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What would you rather be named?


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In honor of gjustice99's thread on names, I decided to post this one asking what you would rather be named, if indeed you would.

So, now that we all know your names, what would you rather be named? Do you go by a nickname? And why? Do you see yourself as different than the name, or just like the sound of another?

My name is Edit:[Redacted], but I sometimes go by Edit:[Redacted] or Edit:[Redacted]. I do this because not only is Edit:[Redacted] hard to pronounce for some, but it's just a weird name and I'm not a fan of it.

Also, kudos to Brightness Random for bringing the idea to my mind. :P Thanks.

Edited by Kipper
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King of the Kobolds, Supreme Emperor of All He Surveys, Wisest of the Western Wisdom-Wielders, Traveler of the Four Dimensions, Master of the Manifold Manly Macaronis, Teacher of the Terrible Toddler, Keeper of the Kicking Crazy Cockerels, Gatherer of the Goat's Great Milk, Eater of Eggs, Poster of Ponies, and Utmost Ubiquiter of Upvotes.




Or if that's too long, you can just keep calling me "Jared" or "Kobold." :P

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King of the Kobolds, Supreme Emperor of All He Surveys, Wisest of the Western Wisdom-Wielders, Traveler of the Four Dimensions, Master of the Manifold Manly Macaronis, Teacher of the Terrible Toddler, Keeper of the Kicking Crazy Cockerels, Gatherer of the Goat's Great Milk, Eater of Eggs, Poster of Ponies, and Utmost Ubiquiter of Upvotes.




Or if that's too long, you can just keep calling me "Jared" or "Kobold." :P

Tell me of these "Manly Macaronis." I would have them.
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Named? Nothing, I'm fine with the name I have. 


As for what I'd rather be called? "Hi, Danielle, I have a position as a teen librarian that pays an excellent starting salary in a city with a low cost of living where you'll be able to find a pet-friendly apartment easily. No need to interview; your face says it all. You have the perfect 'teen librarian' face. Anyway, when can you start?" :P

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My name is Grace and I would rather just about anything but it. If I had to choose, it would be what my mom wanted me named, which was Blair. But, I probably wouldn't change it because Grace Justice is a pretty cool name all together.

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I probably wouldn't change it because Grace Justice is a pretty cool name all together.


Grace Justice is a stormin' awesome name. 




B)  :D



As for me, I used to fancy being called Jackson. I would look in the mirror each morning and a Jackson-face would stare back at me.


But then I became friends with a guy called Jackson, and my mental image of a person with that name became indistinguishable from his face. The name no longer seemed to suit me. When I gazed into the mirror, it was an unJacksonful man who returned my gaze.




Thus ends the tragic tale of That Time I Was Fourteen And Angsty.

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While I was discontent in my youth, I'm pretty happy with my first name now.  I never got a middle name, though; I guess my parents figured my first name was long enough on its own.


My workplace bases usernames on first initial, middle initial, last name.  If you don't have a middle name, you get an 'X' in that spot.


I still really, really regret passing up the chance to make my middle name "Xena" when I filled out my post-marriage paperwork.  It was a golden opportunity, and I squandered it.

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Ah. I didn't get much of a reaction on this thread. Of course, based on the other name thread, people generally have a lot more normal names than I.

Or they're just happier with their names?

I have an unusual name (which I'm not sharing with the Internet At Large but if you PM me and I'm in the right mood I might share it), and I *love* my name. Despite being nicknamed, actually, which is funny.

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I've been going by Lord God Master of the Entire Frickin' Universe for a couple decades now. Even have some worshipers and a couple dozen souls left. After reading Kobold King's post, tho, I'm feeling a bit inadequate.

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I have it on good authority that I narrowly escaped being named Albert or Eliott :P I'm generally cool with my name, although some people have truncated it in rather...weird ways.


I admit that I like the name 'Ben' though. Much simpler :P But it isn't a situation in which I'd rather have been named it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I eventually grew accustomed to my first name, but I really had trouble with it when I was young (not that it is ugly, but it was very uncommon back then and it felt weird to be the only one in the class to have an “rare” name). My own mother called me Morticia for years, (now she tends to call me Abby, because NCIS is more fashionable that the Addams family nowadays  >_< ) and my friends often call me “Mei Mei” (little sister) or Mémé (granny) because it is the first syllable of Méline, my real name.


(but storm, I would have loved to be named Morticia for real :P )

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Not fond of my first name, might change it when I'm older, might not. Problem is I'm not sure what I'd change it to since the names I really like I've already mentally reserved for my future kids.

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