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Caton of Inquisition: R&D Department


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Ah, yes, I see you are waking up. Welcome to the Caton!

Please disregard the headache. It is just chloroform, although may be the 5 screws in your brain may also be responsible. One can never be sure, nya…

Do not try to answer yet. I know you can understand me, but your vocal apparatus has not yet adapted to human speech. You will be more or less able to speak (in emergency) by the end of this day, but for now I shall explain the situation and the corresponding rules. In peace…

Anyway, this here id the R&D division of the Caton. For the moment, I am the only member, but you are welcome to join, if that is your inclination. Hm...

Now the reason you can understand me has to do with those screws in your head and metal implants in your shoulders, the so-called Hemalurgical spikes. They transfer powers and attributes, and with the amount you were given you should be able to retain information almost perfectly. I won't bother myself reciting common knowledge to you, seek it elsewhere… My main focus is Hemalurgy and its applications, although I have worked on Allomancy before… but that is not important anymore.

Anyhow, below are the fruits of our R&D. Some were recovered from documents dating back to the Origin, and we can count on their consistency. Others are only used by us and may be changed by Harmony as he pleases… He likes to play with the rules. So when you need a new spike, a consultation or just a medical help,give us a shout here. The first five spikes are on the house, so to speak, others you will have to charge yourself, or ask your friends - whatever. Just make sure you keep them in the warm body or they will leak, nya.

So, without further ado:

Basic powers:

Iron: Pulls on metals, stores Weight.

Steel: Pushes on metals, stores physical speed.

Tin: Increases senses, stores senses

Pewter: increases physical abilities, stores physical strength

Zinc: Riots emotions, stores mental speed

Brass:soothes emotions, stores warmth

Copper: hides bronze pulses, stores memories

Bronze: allows hearing allomantic pulses, stores wakefulness

Cadmium: slows down time, stores breath

Bendalloy : speeds up time, stores energy (nutrition, fluid)

Gold: reveals your past, stores health

Electrum : reveals your future, stores determination

Chromium: wipes target allomantic reserves, stores fortune

Nicrosil: Enhances allomantic burn of target, stores Investiture

Aluminium: Wipes internal allomantic reserves, stores Identity

Duralumin: Enhances the next metal burned, stores connection.

Yes… This powers are known. Also, there is an ability of Compounding. Storing attribute in the metal gradually changes that metal into a metal that gives off more attribute than was stored, when burned Allomantically. When the storage is full, Allomatic effect completely disappears, nya!

Now for the main course, Hemalurgy:

Iron - Steals Human Strength

Steel - Steals Allomantic Physical Powers

Tin - Steals Human Senses

Pewter - Steals Feruchemical Physical Powers

Brass - Steals Feruchemical Mental Attributes

Zinc - Steals Human Emotional Fortitude

Copper - Steals Human Mental Fortitude

Bronze - Steals Allomantic Mental Powers

Aluminum - Steals Allomantic Enhancement Powers

Duralumin - Unknown

Atium - steals all powers and attributes

Malatium - Unknown

Gold - Unknown

Electrum - Unknown

As you can see, there are many blanks, so we must work together to fill them… In the meanwhile, you have a choice is each spike… We have some atrium here, not much, and we can make spikes from it… It is better, for the transfer rate, and the side effects are less.. Alas, we do not have Atium mistings to draw upon… So no Atium burning for you, nya… Must work on that.

Or, you might opt for a normal metal from the above list.

Now, some of out unique research:

It has been shown, that when the feruchemist is killed for his/her powers, the one to receive the power can get to the stores of the unfortunately deceased, but not fully… only about a half is accessible, due to the corruption of Spirit Web and Hemalurgical decay. That also means that if the spike is split, one can actually store some attribute reserves for his/her spike brother (sister)! Only about quarter, of course, but that is what Compounding is for.

Well, I see you have fully recovered now. I guess I'll see you around. And now I think I'll take a catnap. *nyawn*

Ah yes, the active research.. I've posted a note over there.

Active research


Tooth and claw are good and tried weapons of cats (along with manipulation), but they can be made better. Also, it is the age of firearms now, but firearms suited for a cat are sadly missing from the production line. I am no weapon expert, so your proposals are welcome...

The only weapons I can offer now are envenomed metal claws for implants.

Hemalurgical applications of missing metals

There is so much we don't know...

Interesting combinations of available powers

Other research suggestions welcome.

Edited by Ookla the Unholy and Slow
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Okay, since according to Emeralis what I put for my spikes makes no sense, I'll just say which powers I'm looking for.


Store Weight

Store Health

Store Fortune or Wakefulness, undecided on which.


You shall need two steel, two pewter and a pewter for Wakefulness or (assumedly?) Nicrosil for fortune, or Atium instead of any of the above then. Please choose.

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How did you come to this determination? Or is it arbitrary?

Not that I would mind either way.

Rather arbitrary, i am afraid. It is likely that one of Spiritual metals would steal Feruchemic spiritual power.

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