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List of Worldhoppers (spoilers)


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So I've been looking around, and so far I haven't found a definitive list of worldhoppers. So I figured I'd start one, and hopefully people will chime in to help me fill this out.


So far, we've got:



We all know and love him. He appears in every Cosmere book.

From: Yolen

Appearance: varies?


In books:



  • Wit
  • writer of "The Letter" in epigraphs


  • FE- informant to Kelsier in Luthadel
  • WoA- unnamed leader of Terris refugees
  • HoA- informant in Fadrex City


  • summoned to Court of the Gods by Lightsong


  • Lightweaving
  • Feruchemy
  • Awakening
  • Allomancy? (posesses lerasium bead)


Potentially the most knowledgeable worldhopper

From: Taldain

Appearance: dark-skinned


In books:


Taldain: (unpublished)

  • main character in White Sand


Collects documents and drawings for Khriss

From: ?

Appearance: ?


In books:



  • Drew/collected/annotaded assorted chapter artwork
  • Seen as ardent drawing Bridge 4 before being shooed away by Rock


One of the Five Scholars and wielder of Nightblood

From: Nalthis

Appearance: Long hair, brown eyes, black beard, usually dressed in simple cloth clothing tied with rope


In books:


  • Main character in WB


  • Appears as Zahel the weaponsmaster


  • Awakening

17th Shard Members:

Seen searching for Hoid in Ishikk interlude in WoK


From Elantris


From Mistborn


From White Sand (unpublished)







The invested sword

From: Nalthis

Appearance: black, thin scabbard


In books:



  • major character


  • given to Szeth by Nalan in WoR

Unnamed kandra worldhopper


Unnamed terriswoman worldhopper


Unnamed worldhopper from Threnody





Nurse in Warbreaker




Named twice as Venture spy in Final Empire and in WoR as soldier who discovered the plateau with the oathgate

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Mistborn takes place on Scadrial, not Sel.


There is also a possible worldhopper named Felt. He appeared as the Venture spy in Final Empire and discovered the plateau with the Oathgate in Words of Radiance. You can find a description in Final Empire


The Terris Nurse in Warbreaker

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Mistborn takes place on Scadrial, not Sel.

There is also a possible worldhooper named Felt. He appeared as the Venture spy in Final Empire and discovered the plateau with the Oathgate in Words of Radiance. You can find a description in Final Empire

The Terris Nurse in Warbreaker

I think it's worth nothing that both the nurse in Warbreaker and Felt are not confirmed Worldhoppers. We know the Terriswoman exists but we have no definitive evidence or WoB to determine who the woman is, other than the speculative following:



Speaking of the Terriswoman, is she the nurse in Warbreaker?

Brandon Sanderson

< Pauses; gleefully says > RAAAAAAFO!


Same goes for Felt. Could've been a fluke/accident that there are two people named Felt...but I don't agree with this because how frequently does Brandon do anything that is just a coincidence?

If the OP is looking for a definitive list, then we can't really include the nurse and Felt as real identities for Worldhoppers. Also, OP, we know Mraize and Iyatil are both Worldhoppers from this WoB:


Question (Paraphrased)

Is Mraize a worldhopper?

Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

Yes, he's been to a few planets, highly supervised by his babsk.

Question (Paraphrased)

So what planet is she [iyatil] from?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, that's kind of a hard thing to say. She has three planets she's "from". For example, she's living now on Roshar, but then she's from a different planet, but that's not the planet that her people are from.


[Edited b/c the quote tool that Moogle created (Moogle, thanks for the awesome tool, by the way!) puts the end quote after just the title]

Edited by Titan Arum
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Well there are two people called Red in the Cosmere books Shadows for Silence in the forests of Hell and Words of Radiance respectively and they really don't seem like the same person at all. but I'm inclined to agree that I think felt is a world hopper of some description.

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Could Felt be Hoid in disguise?

The Coppermind lists him as "lithe and short with a hawkish face and a drooping moustache." (Scadrial account)

Finding Felt in two different books was what actually led me to make my very first post on 17th shard.  At first I was under the impression that it was Hoid in disguise, using a pseudonym...but at the time I didn't realize how many world hoppers there were.  While the physical description seems similar...nothing that Felt does or says seems very Hoidish...also...in WoR Felt (well...it's implied that it's Felt) speaks with Shallan directly...and she doesn't recognize him...


If I every make it to a book signing...I'm totally asking Brandon to confirm Felt as a worldhopper...I might try an squeeze in what planet he was born on and whether or not he is 17th shard as well...


By the way...a while ago someone pointed out that a bridgeman that talks to Shallan in WoR is pretty obviously described as a Terrisman...let me see if I can find it...


He was a tall handsome man, who's arms seemed entirely too long for his body. - chapter 80 to fight the rain.

A bridgeman who talks to Shallan 

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I'm 95% sure that Felt is a world hopper.

I'm inclined to agree.  I'm really curious though...is he originally from Scadrial and became a worldhopper after (like Demoux) or is he from somewhere else, and he had a reason to be on Scadrial.  If you look at it the right way...he gives characters critical information at the perfect time to massively impact how the story turns out.  If Elend never found out about Vin being a skaa...he wouldn't have gone to rescue her and they would never have become a couple...all sorts of things would be different on Scadrial...Ruin may have even won.  If he hadn't told Shallan about a certain plateau being perfectly circular...she would have never found the oathgate...and the highstorm and everstorm would have probably wiped out several of our main characters...including a few radiants.  I do have to say that...like Hoid...he has a tendency to be in the right place at the right time...and to make a huge impact on the story, without drawing much attention to himself at all.  I find this to be highly suspect. 

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Hoid is also referred to in TES as a court jester(I think), but doesn't appear on screen. He initially had been written in by name, but Brandon removed him in the final draft.

Also, I don't know much about Khriss, having not read any of the unpublished works, but I haven't seen him/her in any of the published books. I'm reasonably sure he/she is the recipient of Hoid's letter, and would be capable of worldhopping, but not sure if we can confirm as yet.

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I have a theory that the Terriswoman in Warbreaker is Demoux's girlfriend.

The Terriswoman at the end of Mistborn we only really got a glimpse of her, i have a theory that they both joined the Seventeenth Shard together.


Also there is a possible Terrisman in bridge 4 who talks to Shallan in WOR Chapter 80


He was a tall handsome man, who's arms seemed entirely too long for his body.

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Actually, his arms being too long for his body indicates that he's a eunuch more than the idea that he's a Terrisman.

See Final Empire Annotations

I realize this...however...if you read the passage...even his manner of speech seems similar to a terrisman steward.  If you replace brightness with mistress each time he says it...it sounds exactly like Sazed talking to Vin.  I know that it's not solid evidence...but it does add some credibility...by the way...upvote to WEZ for finding this in the first place...I already upvoted you in the first thread you posted it in...but I'm doing it again anyway...

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I think it's worth nothing that both the nurse in Warbreaker and Felt are not confirmed Worldhoppers. We know the Terriswoman exists but we have no definitive evidence or WoB to determine who the woman is...


I think it is also worth noting that Brandon says in Warbreaker's annotations that the nurse is a drab, which would seem to indicate that she is from Nalthis.


EDIT: Nope, I'm wrong. I'm thinking of Mab the cook. My bad.


In that case, I'm on board, now. Nurse Worldhopper FTW!

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What about Frost? Isn't he the one Hoid wrote the letter to (and he wrote Hoid back in WOR)?
Didn't Brandon say he is the oldest person we have seen in the Cosmere so far?
(I may add sources later as I find them)

Edit 1: Source 1: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1084#24
Edit 2: Source 2: https://twitter.com/BrandSanderson/status/22409474870349824


Edit 3: A conclusion based on what I found: It is not canon that the letters in tWoK and WoR were between Hoid and Frost, but based on these WoBs it is a plausible theory some people have. The writer of the letter in WoR clearly has a "non-Inteference policy"

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I think Frost is the Dragon that will be in Dragonsteel.

It is believed that he is the one sending letters back and forth with Hoid in SA.

He is also the oldest being in the Cosmere.

Snoopy, on 07 Feb 2015 - 9:13 PM, said:


Who is the oldest character we know?

Can a person in Shardplate be Rioted or Soothed? What about Seeked?

Could a Coinshot, in a fight, damage Shardplate?


Frost is almost certainly the oldest by a small amount. After that, Hoid.


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