. He briefly paused to consider his next sentence and dipped his quill in an inkwell in his desk.


'When Alendi was conquering kingdoms in an attempt to unite humanity against the Deepness, Lord Farrsolin’s father, Corvan Trevelyan ruthlessly took advantage of each kingdom’s growing need for weapons. He produced them by the thousand, and sold them in such a way to prolong the war and bolster his own profits. His life was finally ended when Alendi took it upon himself to cut off the hand that was feeding his enemies.'


He hesitated here. Was that acceptable enough? The Lord Ruler didn't want his own origins to be known by others, but was mentioning the name of the supposed Hero of Ages allowed? Hmm... No, he'd probably prefer less connection to the world that was. He crossed all instances out and replaced them with 'The Lord Ruler' instead.


Then there was also the question of whether it was kind enough to Lord Farrsolin. He wanted to be truthful whenever possible, but he was always in mind that he was being paid for this specifically to write a glowing account of the House. Well, he'd appreciate the 'ruthless' nature. Probably not the fact that his ancestors had worked against The Lord Ruler though. Hmm. he'd have to think about it before the next draft. Perhaps he could twist it a little with the next part, and show him to be more honourable. He put quill to paper again.


'Mennet Farrsolin recognized at an early age that he could not leave a lasting legacy in the world by dealing traitorously with his contemporaries. Indeed, he opposed his father’s methods so strongly that by the age of fifteen he erased his name from the Trevelyan family records and set out to establish his own family on principles of honesty and directness.'


Yes, that was better. Much better. It didn't ignore the truth of what happened, but instead emphasised his devotion to the new regime and to his principles. Much more positive, and probably more lucrative for him.


'Within the first several years of his rule as a High Lord of the Final Empire, Lord Farrsolin demonstrated his unwavering resolve to hold to his own standards. A conflict arose (the nature of which is not a matter of public record) that threatened to divide the nobility into two warring factions, and rather than capitalizing on an economic opportunity, House Farrsolin diffused the conflict at considerable risk to its own holdings. As a result, the first generation of Luthadel nobility was able to avoid any open conflict that might have seriously disrupted the fledgling Final Empire.'


He dipped the quill back in the inkwell, pleased with his work so far, and dropped it in as he coughed. He brought a hand to his mouth as he coughed. Getting phlegm on his work would not be good. When it had finally subsided, he lowed it back to the table. He sighed a little as he saw the blood in the centre of his hand. It was not the first time he'd seen that.


He called a servant for a towel, and took a new sheet of paper from the pile. After wiping his hand of blood, he took up the quill again. "I, Lord Sen Penrod, being of sound mind if not body..."



Aodhan Izenry stopped his horse before the gate of Urteau. It was foolish, perhaps, to get so close, but for a Mistborn he saw little issue with it. Let his wife worry all she liked. It would not deter him. Age may be lying heavily on his shoulders, but not so much that he couldn't best even his own highly trained soldiers in a fight. Allomancy was a great leveller with regards to that.


"Open the gates and bring out your rulers," he called up his demand. "I am the Mistborn Aodhan Izenry! You have heard of my conquering of Tathindwen! If you surrender, then the city and its people shall be spared!" He listened using tin to them discussing it above. Mistborn, named for how they traversed the mists of the night as though they were a part of it. It was a word on everyone's lips, these days, and one that evoked fear. They were almost reaching a mythological status, a fact he delighted in using whenever he could. He heard them discuss, and happy that his job was done, he let his horse return him to his army. They'd taken three cities so far without any difficulty. They'd be fools not to start a coup.


He was rather surprised when the arrow struck him in the back. He fell forwards onto his horse, dropping his spear but the pewter he constantly burned giving him the strength to withstand the pain. He immediately burnt steel and pressed on all the sources behind him that he could feel. He heard arrows clatter off the stone walls, but the hinges of the gate sent him catapulting off his horse. He landed on his back, the arrow snapping, hitting his head hard on the rocky ground. He grunted as he tried to push himself up.


Looking over to his army, which was already advancing, the medical part on their way to retrieve him, he burnt zinc. The Koloss were already his, he had already been granted them, but he wanted their rage. With a bellow of anger from them, they charged forward, knocking aside his own troops to get to the enemy. They reached the gates of the city and started to smash their way through however they could.


Lord Izenry felt himself being lifted onto a stretcher. The world went black for a while for him, and he woke up again in the surgical tent. One of his officers sat next to his bed, helmet in his hand.


"My Lord!" He said, jumping to attention and snapping a salute. "We have control of the town, though extensive damage has been done to it."


"Nevermind that," Lord Izenry muttered as he patted himself down. He felt weak, and while the arrow was gone from his body and now lying by the bed, there was still a pain there. He was still bleeding, it seemed. Hopefully the bandages would stop it soon. "Where are my vials?" he asked. It seemed he still had pewter to burn, however. Either it hadn't been long, or he'd been force-fed them.


"They were all smashed in your fall, My Lord," the officer explained. "Your daughter provided her own metals to ensure your safety. She is currently overseeing the takeover from the town." Lord Izenry turned his head towards the officer, his fist clenching. "From afar!" the officer added quickly, "from afar, my lord. I promise you, she never set foot on the battlefield."


Lord Izenry couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, though it hurt him slightly to do so. The arrow must have reached deeper than he had thought. His wife would be concerned, but this was always going to be his last little expedition out of Luthadel, one way or another. At least he was proven right about bringing his daughter. "Good," he said, sitting up despite his soldier's protests. "Take me into the city. I wish to see it with my own eyes."



"So here it is," one of Lord Artorius' soldiers said, with a certain amount of awe in his voice. "The end of the world..."


"Don't be so dramatic," his commanding officer said, though he too was shocked. "What should we do, Lord Artorius?"


Lord Artorius slowly raised his head to look across the desolate wastes before him. The ground was cracked and ruptured, and not even tough, hardly plant life could be seen. A layer of fine dust swept across the lifeless heath, causing many of his men to close their eyes to stop themselves being blinded by it. Lord Artorius did not, however. He just stared across the desert.


"My Lord?" The officer repeated. "I asked what we should-"


"There was a city, here." Lord Artorius said, cutting across him in a slow but self-assure voice. So many years it had been since he last breathed so freely. But, whatever the years did to him, he would never surrender his authority. "What happened to it?"


"...My guess would be that The Lord Ruler's Ascension damaged this area beyond repair."


"Hmm." Lord Artorius nodded a little and took a handkerchief out to mop his brow. It was so very warm here. "I wonder now if anyone else remembers its name... I knew people here, once. I don't suppose they survived, if the sun scoured the buildings down to dust."


"My Lord, should we start the return home?" The officer pressed. "There is nothing out here for us to find."


Another small nod. "Yes. I am content to have just seen this place again."


"Then we shall go immediately," the officer said, turning back to the troops and issuing commands.


"Not immediately," Lord Artorious said quietly. "Not immediately. Ha. Give an old hound a moment's rest, hm?" He sighed and gripped the reins of his horse slightly tighter, though it pained him slightly to do so. "I'm so tired," he added, as his vision started to haze over from the heat, and he started to sway in the saddle. "So very... tired." He leaned over the side of his horse again, and fell onto the ground with a thump.


"My Lord!" The first soldier was at his side. He carefully moved his Lord over onto his back, and then waved a hand in front of his face. There was no response, no flickering of eyes, no furrowing of brow, not even an intake of breath. He looked back at the officer.


"...Return home," the officer said quietly. "He'll want to be buried in his keep."


The Luthadel to the Northern Dominance, Farmost Dominance, Terris Dominance and Remote Dominance Canals have been built.

Urteau has been conquered!


The following children have been born: Garek Urbain (male), Fortuna Tormander (female), Cassandra Farrsolin (female), Aquilla Orielle (female). I am going to use a different coin from now on >>.


Generation 2: Shapes in the Mist


Turn 1


The funeral for Gamic Urbain was, like the man himself, flamboyant, expensive and full of wine. Garek hated the first two, but had to admit that the wine wasn't too bad. He wandered around the keep a few days after the funeral, occasionally swigging from the bottle in his hand.


Responsibility. He never intended to have responsibility like this. Wasn't that meant to be his older sister's thing? But no, she'd been married off to some bloody Garde - a man he was now forced to deal with on a weekly basis - which meant he had to be in charge of House Urbain. He drank another mouthful of wine, and as the bottle tilted upwards, saw something around the side which made him lower it again.


Was that his father, wandering around the Keep? He looked at the bottle in his hand. Either he was drinking too much, or he was drinking too little. Well, if it was too much, more wouldn't hurt, he thought as he drained the bottle. Lowering the bottle so he was holding the neck, he raised his arm and burnt pewter for the added strength and dexterity.


He hurled the bottle forward, and was rewarded by it smashing on his apparent father's head, the man collapsing to the floor. For a brief moment, Garek wondered if they'd accidentally buried his father alive and Gamic hadn't bothered to mention it when getting out of the coffin, but that was quickly put out of his mind when his father's body started to dissolve.


His 'father' split into a pile of bones, and a strange, ethereal gloopy substance, which reminded him of the Mistwraiths outside of Luthadel. But he'd never heard of them becoming the body of those whose bones they ate, they just made a skeleton. The creature seemed to be unharmed, but that wasn't surprising. It was almost impossible to hurt a Mistwraith.


As he got closer to it, his tin-enhanced eyes were able to take in the fact that it appeared to have some kind of metal sliver inside it. No, there was a second there was well. Definitely not a normal Mistwraith. It reminded him of the Koloss, in a way. His father always said that Koloss could be controlled. So what would happen if...


As soon as he burnt brass on the thing, it stopped moving. He was able to control it, it seemed. He smiled. The idea of a servant who obeyed his every whim and could in effect become a person was very appealing. What uses he could have for that.


A plate smashed. Garek turned and just managed to catch the uniform of a serving girl running away, most likely in fear. He sighed. Skaa did nothing but talk. He wouldn't be able to keep the existence of such creatures hidden from the rest of Luthadel, sadly. "Are you a Mistwraith?" he asked it. He got no response. He reasoned that it probably couldn't speak while it was some kind of slime-thing, and commanded it to take on the shape of his father again. "What are you?" he asked.


There was no immediate response from the creature. He felt it fighting his control, but he simply flared brass a little more to put a stop to that. Eventually it opened its mouth, and in his father's voice, it spoke. "Kandra."



Generation 2, Turn 1 has begun! It will end at 5PM BST on the 12th of July.


All of the areas that are liveable around Luthadel have now been conquered.

Roads and canals may no longer be built.


Kandra have been discovered! Players may use Mistborn to take control of them by using brass or zinc. In order to place them within a House, an Action (and some MP depending on the target) must be used to covertly kill someone in that House and replace them. After that, Actions may be used to command them to do things.


Over time, inflation has taken place. It now costs 4 to purchase Tier 1 Goods, and 3 for a 'standard cost' (such as to purchase Property). Selling prices remain the same. However, the increase in connectivity within The Final Empire means that you may run one additional Property without incurring Upkeep costs.


The increase in availability and types of food in The Final Empire has decreased the mortality rate in children. Trying for a child now has a 60% multiplier for success for each child you have beyond the first instead of 50%.


I am allowing players to modify and cancel contracts without using an Action from now onwards, provided I get the same modification/cancel from both. In addition to that, please remember to get in touch with me if you wanted things to be sold or stockpiled instead, and tell me what you want your Properties to do in advance if you want changes.


Finally, a small request - Please get at least some Actions in earlier in the week, if you can. I can't guarantee I'll respond to people and correct mistakes/unviable Actions if I get them all on Sunday three hours before the write-up.


Generation 2 Player List

  1. little wilson - Adira Wilson
  2. Lord Pifferdoo - Kilvorn Pifferdoo
  3. The Only Joe - Kliss Tormander
  4. Gamma Fiend - Garek Urbain
  5. Unodus - Retleh Uethorn
  6. Adamir - Mai Farrsolin
  7. Blank Fate - Valden Artorius
  8. Venture Mistborn - Aquilla Orielle
  9. OrlokTsubodai - Scipio Tekiel
  10. Comatose - Lysander Elariel
  11. Aonar Faileas - Maerys Izenry
  12. Quiver - Rolan Queade
  13. wblk - Koem Wair
  14. phattemer - Clofa Erikell
  15. Araris Valerian - Arandar Penrod
  16. Renegade - Erinald Garde
  17. Shallan - Citona Vinid
  18. Haelbarde - Edrab Heatherlocke
  19. Mailiw73 - Wilor Zerrung
  20. The Crooked Warden - Fortis Protegat
  21. Kasimir - Kyril Heron


PMs will be sent out in about an hour or so, after I've had dinner.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Arandar struggled with belief some times. He knew that most skeptics were doddling old fools like half of the nobility that had passed away in the last decade. But he felt a... kinship with them, at some times. The stories Hadrian told of green plants and a blue sky seemed so wrong, at odds with everything in the Final Empire. What could one believe in if the world itself could change so drastically in the blink of an eye. At least he had the histories. Hadrian had made sure that House Penrod had a solid grasp on how future nobility would see the actions of the past, and it was up to Arandar to continue to pursue his father's goals. Lord Farsolin had been wise; by paying for his biography to be written, he would be seen as a very prominent figure in the first generation of Luthadel nobility. House Penrod would never distort the truth, but if a Lord or Lady had only a page or two written of themselves, well, that was their own fault.


The person Arandar missed the most, aside from his parents, was the scribe Royce. Keep Penrod seemed emptier and less lively without his father's helper. Perhaps, as his first action as House Lord, he would search among the skaa that his mother had painstakingly educated for a new head scribe. If the skaa knew that they could rise to such a high position simply by virtue of their intelligence, then perhaps they would be more innovative than those of the other Houses.

Action One:

Who: Arandar Penrod

What: Elevating a skaa worker to House Scribe

Where: Keep Penrod

Why: To encourage the skaa to work hard with the potential for advancement

When: First Action

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Kyril Heron #1: A Candle By Which To See

Kyril sat before the open coffin, waiting, watching. The candles in the Keep hall seemed to flicker, to elongate. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

It wasn’t the time for tears, he thought. Even in his vigil, there would be eyes watching. There always were. Did you ever get used to this? The impossibility of utter privacy, even in grief?

It wasn’t, by all standards, a bad end. He’d come into his father’s study to see Wallace Heron sprawled over a stack of reports on his desk, eyes closed, a peaceful smile on his face. He’d known, then. His father had been terribly old.

It was one thing to know his father would one day die, leaving the House to him. It was another thing to experience it.

His shoulders shook. He kept his lips pressed together. No tears. Now was not the time for them. He wondered if there was ever a time for them.

How did he think of his father?

Wallace Heron had, before anything else, been a businessman. Somewhat distant—he’d often made trips to the surrounding territories once they’d been conquered, trying to establish trading partners and connections. They hadn’t been that close, Kyril knew. So why did it hurt?

You’re not crying for the man, he thought. Realisation, in a sudden illuminating burst. You’re crying for what you never had. For what you always wanted.

Did it matter, what he wanted? He was the heir to House Heron. Once he left the Keep hall in the morning, he would be Lord Heron, in name and in truth.

Was he ready for this?

The world didn’t wait, Kyril thought, for a man to be ready. It didn’t care about what he wanted, and he wasn’t even sure he knew what he wanted. But he had his duty, to his Lord and ruler, to his House, and to his wife.

Eventually, he would have his duty to his children.

As he gazed at his father’s coffin, still waiting, still keeping vigil, Kyril Heron swore he would never turn his back on his duties.

Action One:

•Who? - Kyril Heron, in his capacity as House Lord. I wouldn't say he's trying to let all of Luthadel and the Empire know, but he's sure not trying to hide it.

•What? - Kyril Heron is cremating his father's body.

•Where? - Within Luthadel.

•When? - This is my first action for the Turn.

•Why? - Several reasons. Kyril Heron has been a quiet, bookish man, and while he's been helping his father run the House, he's still somewhat of an unknown. So, he has chosen to make his first public act as House Lord be that of honouring his deceased father, and keeping to traditional House Heron funerary customs of cremation. This is, in part, a way of reassuring House Heron that he intends to follow in his father's footsteps and that he does not intend on making any particularly unorthodox moves anytime soon. And, really, it's his character: he's filial, he's dutiful, and by the Lord Ruler, he will honour his father's wishes, and that includes following Heron tradition. (I would also add that it's his way of drawing the curtain on the past and preparing to move on and come into his own as the next Lord Heron.)

Edited by Kasimir
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