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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When your ten year old brother asks what a lashing is (in the context of historical punishments), and your first thought is to say (WOR spoilers)

"It's what Kaladin does when he changes gravity,"

and restrain yourself not by remembering that that wasn't the definition he was looking for OR that he hasn't read the books, but by the fact that you should say Szeth instead to avoid spoilers.


When you laugh maniacally while playing Minecraft because villagers use emeralds for currency.

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When you embrace your inner Elend and bring books (okay, fine, a book!) to a function because your relatives are far less interesting than ugly crab-lizard things and a book isn't.


Edited by Ketek
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I do this K, it drives the wife up the wall like a Windrunner who saw a spider.


When you wish you could Sooth one dog to calm down and Riot the other so he actually does SOMETHING other than grump at the young dog. 

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I do this K, it drives the wife up the wall like a Windrunner who saw a spider.


When you wish you could Sooth one dog to calm down and Riot the other so he actually does SOMETHING other than grump at the young dog. 


Tell her at least you didn't try to use your Lightweaver powers and just send an illusion there like you did last time ;)

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Pre-Sanderson Books: Oh look, an inconsistency in the books. Oh well, no Author's perfect.

Post-Sanderson Books: Oh Look! An inconsistency in the Books! There must be a Massive blot twist coming!

Or rather - "inconsistency! This must mean something relating to what happened in chapter three because of the other character who.... No wait. This isn't Sanderson. It's just an inconsistency. :("
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When you find yourself trying to use Brass on your teacher as they get mad at you for not doing your homework...

Or trying to lift something heavy and wondering how how much easier it would be with Feruchemy...

Or cutting vegetables and having a random desire to try cutting them with a shardblade...

Or start cursing like someone on scadrial... Lord Ruler that gets annoying!!!

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