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Chromium theory


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1 hour ago, MangoBoi101 said:

A how does this work, and maybe an example of using it.


We did not see any example of someone using it so we don`t know exactly.

We do know that Hoid is sometimes using fortune manipulation with some other unknown magic and then it seems that he knows that he need to go to a specific place for something important but he does not know why until it happens (there are few examples for this in the SA).

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What we know of Fortune is pretty vague, but seems to work like this (pasted from another thread):

Cosmere Fortune is about putting you in the right place at the right time for a good result, and you yourself don't necessarily know why you're there or what the good result will be. Like, if you were in a casino, it might draw you to the roulette table when someone is about to win and, in their exuberance, give money to everyone nearby. It wouldn't tell you what the actual result (the number and color) of the roulette spin would be.

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Secret History is the only example we likely can point to with Fortune. When Kelsier gets a look into the Spiritual Realm he knows what he needs to do even though he isn't 100% sure why it will work out. 

I've always considered tapping Chromium to be similar to the luck potion in Harry Potter where it's not so much that fortunate things happen but you have an almost instinctual knowledge of what you need to do to have the circumstances you desire to play out.

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