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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Also, if anyone is hiding in the shadows, just observing, this is the game to sign up for. If you survive here, you can survive most of the games! Come be part of the fun! We don't bite! ... Well, we maim, but we don't bite! :P


Speak for yourself, Meta. :P

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I'm not sure how to quote parts of what you've asked, Meta, so I'll just answer in bullet point form.

  • There are four ways to die in this game - Skaa kills, 'lynches', being attacked by a Coinshot, or possibly from attacking a Pewterarm/first-killing a Mistborn while injured. Only lynches will have their alignment confirmed. The method of death will be shown for everyone. However, while skaa kills will be shown, that doesn't mean the alignment will be confirmed! In essence, what I'm saying is that the Wounded Gazelle Gambit can still be done, but for much higher stakes.
  • That is a good question, something I hadn't quite considered. I would say yes, and such a thing will be publicly announced. So the trade-off here is that two of your House are publicly known, rather than just you.
  • I was going to say that a Great House would only have one House power, but that was when I was considering that we might have more players. As such, I am going to say that a Great House can have either one or two powers. If a noble kills a House, then they may choose one of those powers for their House to obtain. If they do not choose within the next day turn, then it will be chosen randomly for them. This means there is another way for powers to be lost.
  • Metal Poisoning has two possibilities - Either the player does not use their power, or it makes them injured after the cycle in a way that cannot be prevented. The reason that it is stated outright is because it would be incredibly powerful to cripple effectively an eighth of the players every cycle. The players who use that metal just have to decide whether using their metal that cycle is worth the risk or not. It also resets the amount of time it will take for you to heal.
  • In the case of Obligation, the idea is first to get a truthful answer or to force a decision. The 'if possible' part is due to the case of, say, asking Player X if they will target Player Y with their metal, and then Player Y being lynched. Obviously the Obligated question is no longer possible, and in this case, Player X may do what they wish without restriction. If a player does not respond to the Obligation, then their action is totally nullified - This is the best I can do to 'force' a player to respond.
  • I'll admit that I did not quite consider the possibility of asking for information quite like that with Obligation. I'm somewhat in two minds of what to do here, considering there's no real way to enforce them to tell the truth. However, considering it's an Obligator asking the question, I'm going to say that if you ask a question which does not relate to an upcoming vote or action, that player will be informed, but true information will be given to you from the GM. The exception to this will be asking if a player is secretly Skaa, or a variation on that theme, in which case the answer will always be 'no', for obvious reasons.
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Just a question. Is it possible to defect from a house? I'm totally not thinking of doing that.  :D


For the purposes of this game, it is not possible to leave and/or join another House.

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A reminder that the game will start in two days time. Signups will still be open for 48 hours. We have eighteen players, and ideally I'd like a few more, so if anyone's sitting on the fence about this game, sign up!


The current list of players is:

  1. Kassel Erikell (Kasimir)
  2. Tonul Venture (Tulir)
  3. Alden Izenry (Aonar Faileas)
  4. Fien Urbain (Gamma Fiend)
  5. Asyr Tuy (a smart guy)
  6. Jain Phantomhive (Lightsworn Panda)
  7. Hyrun Tormander (The Only Joe)
  8. Ashette Cett (Ashiok)
  9. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  10. Kaldin Fathvell (Kal Dell)
  11. Find Fain (QuiteLeftInch)
  12. Quitania Elariel (QuiteContrary)
  13. Wandrin Nuvidas (New One)
  14. Racine Morinthe (twelthrootoftwo)
  15. Sylina Serris (Theorymaker)
  16. Cadri Raisaal (Shivertongue)
  17. Mesist A'lees (Metacognition)
  18. Mailu Willen (Mailliw73)
  19. Ren Gardre (Renegade)
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I'm quite excited for this one to start. It looks like a lot of fun!

Mailu was the heir to his father's fortune. Or rather, he had been. His father had changed his heir to Mailu's cousin, only because Mailu had finally pushed it too far. Mailu didn't think he had done anything terribly bad. He only tried to help run the House for his father. He was lightening his father's load by taking command of House Wilen's production in the Southen Dominance. House Wilen was a stone house. They quarried a few types of stone in different Dominances and shipped them through house Derevaux to their customers. Mailu had begun contacting the lead foreman in the Southern Dominance to instruct him in what to do with his new quarries. Assuming Mailu had permission, the foreman was not going to refuse what his Lord's son requested. When Mailu's father found out, he was furious. Mailu had often tried to slip the house out of his father's hands and into his own. Now his cousin was the heir and he was sent to balls and parties to gather information. How boring.

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Alright, alright, I’ll join.  I’m just glad that no horses have signed up this time.


Ren Gardre had never been invited to a ball before.  The distant relative to the lord of a little-known House, Ren had trouble believing he was special.  Sure, he was a Noble, not one of those lowly skaa, but in the world of the Nobility, he was practically nothing.  A tiny island in an ocean of fame and power.  Practically worthless.


Ren anxiously looked out the window of his carriage, seeing Keep Heron in all of its magnificence.  “Lord Ruler,” Ren breathed in awe.  The keep was gigantic, adorned with dozens of stained-glass windows, and so many steeples that it looked like a miniature version of Kredik Shaw itself.  As his carriage approached the keep, Ren’s heart sank.  There were a lot of carriages lined up in front of the keep.  Dozens.  Ren wouldn’t be surprised if there were a few hundred.  Apparently, he was even less special than he thought he was.


The carriage slowed down and stopped in front of the keep’s gates, and Ren’s Terris steward promptly opened up his door.  “Thank you, good Bamin,” Ren said, grinning nervously as he stepped down from the carriage.


The terrisman nodded, glancing around furtively.  He wasn’t wearing his spectacles.  That was odd, especially since they were outside.  “What’s the matter?” Ren asked, looking at the tall steward.  “Did you forget your glasses?”


“This situation worries me,” Bamin replied, putting a hand on Ren’s shoulder protectively.  Was it just Ren’s imagination, or did Bamin’s arms seem to have grown more bulky and muscular?


“I’m worried, too,” Ren said, frowning.  “But I suppose everybody is a bit jumpy during their first ball.”


“But this isn’t my first ball,” Bamin sighed.  “Back before you were born, when I was your father’s steward, I traveled with him to balls held all over Luthadel, many held by the Great Houses.”


Ren looked at Bamin, who still had his hand on Ren’s shoulder.  “My father…” Ren breathed.  “He was a far more important man than I could ever become.  But… how did he do it?”


“Do what?”


“How did my father become such a popular man?  Invited to all of those balls, meetings…  And he was only a member of a lesser house.”


Bamin looked down, letting go of Ren’s shoulder to finger one of the large Terris earrings he wore.  “Your father… was a very charismatic man.  He made any ball interesting with his presence.  And even though he knew he was of no particular import in the grand scheme of things, he did his best to get House Gardre’s name out to the Nobility of Luthadel.  But after his… death, well, people just seemed to forget about him.  These things happen a lot after assassinations.  It’s just a lot of House politics.”


Ren’s eyebrows creased in frustration.  “Bleah.  Politics.  Bad.”


Bamin nodded, and gestured for Ren to start walking towards the keep’s entrance.  “Hopefully, since you are new on the scene, nobody will try to get you involved in any alliances or things like that.  Unfortunately, considering that practically all of Luthadel is here… well, who knows what will happen.”


Ren shivered.  “I’m not in any danger, am I?  There have been rumors of skaa…”


“Yes, yes, skaa assassinations.  Shouldn’t be anything to worry about, as the skaa would not kill someone as new and inexperienced to politics as you are.  Consider your anonymity to be working in your favor, Ren.”


“So are you saying that I shouldn’t try to stand out?  Unlike my father?”


Bamin sighed.  “In this case… I have no idea.  House Heron is not one to host balls that often, so I have a feeling there is some ulterior motive in mind tonight.  Try to stay low, but introduce yourself if anyone asks.  That’s all I can tell you.”


The two filed into place behind the dozens of Nobles waiting to enter the keep.  Ren could hear the sounds of loud chatter and music within, and felt another pang of fear.  So many people, Ren thought in terror.  Ren turned his head to look at Bamin, who stood behind him, smiling encouragingly.  Ren smiled back wanly, and strode on ahead into the ballroom.

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Mailu saw a man walk in with a Terris steward. Just having arrived at the ball himself, he decided to talk to the young man. "My name is Mailu Willen. What's yours?" Mailu waited for an answer from the new lord. He didn't look extravagant, so probably from a smaller house, like Mailu himself. But he had a Terris steward, so it must've been wealthy at some point.

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Some more questions have been asked, and once more I shall clarify things without saying who asked them, as they were asked by PM.

  • Is it possible for a player to betray their own House with the help of the Skaa or other Houses in order to get into a better position within it (such as becoming House Lord)? There's nothing preventing it in the rules, and it would fit with the sort of culture that surrounds the Nobility. Particularly if you think that the head of your House is Skaa, for instance. Otherwise though, there's no mechanical benefit. I believe that doing it to become the House Lord with no justifiable reason other than 'because I want to be' would be highly frowned upon by all the players, and so I hope it would not happen in the relatively pleasant environment we have for these games. Remember, the objective for all players is to have fun, not to maximise your fun at the expense of everyone else's.
  • Obligation information comes from the target player, or the GM if it is not about a future action. As such, it will not interfere with the Informant actions in any way. Obligation can be used once every night without restriction.
  • Hazekillers can also be used every night without restriction.
  • As Atium is actually currency as well as fuel in The Final Empire, poisoning atium would be akin to high treason. Though really, the poisoning of Atium has no effect, as a Mistborn forced to burn it when they would be killed, and they escape freshly injured after using it. Metal Poisoning would just make them injured at the end of the night cycle anyway. So Atium cannot be poisoned, because mechanically it would have no effect, as well as the fact that flavourfully it would be a cause for a call from the Canton of Finance.
  • Kandra count as players within a House, and so Kandra can discover the actions of another Kandra if they spy on a House with a Kandra in. In this case, you will be informed that there is a Kandra allied to the deceased player, and that a Kandra has spied on another player, but not the results of that spying nor the name of the Kandra doing so.
  • Brass and Zinc work exactly the same as in previous games. Brass cancels the vote of target player, Zinc cancels your own vote to move another player's. I apologise for the incorrect wording of 'Soothes a vote against a player'. It should be 'Soothes a vote by a player'. The rules have been changed to reflect this. They count as your Metal Action for the following Night Turn.
  • If a Pewterarm or Mistborn stops burning Pewter, their injuries increase in scale. If someone who has burnt Pewter was Partially Injured, they become Injured the first Night Cycle they do not burn it. If an Injured Pewterarm/Mistborn stops burning it was Injured and they stop, they die from their wounds. Injures heal at the end of the Night Turn two cycles afterwards. A player injured on Night 1 will be fully healed at the end of Night 3/start of Day 4.
  • A player who becomes Injured (such as a Pewterarm being hit while Partially Injured or an Injured player using a Metal that has been poisoned) will have their healing reset. Thus it's possible for a Pewterarm to be Partially Injured on Night 1, then Injured on Night 3, then Killed on Night 5 without healing.
  • Informant Actions, Genealogy and Loyal Terrismen can all be used on dead players. Obligation can only be used on living players. If a dead player 'runs out' of Informant information, then no facts from the GM will be given.

Phew. Any others? :P


For that matter, 19 players. Can we get one more in the next 23 hours?

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She did not expect the room to grow silent as she entered, nor all movement to suddenly halt. Such notions were patently ridiculous, stories told to young ladies to excite them and have them swooning over the romanticism of nobility. The young lady, attending her first ball, swept off her feet by a nobleman of her dreams, marry, and be whisked away to a private villa in the Southern Dominance to live a life of luxury and devotion.


Cadri snorted in as ladylike a fashion as possible. And koloss would start tap-dancing in Ahlstrom Square.


Raisaal held no such illusions. Raisaal did not raise their children to be fools.


Her siblings had attended their first balls in military attire - loose dark gray pants and high-collared jacket, trimmed in red and black, accented with gold-brushed wooden buttons. Testament to the military tradition of the House, a show of discipline and strength. A message that Raisaal was not to be trifled with, that Raisaal was always ready to win a fight. Cadri preferred a more subtle message - she wore a flowing black and red gown, highlighted with silver beading down the length of the skirt. Other highlights included bright red ribbons along the bodice, bare shoulders, and thirteen razor-sharp glass daggers hidden throughout.


Always better to let them think they had you at a disadvantage. Cadri had to look her part - an innocent young girl, barely sixteen, amazed and awed by the grandeur of true nobility. 


She swept through the crowd as if she knew what she was doing, Ranvi at her back, tall and stoic in his steward's livery. Ranvi was allowed to look dangerous. Ranvi was incapable of looking anything but dangerous.


None of the hazekillers in attendance acknowledged her, although some took covert glances at her Terrisman, shifting their footing slightly. She smiled to herself in approval. Raisaal trained the best, and the best were not distracted. Many of them she knew personally, had trained or trained with. They were on contract now, however, to other noble families. They could have no contact with the Raisaal unless sanctioned. A stipulation insisted on by the clients, to help them feel as though they weren't being spied on.


They weren't of course. But they always thought they were. Having someone to keep eyes on made it so much easier to slip someone else in unnoticed. And when they discovered the spy in their midst, their loyal hazekiller would leap to the defense of their Lord or Lady, slaying the treacherous mole and honoring the word and spirit of the contract. Which more often than not, would then be renewed.




Her older siblings were on assignment outside of Luthadel or managing the needs of the Keep tonight, so it feel upon sweet little Cadri to represent the family. They were not the greatest of Houses, but nor were they minor. Raisaal tended to fluctuate over the centuries, sometimes rising, sometimes falling. Sometimes by accident, sometimes by design. Whatever was needed to keep them strong. Not the social butterfly her sister Espra was, she knew few of the other nobles in attendance. There a lovely little Elariel; and there, a gaggle of Casuana; oh look a Venture! And how cute, a lonely little Urbain out after dark all by themselves!


Wait one moment... an Urbain? Her eyes twinkled as she glided across the floor toward - why yes, yes it was. How delightful. And she thought tonight would be boring. "By the Lord Ruler, is that you Fein Urbain? It must be - the 'pretentious constipation' look is too uniquely you."




Later than I had planned, but... Cadri Raisaal. 

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Fien groaned and rolled his eyes. Of course she would be here, as well!


"Why, if it isn't the most lovely and audacious Miss Cadri Raisall!" He declared with exaggerated warmth, spreading his arms wide and giving hiis phoniest smile he could muster. "Why, if I had known you were coming, I'd have and just gone and asked an Inquisitor to bury their obsidian axe into my skull, and save us all the trouble" He raised his glass in mock toast towards her and finished the contents of the cup with three loud gulps.


"I must say you look dashing," he rambled on, wiping the excess wine from his mouth with the back of his hand, "So reminiscent of the constant ash and that dreary, red sun. So macabre. So....you!" He emphasized his point with a flourish of his hands, gesturing to Cadri's dress.


He pointedly ignored her and suddenly turned around, not even feigning to listen if she had started to make a retort or not. Rust! Just what is Lord Heron planning, exactly, bringing all of these people together? Fien wondered, wishing he had paid a little bit more attention to the the political landscape in Luthadel. And Lord Ruler, what is taking Gamad so long!

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How charming. House Raisaal never disappoints, sending their seemingly innocent relative. Oh, how she misses that house so!

She hid her smile behind her fan and followed Cadri with her eyes as she walked towards the Urbain fop. This is what she loved about these parties - the intrigue, the play on words, the Game...and the cut direct.


She listened to the Urbain boy's attempt at a cut and an insult, and almost laughed. What an amateur! Of all the people to cross, Raisaal was one of the most dangerous. She should know.


She caught Cadri's eyes and smiled. The girl is fierce, and when Quitania was in that house married to the Raisaal boy of her dreams, received quite a number of wounds and bruises from her practice fights with Cadri. And the girl was younger then. She rubbed her shoulder where a scar ran from her left shoulder down to her elbow that she needed to hide through clever fashion design. Everyone thought Quitania's tastes for one shoulder gowns was just a fashion preference. They didn't know that the sleeved left part of the gown was necessary to hide the ugly scar from the wound that Cadri gave her.


Curiously though, her departed husbands loved that scar. It was a mark of survival. 


She knew that Cadri needed no defense, but she stood up and approached the Urbain boy anyway. It was time to join the fray.


"My dear Lord Urbain, what a pleasure to see you here.", she said with a practiced twinkle in her eye, a flourish of her wrist, and a small nod. The boy definitely did NOT deserve a curtsy.


"I see that many of the people you've spoken to have not managed to adhere themselves to your charming demeanor for long. They must be quite immune to it. Or perhaps, they fear your charm may make them reveal something they would otherwise not?" Her eyes smiled as she said this, and kept fanning herself slowly.


"As for me, I would like the pleasure of your company, if you will permit it. I would normally be happy staying where I was, but we are young! Where is the fun in that?"


She waited for him to insult her, as was his wont. But one never knows. Maybe he will say yes.

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Cadri giggled demurely behind one gloved hand. Ranvi appeared at her side with a glass of wine, and she accepted it, toasting in return. "And you would have done it in private, no doubt, depriving everyone else of the entertainment." She smiled, waving it off with her free hand. "No matter, I'm sure we can arrange something tonight. They may not be obsidian, but I'm certain someone here has something that would look nice embedded within your skull."


A small sneer flickered across her face as he gulped his wine, spilling it upon himself in the process. So undignified. Was this the state Urbain had fallen into? 


She twirled as he gestured toward her, the silver beading shimmering as it caught the light. "Well, I did wear it on the chance I would see you tonight, my dear Fein. Of course, I had expected you to be lying in a cheap box while an obligator mumbled something about your less-than-extraordinary life, but I suppose witnessing another of your social deaths will have to suffice."


If Fein had planned to say anything more, it was cut off by the arrival of another. Cadri squinted at the woman, almost certain she knew that face. She'd never been good with faces however. Or voices. Or names. Really, she wasn't too good at remembering people. Something about her departed uncle Wobb...


She shrugged, taking a sip of her wine. No matter. It would come to her eventually, she was sure.




Oh my, wounds Cadri gave her? The poor dear, she really shouldn't have tried to block...


Edit: 666 rep. Torturer of Heralds. Nice.

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Fien was approached by somebody else, and used his very well honed skill of selective hearing to ignore the young Raisaal as she blathered on about something. He didn't really care.


He weighed the words of the newcomer, though, a little surprised at her request. Most people didn't really bother to put up with him for too long.

"You're, uh,.....um.... what's her face," he said, snapping his fingers and trying to place her name and house. He was really terrible with remembering people's faces. He was curious about her subtle attempt at possibly forming an alliance, however. It was just then that he saw Gamad standing at the edge of the crowd, waving to get his attention. He held up one figure, telling the terrisman to hold one for a moment.

"Here's what we'll do," he said, standing up really quickly, and turning towards the nameless girl wearing a dress with one long sleeve. "I have to go change my shirt, so you can go ahead and keep my seat warm for me until I get back. Excuse me, and thanks"


He offered a quick, quarter of a bow, and turned off, waving towards his servant to the other side of the room to intercept him.


"Oh, and it was really nice seeing you," he turned around, walking backwards, and called back to Cadri. "I saw Mesist somewhere over that way, maybe the both of you can go and enjoy a stroll into the mists together and be eaten by mistwraiths. Have a lovely evening!" He offered a wave and disappeared into the throng of the crowd.

I wonder if that girl will actually stay seated there and wait until I get back? He thought, only to have his musings cut off short as he saw the garish thing Gamad had chosen for him to wear.


A glaring, obnoxious Orange shirt. I didn't even realize the Lord Ruler permitted colors that bright!

Edit: And yes, oh dear! Maybe Fien should think twice about insulting the TORTURER OF HERALDS! I was going to upvote you, but I don't want to ruin the 666! I'll wait until somebody else breaks the curse rep level!

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Eight hours to go. Have some clarifications while you wait!

  • If a Mistborn becomes Injured while burning Pewter (so they have been hit twice without healing), and does not use Pewter the next Night, they will unfortunately succumb to their wounds. Atium cannot prevent this, as it only triggers on an attack. Pewter is not as useful to a Mistborn as a Pewterarm, but it could be used to extend their life a little, to guarantee the possibility of using their vote the next day (barring Soothers/Rioters), or to injure a player that attacks them that night.
  • If an injured Mistborn/Pewterarm burns Pewter the following cycle, then their injuries jump one up the scale, and they will become Partially Injured. This means that they can use two actions that night (so Pewter and a Special Action), and their vote the next day will not have a chance of disruption from the injuries.

By the way, I love the roleplaying going on so far. Let's hope it continues all the way through. :)

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The first thing makes no sense. A regular injury isn't lethal... Right? If I read you right, you are saying that if somebody injures a Mistborn, and that Mistborn doesn't get pewter in the two RANDOM metals the next night, they die? Also, does becoming partially injured fade into a full injury after one stops burning pewter?

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Whoops, you're right, sorry guys. Thanks twelth for pointing it out to me. The questions I was asked were specifically about Mistborn burning pewter while injured, and I forgot that I didn't copy over the question, so the context was lost :P


Ashiok, you are right. I'll make the scenarios obvious here:

  • A partially injured Pewterarm/Mistborn that does not burn Pewter during a Night when they are partially injured will become injured at the beginning of that Turn.
  • An injured Pewterarm/Mistborn that does not burn Pewter during a Night that they are injured will die at the beginning of that Turn.
  • An injured Pewterarm/Mistborn that starts to burn Pewter during a Night they are injured will become partially injured at the beginning of that Turn.

When I say 'the beginning' here, I mean that they will take effect before any actions take place that Night (and so are treated as their new status for that Night and the following Turns), not that they will automatically be killed off at the end of the Day Cycle in the second case, since that would not let them get their action in to keep burning Pewter.


Healthy -> Partially Injured (while burning Pewter) -> Injured -> Dead


While a player burns Pewter, they shift to the left and become Partially Injured instead of Injured. Being Partially Injured has no disadvantages, and so it is basically as though you are healthy, but you still have damage on you. Similar to Bronze, Pewter's effect takes place during the Night Turn you burn it and the following Day Turn. Becoming injured in this way does not reset the time it takes for you to heal, because there's no new source of damage on you.


As an aside, while you may already be injured when burning atium or hit by the Metal Poison power and thus won't have any new damage from it, they still reset the timer because it's a new source. The difference is that in the case of not burning Pewter, the damage you have on you is the same, you just don't have the buffer of being able to be Partially Injured any more.


However, it makes no sense for a Mistborn not to use atium on a night when they'd be hit if they're likely to just die the next Night, so I will modify it a bit. Mistborn burning Pewter who would be killed as if they weren't burning Pewter will use atium during that time, and escape Partially Injured. This means that all Mistborn will use atium in the event of their first death, potentially delayed or not, by any means other than the lynch.

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Mesist eyed the elderly gentleman warily as he took a glass of wine from one of the servants, but anyone who was that refreshingly blunt about their dislike for Fein couldn't be all bad. He was about to answer when he noticed Cadri had joined the line of those wanting to take a stab at Fein. 


Those two deserve each other, he thought. One that tries to be a perfect Noble and one that pretends at it so much that she might as well be wearing a mask. What ever happened to good, old-fashioned honesty? 


He shook his head slightly. If the bluster between the two of them was made of mist, the entire ballroom would be so thick he probably wouldn't be able to see his hand in front of his face. 


Those two were a distraction though and Mesist had other things to worry about. He turned back to Asyr. 


"The name's Mesist; newly arrived from the Southern Dominance. And I'll tell you two things right away, friend," he said while holding up one finger. "First, I'm not here for your games. If you're looking for someone to try to use in your plotting, I suggest looking elsewhere.

"Two," -he raised another finger- "I'm here for business. If you don't want to talk business, then don't waste my time. Now that that is out of the way, Asyr; what is it I can do for you and what is it you think you can do for me?"


I've been busy this entire weekend, so I didn't get to ask all of my questions. The big one though is about the Informants. Could you clarify a little more on what kind of information we can give and what we can receive? Can we reveal our plans and intentions or is it strictly concrete information? Can we give information about someone else that we know about or just about ourselves?

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Pompous, odious, gaudy creep. she thought as the Urbain boy went to meet his steward who at that point was holding a bright orange shirt. She stifled a laugh. She thought that he couldn't look much worse than how he already did, but apparently, his genius of a steward could pull off this impossibility.

He must either be color-blind, poor or cutoff, or at the mercy of someone's charity. Quitania, or Quitty as she is fondly called by her friends, decided to follow the Raisaal girl. Had she changed so much from being in the company of Elariels that Cadri had forgotten her? Her scar started to itch, but she prevented herself from scratching it.

At one and twenty, Quitty had seen far too much, changed far too often, and adjusted to three different house colors in her lifetime. But her situation was precarious right now, claiming widowhood for protection. She was thankful for her son, who sealed her claim to a portion of Elariel fortune, but her ambitions made her restless.

Rana, her steward, came in to whisper something to her. Quitty nodded, stood up and walked to an empty table to wait for the messenger. Fun can wait. Business before revelry.

An open invitation to whoever wants to take up that seat in the empty table.

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Hey King, I'd just like to clarify something in what you've already said.

An injured Pewterarm/Mistborn that does not burn Pewter during a Night that they are injured will die at the beginning of that Turn.

So just to be very clear about what you're saying (and to avoid my being the Leeroy of this game :P ) : If an injured Thug doesn't burn Pewter during a Night they are injured, they will die because the injuries stack into a death. Am I correct? They do not die because of injuries becoming upgraded and the injury in this case cannot be upgraded.


Thanks! :)

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Hey King, I'd just like to clarify something in what you've already said.


So just to be very clear about what you're saying (and to avoid my being the Leeroy of this game :P ) : If an injured Thug doesn't burn Pewter during a Night they are injured, they will die because the injuries stack into a death. Am I correct? They do not die because of injuries becoming upgraded and the injury in this case cannot be upgraded.


Thanks! :)


The injuries do indeed stack into a death.


A player is usually Injured when they have 1 point of damage on them, and they die when they have 2 points of damage on them. While a player burns Pewter, they become Injured when they have 2 points of damage on, and they die when they have 3 points on them.


Therefore if an Injured Pewterarm/Mistborn stops burning Pewter one Night, they still have 2 points of damage on them and they die automatically as a state-based effect.


I've been busy this entire weekend, so I didn't get to ask all of my questions. The big one though is about the Informants. Could you clarify a little more on what kind of information we can give and what we can receive? Can we reveal our plans and intentions or is it strictly concrete information? Can we give information about someone else that we know about or just about ourselves?


The information you can receive will, of course, be dependent on what you can give. You do have to offer concrete information, since otherwise there's nothing stopping you giving this information to them and then simply doing something else. It could have been true at the time, but that's about it. It would be extremely unfair if everyone could do such a thing, since it would make the action of giving information into the system almost completely worthless as everyone would say their 'plans' with no intention of going through with them.


If you want information back, you must give information to the Informant which you know to be true. This is, generally speaking, stuff about you, because everyone else can lie about their powers, the effects of their actions, etc. It would be too easy to check whether information is true or not because you'd just see if you got anything back. There are certain circumstances where you may offer information about other players.


The following offerings are valid, providing they are not known to the Informant already or regarding going to the Informant:

  • Your House
  • Your House Power (if you are the House Lord or were at one point)
  • Kandra in your House
  • The actions of a Kandra (if you are a House Lord)
  • Your Metal Power
  • If you were attacked during a Cycle
  • The Metal used by a player or all the Metals used on a player during a Cycle (if you are a Seeker)
  • An Action you performed during a Cycle and who it was on (you may offer this Cycle's other action, since you can't change that action at this point)
  • Another player's House/their being a Skaa (if you are the House Lord and used Genealogy on that player)

Essentially, it just has to be confirmed true to you (not a good guess or 'someone told me so') and game relevant. Skaa players may offer information about their allies, unless they decide to start lying to each other about their powers and such for no reason, since they have literally nothing to gain by doing so.


If there is anything else I have missed here that a player thinks would qualify under these two headings, then they may send me a PM and I will clarify it on the thread.


When you lie, you are essentially bribing the Informant to spread false information. This means you will not recieve anything back. You may spread a lie about any player, and as you added it to the pool, if you later go and try to gather information about that player, you won't recieve it because you know it is not true. The Loyal Terrisman power can spread a lie about up to two players.


When lying to an informant, you don't have to tell them lies that actually matter with the nature of the game - You could just spread a rumour that Mesist and Fien were actually brothers, if you wanted to be obvious about it. When spreading these rumours though, don't expect to be able to do it maliciously and have it not be frowned upon by people. Again, remember that this is a game, and your objective is not to irritate or anger the other players.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Fain moved away from the sides of the room where he'd been walking. There was an empty seat at a table that someone who looked faintly familiar had just sat at. Since he was getting bored of the usual gossip and insults Fain thought he might as well try and meet someone and actually fraternize at this ball. Considering that pretty much everyone was here and probably making alliances it would be stupid to be left out.


Seat Taken ;)

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A thump came from the behind the ballroom's open door. A lanky man soon came through, a hand rubbing the lump already swelling on his forehead. The steward's glare could have frozen him mid-step.


With a thoroughly confused look he gazed around the room, and his faced assumed various expressions on the scale from scared to terrified. Strengthening his resolve he willed himself down the few steps on to the floor, and just on the last one his feet caught a few of the many strings hanging from the hem of his battered and worn green coat, that might have once been a fine piece of clothing. He went crashing down head first on a nearby guest's back, a man donning an outrageously bright orange coat.


"I'm- I'm terribly sorry Lord... ? My name's Jae Kastner, please accept my most sincere apologies. My clumsiness will do me no favour, nor you."

His face outrageously red, he bowed deeply, and as soon the Lord moved his eyes from him, he retreated in a wobbling pace that might have looked a tentative run.



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