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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you see the words 'Lift for shower' in your bathtub and for some indecipherable reason your mind goes to this alternate reality where 'shower' is a governmental position, like president, and someone is trying to get you to elect Lift as the new shower. And how I would totally do that. 

I then realized what I was thinking. 

When you associate half the words in any given text with something Sanderson related. i.e. metals, Shard names, etc. 

When you see ELA (English Language Arts) and think "I should put 'ntris' behind it. Then it'll be Elantris." 

When you randomly see the word Investiture in the YouTube description for someone being knighted, and do a double take. 

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10 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

When you've been reading Brandon Sanderson for so long that when you finally stop, you realize the world has moved on without you.

(And it has changed drastically in the years you've been absorbed in the amazing literature.)

Or when you are done with his books, you go through Sanderwithdrawals.

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2 minutes ago, Mraize said:

Yeah, I believe I came up with it myself, when my mother said I was going through reading withdrawals because I caught up in reading Sanderson.

Yay for making up names! ...My computer is starting to worry me. I didn't recognize yay and I had to add it to the dictionary...twice???

3 minutes ago, Tesh said:

And a thread!

What happens there? What's it called?

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When you listen to NPR in the car, and every day they do their spiel about sponsors and "brought to you by" and you listen with just half an ear because who really pays attention to that sort of thing. And then they always finish with "And the Listeners..." and instead of thinking of the nice people calling in to donate you picture marbled skin and stringy hair. Every. Single. Time.

Seriously, no matter how many times I hear that, for some reason I'm never expecting it. I end up speculating and musing about Voidbringers and their motives for supporting NPR.

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