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Legion cover art released!


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The kind folks at Subterranean revealed what Legion is going to look like. If you didn't get their e-mail this morning, you can view it on their site.


I have to confess, I'm not crazy about it. I've seen better work from them. The design isn't eye catching. However, that said, it is a perfect representation of the story.

What are your thoughts?

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I don't know, given the description of Legion, it seems fitting. The guy has "aspects" that are multiple personalities all competing in his head, right? So the blurred colors, the dark person in thought seems to capture that? The only thing I'd say is the body language doesn't communicate much action, so it comes off that this will be an introspective character piece (just by looking at the cover). I don't know if that's the case, not having read it, obviously.

It's a pretty piece of art though.

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Well said, Spoonface. There really is too much negative space. It's the type of cover that I'd expect from a small press, especially if it was for a new author. But Subterranean prints special and limited editions for a lot of big name authors and the art on these printings usually fantastic. As a fan, I kinda feel jipped. Brandon deserves better. (You know, like the cover art for Emperor's Soul)

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I don't hate it. I'm not especially impressed, but I don't hate it.

The problem I have with it, is that while it does represent the story well, it doesn't help you guess at what the story is if you have no idea. It might not be an issue for this book, but if I were to pass it in the bookstore, without having ever heard of Legion, my first thought would be "This looks like the story of a guy who's really busy."

That said, the art is good, and maybe my interpretation is just me. I would have done something a bit different, though.

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