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The Investiture-Challenged Awareness Society


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  • skaa (President and Founder)
  • Cheese United
  • Curiosity
  • Kipper (Mascot)
  • Lindel
  • Screwloose
  • Shlee

Non-RP version: This guild is for two kinds of Sharders: 1) Those who enjoy role-playing as non-powered or low-powered underdogs who use their ingenuity to outwit/avoid stronger Superpowered opponents, or 2) those who don't like role-playing at all and would rather spend their time writing or discussing theories. If you identify yourself with either kind, feel free to request for membership.

RP version:
I, the skaa named skaa, self-proclaimed President and OMSF1Founder of the Investiture-Challenged Awareness Society (henceforth referred to as the Society), have decided to extend my invitation to all drabs, darkeyes, pure skaa, and anyone else who've been oppressed by the Invested Aristocracy or otherwise oppose said oppression, to join our2 Society of free, well-informed, well-armed, and spike-free Investiture-Challenged beings and Invested sympathizers.

The Society's message is two-fold:

  • The only Investiture you need inside your body is the Spark of Life. Aside from that and any Innate Investiture that you have no control over, all other forms of Shardic power ought to remain outside of you, where it cannot pollute your Cognitive Identity, your "self", the very meaning of who you are.
  • Having no "special" Investiture must not prevent you from living a full, happy life even in a community full of "special beings"3.

Our goal, therefore, is to eradicate the notion that decent, hardworking Investiture-challenged beings ought to kowtow to the Invested Oligarchs, or even yearn to be similarly Invested. We do not need to mutilate our bodies with the dirty spikes of Hemalurgists, or mutilate our minds with the foreign moralities of barely-sentient Splinters. Nor do we need to inhale foul Breath or choke on glowing metal nuggets. We, the Investiture-Challenged beings of the Cosmere, shall survive with our selves intact, proud of our minimal Shardic influence, and ready to face the dangerous worlds of our dwarf galaxy with heads4 held high!

In order to achieve this goal, the Society shall promote learning, scholarship, and the advancement of technology in all the Shardworlds of the Cosmere. Yes, even Investiture technology, for as long such technology will only be used on non-sentient targets5 and will not unduly Invest an Investiture-challenged being.

With all these in mind, if you are interested in joining the Society, please read the two simple rules thereof:

Rule 1: Reject Noble Mentality

Aside from the general idea that Investiture-challenged persons ought not be oppressed, this rule may be interpreted by individual members as they see fit. What do you hate the most in our Invested So-Called Overlords? What of their excesses do you detest? Whatever your answer, strive to do the opposite. If you hate their ostentation, revise your gaudy signature and use a more modest username. If you hate their reliance on brute strength, stop role-playing as the Fullborn Sliver who is also a Returned and (inexplicably) an Epic. Stop doing what you see in them. Be the Anti-Noble you want to be.

Rule 2: Be a Scholar of Investiture

Strive to learn everything about the forms of Investiture in your chosen Shardworld/s. Aim to be more knowledgeable than the majority of our Invested oppressors, then spread the knowledge to your fellow Investiture-challenged brethren. Ponder on the Words of the Creator, also the Words of His Assistant, searching for clues as to how best to use Investiture without Investiture using you. If doubts and uncertainties exist, be brave enough to formulate your own theories. Do not rely on Invested scholars who think they know everything about their power simply because they have it, or who think that their limitations can limit us; the Creator has shown that they are often wrong.


If you are willing to follow the Two Rules of the Society, then I welcome you with open arms. Members shall each receive an Investiture-blocking kit, an aluminum gun to be used only in self-defense, and a lifetime supply of aluminum fragmenting bullets6.

1 Only Member So Far

2"my"Yes, it's our Society now! :)

3 freaky abominations (no offense meant)

4 covered in simple but tasteful aluminum-lined head gear

5 and Nobles; but only for... noble... purposes. ;)

6 Electricity is such a wonderful thing.

Edited by skaa
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What's your policy on using Fabrials and similarly Invested technology? I assume something like a heating Fabrial be acceptable, but what about a Regrowth Fabrial? Or a Soulcasting Fabrial, which creates permanent changes in one's physical, and potentially Cognitive or Spiritual, nature?

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question: If you aren't an oppresor, but have Investure, are you allowed to help the movement?

Any Invested person who shares our hatred of oppression and who can abide by the Two Rules of the Society may request for membership. We (that is, I) understand that some kindred spirits were born with Investiture, or were recently and permanently Invested without their consent (e.g. after blindly accepting a cookie in their Introduction thread), and therefore cannot help being who they are. We also welcome those with harmless (the oppressors would say "useless") powers who sympathize with our cause. I will only require such persons to avoid displaying their Invested abilities unnecessarily. This means that those who may safely suppress/remove their Investiture (e.g. those with Hemalurgic earrings) must do so during meetings.

*raises hand*

What's your policy on Aviar?

What's your policy on using Fabrials and similarly Invested technology? I assume something like a heating Fabrial be acceptable, but what about a Regrowth Fabrial? Or a Soulcasting Fabrial, which creates permanent changes in one's physical, and potentially Cognitive or Spiritual, nature?

Invested animals and Invested objects may be used as appropriate to further our goals. In cases where using such a thing will contaminate the user with Investiture, then its use shall be restricted to extreme situations where lives are at stake, and only if no alternative is available. The members are expected to debate with each other in a scholarly manner whether a particular Invested tool is worth using. Edited by skaa
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Any Invested person who shares our hatred of oppression and who can abide by the Two Rules of the Society may request for membership. We (that is, I) understand that some kindred spirits were born with Investiture, or were recently and permanently Invested without their consent, and therefore cannot help being who they are. We also welcome those with harmless (the oppressors would say "useless") powers who sympathize with our cause. I will only require such persons to avoid displaying their Invested abilities unnecessarily.

So you accept Aluminum mistings as well?

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I would like to join this Society of cripples. When may I have the gear?

Funny. *shoots Snoopy's legs* You seem to be the only cripple here. ;)

Application denied.

[Out of character: Was that excessively harsh? Role-playing is so sparking hard for me sometimes. :( ]

What if a member is unexpectedly taken by the Shaod? Would you expel a member merely for the silver color of his/her skin, which said member has absolutely no control over?

As I said above, being Invested is no impediment to membership so long as loyalty is shown and rules are followed. That said, Investiture-challenged members are gently advised to avoid living in or near Arelon. If a member finds himself Invested in the future, he will have to decide for himself whether he still belongs.

And if the behavior of Invested members get out of hand, I will have to impose stricter measures. But let's not think about that for now. :)

Edited by skaa
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Funny. *shoots Snoopy's legs* You seem to be the only cripple here. ;)

Application denied.

[Out of character: Was that excessively harsh? Role-playing is so sparking hard for me sometimes. :(:)

Not at all. I'm going to enjoy being a member here...
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Hear, hear! May the Drabbest people in these forums be the bright beacons of innovation and knowledge to our fellow Sharders!


May I have the pleasure of joining this society?


(Provided i don't have to formally publish theories. I am not particularly available to do so at this time. Contribute, yes. Publish stuff like this? No.)

Edited by Curiosity
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How do you feel about domesticated Shades?

Sorry for not addressing your concern earlier, Ashiok. It is a difficult question. On one hand, keeping Shades and other mentally-challenged Invested humans like Lifeless as pets/slaves seems like an affront to their human dignity. On the other hand, these creatures are in some definitions dead and, being non-sentient, are technically spiritual or organic robots. I would personally prefer avoiding such creatures or sending them to a more permanent state of rest, but this issue is still debatable.

Edit: Such a crippled Mistborn is free to become an Invested member of the Society for as long as he adheres to the Rules.

So you accept Aluminum mistings as well?

Yes. Gnats and other low-powered Invested creatures, who may be victims of aristocratic oppression themselves, are in fact included under the term "Investiture-challenged".


Here are the members so far:

Cheese United


I will grant probationary membership to our crippled Hemalurgic friend, Snoopy. He will only get a tinfoil hat. We shall see if he truly wants to be part of the Society. In a week's time, we'll collectively decide on his membership status.

Edited by skaa
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Anything that can think for itself for starters


My dogs can think. Cats can think. Monkeys think. A lot of multicellular life forms think to some degree, actually.


You might have better progress limiting the definition to creatures that are demonstrably self-aware, but even that is faulty. One of the chief ways of measuring self-awareness is gauging whether an animal can recognize its own reflection, and the ability to recognize oneself in a mirror seems to be a fairly shaky basis for a universal theory of interspecies ethics.


The possession of a soul? I believe in souls, but I recognize the scientific difficulties involved in testing for the existence of such. Next.

The ability to make moral decisions? Define moral decisions. Wolves care for their wounded. Cats can choose to reject or accept a new kitten added to their group.


I guess what I'm saying is, finding the definition of sentience--or rather, sapience--is a lot trickier than it sounds. :P Especially in a Cosmere setting, where absolutely everything has a quantifiable Cognitive and Spiritual presence.

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Even a stick. 


I would like to question the ICAS on its policies on the scientific uses of Investiture. We at the DA appreciate the lack of leadership - in fact, Voidus is merely the first lurker, not the most chief. Deference to him is only in respect of his long-standing membership of the guild, much as skaa does here. The second Resolution, that of scientific Inquiry, is a goal I feel closely aligns with DA goals. We in the Dark Alley strive to discover the potentially life saving benefits of Hemalurgy. I believe our goals differ on but a single point, namely, that of the use of Investiture. We in the Dark Alley strive to use Hemalurgy for the benefit of all.

Respectfuly, the Dark Alley also requests our bamboo-loving associate be allowed use of a small piece of Gold to enable quick healing of his legs. 


Also,what is the ICAS's policy on copperclouds and Leechings? I believe these would enable the ICAS to remove Investiture from their body in an easy and efficient way.

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