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Heirs to the Final Empire: Roleplaying Thread


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Again, time has conspired against me. I apologise for the continual lack of RP.

Who? Locke Tekiel

When? Third action of the turn

What? Trying for an heir

Where? Keep Tekiel

Why? To produce offspring to strengthen House Tekiel

Names: Male: Hanno. Female: Dido

Edit: added why

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EDIT: It is far too early for Atium, and so I'm changing my action.


Mennet Farrsolin


Who: Lord Mennet, acting on his authority as House Lord


What: Buying a mine in the Central Dominance


Where: Central Dominance


When: Third Action for the turn


Why: The pursuit of wealth

Edited by Adamir
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My computer decided to quit on Thursday, so no RP from me this time either. (Too much of a pain to do over mobile.)

What: Trying for an heir.

Who: Lord Izenry and his wife (whom I will get around to naming eventually) obviously. :P

When: This is my third action for the turn.

Where: Once again, I'd imagine the answer to this to be fairly obvious.

Why: To ensure the continuance of my House, preserve allomantic strength, and further potential future alliances.

Names: Cifan if male, Maerys if female.

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Who: Lord Mennet, acting on his authority as House Lord

What: Conducting a geological survey for Atium

Where: Central Dominance

When: Third Action for the turn

Why: If Mennet can get a stable flow of this metal to the Lord Ruler, he believes it can be turned into a form of currency to fortify the economy. Note that Mennet is burning his current amount to test what Atium does.

Once again, atium (and to a lesser extent the fact that gold is Allomantic) is not known about at this stage in the game. Only the eight basic metals are known.

There are ~4 hours left in this Turn.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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The reports from Fadrex had been interesting, to say the least.

Cyrus paced the floor of his study, once again deep in thought. It seemed that the world had not been blasted as thoroughly bare as he had initially suspected. Then again, perhaps it had been naive to think that their fortified shelter had been the only one made prior to Rashek's rise to power. He hadn't heard anything to suggest they wielded the power that the Lord Ruler did, and so it was inevitable that they'd fall in line eventually. But these green shoots of other powers, other cities, were only a part of what occupied Cyrus' mind.

What of the old world is still out there, I wonder? 

It had been many years already since they had emerged, blinking and disoriented, into the harsh light of the new world. But still so much of it lay unexplored, unknown. Perhaps it was time to address that?

Age had begun to weigh on Lord Artorius' shoulders, but there were times when he would still feel a flush of youthful exuberance. Now was just such a time, as he snapped his fingers to alert his scribe.

"My lord?"

Cyrus smiled as he began to dictate his plans; he was already curious as to what a thorough expedition might find out there, in the wild unknown...


Who: A cohort of scouts and outrunners from House Artorius' military.

What: Staging an expedition into the Eastern Dominance

Where: Somewhere to the East.

When: Turn 2, Action 1.

Why: To expand the known borders of the Empire, to search for remnants of the old world, report and recover what they can.

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Generation 1: Turn 3


This write-up brought to you by the letter K, as Kasimir kindly wrote this for me. Thank you Kas :)


Word travelled fast, among the skaa, Lord Erikell found himself thinking. His forces continued to push on south, into the rich farmlands. By now, the villages only put up a token resistance to his forces before surrendering and agreeing to send their harvests to him. Those pathetic would-be defenders, he ordered impaled.


It was, after all, time they knew their place in the new empire taking shape right before their eyes.


He stared into the frightened, broken eyes of the skaa and smiled. “Captain?” he called out, deliberately looking away from them, dismissing them as being of, ultimately, little importance in the grand scheme of things.


“My lord!” the captain of his forces—a short, wiry man—snapped to attention immediately. He, at least, very much knew who was in charge.


“If any of them so much as twitches a hand in the direction of the bodies,” he commanded, “You will immediately chop it off. Leave them for the carrion.”


He strode off into the gathering gloom of dusk. The mists had only just begun to emerge, and as he burned tin, he felt the mists enshroud him, as though they were drawn to him, somehow. Odd, thought Lord Erikell. By now, he felt at home among these mists, despite the memory of the Deepness. He’d learned to accept them.


The tin he was burning was the only reason he caught the movement in the mists. He saw it: an amorphous mass of mismatched limbs, twitching, fumbling blindly, and could not help but flinch. What, wondered Lord Erikell, is that--?



“Can’t believe you made me come right after my shift for this,” Garret muttered. Farix elbowed him. “Well, maybe she’s a looker but she’s not really my type, y’know? A little on the old side, don’t you think?”


“Gar’,” Farix managed, from between gritted teeth. “D’you think you could shut up and listen?”


Farix was always like that, Garret thought. But he held his tongue and listened. And the lady was good, he had to admit it. What was her name again? Lutha? Sure, she wore fine clothes—the cloth alone’d take ten years of his salary to buy, but there was something about her…


She captivated them. She told them her story: the story of how a simple servant, someone who’d once done as hard a day’s labour as any of them had risen to the highest of positions in the Lord Ruler’s Final Empire. She spoke to the gathered crowd with ease, and Garret realised, startled, that he was leaning forward, craning to hear her. Her voice had dropped to a hushed murmur, and he barely dared to breathe.


She showed them her hands; callused from work, and then held them against the fine cloths of her skirts. “The Lord Ruler understands your struggles, just as he looked at me and saw someone of worth. This is a man worth following; not the King on his throne who dines richly and leaves all of you to suffer through hours of thankless labour. He offers you a way out of this. You there! How much do you earn?”


Startled, Garret realised she was looking right at him. “T—ten an hour, your ladyship,” he stammered. 


He caught the coin purse she tossed to him, realised it was heavier than he’d expected. “His gift to you,” she said.


“Lady, I—” his voice caught in his throat.


“What’s your name?”


“The Lord Ruler!” shouted someone else, a distant figure in the crowd. “The Lord Ruler offers gold and freedom! King Tremredare can keep his copper! We’re joining the Final Empire!”


They were chanting it, Garret realised. The entire crowd was on their feet, screaming the names of the Lord Ruler and Lady Lutha, and people’d bent down and gathered stones. He clutched the coin purse to his chest, unsure what to do with it. It was more than he’d make in a year, at the very least, and—


The crowd around him was surging. Someone’d gathered torches from somewhere; others picked up bits of cobblestone and were hefting it in their hands. Garret was shocked to notice that even the members of the city guard—originally intended to keep the gathering under control—had joined them and were marching among their numbers.


“What’s going on?” he managed, to Farix.


“We’re going to get rid of the King!” someone else called out, overhearing his question. “Tremredare for the Empire!”



In the unsteady light of the torches, Lord Farrsolin sipped at his wine. Sentiment, he thought, with a quiet sigh. It was difficult to find this wine; the vineyards of its making were gone now, and the terroir just wasn’t the same. He’d never liked his father, and yet the wine reminded him of days long past. Distant green days before the Deepness, before the ashfalls.


He was getting soft, Lord Farrsolin decided, wearily. His child and heir could not make the same mistakes. Everything he now did was aimed to strengthen the Farrsolin name as much as he could, to leave her the best legacy he could.


Time, he thought wistfully, was something that was beginning to turn against him now, for all that it was his weapon. With time, the Farrsolins would become powerful. With time, he would bring the recalcitrant Fortess to its knees. Time, that was all he needed. So valuable, and increasingly dwindling, slipping through his fingers like water.


He heard the light rap on the frame of his tent and cleared his throat, composing himself. “Enter,” he called out. He recognised the woman who let herself in; as it was, she was one of the best captains in his army—a steady, dependable woman, with a sharp understanding of strategy.


“My lord Farrsolin, they’re breaking,” she said, without prelude.


He glanced at her. “Finally?” he demanded. It had been a long and boring siege, all things considered, but as much as he had business elsewhere, he thought it best to see matters through in person. The Fortress of Seran was a key defensive point; situated in the middle of gentle hills. Whoever first took the fortress would strengthen their grip on the surrounding land, and it was that consideration which had first driven him to besiege it.


The fortress, after all, was a tough nut to crack, and Lord Farrsolin was enough of a tactician to know it was far better to sit tight and to wait for them to come out. His engineers had blocked the water supply, and it was all but time the starving soldiers surrendered.


She nodded, her posture tight and formal. “Yes, my lord. They sent an emissary asking for the terms of surrender.”


“No terms,” Lord Farrsolin said, firmly. “I want an unconditional surrender, and until they’re prepared to do so, the siege continues.”


Barely two hours later, the fortress had fallen.




Tremredar is now a part of The Final Empire!

The Fortress of Seran has been conquered!

The following canal trade routes have been built: Luthadel to Austrex

The following road trade routes have been built: Luthadel to Austrex, Luthadel to Tathingdwen.




The following children have been born: Leo Venture (male), Walina Walin (female), Kliss Tormander (female), Fia Urbain (female), Jorah Farrsolin (male), Emmaline Elariel (female), Maerys Izenry (female), Rolan Queade (male), Kinna Erikell (female), Arandar Penrod (male), Erinald Garde (male).


A word of 'warning', as much as it is a warning: I am considering limiting Public Actions somewhat to prevent having children be the only thing you do publicly. Alternatively, I could remove the need for Public Actions entirely, but it is somewhat meant to prevent the entire game taking place behind closed doors, so... I'm not sure at the moment. Peoples' thoughts would be appreciated.


Generation 1 Player List

  • Winter Cloud - Cleo Venture
  • little wilson - Kyara Wilson
  • spencer12347 - Walin Walin
  • Lord Pifferdoo - Primus Pifferdoo
  • The Only Joe - Joel Tormander
  • Gamma Fiend - Gamic Urbain
  • Unodus - Turukseed Uethorn
  • Adamir - Mennet Farrsolin
  • Blank Fate - Cyrus Artorius
  • Venture Mistborn - Ven Orielle
  • OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel
  • Comatose - Lutha Elariel
  • Aonar Faileas - Aodhan Izenry
  • Quiver - Tydan Queade
  • wblk - Sen Wair
  • phattemer - Cofal Erikell
  • Araris Valerian - Hadrian Penrod
  • Renegade - Renea Garde




This Turn will end on Sunday the 28st of June, at 6 PM BST. Information will be sent out shortly. If any player wishes to sell the Goods they produced this turn to the NPC Nobles and that did not happen, please tell me within the next 24 hours. Hurry, this offer can't last!


Also, Adamir, the Urbain Inquisition is all the way back from Long Game 7 in the Sanderson Elimination forum, in which I ran a Scadrial game dividing players into Houses. Ren was in House Urbain, with Gamma as House Lord.

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Lady Cleo Venture, the First of Her Name stood on her balcony. She watched the troops shuffle off. They weren't particularly well trained. She supposed that would be expected. While her troops would be part of the proposed Garrison, she would gain a measure of control of the armies. That was good. Besides, their income would keep her house happy.


She wore a deep purple gown, arms crossed. Her servants scuttled forward. She picked up a cup of wine out of one of their hands. 


"Thank you." She said as she sipped it. "Now, make sure the Lord Ruler knows these troops are coming. I wouldn't want him to surprised."

"Yes, my lady." Cleo still felt a thrill of pleasure come from hearing that title. My lady. She was important now. 

Leo and Cleo II, her children, walked out of their rooms to stand next to Cleo. 


"Hello, Mother." Leo waved. "Overseeing the troops?"


"Of course." Cleo I smiled warmly.


Cleo II wore a gray dress and leaned against the balcony too. She was older than Leo. Cleo II had a sort of regal strength. Of course you think well of them. 

"Do you think you'll be ready?" Cleo I asked.


"We will not disappoint you, Mother." Cleo II responded, smiling. "How much money will you make off of this?"


"Half of their wages." Cleo I replied smoothly. Cleo II had an eye for finances. 


"Good. Shouldn't you have argued for three quarters, though? That's much more. And how many troops are you sending? All of them would be rather silly, don't you think?"


"Well, that sounds much better. How much would you send?"  


"5 prowess." Cleo II stated.


"Isn't that a lot?" Leo asked. 


"Not too much. We want money."

"Okay." Cleo I said, though she felt unsettled. "Send the messenger to the Lord Ruler on the details. And send for more troops."  

Who: Lady Cleo Venture, the First of Her Name

What: Give soldiers (5 prowess) from the Venture Forces to the Lord Ruler's Garrisons in exchange for 3/4 of each soldier's wages. 

Where: Luthadel

When: Turn 3, Action 1.

Why: To gain money and approval in the eyes of the Lord Ruler

EDIT: Changing the amount of soldiers

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A word of 'warning', as much as it is a warning: I am considering limiting Public Actions somewhat to prevent having children be the only thing you do publicly. Alternatively, I could remove the need for Public Actions entirely, but it is somewhat meant to prevent the entire game taking place behind closed doors, so... I'm not sure at the moment. Peoples' thoughts would be appreciated.


I'd suggest making it so you can only do it once per generation, so that way you can get by doing it once, but not every single turn. Keeps the public actions in place, and makes it so people can fall back on the easy, non-revealing action once in a generation, but can't use it as a crutch to prevent other Houses from knowing what they're doing.

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I'd suggest making it so you can only do it once per generation, so that way you can get by doing it once, but not every single turn. Keeps the public actions in place, and makes it so people can fall back on the easy, non-revealing action once in a generation, but can't use it as a crutch to prevent other Houses from knowing what they're doing.

Once per generation seems a little restrictive - say, one action per turn could be anonymous?


On another note, time to confirm all of Wyrm's fears; I'm Trying for an Heir.


Male: Asher


Female: Talia


Once last comment; seriously, did no one try to join as House Lannister/Stark/Baratheon/Targaryen/Martell/YouGetTheIdea?

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Once per generation seems a little restrictive - say, one action per turn could be anonymous?

The thing is, only one action per turn has to be public. Some people are posting more actions, and some are doing the required one. Wyrm is having a problem because most of the people posting one action are sliding by with their allotted one time trying for an heir each turn. My suggestion isn't saying you can only try for heir once per generation. It's saying you can only make it public once a generation.

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@Adamir: Don't all of those people end up getting killed in some unfortunate manner? That might explain why.

Hadrian pondered the information Royce had passed on to him. It seemed that most of the houses were really intent on having children, which was good, but it made them rusting hard to form deals with. He quickly decided that the best way to get people to follow you was to be a leader. "Royce, go post an announcement on each of the other keeps, inviting their lords to visit my new Archive and to consider purchasing my high quality parchment and lumber. I am open to getting pretty much anything in return. House Penrod has almost exclusive power to control how history is written, so any Lord that ignores us might find future generations dismissing their houses as useless.

Alari watched Royce depart from the keep, laden with several bundles of paper. My husband works that man far too hard. Hadrian was a wonderful husband a quite good at running a house, but sometimes he got a bit lost in his dreams of leaving a lasting legacy and ignored pressing matters at hand. Their new son, Arandar, for instance, had been left to his own devices. It seemed he had a predisposition for Allomancy, although neither Alari or her husband knew how, since the powers were supposedly genetic. Perhaps it had to do with the Deepness. Perhaps the most urgent issue asides from her son was the skaa. They would cause problems in the future, if not watched carefully. What she was considering doing could explode in her face, but it just might give her house the edge it needed over the others. She scribbled a quick note for Royce to fetch some materials from the new Imperial Archive and then set off to find some tutors.

Action 1:

Who: Alari Penrod

What: Arranging for an education for all of the skaa leased by House Penrod

When: First Action

Where: In the Imperial Archive

Why: To increase skaa happiness and productivity compared to those that work for other houses

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@Araris Valerian


n98ut.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker


(Words of Radiance, epilogue)


Mennet Farrsolin


Mennet held the bottle of wine in one hand, tipping it over and watching the last few drops trickle out over the balcony which used to belong to Lord Tarwick Obilig. Seran was his, fully and entirely... and Lord Ruler, it was expensive.


'How much coinage did you say they wanted? Twenty five thousand?'


'Actually, my lord, the amount was-'


'Don't chide me, skaa. I'm going blind, not deaf. Twenty six thousand two hundred and fifty three boxings, for... administration?' The bottle clattered to the ground, a few thin cracks spinning across its length. Twenty six thousand. Twenty. Six. Thousand. And that wasn't even the end of it; his investments in the mining industry had demands for payment that would soon become hard to meet. The Luthadel Central Canal was just about paying for itself, and he was planning to leave two children - soon to be three - to deal with all of that?


'Seran,' he whispered, 'is the most powerful military fortress outside of Luthadel itself. The men here don't fight for a king, or for a lord, or for a religion... No, the men here fight for an identity, as the Serani. If I let them keep that identity, they will fight for me. Think of what I could do with an army like that...'


Thoughts began to float into Mennet's head. There was a way to recover the coinage he needed, but the merchants wouldn't like it.


'Skaa,' he sighed, 'write this down.' Should the skaa be allowed to read and write? If said skaa were to be secretaries, then of course; but he'd have to regulate the skill in the general populace.


'I, Mennet of House Farrsolin,' he began, 'Lord Regent of the great fortress of Seran, First of his Name, Spreader of our Lord Ruler's light in the Eastern Dominance, hereby decree that merchant caravans travelling on the Luthadel Central canal are to willingly submit a fraction of the gains from any goods brought into and sold in Luthadel, ranging between one part in twelve for products moving in bulk to one part in eight for products selling in small amounts. This fraction is to be known as the Luthadel Canal tax, with intentions to regulate mercantilism and evade hyperinflation.


'I also dictate that any and all soldiers commanded by, employed under, or swearing allegiance to, House Erikell are to be denied right of travel upon the Luthadel Central Canal if they are moving east. Any merchants seen in the company of Erikell soldiers and/or mercenaries are to be denied right of travel without verbal and written consent for a doubled taxation. Any merchant found to be evading said law by use of disguises, different banners, and/or bribery, will be subjected to the full extent of Final Empire law.'


'My Lord...' The skaa began.


'Save it for later; give those notes to the inner council, tell them it is not up for dispute. Then go down to the cellar, and get me some of Lord Urbain's wine.'


Who: Mennet Farrsolin, acting as House Lord.


What: Raising heavy taxes on merchants on the Luthadel Canal. Denying Erikell soldiers access to the Eastern Dominance via the canals.


When: Second action for the turn.


Why: For the pursuit of wealth, and to keep the skaa around Seran under his own control.

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Hmm... If allomancers can affect objects over long distances, perhaps we could make a faster method of communication. The lucky few that had been blessed with the powers of allomancy seemed mostly interested in its military implications; jumping across the misty night sky and spraying bits of metal every which-way. The problem was most likely in the frame of mind of the nobility. They all saw themselves as above carrying out manual labor, and would be reluctant to dedicate their lives to a public service. Well, Hadrian would make sure the members of his house did no such thing. He wandered to the garden that capped the roof of Keep Penrod. He had always loved potatoes, and was glad that the wholesome tubers had not been changed by the Lord Ruler's... adjustments to the world. Whatever befell the world, until his death Hadrian would be eating potatoes grown at his own dwelling. Maybe the other Lords just needed to be reminded of where they really came from. He gathered a couple servants to help carry some baskets and dug up several potatoes for each lord.


Action 0

Who: Hadrian

What: Giving some fresh potatoes to all of the Lords and Ladies of Luthadel, including TLR

Why: Because potatoes taste good

When: Yesterday

Where: Luthadel

Clarification, this is not an official action, it is just for fun.

The first Keep that Hadrian visited was Urbain. Lord Urbain was one of the few members of the new nobility that Hadrian actually admired. Rather than buying canals or hiring troops, the Urbains had begun the production of high quality party goods. Such a man would be necessary if the Lords were to work together. He knocked at the gate to the keep, and hoped to the Lord Ruler that his conversation wouldn't be too awkward.

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"Ah, Lord Hadrian!" Gamic exclaimed as he greeted the rustic house lord in his foyer. He had actually been rather surprised when Find had told him who he had found at the door, waiting with an arm full of potatoes. "Just the man I wanted to see, come, sit down!"


He offered the man a glass of his House's Fine Wines, now finally in full production. "Delicious, yes?" He nodded, already assuming that Lord Hadrian had agreed with him. "Yes, the best in the city. And with your help, I'll be able to help make it official!"

He handed Lord Hadrian a stack of letters. "A Fair Trade for your potatoes. My kind steward has informed me that you are making rounds to the rest of the Houses with your gesture of goodwill. Very Noble Indeed. I was wondering you'd be so generous as to pass out these fliers and invitations for me while you're at it?" He shook the Hadrian's free hand, thanking him for the appreciative help, before downing the glass of wine he had just offered the Lord from off the table and striding out the room.

"Thanks for the potatoes!"


When out of the room, Gamic came across Fia, who was hovering outside of sight on the other side of the wall, eavesdropping on the conversation. Ever curious, that one, he thought smiling.


"So, what did you learn?" He already knew that she had heard everything that was said.

"That we're eating potatoes with dinner?" She said, nodding towards the sack he was still holding.

"Gee, it takes a real Tineye to figure that one out," He replied, rolling his eyes.

"What's the Invitations for?" She asked.

"Bingo. We, dear, are holding Luthadel's First Festival of Wine Tasting, to celebrate our Lord Ruler's... er.. Rule, and the fine Traditions of being Nobles! And of course to confirm that Urbain's Vintages are of course the finest in the Final Empire."

"But what if somebody else wins?"

"Don't worry about that, dear." Gamic replied, winking.

First Action: House Urbain is Hosting a Wine Tasting Festival, for the Honor of The Lord Ruler and for all of the Nobles to Attend!
Where? The Streets of Luthadel!

Why? Well House Penrod has graciously offered to throw the Festival at their Holdings and has signed a blank check to pay for the whole shindig! So let's let this spill out onto the streets!


Thanks for the perfect RP opportunity to help deliver the Invitations Araris! :P

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Cleo II and Leo I stood on the roof of Keep Venture. It was night and the mists were out.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Cleo asked. "I don't understand why Mother doesn't like to be out at night."

"Probably has to do with something that happened before the Lord Ruler came and raised Venture high." Leo picked up the bottle of wine that he had brought up and poured a cup.

"You know I don't like the way wine makes people act." Cleo said, nervous.

"Burn some pewter. You can't get drunk while burning it." Leo took a long sip. He was 12 years old, while Cleo was 14. Mother wouldn't let them do anything important until they grew up, but they still had good fun with mists at night. Cleo hesitantly took a cup and sipped at it.

"This is good." Cleo said, surprised.

"Yeah, pretty good." Leo grinned at her slyly. "Want some more?"

"Of course." Cleo finished up the glass. "I love watching the mists. They're soothing."

"Always." Leo nodded.


Just some roleplay. Kids acting up, drinking alcohol, watching mists, could assassinate my House Lady at any time... You know how it goes.

Edit: This game is spilling over into other topics! :)

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Hadrian was delighted! There were loads of things he could do with letters bearing the official seal of House Urbain. With a little heat to melt the wax and a quick exchange of the contents, nobody would be the wiser. He headed back to Keep Urbain to draft a ... cleaner invitation.

After a half hour with himself and Royce at work, Hadrian scanned over the new invitations.

My fellow Lords,
I am hosting what will obviously be the social event of the century. Bring your best wines so that my vintage will stand out even brighter as the true masterpiece of our era. Join with me to celebrate the Rule of the Lord Ruler and our Nobleness! My trusted partner Lord Hadrian has offered to host the event at the new Imperial Archive, where we can read all about the grand undertakings he has for the new order. Any drinks from House Urbain will, of course, be free* of charge, so come party to your heart's content!

Also, anyone that comes in purple and orange will get to sample a secret beverage none but myself have tasted so far.

The Lord Gamic Urbain

"Go deliver these to their respective houses, Royce, them finish by bringing one here. The Archive is the perfect place for a party!"

Action 2
What: Hosting the wine tasting event at the Imperial Archive
Who: All of House Penrod
When: Second Action
Where: Imperial Archive
Why: To borrow a bit of Gamic's glamour and to boost public awareness of the Archives. A bit of advertising, you might say

I hope you don't mind my getting involved with your party. It will probably be cheaper for you now anyway, and you deserve it for giving me your invitations.

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Sen was feeling old, he felt he understood little of the current atmosphere of celebrations and balls. The sheer idea of hosting parties clashed with his concern for the well-being of the Empire.


Yes, I should retire and find somewhere quiet to write my memoirs. I just need to ensure the House is strong enough to endure.


He waved over a servant, and told her to gather his messengers. He needed more information.


Who-Sen as House Lord

What- Sending his servants out to collect rumours and general misc. information.

Why- To gain an overview of the state of the Houses.

When- First Action

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Lord Erikell sneered at Farrsolin. "You think I would even use your puny canals? I have no need for them. My relations with our Lord Ruler are good enough to skip them totally."

Action 1

Who: Lord Erikell's soldiers

What: Expanding Final Empire

Where: To the south

Why: I hope to get better relations with TLR, as well as perhaps gain a farm.

When: Act1, Gen1, Turn3

How: Being mean

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Out of character note


I will be away for the next 3-12 days; Wyrm has offered to let me state my next turn's actions in advance to him in a PM in case I don't get back before the end of next turn. I'll answer the marriage and alliance requests when I get back.

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Turn 3:

Lutha frowned as she went over her books.  Her coup in Tremredare had stretched her resources to their limit.  Her efforts had been successful, and thus worth it, of course, but that success had come at a cost.  If Emmaline and Lysander were going to enjoy the benefits of her success, she would would need to stabilize her position.  That, likely, would mean she would need to rely on others.  The thought of putting her trust in any of her peers made her hesitant.  After all, unlike her followers and hangers on, the other original nobles had seen where she had come from.  It was one thing to hear that a noble lady had once been a servant, and to romanticize that tale into something that could be used.  It was quite another to have seen said Lady cleaning out chamber pots and serving meals.  The last thing she wanted was to submit to the will of another house, and become a servant once again.  


Lutha took another look through the careful notations her accountant had drawn up on House Elariel finances.  It would seem there was no getting around it.  An alliance would be needed in the future.  However, there was no reason she should go running to another House in a desperate position.  If she could prolong things a little longer, and solidify her position in the West, perhaps she could forge an alliance from a position of strength, rather than weakness.  


Lutha gestured her new steward forward.  "Raen, fetch me those maps of the land around Tremredare.  I've had my fill of intrigue and bloodshed.  I think it's time for something new."


"Yes, Lady Elariel."



Action 1 - Buying Land:
Who: Lady Lutha Elariel
What: Buying land around Tremredare to plant fields
Where: Tremredare
When: Turn 3 Action 1.  
Why: To gain a source of revenue, and provide food for her followers and for the newly annexed city of Tremredare. 


Action 3 - Trying for an Heir:

Who: Lady Lutha Elariel
What: Trying for an Heir (Male - Reuben; Female - Tiana).
Where: The Elariel Manor in Tremredare
When: Turn 3 Action 3.  
Why: To gain children she can use to forge alliances with the other houses.

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