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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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YKASF when you make your Kahoot nickname "Willshaper". (For those of you who haven't played Kahoot, it's an online review game where you get to pick your own nicknames.)

Also, there's a guy in my band who has mostly black hair... with streaks of blond. And he wears glasses. I swear, if Renarin played bass clarinet, I would freak out every time I saw this guy.

Also, I'm taking a class where we get to cast rings, and mine's gonna have the Willshaper glyph on it.

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When you slide across the floor real fast and think wow! I'm an Edgedancer! Look at me go!

Also, when you have adopted Sanderson curses so much, your child starts to say Ash's Eyes! Or more recently Scud!

Also, when you try to ingest metal flakes and try to sense your metal reserves for a legitimately long time and think, This metal isn't Allomantically correct. 



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When casually scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across this picture post by NatGeo and thought “This looks like something right out of Stormlight Archives. What is going on?” 

Turns out it is a Thai tattoo form called Sak Yant done by monks with a lot of symbolism. Beautiful really. And they look just like glyphs. 

And then, since the Alethi have a lot of Asian influence, you wonder how much Brandon and the Dragonsteel team knew about this or may have been influenced by it when designing glyphs. 


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in the RPGC (role-playing games club) at our school, the people who usually show up are me, 2 other sanderfans, and the DM. 

about halfway through the second meeting, the DM had to threaten us with removing one max HP for every Sanderson reference we made. 

I almost said "well, I had better start making another dozen new characters..."

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When you're unable to post on the forums for several months for reasons (those of you who know me will probably know why), and you use computer bookmarks, notes on papers, your whiteboard, photographs, and your phone's notebook function to remind yourself of everything you need to do...and most of them are for this thread.

When you see the name Vin in Beyonders, then the name Maldor in a Sanderson book (Idr which), and you wonder if the Brandons swapped characters for a short time.

When you see "Ate, who brings ruin" in a book and just nod because of course Ruin would have spread his influence outside the cosmere.

When you hear a song lyric (I See Fire) that says Desolation comes upon the sky and you think The Everstorm comes upon the ground too.

When you see a defense attorney referred to as a DA and smile. We have all the professions! Muahahaha.

When you reread The Giver, and everything just screams "Some must fall that others may stand".

When you look at a picture of Darkstalker, and are forcefully reminded of RWBY's Grimm dragon; then your next thought is of cosmere dragons.

When Ruby's protagonist speech at the end of V4 reminds you of Journey Before Destination.

When the word 'perpendicular' makes you think of perpendicularities.

When you see a sign for "Bridgeland", and mutter to your mom that you didn't know Roshar was on Earth. (Or something like that. A lot of these are going to be paraphrased or guesswork, because what am I supposed to make of "Bridgeland sign"? I really should've left better notes.)

When you hear 'grapple him' as 'RAFO him'.

When you see...I believe it was a store front...with the words 'Vinh Long', and your mind automatically subtracts the h.

When you dream about Ink getting murdered. (DON'T ASK ME WHY. I WOKE UP UNHAPPY.)

When you name your rats Siri and Vivenna. Not only does Siri have brighter fur, (white with specks of black as opposed to white and swaths of brown) but she also was more energetic at FIRST before becoming less so later, allowing Vivenna to move around more! Just like their arcs in the books. Siri was also the one who we didn't know was pregnant when we got them from the store. Makes me hope the REAL Siri won't eat her days-old babies like this one appears to have. (I know, they were so small and cute and then one day they were just gone. Both of them. Gone without a sign. I don't want it to be cannibalism, but mother rats are known for it...)

When your copy of TWOK falls apart (like REALLY apart), so after buying a new, sturdier copy, you highlight a few of your favorite quotes (then give up cause there're too many) and rip out each individual page; then you cut out all the pictures and make a cool collage that you put on your wall, and start putting the pages on the ceiling. (I've still got a ways to go, especially since I haven't touched the project in like weeks. :unsure:)

When you're drinking Shasta root beer and you wonder when the Liebrarians got around to conquering probably the best beverage ever.

When your screensaver goes to your profile pic, and you imagine the Shard is calling you back.

When you read a book called The Diabolic, and there's a group of people called inquisitors...who are highly feared religious leaders. Then there was a character named Neveni. Then one named Elantra. Then one named Unity. There's no storming way all that is a coincidence - the author HAS to be a Sanderfan, right? Anyway, I noticed it all, so I'm one.

When you have a dream where there's a Pokemon card for Elsecalling. *shrugs*

When you see the word 'Ghostbloods' in the words 'antiseptic mouthwash'. Now THAT was a double-take.

When, in the book Bitterblue, (great book I recommend the series) there's a character named Spook, and you're just WAITING for a MB reference.

When you misread ciabatta as clemabread, then biscuits as bismuth seconds later.

When something in Darkness of Dragons reminds you of JBD.

When you read the word Coda and think of Adylade.

When you read 'out of sight, out of mind' and think of OOSOOM. (I still ship it, even if it'll never happen...)

When you see the word Ene in everything. TalnENElat. ScENE. BENEfit. So on.

When you're told that there are three ways to unify, and Dalinar pops into your head.

When you read Roden and are reminded of Raoden.

When you see the element Samarium and think of Sami.

When you meet a character named Celia and think of Celia Amaram.

When you quote Mask on the front of your binder. "What. Do. I. Fight. For? I fight for second chances."

When you see "InkWing Arts" and consider questioning Ink on his dragon-tribe art choices.

When someone carves symbols that look like A, t, and i in their desk and you use pencil to fill in the rest of the letters, making Ati.

When your teacher says something like "When you date someone, there will be assassins", and you just snort because OF COURSE there will be. I'm a Ghostblood. I'LL be the assassin involved when I date someone.

When Cognitive stuff is mentioned in Psychology, and you can't get Shadesmar out of your head. Mmm, Expanse of the Vapors...KotC...Fulfillment...death...wait, what?

When you think you see the name Hoid, and are disappointed when it's not.

When there are ALSO inquisitors in another book you read. Not sure if there were other similarities that time though. (TD was a windfall - or I should say a chromiumfall, right?)

When you see someone carrying Oathbringer in the hallway of your school, and naturally your first instinct is to call out "OATHBRINGER!" at him.

When you have a drawing assignment to draw ten things that stat with the letter R, and one of yours is the Knight Radiant symbol.

When you find Aon, WOT, Nin, Tia, and Toh in a word search...a SPANISH word search.

When a character named Skipper in a roleplay goes into a dark alley, and you just grin.

When you learn about Nazca and are reminded of Nazh.

When you almost type GBs instead of WF.

When you typo theory, and one of the options is Threnody, and you laugh like crazy.

When you change your Canvas profile picture to the cosmere symbol.

When you look up 'luck Ferring' (I forgot the name was Spinner, which is silly of me because I created Spinner Cookies), and get this as the result. Cookies and a privacy policy? Sounds like a disclaimer to me...

When your friend (Blessing of Potency) and you are texting, and they ask you if you just implied the two of you are a hive mind, and you text back that you're Autonomy.

That's not even it, but I gave up on the rest of my notes. Now I'm off to the black sphere thread (it was active when I thought this stuff up, so fight me)...:D

Edited by AonEne
If you actually read this whole thing, then you deserve a prize.
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19 hours ago, AonEne said:

When you read a book called The Diabolic, and there's a group of people called inquisitors...who are highly feared religious leaders. Then there was a character named Neveni. Then one named Elantra. Then one named Unity. There's no storming way all that is a coincidence - the author HAS to be a Sanderfan, right? Anyway, I noticed it all, so I'm one.


Which book?

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