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Just saw an interview with Brandon about Steelheart, and found this gem:

"It's a good thing I'm not a supervillain, because I would totally blow up your car."

We need to get that on a book cover. Immediately.

The interview.

I wasn't really sold on this story until reading the interview. The anti-superhero has, in my mind, been done to death as thoroughly as the superhero. But there really isn't anything else quite like this. What really sold me was that quote, I guess, the idea (which I am extrapolating) that most normal people given superpowers would end up villains, at least in the traditional sense of seeking selfish gain. Because I feel that's very true. Maybe God knew what he was doing after all, makin' us so lame and normal :lol:

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  • 6 months later...

I don't dare making a new thread for it but I found a short review from Patrick Rothfuss about Steelheart:

Patrick's review

It's not much but perhaps somebody liked to know.

I love reading Patrick's reviews/blurbs that he does for books. I found his interview about how he came up with his blurb for Way of Kings very comical.

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That blurb, and the reviews, has me sold.


I've always thought that if people gained real superpowers, it would turn out rather differently than shown in the comic books.  Even if they tried to be benign, a la the X-Men, they would shape the world around them just by being powerful.  People would react differently to them, and their words and actions would carry more weight, like it or not.  In turn, this would shape their attitudes.  It would be very hard indeed for any to stay morally good.


And the truly evil ones?  They would be simply awful, and much more dangerous than is usually shown in the comic books.  Which is saying something, I know.


Basically, if you had super powers like in the comic books, you would end up either ruling the world or being one of the people who rules the world, whether you liked it or not.  It's the way power works in the real world.

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of people have been commenting about how the superheroes are evil thing has been done already. IMNSHO, Brandon will be able to pull this off fantastically and originally the way he always does. happyman's post alone is a very good take on the whole thing, and at the very least we will soon get a very nice look at the philosophy of power.


EDIT: And so ends the single most terribly written post in the history of public forum.

Edited by Observer
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  • 4 weeks later...

EDIT: And so ends the single most terribly written post in the history of public forum.


You haven't been online for long, have you?  Either that or you have had a remarkably good experience online.

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You haven't been online for long, have you?  Either that or you have had a remarkably good experience online.


Just using hyperbole. I was being a little bit self-depracating for not being able to word the post any better at the time. I think we've all seen much worse than that before.


Any new news on Steelheart yet? I heard it would be coming out this year, but aside from that the info I have hasn't updated at all.

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