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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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2 minutes ago, Warbreaker_Weiss said:

When people at your school start shipping you with your Sanderfan best friend and asking you which character you're going to name your future children after.  <_<

This isn't even as embarrassing as the time in 7th grade when people heard me talking about Brandon's books and just assumed that I had a crush on this guy named Brandon Sanderson because I said his name a lot when I was explaining the plot of Mistborn to someone who asked what it was about.

I'm so sorry.

When people see you reading a WoT book, (tGH) and automatically assume it's by Sanderson. And then you have to say, "No, it's not. He wrote the last three books in the series. There's fourteen books, and this is only the second."

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45 minutes ago, Tesh said:

I'm so sorry.

When people see you reading a WoT book, (tGH) and automatically assume it's by Sanderson. And then you have to say, "No, it's not. He wrote the last three books in the series. There's fourteen books, and this is only the second."


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8 hours ago, Warbreaker_Weiss said:

When people at your school start shipping you with your Sanderfan best friend and asking you which character you're going to name your future children after.  <_<

This isn't even as embarrassing as the time in 7th grade when people heard me talking about Brandon's books and just assumed that I had a crush on this guy named Brandon Sanderson because I said his name a lot when I was explaining the plot of Mistborn to someone who asked what it was about.

Honestly, I kind of want to name my future daughter Shallan. (What? It's a pretty name!)

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So today, my friend picked up my copy of Oathbringer as I was reading it, and started reading it aloud, and she kept saying everything wrong especially the names. And when I would correct her, she’d say “whatever” then keep saying it as she had said it before. Like, she kept calling Adrotagia Agitation. It was kind of annoying, but I wasn’t mad or anything.

But then she messed up Kaladin’s name. I corrected her, and she reacted as she had before. I took the book and said, “Kaladin is my favorite character, so say his name right, or I take my book back.” She said his name right after that.

Edited by Rebecca
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When you talk with your non-cosmere-reading friend about being inconsistent in your quality of art and you write "haha yeah my art is going full taravangian on me."

Would've made sense if she had any idea who taravangian is i guess.

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When a nearly 70 year old man you work with starts reading Mistborn because of you talking about it (I did not know this til today), and then asks if there are more, and you get to explain the premise of AoL, and he excitedly tells you he's going to pick it up on his way home. 

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11 hours ago, Tesh said:

@Cel's science teacher almost ran us over. True story.


A true story that I now want to hear!

When your teacher asks a question and you feel the urge to scream, "RAFO!"

When you know that ONE DAY, one of the strangers you say "I am a stick" to in the hallways will say "But you could be fire" back.

When your friend writes a Mistborn fanfiction, and you leave so many comments the page count doubles. Possibly more than doubles. I have a thing about editing.

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3 hours ago, AonEne said:

A true story that I now want to hear!.

We were walking through her neighborhood one day, and we had been messing around in a tree that is in a park. (It involved her saying, "Kal, to the East!" and I thought she had said, "Kally East!") Then we walked across the street, and someone almost ran us over. When we cwerre on the side walk, she said, " That was my science teacher!" I still bring it up in normal conversation. Except... None of our conversations are normal. We can burst out laughing if we see a stack of plates.

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2 hours ago, Tesh said:

Except... None of our conversations are normal. We can burst out laughing if we see a stack of plates.

The first sentence sounds like me. I can't relate to the second, but it's hilarious. :-{)

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When you're asked to bring your favorite book to a meeting with your library staff co-workers, and you know undoubtedly that yours will be the biggest one there.

When the meeting facilitator tells you to explain to a partner why that book is your favorite in three minutes, and you think, I have three minutes to make this person a Sanderfan.

When the person who processes purchased library books calls you out on how many Sanderson books you've ordered for the library.

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3 hours ago, MountainKing said:

@AonEne Is that a Wings of Fire cover

Moon Rising, book six

3 hours ago, Quickbronze said:

Indeed it is 

WOF isn't quite Sanderson level, but it's pretty good :-)


4 hours ago, Benjamin_Stormblessed said:

Don't give up hope! It shall happen eventually my friend!

I'LL NEVER GIVE UP *sniffles*


When you see Palm Sunday on your calendar, misread it as Paalm, and get momentarily worried.

When you read 'angiosperm' in your biology textbook and think it says angerspren. I was really confused as to why they were talking about angerspren rather than lifespren, and how Earth biologists knew about it at all.

Edited by AonEne
I'm forgetful.
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You know you're a sanderfan when the three genie wishes you have decided upon are as follows:

I wish all of Brandon Sandersons magic systems were real

I wish I had access to all of Brandon Sanderson's magic systems

And I wish I had infinite fuel for all of Brandon Sanderson's magic systems

Also, you know you're a sanderfan when you visit the library, and after checking the two places with Sanderson books, you sit down next to the bookshelf and start reading SH in their brand new copy of AU. Even though you have the book at home. And on kindle... In your pocket. True story

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