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Submissions for Dec 26 and Jan 2


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Hey all, a question for you regarding submission dates.

Our next two submission dates fall on Dec 26 and Jan 2--in other words, our next two submissions come right after a major holiday. So I'm wondering, is it worth leaving submissions open for these two weeks?

I know this is looking a bit ahead, but does anybody think they'll be interested in submitting on these dates? And for that matter, are people going to be available and/or willing to critique that week? It seems a bit pointless to let people submit if they're only going to get radio static. ;)

So, what do you guys think? Should we just continue as normal? Or should we take one or both of these dates as a holiday?

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I agree with Kate for the 26th, but I think that the 2nd should also be off; I have very little time right now, first time I have been able to get on this week. After that I will be critiquing all the backlog I have just got. But for these two weeks I think most people will be busy and those that do submit might not get the same reception, making it quieter than it already is.


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I'm open to receiving entries either day, or possibly giving it an extra day (the 27th and 3rd) to get things out. I know many people are busy this time of year, and potentially traveling and whatnot, but I actually have a bit more time to spend on little things like catching up here.

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Not so far--unless someone develops a sudden objection I'm thinking we may as well say we're closed for the upcoming Monday. As for Jan 2, we can always wait until next week and see if a few more people weigh in before making up our minds. :)

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Well, it seems like enough people are interested in reading and submitting that we might as well just open things up for Jan 2. I know a couple people weren't sure they'd have time to critique, but remember that you don't necessarily have to critique every week. :)

So I'll go ahead and say that we're open for Monday. If anyone is terribly, horribly opposed ... well, speak now or forever hold your peace. :)

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