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Heyo Humans!

Whalecome to Telrao's Adventures! This is (hopefully) going to be a miniseries about your favourite fluffy feline - Telrao!

Adventures, mystery, fights, (romance maybe) this'll be great! (If I actually write it aha)

If you would like some information on Therapy Cats (which is what Telrao is) look in the Spoiler below!


General Run-down

Therapy Cats are interdimensional felines with one mission – to administer therapy to people who need it. There are seventeen (17) of these in total (hinting at the 17th shard amiright?), which aligns to what they call “Powers.” These aren’t exactly the Shards – but I probably won’t elaborate on this very much, as it isn’t key (yet) in the general plotline. Another Therapy Cat can only be Awakened when another has died.

Each Therapy Cat has special abilities and qualities that make them worthy of this role. They do not need to be in contact with certain materials, places, or people. The power of Therapy alone grants them access to their magic.


Therapy Cats are, upon their Awakening, inscribed with runes upon their paw pads. This allows them to channel Therapy Power (really need to come up with a better name for that!) Each cat has his or her own set of abilities – whether it be Allomancy, Feruchemy, Hemalurgy (Scadrial), AonDor (Elantris), Radiant Abilities (Windrunner, Edgedancer, Skybreaker, Dustbringer, Truthwatcher, Lightweaver, Elsecaller, Willshaper, Stoneward, Bondsmith)(Roshar), and the Three, who have access to all of these abilities. They are the most powerful of Therapy Cats, and have existed for eons.

Ahem, just to note, the first bit is going to be set in Elantris. So if you haven't read Elantris READ IT!!!

Now, without further ado, the Prologue:


Home at last, Telrao thought to herself as she landed softly in the Sanctuary. A series of floating islands hovered above the clouds, wooden bridges swaying gently in the soft breeze. Telrao closed her eyes and took a deep, refreshing breath of the warm breeze. When she opened them, she smiled, seeing her home before her. The small, squat building made of white marble shone softly in the warm sunlight, trees providing shade down the path.

Telrao padded through the curtain door and set down her pack, rummaging through it until she found an old, leather-bound book. The pages were worn and yellow, with splotches of inky paw prints across the spine and covers. She picked it up and plopped it onto a marble table, the light from the window falling softly on it. She purred, then grabbed her inkwell and pen. She carefully opened the book and scribbled in a new entry. 

As she wrote, her mind drifted back to her kittenhood, centuries ago. Her ears twitched as she gracefully finished the sentence, then dried the ink with a warm breath. She could smell the age in the book, the scent of time.

Telrao carefully closed the book, then opened it to the very first page. There, written in a clumsy kittenish hand, was My Diary - Telrao's Adventures! She smiled, then turned the page.

PS: I will add more stuffs onto this later, so keep an eye out!

Edited by Telrao
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5 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Aww, this is so fun! Will the Therapy Cats interact with known Cosmere characters?



There may or may not be a Hoid cameo planned :P 






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Alright, Humans! Are we readyyyyy

for Episode 1 of Telrao's Adventures!!! (This contains implied spoilers for Elantris. Beware!)


Telrao, cat of Elantris, awoke early that morning, completely unaware that she had been blessed for all eternity.

Drowsily, she stood up and stretched, flexing her tail slightly as she flopped over and began to groom herself. Galladon, her master, still slept in his bed, glowing slightly. She purred and made her way to his head, curling up next to him. The walls of the building glowed softly with a white light – there was no need for a lamp in Elantris. She smiled when she remembered him complaining about his new radiant form.

"This skin, sule, is kayana. What if I want to sleep, hey? I cannot rest in constant light!"

Telrao purred again, nestling closer as the sun slowly began to rise. The Dula woke up, pushing Telrao gently to the side. Then he frowned, noticing something. He stood, then blinked and rubbed his eyes, staring at the cat. "I must be going kayana. Hmmm." He reached out and picked up Telrao, who purred again and blepped his chin.

"Little sule... you are glowing!" He exclaimed. He gently held a fluffy paw, studying the small silver paw pads.

Telrao just slow-blinked at him, not understanding his meaning. She mewed softly as the large Dula placed her back on the bed and stepped backwards, rubbing his eyes again. Galladon shook his head as he studied the furry cat. "Kayana. Absolutely kayana." He hastily put on some clothing, almost tripping as he pulled on his trousers. He pointed at Telrao. "You, little sule, are coming with me to see Raoden."


Raoden paced his office, studying the small, fluffy, radiant feline.

"So... you think your cat might be an Elantrian? Is that even possible?" Raoden asked Galladon as held out a hand towards Telrao, who was sitting on his desk. She sniffed it, then rubbed her head against it, purring.

Sarene sat in a plush study chair, contemplative. "You realise, Galladon, that this has never been heard of before? This is a complete anomaly." Telrao frowned at that, looking at Sarene with a baleful eye. She mewed again.

"Alright, the cat is a complete anomaly." She said grumpily. "Does it know what we're saying?"

Telrao meowed in response, knocking a quill off the table. The humans watched as she proceeded to jump off the table, attacking the feather with kittenish fervor.

“Maybe? Cats are strange that way.” Raoden replied, attempting to steal back the quill, but getting a paw to the face for his troubles. He sighed, settling back into a second chair. Telrao jumped onto his lap, stomping in a circle and sitting down, facing away from him. Raoden frowned at the cat fur on his new blue pants and vest.

Galladon walked over to Telrao and picked her up, patting her small soft head with a large hand. “Well, sule? What do you think?”

Raoden stood and dusted off the silvery fur. “What I think, Galladon, is that this cat sheds too much.”

Sarene sighed. Both men turned to her. “What?”

“There is one way to know whether or not the cat is actually an Elantrian.” They stared dumbly at her. She sighed again. “If the cat can draw Aons, then it’s an Elantrian.” She grinned. “If not, then maybe it accidentally ate a Seon.”

Galladon broke out laughing. “Ah, sule, that is hilarious! A cat drawing Aons! Never heard a more kayana thing in my life!” Telrao purred agin.

Raoden looked more contemplative. He looked at Telrao, her nose pad silver and glowing, sapphire eyes alight with life. “Actually, dear, that is not a bad idea.”

Sarene smiled. “Ashe!” She called. The Seon floated into view, Aon Ashe glowing in his centre. He dipped in a graceful bow. “Yes, my lady?”

“Can you speak cat?”

The seon stuttered in confusion, hovering uncertainly. “I beg your pardon, my lady?”

“Can you speak cat?”

Ashe paused and turned towards the small floofy feline. “Not that I am aware of, my lady. Animal speech is not my specialty.”

Raoden picked up the broken quill and smiled. “I don’t think we need to tell the cat to draw aons.”

Sarene pursed her lips. “Then how will we get the cat to draw Aons?”

“Well…” Raoden paced again. “You, dear, are not an Elantrian. Therefore there is no possibility of you drawing Aons through the cat.”

“So what you’re saying is…”

Raoden smirked. “You pick up her paw, and draw an Aon with it.”

“I… draw an Aon… with the cat?”


“I guess… that makes sense.” Sarene replied skeptically as she stood and walked over to where Galladon waited, holding Telrao. She put her face close to the cat’s and let Telrao sniff her hand. Then, she took the cat and held her in her arms, looking a little confused. She carefully took a fluffy paw in one hand and began to draw Aon Rao.

“Idos Domi! It’s working!” Raoden exclaimed as the Aon hung in the air, glowing. Light rippled behind the lines, glowing, eager to be free.

Galladon folded his arms. “I was right.”

“Hum, yes.” Raoden replied as the Aon faded. He smiled and petted Telrao’s head.

“You, little cat, are officially an Elantrian.” Telrao purred and nudged his hand again. Excitement was building up inside of her. She could… think now. An Elantrian! She thought excitedly. I’m what Galladon is! An Elantrian! She purred and sniffed the floating Aon. I made that… technically. She reached up with her paw again and tried to draw a line. The line sparked to life, then faded as her paw slipped. This… may take a bit of practice.

Meanwhile, Sarene stood awkwardly with Telrao in her arms.

“Can I put the cat down now? My arms are getting sore.”

Hope you enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to writing more of these in the future. Feedback would also be appreciated - you can never get enough of that!

Have a wonderful day, Humans! See you in the next one!

EDIT: Episode has been revised and edited!

Edited by Telrao
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On 12/11/2022 at 11:32 AM, Ranryu said:

Oh my gosh that is amazing!!! :D Genius. I was gonna try and give feedback, but all I can think to say is that Cosmere + cats is FREAKIN' AWESOME

22 hours ago, Potato's Wit said:

To this I agree. Take the reputation!! (Not that you really have a choice...:P)

Thanks so much guys! I'll do my best to keep this story runnin!

So excited eee :P 

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Sorrryyy for the double post BUT

Episode 2 is here!  *cue excited fanfare*

(Also contains inferred spoilers for Elantris kinda)



Telrao waited patiently in a small room. The walls glowed slightly with the Dor, and a soft carpet covered the stone floor, warm and comfortable beneath her furry feet. She studied her silver paw pads, excited. She lifted a paw, popping out a claw for a thin line. The air burst into light, sparking behind her paw as she drew. It quickly faded when she stopped.

Gotta learn some Aons, she thought to herself as she jumped up onto the windowsill, admiring the glowing city of Elantris. So beautiful.

When she had been taken by the Shaod, she had gained a conscience. Telrao was now truly alive.

She jumped slightly when the door slammed open, an Elantrian stepping into the room. He raised a radiant eyebrow as he studied the small floofy cat.

You are my new student?” The older Elantrian frowned incredulously. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“No, Lord Saol.” Ashe floated into the room, Aon Ashe glowing brightly in his centre. “This is not a joke. This feline is an Elantrian.”

Saol stepped up to Telrao and crouched to her level. She stood uncertainly for a moment, then blepped his nose with a glowing tongue. His golden face wrinkled in disgust as he wiped the saliva away. He glanced at Ashe.

“Can it – “

“Telrao is a she, my lord.”

Saol crossed his arms. “Can the cat understand what I’m saying?” He turned back to Telrao. “Can you draw Aons?”

In response, Telrao clumsily drew a line in the air. It sparked and glowed, then faded.

“Idos Domi!” The Elantrian exclaimed, jolting backwards. “The cat is actually an Elantrian!”

“So we discovered, my lord.” Ashe replied in his deep, sonorous voice. He bobbed in respect to the aged Elantrian. “Pardon me, Lord Saol, but I have been called by Lady Sarene. I bid you well.” The Seon gently floated out the window, joining several other Seons in the air.

Saol frowned at the fleeing Seon, then turned his gaze to Telrao. She trembled slightly as he set a large knapsack on the ground, then began to remove paper, quills, and ink. Telrao jumped off the windowsill and padded over to where the quills sat, tempting. So tempting. She was about to nab one when Saol snatched it away.

“If you are an Elantrian, cat, then act like one!” He carefully laid the quill to the side, and spread out several sheets, containing all of the Aons, detailing how to draw each one. Telrao’s ears went back.

“Now, don’t give me that attitude.” Saol grunted. He mumbled to himself “Ridiculous! How is a professional scholar supposed to teach a cat to draw Aons? Idiocy.” He rolled his eyes and handed Telrao a quill.

“NOT for playing with. Pick it up.”

Telrao mewed innocently as she attempted to pick up the quill. She eventually wedged it between two toes and awkwardly held it aloft, proud of her achievement.

“Alright. Idos Domi, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” Saol rubbed the bridge of his nose with two fingers, then picked up a quill and dipped it in ink, deftly drawing Aon Aon on the page. He turned it in front of Telrao.

“We are going to start with the simplest of Aons. I want you to draw that,” he gestured to the page “fifty or so times.” Telrao’s ears went back. This might… take a while.


Three hours and a hundred Aons later, ink smudged and proud of herself, Telrao dropped the quill onto the ground, black ink, blotting the carpet with yet more of the dark liquid.

Saol picked up the page and studied the most recent Aon critically.

“Passable.” He grunted, then gave Telrao an unconscious pet. He jerked his hand back when he realised what he was doing. “Perhaps tomorrow, we’ll move on to Aon Ashe.”

Telrao mewed in amusement, then studied her inky paws, white fur stained black. She licked them, then grimaced at the taste.

Saol stood and stretched his back. “Damn.” He grunted. “Even as an Elantrian, your back can still get sore.”

Telrao stood and shook herself, stretching and purring with her sense of achievement. Her eyes widened when she noticed Saol sitting back down and drawing several Aons. They hung, sparking and glowing in the air. Suddenly, before them was set a small meal – bread, fish, and several dipping sauces.

Telrao licked her chops and stepped forward, then hesitated.

Saol handed Telrao a small fish. “A reward for your efforts. After this, we’ll draw another hundred Aons. Now, don’t give me that look. Eat your fish. One day, you’ll learn how to draw Aons like this.”

Telrao grunted and settled down onto the carpet, carefully avoiding ink stains. She watched as Saol bowed his head, then tore a chunk of bread off of the loaf, dipping it in one of the sauces. She braced the fish with her paws, and took a luxurious bite. Learning makes you hungry, I guess. She ravenously nommed the fish.

She licked her paws and cleaned her face as she waited for Saol to finish his meal. She carefully lifted a paw and attempted to draw Aon Aon in the air. Her paw slipped and the Aon faded, unfinished. She growled and tried again.

Saol watched with some amusement. “Keep at it.” He shoved another hunk of bread into his mouth. “You can practice this for a few hours.”

Telrao eyed him. Then, sighing a feline sigh, she lifted her paw again.

Hope you enjoyed! See y'all in the next one :P 

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

Edited by Telrao
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12 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

I'm actually quite invested. You're very good at writing. You know how to make things long enough to keep going, but not too long that it gets boring.

I love it, it's awesome :D

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

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*drumroll* *intensifies* *EXCITEMENT*

Episode 3!! WHOO!

*excited fanfare*


Telrao drew a final line, then flopped over, exhausted.

Saol studied the floating Aon Omi in the air and touched it. A sudden sense of calmness flooded over him. He smiled. “Congratulations, Telrao. You have officially learned five aons.”

Telrao merely swished her floofy tail in response. Her paws and forelegs hurt. Hours and hours, just drawing the same Aons over and over and over…

“Now, draw all the aons you have learned in a row.” Saol picked up Telrao, but she immediately went limp in his arms. She glared at the older Elantrian, and licked her shoulder in derision. Five weeks. And she’d only learned five aons? This was going to take forever.

Saol placed her back on the floor. The soft carpet was now stained by blots of black ink. He sat down cross-legged in front of her and tapped his finger on the floor to get her attention. “Now, Telrao.”

Telrao rolled her blue eyes and sighed. She lifted a paw and carefully began to draw. Aon Aon, the base of all Aons. Then Aon Ashe, for light. Then Aon Ati, hope; Aon Ato, North; and Aon Deo, for metal. She declined to add the chasm line to these, as she hadn’t learned any modifiers to adapt what these Aons could do.

Five perfect Aons. Telrao sighed again and curled into a loaf, waiting for Saol to finish studying her lines. He glanced at Telrao, and a hint of a smile crossed his stern features.

“I think you are ready for a new Aon.” Telrao’s ears went flat against her head. A new… how many aons are there?!

Saol stood, grunting, and walked to the window. The sky was beginning to grow dusky, bright oranges and yellows dusting the blue, blue sky. He held out a stiff finger and deftly drew an Aon Telrao had never seen before. He added multiple modifiers branching off of the sides, twisting and shimmering. He paused for just a moment, then added the short chasm line in the centre.

Telrao watched in awe as the Aon melted and warped upon itself, then transformed into a long stream of flame that shot out the window. It curled and formed the shape of Aon Sao – Saol’s own Aon - then puffed away in a burst of sparks.

Saol watched with crossed arms. “Could’ve lasted a bit longer. Humph.” He turned to Telrao, who still sat, a little overwhelmed.

“Aon Daa is the most dangerous – and powerful – of all Aons.” He sat down in front of her and summoned a meal that Telrao had identified as his usual – bread with dipping sauces – and a small slab of chicken for Telrao. Her nose twitched at the smell of the fresh meat.

“That,” he gestured to the chicken, “is a reward for your efforts.” He smirked. “And for being my most amicable student.”

Telrao rolled her eyes. Like she could talk back! Regardless, she settled down to eat the chicken, relishing every bite. Afterwards, she groomed herself luxuriously and readied herself for another lesson.

Instead, Saol finished his meal and packed away his plate and bowls, along with all his scholarly materials. Telrao tipped her head in curiosity as he made his way to the door, opening it for both him and the cat. She twitched her tail in a clear question, mewing.

Saol waved her through and stepped into the hallway. He walked briskly across the hallway to a set of stairs.

Up to King Raoden’s rooms.

“I want to get conformation from the King before I teach you this Aon. Yes, we have confirmed that you are capable of rational thought and complex reasoning, but it is up to the King to decide whether or not you should have access to such a weapon.” He huffed slightly as he climbed up the stairs, Telrao bounding after him. It was strange to see an Elantrian so tired. Since being taken by the Shaod, Telrao had felt nearly boundless energy.

Things must be different when you are taken at an older age.

They reached Raoden’s visiting chambers. Two Elantrian guards stood at the entrance. One of whom Telrao recognised as Dashe – one of the valiant heroes of Elantris. She gave him a slow-blink as she and Saol passed through the doors and into the ornate visiting room. It was a lot more for show than Raoden’s study – which was filled with papers upon papers detailing Aons, and the Elantrian past. Books stacked high on shelves, the floor, everywhere.

In here, there were a couple tapestries, a large ornate desk, plush chair, and a massive arched window viewing the beautiful city of Elantris.

Raoden sat in the plush chair, buried amongst several very serious looking legal documents. Galladon stood in the corner. The bulky Dula looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here, judging by the way he gazed longingly out the window.

Saol bowed respectfully to the King, but Telrao trotted up to the desk and jumped up onto it. She purred and rubbed her head on Raoden’s chin. Raoden’s brow crinkled, then smoothed as he grinned and picked up Telrao, handing her to Galladon. The Dula’s mouth bent in a slight smile as he caressed Telrao gently.

“So, Saol? What is this about? The cat again?” Raoden said as he stood and strode over to Saol, shaking his hand respectfully. Telrao meowed at Raoden.

Another grin crossed Raoden’s face. “Telrao again?”

Saol nodded. “Indeed, your majesty. You see, I am planning on teaching her Aon Daa…”


“And I would like to confirm whether or not you think this is a good idea.”

Raoden rubbed his chin. He glanced at Telrao, then at Saol, then at Telrao again. “I have just one test.”

Anxious, Telrao watched as Raoden walked behind his desk and pulled out…

A feather.

He placed it on the desk, then gestured for Galladon to bring Telrao over. She carefully stepped out of Galladon’s arms and studied Raoden’s face. A smile seemed to twinkle behind his eyes as he directed her gaze towards the feather. She tipped her head, then picked it up and held it like a quill. Still unsure, she drew Aon Aon perfectly in the air.

Raoden laughed. “There you go – she passed the test!” Then, he adopted a more serious expression. “I hereby give permission for Telrao, the first Feline Elantrian, to be taught and use Aon Daa.” He reached out a radiant hand and petted Telrao. “Well done, cat.”

Galladon raised an eyebrow, then looked at Telrao. “You behave yourself, little sule. No burning down the palace. Kolo?”

Telrao nodded eagerly, finally realising the sheer weight of Raoden’s decision. A non-human being taught Aon Daa. She glanced out the window, then pounced down to the floor and followed Saol out of the room. Let’s hope I don’t mess this up.

This one is about 200 words longer than the previous.... so sorry about that!

Hope y'all enjoyed, and see y'all in the next one, humans!

Bonus! Sketchies!


Sketchie of Galladon and Telrao



Sketchie of a scene in Episode 1





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  • 2 weeks later...


Thank you so much guys!!!

And now: Episode 4 whoo!!


Telrao yelped and hopped backwards as a blast of white light erupted from the Aon. Saol watched patiently from the side of the practice arena.

“Next time, try not to reverse the Aon!” He called. Telrao growled and drew Aon Daa again, adding on modifiers to change the form and force of the blast.

This time, the Aon flared brightly, then sputtered out. Idos Domi! This is going to take forever!

She pouted and sat down, glaring the slightly fried papers on the ground beside her. What am I getting wrong?

Then she saw it. One, single line. A single miniscule line. Excited, and slightly frustrated, Telrao stood again and drew Aon Daa, carefully and precisely adding the modifiers. She drew the short, slightly curved line, then lifted a claw to draw the chasm line. Please, please work! She drew the chasm line.

The Aon began to twist and melt, writhing and finally forming into a short, powerful burst of flame that shot out and curved, weaving around itself. It then wove itself into Aon Rao, Telrao’s Aon. She beamed with pride as the Aon sparked and glowed in the air, then began to hover upwards, slowly dissipating.

“Impressive.” Daaren, a fellow Elantrian student, called from the other side of the field. “Cute little Aon, cat.”

Telrao bristled and turned, watching with slitted pupils as the young Elantrian drew a far more complicated Aon. It branched several metres either side as he drew lines, dots, and dashes, modifying his Aon Daa. He added the final chasm line, and the whole thing trembled and shook, then melted, spinning faster and faster. Beams of white light shot out, curving into the shape of a detailed replica of himself. It smirked, then flashed and disappeared in a flurry of sparks.

“That’s enough, Daaren.” Saol said. Daaren gave him a sullen look, then turned to his own instructor, who laughed. Saol ducked under the fence and made his way over to Telrao, gathering up the papers and placing them in his satchel. “Well done.” He smiled, giving Telrao a little pat.

But she was unsatisfied. After two weeks of being taught modifications for Aon Daa… and she’d only managed that? A simple glowing Aon? It’s impressive you’ve managed anything at all. She thought to herself, be content.

But she wasn’t.

“Instructor Saol!” The older Elantrian turned to face another instructor, Kalene. She sidled up towards him and gave a sly smile.

“Instructor Kalene.” Saol nodded curtly.

“You’ve managed to train a cat in Aon Dor? I’m impressed.” She gave Telrao a toothy grin – which reminded Telrao of the look hounds would give her before they chased her around the campus.

Saol frowned, forehead crinkling. “Telrao is not just a cat, Instructor Kalene. She is an intelligent being. An Elantrian.”

Kalene wriggled her fingers in a mildly irritating way, dismissing his comments.  Telrao had to fight against her instincts to attack those fingertips. But it was so tempting.

 “You do know, Saol,” Kalene said, “that the Student Aon Competition is coming up?”


Kalene sighed and flipped her long golden hair. Again, mildly irritating. Telrao was not going to like this human. “There’s a competition in two weeks’ time, Saol. All the instructors are going to enter their best student into this event! The finest light show wins!”

“Interesting. How come I never heard of this?” Saol asked, face unreadable.

“Oh, you know… you must have been too busy teaching, of course!” Telrao’s tail twitched. Kalene’s nasally voice really got on her nerves.

“Hm. Like you should be doing right now, Instructor Kalene. Teaching. And like I shall be doing. Come, Telrao.” Telrao followed Saol obediently as he strode determinedly away from Kalene, posture stiff. Kalene watched them leave, a sour expression on her face.

Telrao padded contemplatively behind Saol as they crossed the courtyard and entered Raoden’s palace. They strode down wide corridors, other Elantrians and normal humans bustling this way and that. Eventually, they reached Telrao’s lesson room. Saol opened the door, allowing Telrao through, then closed it and gave a quiet sigh of relief.

The soft still bore the tell-tale stains of black ink from Telrao’s initial days of education. Now, though, the small room contained a desk and chair, the walls bedecked with illustrations of Aons and modifiers. And a few inky paw prints for decoration.

Saol sat at the desk chair, then patted the desktop. Telrao pounced up and sat, tapping her tail on the fine wood and tipping her head in question.

Her instructor finally pulled out a fresh sheaf of papers. “I don’t think we’ll compete in this competition, Telrao. It will distract you from your studies.” He handed Telrao a quill, prompting the cat to put her ears back. She took the quill anyway.

“It is time we learned a new Aon. I think –”

He was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. “Instructor Saol?” King Raoden stepped into the room, resplendent it a new white suit. He smiled at Telrao, who gave him a feline bow in respect. She’d learned some of these strange human customs.

Saol stood hastily. “Your majesty.” He bowed awkwardly at the desk. “How may I assist you?”

“I have heard that there is some sort of competition?”

Saol’s eye twitched. Telrao had learned he did that when he was nervous. Why are you nervous, Saol?

“Indeed, my lord. Instructor Kalene recently informed me of this matter. Apparently, the best Aon Daa wins. I do not see the purpose in this, however.”

Raoden rubbed his radiant chin thoughtfully. “Well…”

Telrao slapped her tail on the table, blue eyes shining and curious. Raoden gave her a thoughtful pat. “I think, Saol, that this would be a good way to showcase Telrao’s talents.”

“She is not ready. Two months of training is not enough time for a truly impressive display.”

Telrao’s ears went back at this. How annoying for me to understand them, but they not to understand me! She picked up a quill, inking it carefully in the inkwell. The two men watched as she scribbled on the page Aon Ene and Aon Sao. She then drew an arrow to herself, circling the two Aons.

“You think you are clever enough to learn in time?” Saol murmured.

Telrao nodded enthusiastically, purring.

“Well, if the cat – ahem, Telrao, believes she can learn more modifiers in time, I don’t see a reason a reason why she can’t compete.”

“But, my Lord, as you surely know, Aon Daa is an Aon of powerful destruction. If left unchecked…”

Raoden held up a hand, stilling Saol’s protests. “I understand the risk. I gave full permission for Telrao to learn these Aons, and I don’t want her learning to be restricted.”

“I understand, Raoden.” Saol replied, his eye twitching again. “I merely wish for Telrao’s knowledge to be broadened beyond the aons she has learned already – perhaps Aon Ien, for healing, would be more useful for her development.”

Raoden sighed and turned back to Telrao. “This is ultimately your decision, Telrao. The competition is in two weeks. Do you think you can learn enough in time to win?”

Telrao hesitated, blue eyes looking from Raoden to Saol. Eventually, she nodded.

Raoden smiled and gave her another pat. “Well then, I am glad to see such confidence!” he turned when his Seon, Ien, floated into the room. He dipped respectfully to Raoden and Saol.

“My Lord Raoden, Lord Kiin wishes to speak with you.” The Seon spoke with a deep, calm voice. Telrao always enjoyed listening to Aons. There was something… pleasing about them that appealed to her.

Raoden nodded. “Thank you, Ien. I’ll see to him now.” He turned and bowed his head to Saol. “I wish you luck in teaching. Listen well, Telrao. Saol is a wise man.”

Telrao bowed respectfully as Raoden left the room. “Idos Domi.”

She turned and studied Saol as he flopped into the desk chair. He grimaced. “Idos Domi, cat. This will be hard work – for you and me.”

Telrao gulped. When Saol said something was hard, he meant basically impossible.

We’ll see about that…

She smiled and picked up a quill.

Sorry for the long wait - I'm trying to release on a weekly/fortnightly basis, but we'll see!

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

Edited by Telrao
Fixing a mistake :P
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  • 4 weeks later...

Greetings, Humans! Merry Christmas to you all!

In celebration, have Episode 5 of Telrao's Adventures!!!

*Excited piccolo noises*


Telrao buried her head in her paws and ignored Saol’s prodding.

This. Is. Soooo boring!

A week before the Aon Daa Competition. And Telrao had made very little process. It was just lines, dots and dashes! Surely, surely she could make something impressive by now!

A large pair of familiar hands picked her up. “Giving up so soon, little sule?” Telrao’s ears snapped forward, and she mewed happily.

“Garra-dornn!” She purred as she rubbed her head against his chin. The large Dula cracked a rare smile.

“Ah, you are learning to speak our language! Well done, little sule!” Telrao purred even louder and rubbed her head against his chin. Saol frowned, then flicked a dot of black ink masterfully at Telrao with his quill, hitting her square on the nose. She sneezed and glared at the older Elantrian, then began to carefully clean her nose with a furry paw.

Galladon placed Telrao back onto the desk and crossed his arms. He studied Saol for a moment, then asked:

“How goes the learning, Saol? Is Telrao misbehaving?”

Saol rubbed his slightly wrinkled forehead with a silver hand. “Merely tired, I believe, Galladon.” He looked out the window at the beautiful glowing city of Elantris. It was hard to believe that a mere year ago, it had been covered in dark slime.

It was hard to believe that a month and a half ago, Telrao had been a normal cat.

Although, she was beginning to wish she had stayed that way. At least it wasn’t so boring.

“Come now, Telrao, we are almost done with this session.” Saol tapped his finger on the desk. Sighing dramatically, Telrao lifted a quill and inked it carefully, scratching a few modifiers on her page. Her floofy tail swished back and forth impatiently. Galladon still stood next to the desk, watching.

“Now, Telrao, you’ll see that with a combination of these modifiers,” Saol pointed to a complicated series of dots and lines. “It allows for a certain time span until the next stage – you merely have to state what the unit of time you are using, then – are you listening?”

Telrao jerked guiltily, her ears twitching nervously. She glanced outside. The sun was slowly going down, oranges, pinks and yellows washing across the fading blue sky. So beautiful – had she ever noticed that before?

“I think it is time we finished, then.” Saol sighed as he moved to pack away his things. Telrao gave him an apologetic purr, then grew excited. She’d been invited to a feast with the King and all of his important advisors, attendants… important people, basically.

She mewed at Galladon, who’s mouth twitched in a slight smile.

“You need to get ready for the feast, little sule. There are some attendants ready for you.”

Telrao paused at the door, uncertain. Get ready for a feast? Attendants? All she needed was her tongue and some spit.

“Ah, that is correct, Telrao!” Saol smirked, picking up his satchel and sliding the strap over his shoulder. The older Elantrian walked to the door, opening it for Telrao and Galladon. “You should find them in your quarters.” He waved them through, then shut the door behind himself and locked it.

“I shall see you at the feast tonight, Galladon?”

The large Dula grunted. “Of course. Assuming that I’ll survive ‘till then. Farewell, Saol.”

“Farewell, Galladon.” Saol replied, shaking his head good naturedly as the pessimistic Elantrian strode away to his quarters. “Interesting character, that man.”

Telrao meowed in agreement, then flicked her tail in farewell to her instructor. She padded down the long hallway, furry feet making no noise upon the glowing white stone. When she pushed through the small flap to access her quarters, she found two servants waiting inside. Both were normal humans, and smiled at the small floofy cat as she slow-blinked at them in greeting.

Telrao sniffed the numerous combs and brushes, poking at the small gold rings resting on a cloth on top of a table.

She stiffened as one of the servants grabbed her from behind and placed her in a shallow tub. Telrao meowed angrily at the warm water soaking her fur. She tried to clamber out, but the female servant gently pushed her back in, the water splashing all over Telrao.

“Now, now, Telrao. You need to be nice and clean for the feast, hm? We’ll clean you right nice. Queen’s own orders, bless her.”

Telrao meowed once, then relented, allowing herself to be soaked through with warm water, then rubbed with a soft, slightly scented soap. The male servant gently rinsed her off with a pitcher of warm water.

“There we are, Telrao. Nice an’ clean. Now let’s get you dry, hm?” She reached for a fluffy towel, moving to wrap it around Telrao, who was very much apprehensive to towards the white cloth.

Telrao glared at the servant, then slapped away the towel, lifting a claw and beginning to draw Aon Daa. She added several modifiers, then swiped the final line. She placed her paw in the centre and felt a rush of warmth run over her.

“Wow. That’s a useful trick!” The woman exclaimed. She touched Telrao’s now dry fur. “Oh, so soft with all that grime gone! Wouldn’t you agree, Irem?” He nodded. “Hand me the wide tooth comb, hey?”

The male servant silently handed her the comb. The female servant smiled and took the comb, running it through Telrao’s long, damp fur.

“Quite a few knots here, hm? Matted fur.” Irem nodded in agreement. Telrao rolled her bright blue eyes, but didn’t complain. The comb felt quite nice – the female servant was gentle with her hands, carefully working the matted fur loose. When she was done, Telrao was a pampered, combed but clean and very grumpy cat. She prepared to leave, but Irem grabbed her and began to stroke her with a soft brush. Telrao closed her eyes and purred. It felt like her mother’s tongue, gently rasping along her back. Warm, soft and peaceful. She opened her eyes when Irem suddenly stopped brushing her.

The female servant knelt in front of her, holding some metal ornaments in her hands. “Now, then, here’s some things to make you pretty, hmm? Not that you need them, of course!” She laughed and showed Telrao the small golden rings, inscribed with Aons. Telrao hesitated, then sniffed them, confused.

“Lemeal, I’m not sure the cat knows what they are.” Irem said to the female servant, his voice soft with a refined accent. She perked her ears up, and studied the man with her bright blue eyes. What an interesting voice!

Lemeal smiled and picked up another piece of metal from beside her. This was a strange loop of golden chain, with a sapphire affixed at the centre. “A necklace to match your eyes, hmm?” She placed this over Telrao’s head, then gently lifted her paws and slipped the rings onto her feet.

When done, she stepped back and Irem held up a mirror in front of Telrao. She sniffed at her reflection, curious. Is that me? Yes, yes it is. Hmm.

She studied the bangles and necklace, then mewed at Lemeal, rubbing on her leg, then wrapping around Irem’s.

Lemeal grinned brightly, reaching down and petting Telrao’s soft, clean fur. “You’re welcome, little Elantrian! Doesn’t she look gorgeous, Irem?” Irem dutifully nodded, a smile threatening to break through his calm exterior.

A sharp knock on the door startled the servants. Telrao meowed loudly, and Dashe opened the door, smiling at the cat. His adopted daughter, Matisse, poked in behind him. Matisse was dressed in a white dress trimmed with silver to match her softly glowing skin, and Dashe wore a formal military uniform – a nice dark blue with a sharp cut.

“There you are, Telrao!” Matisse exclaimed, kneeling in front of the cat and allowing her to sniff her hand. “It is almost time for the feast! Are you ready?” Telrao purred and rubbed against her hand.

“Oh, sure as anythin’ she is, Lady Matisse! Ain’t she perty?”

Matisse grinned at Lemeal. “Oh, certainly!” She patted Telrao, then stood and gestured for the cat to follow her. “Come, it is almost time for the feast!”

Telrao turned and slow-blinked in thanks to the servants, who bowed in return. Lemeal smiled broadly, and as the door closed behind Telrao, she heard her exclaim,

“Pertiest cat I’ve ever seen, Irem! Did you see how she just shines?”

Telrao smiled to herself and padded behind the humans. Furballs! Why do they have such long legs? She had to trot quickly to catch up to the humans. Matisse lagged slightly behind Dashe, waiting for Telrao to catch up. Her dress swished around her legs, and she smiled, giving a little twirl in the hallway. Eventually, seeing Telrao having to practically run to keep up, she picked up the floofy cat, smiling and smelling the soft scent of the soap.

“You smell so nice! Oh, Galladon’s gonna be so happy to see you!” She cuddled Telrao and hastened to catch up to Dashe, who patiently waited next to the banquet hall’s doorway. A large crowd of other humans waited there, smiling and chatting. There was a conspicuous mix of Elantrians and normal people.

The doors swung open, and Matisse set Telrao down on the floor, giving her one final pat.

“You ready Telrao? Your first proper feast as an Elantrian!” Matisse grinned.

Telrao purred and rubbed against her dress, watching the humans enter the large room. She took a deep breath and followed.

This one is even longer than the last one - so um... sorry! Apologies for the long wait.

Have some Author's notes! This contains some spoilers for upcoming seasons and episodes, and also a couple spoilers for TWoK and Elantris. So read carefully!


Mkay. So after adventures are finished in Sel (approximately 4-5 more episodes… okay probably more) Telrao is going to go to Devotion’s perpendicularity – the Pool. I’m not a hundred percent sure as to how she’s going to get there. Most likely some kind of fatal injury – either that, or Hoid kidnaps her. I’m not too sure, actually.

From what I know, the Cognitive Realm on Sel is an extremely dangerous and chaotic place, and extremely difficult to get through. Galladon does get through, actually, as we see him in The Way of Kings. I think we’ll place Telrao’s exit a bit ahead of that in the timeline, though.

The next place in the Cosmere that Telrao is going to visit is Scadrial, during Era 1 of Mistborn. I have the feeling I’m going to have to come up with some sort of guide for Telrao, as I can’t have Cephrandius pulling her around everywhere (or maybe I will. HMMM). My one concern when writing Hoid, though, is getting his character right. He is extremely intelligent, and speaks in a fashion I’m afraid I’ll be unable to replicate. That said, I do wish to have a cameo of him in there somewhere on every world Telrao visits.

After Scadrial Era 1, I’m going to have Telrao yeet away to Roshar, then from Roshar to Scadrial Era 2, as they are the ones I am most familiar with.

In terms of timing… that will be difficult. I could use the Therapy Cat Islands as a location to pass time between the worlds… but I don’t want Telrao to be restricted by Oaths as she explores and mucks around on said worlds.

Then I am wondering whether or not Telrao will turn into a human when entering other worlds. Perhaps she can transform at will – but that would disrupt all of Brando Sando’s magic mechanics. But Telrao is an enigma, and I suppose I don’t have to line of with the Insanity Clinic’s continuity completely. The problem with being a human, though, will take away a bit of the specialness of this series – seeing these worlds through a cat’s eyes.

All said and done, the series is going rather well, I think. I just hope I’ll be able to keep it up during my Junior year (not to mention my Senior year after that) as I think this series will take a long, long time to write.

Who knows, I could turn these into an actual book, each Episode a chapter. But that is a tangent.

Thank you for reading my Author’s Notes! See ya next Episode.

Telrao out.

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Cash67 said:


This shows me that we need a canonical invested sentient cat in the Cosmere. Hoid needs a pet/therapy cat. 

Thanks! Hoid and Telrao would make a wonderfully chaotic team. I'll attempt to upload more adventures in coming weeks :P 

Edited by Telrao
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  • 1 month later...

This thread has been abandoned for so long! (School is chaotic ma dudes.)

I have another episode for you wonderful people! I present -

*drumroll please*



[Contains spoilers for Elantris - beware!]


The banquet hall was quickly cluttered with humans. Laughing, talking, shouting and praising. The cacophony was almost overwhelming for the small cat.

Steady, Telrao thought to herself, you are one of them now. Act like it. So she held her head high, her tail a graceful swaying plume behind her. She followed Matisse through the room, weaving through tables, slipping between legs of noblemen and the skirts of noblewomen. They eventually arrived at the head table, where King Raoden, Queen Sarene and Galladon sat, the third human looking grumpy as always. His bald head shone slightly in the soft light of the Aon Ashe that glowed on the ceiling. Matisse sat gracefully, her father, Dashe, sitting beside her.

Telrao, unsure of what to do, hopped onto Galladon’s lap.

“Ah, little sule!” The large Dula said. “You have your own chair, next to Raoden.” He patted Telrao fondly. “And, of course, next to your Instructor, Saol.” It seemed that Galladon still didn’t use proper titles. Habit or purposeful? Telrao pondered this as Galladon picked her up in his strong arms and plopped her onto a specially raised seat. She padded around in a circle, then sat down, level with the table. Saol slipped into the seat next to her and opened his satchel.

Telrao cocked her head and leaned over to sniff the satchel, before being batted away by Saol.

“Darn cat.” He muttered to himself as he set out a large tome before him, then pulling out an inkwell and quill. He opened the tome, flipping through the pages and murmuring to himself.

“Still studying, Instructor Saol?” The King asked, leaning over Telrao to peek at what Saol had written.

Study? Telrao wondered, looking at the inked pages. That looks more like research than study!

“Of course, your Majesty. I need to have Telrao as prepared as possible for the competition, and in order for that, I have to brush up on some material myself.” Saol rested a hand protectively on the page as Telrao sniffed the writing. She hadn’t learned how to read yet – Domi knew, learning Aons was hard enough!

A servant passed bearing a large steaming tray of… what was that? Some kind of delicious meat. Her mouth watered as the servant placed the large platter on the table, a couple others placing other trays of food and a large bowl of stew.

The humans began slicing off pieces with knives, scooping serves with ladles. An excited chatter renewed itself as more and more food was added to tables around the room. The delicious scents almost overwhelmed the Elantrian cat as she opened her mouth to smell it better.

Raoden reached over to the plate of meat and sliced himself a chunk, then noticed Telrao practically drooling at the smell.

“Would you like some, Telrao?” She nodded enthusiastically as he cut her a large slice and placed it one her plate. She slow-blinked a thank you to the king, then began to pull apart the meat with her claws, earning a poke from Saol.

She gave him her best “what?” look. Saol took a breath to inform her about etiquette, then realised she couldn’t use cutlery. Instead, he leaned over and whispered into her ear.

“Try to be a little more polite, Telrao. It is an honour to sit at the King’s table.”

Telrao gave him a shrug and began to take bites of the food, purring in delight at the succulent texture and delicious flavour. When she had finished, she stretched and began licking her paws, satisfied.

Raoden smiled, taking a bite of stew and chewing thoughtfully. “So,” he asked Saol when he had finished his mouthful, “Do you think she’ll be ready for the competition?”

Telrao paused her cleaning and gave Saol a careful side-eye. Saol glanced at the cat, then back to Raoden.

“I suspect she will be. Telrao’s as stubborn as any cat I’ve met – ”               


The lights went out.

And the screams began.

Telrao’s ears flattened against her head, her eyes opened wide, trying to see. She heard movement all around, along the panicked yelps of nobles and commoners alike.

Eventually, her eyes adjusted, and she could make out the outline of silhouettes running towards the doors, shoving a tall figure in front of them.

The King! Panicked, she tried to jump after the fleeing figures, but was knocked over by a stray arm. She lay on the ground, dazed as the doors slammed shut, lights restoring to normal.

“Where is the King?” A deep voice bellowed. Galladon. He was okay, then.

“Over here!” Raoden replied, sitting up from under a table and rubbing his radiant head. “Idos Domi, that was a hard knock!” He winced.

Galladon’s strong hands picked up Telrao and petted her. “Are you all right, little sule?” She nodded, snuggling against his chest. Her side hurt, but the pain soon faded away, thanks to the Dor that ran through her veins. The King seemed to recover quickly too, as he jumped to his feet and began to quiet the room.

“Saol, what do – ” He paused, frowning. Raoden turned to Galladon, who placed Telrao onto her chair. “Galladon, where’s Saol?”

Sarene gazed serenely around the room, completely unflustered. Or so she hoped to convey. Telrao could smell anxiety seeping from her. The whole room smelled of nervousness and fear.

Telrao felt the same emotions herself.

Dashe jogged to Raoden from where he had been surveying the doors.

“There’s no trace of any interlopers, your Majesty. The hallway is clear, and the guards did not see anyone."

Sarene snapped her gaze towards the Elantrian. “Dashe, did the rest of the palace experience a similar blackout?”

Dashe glanced towards his Seon, Ati, who bobbed in respect to the Queen. “According to the other Seons, the blackout was only in this room, your Highness.” He dimmed slightly, then brightened to normal. “The blackout was strange, my Queen. It was as if… the Dor was stoppered for a minute.”

Seons Ashe and Ien zipped into the room, hovering at their respective human’s shoulders.

“My Lady,” Ashe began, “I came as quickly as I could after I heard Ati’s call. A blackout?”

“No,” Sarene replied. “A dampening.” She pointed to the Aon Ashe overhead. “This Aon cannot be put out by a strong wind.” She turned to Raoden, “Husband, did you attempt to draw any Aons during the blackout?”

He slowly nodded. “I did try to, dear, but I assumed I was getting it wrong.”

“Were there any sparks? Did your lines leave trails like they do normally?”

Raoden shook his head, lips tightening into a thin line. He glanced across the room, surveying the guests as they talked nervously with one another, standing in clumps. Telrao watched his face carefully.

He’s afraid, she realised, we have no idea what we’re up against.

The King finally took a deep breath and spoke to the room, pointedly ignoring Saol’s now empty spot.

“You may be seated, my friends! I am sure that was all a hiccough in the system. Please continue with your meal. Dessert will soon be served.” A few humans glanced at each other, unsure, then all sat down, chatter eventually starting up again, if a little subdued.

Raoden turned back towards Sarene, Galladon and their Seons, concern in his eyes.

“Galladon, Sarene, come with me.” Telrao mewed at him, tail swishing nervously. He glanced towards the cat, then picked her up. “And you, of course, Telrao.”

He glanced towards his Seon. “Ien, see what you can find. Ask every Seon, if you have to. We need to know something about this.” Ien bobbed in agreement, then zipped away, leaving a faint trail of light behind him.

“And I, my Lord?” Ashe asked, dipping in respect. Raoden gave him a serious glance.

“You shall come with us. We shall explore the Royal Archives for something on this.”

Telrao purred nervously, nudging Raoden’s chin, blue eyes blinking, silver nose twitching, her heart sinking.

We need to find Saol.

If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it!

Have a wonderful day, Humans!

- Telrao

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