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[Mag][Pbp][R20] Assault On Keep Venture


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Looking for a group of people to run a play-by-post game of MAG Anyone interested? If so, read over this stuff below then post your interest and an RP sample. We will build characters through discussion once we have the people. Looking for a crew of 3-6 people.


To be clear I am looking for literate roleplayers with good writing skills.

Posting expectations: At least one paragraph, more is better (if relevant), but writer's block happens. I will shoot for one post per day or more, I expect the same from players. Again, writer's block happens. Maybe try to let me know in the OOC.


We're going to play in a private forum on Roll20. This is for a few reasons. I can warn you, which I am doing now, this game may get very graphic and adult. M for Mature. This forum doesn't allow that I am sure. Even so, things are a little disorganized here, no offense to the mods, and I can organize my game the way I want on Roll20. Also, dice.


Plot summary:


About twenty years before the fall of the Final Empire, the noble and prestigious Family Venture has made more than its share of enemies. There are many, noble and skaa, or would be more than happy to see the family fall. What soul is brave enough to do that, you ask? That is where our heros come in.


Go ahead and be thinking about a character who has been slighted by the Venture Household or for another reason may have a vendetta against them.


I've never run this particular system in PbP so if I am missing anything, feel free to ask.

Edited by ThatOneMisting
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Here's my intro RP from the Anniversary Elimination Game:


Baron von Piffertiff was hungry. His steward was taking quite a long time to bring him his afternoon snack. Piffertiff sighed, and resumed writing his third book, On the Creations of Cans and Can-like Vessels.

"Traded in a lot of favors for permission to write this, I did." mumbled Piffertiff. "And for what? To see the manuscript here rot after the koloss slaughter the whole town? Load of rubbish, this is." 


Piffertiff sniffed, then looked up from his writing to glimpses at the sun. He had been seeing less and less of that fiery old thing as of late, thanks to the mists. The mists always had frightened Piffertiff, but nowadays even thinking about it made his body shiver. It was a good thing coin was still valuble in this broken world of ours, else Piffertiff would have had to pay his guards in bread. He had precious little of that left.


Piffertiff thought he saw Yulin again, this time outside his window. Insufferable old fool, that one. He'd always be there to help once you'd all but helped yourself. "Still managed to annoy me, even in death, Yulin?" Piffertiff grumbled, cursing his former steward. If only that fool had left well enough alone. He knew to not interfere with Canton business.


His steward was certainly late this time. You'd think after a few beatings he'd learn to be punctual. Piffertiff sighed. Insufferable as he was, at least Yulin was on schedule. Former farmhands really couldn't compete with Terrisman. He must have gone through three this month. They were just so idiotic, so incompetent, so fragile. 

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I think I'll join. I'll edit a Red post into this post in a few minutes. (from Portland)
EDIT: Changed my mind. Here's one of my Cleo and Kae RP from LG 10.


Cleo kept her head down as she entered the city. She was pretty sure that Kae hadn't tracked her here, but, well... She could never be sure with Kae. Cleo glanced around. She thought she saw a suspicious person talking in the crowds, but she wouldn't run from shadows. Cleo tapped her feet, urging the crowd to go around her. 



Kae gazed around. Nobody seemed to know anything! Cleo must have came here at some point. It was a major hub for Shardic activity. And there was a lot of Shardic activity going on in the Cosmere lately. Odium seemed to be acting up. Why do you obsess about that girl, anyway? Ruin asked.

"She got away." Kae shrugged. But you need to focus on Odium. I mean, he wants to shatter meKae smiled. So that's why you want me to focus on shattering him. 

"I know I do. Can you see her?" I think she's on this planet, if it makes you happy.

"Yes, thanks."


Cleo stared at a mysterious man who seemed to be talking to himself. Kae? He did talk to Ruin and he appeared to be crazy while doing so. Cleo really wanted to bring out her daggers which she was given by an assassin from Roshar named Odyssa. Cleo taped them carefully. 

"You crazy?" Someone asked the mysterious man.


"You crazy?" Someone asked Kae. Kae turned.

"I'm not crazy. I'm..." Maybe it would be better to be thought of as crazy than a servant of a potentially hostile Shard. "I'm sane! Why would you think I'm crazy? No, no! I don't want to." It was exaggerated, though. A trained eye would see the lie. Kae was, of course, completely insane. What else would a servant of Ruin be? Ruin had ruined Kae's insanity from years of association.


Cleo stepped closer to the mysterious man whose figure reminded her a lot of Kae. Was it Kae? If she was wrong... Cleo brushed by him and felt a bump in his back. She jumped. A spike. It had to be. If she was wrong and attacked an innocent there would be trouble. And if it was Kae? What then? Cleo couldn't fight an Inquisitor. There was other worldhoppers in this crowd, of course. They would know the implication of Inquisitors. But would they help? The hood fell off of the man's head and Cleo gazed up at the eyes. Spikes. There was a scream. Cleo screamed and started running. Kae was here. Or another Inquisitor. At least they had a common enemy, right? Odium wanted to shatter Ruin as well as Preservation, so that was a good thing. Maybe? Cleo didn't want to find out. 


The crowds were screaming. They noticed his spikes, then. Kill them.

"How many times do I have to tell you no for you to understand I am not going to murder people without reason?" You'd murder her.

"Cleo's different." Of course she is. A sound almost like a mocking laugh. You have reason

"Yeah, I do. Wait..." He saw the narrow frame of a girl that looked a lot like Cleo. "Is that her?" Probably.

"And you didn't tell me this why?" You were too preoccupied but I know you'll chase her down now. Go. Do whatever you want. Let Odium shatter me. 

"Whatever." Kae set off after the retreating Cleo.


Cleo saw Kae following her. She dashed around a corner as fast as she could. But didn't Kae have Feruchemical steel? It was frustrating being a Smoker sometimes. Lurchers and Coinshots had awesome power but all Cleo could do is hide and conceal. And Kae turned her already almost useless ability into less than useless: Counterproductive. Cleo dashed across a square, knocking over some dudes grandpa. 
"Sorry, got an annoyed Inquisitor from Scadrial on my tail!" She called back. 


"Sorry, got an annoyed Inquisitor from Scadrial on my tail!" Cleo yelled at the old guy. Kae smiled. Annoyed?

"You haven't seen me in the mournings." Kae replied. He dropped a coin and Pushed on it. He did have Feruchemical steel but Cleo deserved a proper chase.


Kae dropped in front of Cleo. Cleo stabbed quickly at his chest with one of Odyssa's daggers. He blocked with an obsidian axe.

"Using Inquisitor weapons is cheating." Cleo complained, cutting low. The crowd scattered from the fighting couple. Kae dropped the axe and Pushed away Cleo's daggers. 


Kae lunged at Cleo. Serriously, why her? Ruin complained. 

"Years I've been waiting for this. Hunting you down." Kae grabbed her throat and put her in a chokehold. Cleo gasped for air and started kicking.


Cleo hated Kae. She really did. Cleo's vision was starting to blacken on the edges. She kept kicking, trying for air. "Aren't-"cough. "-we-" cough. "-on-" cough. "-same-?" cough.


Kae glared at her. "Same what?" It was stupid of Cleo to imply they had anything alike. Besides Copper, you mean. "It's a different type of copper. Mine's through helmuargy and hers was natural."


"Side." She coughed, Cleo kept kicking, through her strength was fading .The black was making dashes towards her. Red and black wove in and out of each other. Everything was fuzzy. "Same side. Odium..."


She could help you Shatter Odium. Ruin suggested. 

"Fine." Kae let go. "Spell out what you propose."

Edited by Winter Cloud
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I would be interested in this, since my current PbP game has basically died (for the third time, I swear...). I've used Roll20 before for D&D (briefly), but not the forums themselves, so should be rather interesting to see if they do anything different to help with roleplaying. My only concern is timezones - I am on GMT, so that might be a bit of a problem. If you don't mind what timezone we're on, then I submit the Elimination games I've GMed with their writeups:


First writeup for a Scadrial game.

First writeup for a Roshar game.

Bonus mark, RPing in another game (Annual Game). Ignore the fact that I forgot to colour some of the OOC text >>.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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I might be interested in joining this, actually. Never played the MAG before yet, although I recently got the book and have been reading through it, preparing to try and run a game for my friends to get them into Mistborn. So this will be interesting to have an opportunity to play as a player, so I can get that experience first.

I've never used the Roll20 site or anything before, but it looks rather nifty and will be interesting to check out! I have some RP established in the Sanderson Elimination forums as well. Here's my first write-up for my Wheel of Time based Elimination game. I'll also post some sample RP in here, after thinking of some possible characters.

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Is it only funny to me that we're all giving SE samples? Also, Gamma. I'm reading the Urbain Doc and I have to say, you guys go on and on and on... 

Heh, this is the only forum I've actually done RP on, and exclusively for the Elimination games. :P I have also posted a small, unfinished segment of Fanfiction I wrote based off of the first.... wait for it.... Elimination game that was run on these forums! If you want to check out a sample of non-RP writing of mine -- In the Wake of the Koloss: A Short Story

It seemed to get positive feedback at the time when I posted it.... and I swear I mean to finish it one of these days....

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Yeah, I'll make sure to check it as frequently as I can. I am currently involved in an Elimination Game on these forums at the moment, so most of my attention will be split at first between the two, but as that game winds down and ends, that should leave me plenty of time for the MAG! (I will still be active in the MAG, of course, just not as active as I'd like to be, at first. At least daily checks/posts, for certain.)

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