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Tales of Trune


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For my 1000th post, I have decided to be very original, and make a roleplay. Because I have also decided to be productive, I will be using it to iron out problems with the magic system and world(called Trune) that I am creating. You are free to create a character and put it in the world to explore, roleplay to your heart's content. The only species currently available is a Human, though later there might be more types of species to work with. I will be functioning essentially as the DM for this. I will define more things as problems come up. The next posts are a description of the world and some of its history, the rules of the magic system, and the current map. 

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There is a tale as old as living memory. It says that in the old days of Trune, when the tribes were still divided, a terrible giant rose to power out of the easternmost reaches, destroying all in his path. The tribes fought him alone, the earth, the fire, the ice, the sky, and all failed. The four great guardians of the tribes, the Earthkeeper, the Firetwister, the Icebender, and the Stormwarden, met together to decide the best course of action. 

Banded together, they went to seek help from the fifth tribe, that of sea and blending. This tribe was led by three elders who lived in a city situated on an island off the coast. The elders conversed, and came to a conclusion. They told the four heroes that to defeat the giant they would have to work together, to combine their powers and forge a powerful weapon. It would have to have an edge as sharp as ice, be made of the strongest metal, withstand the heat of the hottest fire, and hold and channel the power of a thousand storms.

The elders warned that the dragons alone possessed the knowledge to do this blending. The heroes gathered the dragon clans one by one, and together they forged the weapon and defeated the giant. However, in the destruction of the giant, many wraiths and shakers and other evil beings were released. The sword of power disappeared, and was suspected to have been destroyed as it completed its purpose. The heroes too disappeared, and were never heard from again. The dragons faded into the mountains that divided the continent between known and unknown, feeding off the game in the depths of the mountains and fending off the other, more dangerous things. They became beings of myth and legend, waiting for the time when they would be truly needed again.  The four tribes had sustained heavy casualties when trying to defeat the giant, and after more losses from the wraiths, shifters and shakers, they banded together for protection. They formed the School of Dragons for the training of more heroes to defend them. It was built in a secret valley in the same mountains the dragons were hiding in, and secret ways were made to get to and from it. The tribe of Sea and Blending, however, was destroyed when a massive tidal wave washed over the island off the coast that they called home, and the remnants were scattered. Stormtop Castle, stronghold of the tribe of Air and Storm, was abandoned. Time passed, and the tribes started to mingle, spreading out from their homelands of various places. They built cities and roads, boats and canals, and explored much of the area between the great mountains and the sea. Trade and people flourished, and the battle of the giant faded into history, and gave rise to many legends.

However, some remembered the warning that the dragons gave before shutting themselves off and hiding away. They warned that the giant would come once again, not the same, but craftier and stronger in magic. He would have to be defeated then, once and for all, else he would destroy all of Trune. Be forewarned. 

- Written by the hand of the Chronicler of Trune


Trune is a continent surrounded by the Sea of Dragons. If viewed from high above, it appears roundish or egg shaped. This is only true in a general sense, as it has a very varied coastline. It is mostly unexplored, as huge and seemingly impassable mountains, called The Dragon Mountains, effectively cut it in half. No one except maybe the dragon clans that live in the mountains know what’s beyond. There is a secondary mountain range off to the west of The Dragon Mountains that is much smaller, in size of the mountains and the space the range covers. This range is called the Omlnd Range, and has some of the homelands of the tribes.

The School of Dragons is hidden in a secluded valley within The Dragon Mountains. It is old, and probably the most mysterious place on the island, after the Dragon Mountains.

There is a large and intensely salty body of water, called The Inland Sea a ways west of Claw Peak, a large claw shaped mountain known for being approximately in the middle of the range. (No one is quite sure because of how vast the range is, and the difficulty of mapping across the terrain. The mountains also seem to shift at times, though no one has proven it.) The rest of the explored portion of Trune has various features, and most distinct are the original homelands of the tribes. The homelands of the tribe of Storm and Sky were the storm-plains and some mountaintops in The Omlnd Range. The most famous place that the Tribe of Storm (as it is more often called) came from is Stormtop Mountain, on which they built Stormtop Castle. This was said to be the place where energite was mined. The Tribe of Earth and Stone (also called the Tribe of Earth) inhabited the plains, a few of the habitable parts of the desert, and some of the lower slopes of the mountains in The Omlnd Range. They also inhabited one mountain that stands alone in the middle of the plains, which they had hollowed out into an astounding mountain-city called Chalaca. The Tribe of Fire and Light (more commonly called the Tribe of Fire) came from some of the jungle, and most of the habitable parts of the desert. They also lived in a mountain at the southern end of the Omlnd Range called Fuming peak, which bordered both the jungle and the desert. This mountain was an extinct volcano, and the only place where it was possible to mine pyronium, also called firestone. Most members of this tribe visit this extinct volcano and the city in the caldera at least once in their lifetime. The Tribe of Ice and Shadows (more commonly referred to as the Tribe of Ice) mostly came from the tundra and the icy peaks of mountains in the north.

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All the magic is primarily guided by imagination and will, So if you are strong enough in the magic, and your will is strong enough, and you can imagine a way for it to work within the parameters of your limitations, you can probably get it to work. Elemental magics each have a specific elemental language that is used to do magic them, and when used can greatly enhance the effects of your will in making the magic work.

Two main categories, Elemental and Standard

  • Standard
    • Everyone can learn at least the basics to the standard, which is simple things like water purification and fire starting, some telekinesis. People often have specific Standard talents, like hiding or finding things, and develop them a great deal, to the point where they are as easy as thought.
    • Essentially comes in two flavors, level one and level two
      • Level one - these magics are the ones represented before, and are essentially low power elemental magics, able to cause small and non-drastic changes.
      • Level two - This includes two main groups, including the talents that many have, and Changing
        • Talents - these are magical specialties that people can have, and they can be anything from low-level shape shifting, with only one other form, to being a polyglot, able to speak all languages.
        • Changing - Changing is the method of changing one substance into another, essentially Alchemy. It is further divided into three main groups, ranked by approximate difficulty and danger
          • Changing 1 - Changing one nonliving substance to another, similar rules apply to this as in fabrial soulcasting. The more matter you change, the more energy it uses, and the more different the matter is from what it is and what you wish to change it into, the more energy required.
          • Changing 2 - Changing a living substance into a nonliving substance, and reverse. This is sometimes manifested in talents as petrification, and some creatures innately have this as well. Requires a great deal more energy per mass changed than normal in Changing 1, though a small portion of this energy is recovered if the change is reversed, which can only be done safely by the one who initiated it. Technically, this magic could be used to animate statues, turning them into creatures, but that would require orders of magnitude more knowledge and ability than the normal.
          • Changing 3 - Changing a living substance to another living substance. This allows for some interesting effects, and is most commonly used to heal small wounds. It can be used by a master to heal larger and more serious wounds, and can allow for shape-shifting into various creatures smaller than oneself. The shapeshifting converts excess mass into energy woven into the very fabric of the being, sustaining the spell, and allowing for recovery of the energy to undo the spell and shape-shift.
  • Elemental
    • takes up most of the magics, and many of the standard magics are technically classified under this. Is further divided into your base groups, with two higher groups
      • Fire-things to do with heat(heating and removing heat) and flame - paired w/ light
      • Ice(water)-Things to do with water and Ice(i.e. can change the two between the states)
      • Air - wind, sound, and storm calling(weather patterns) - paired w/ earth(technically)
      • Earth - Stone and mineral identification/manipulation, forging metals into having strange properties - paired w/ air(technically)
      • Light - manipulation of light, not creating mental illusions, but can create actual illusions by bending light, cause things to be carried by light from one place to another. - Paired w/ fire
      • Darkness - Manipulation of shadows, able to move them around, detach them from the objects that cast them, then later cause the object to reunite with the shadow, wherever you moved it. - paired w/ ice
    • A person can have access to all of them, but it is much more common to just have access to one, or one and its pair.
      • Higher elements:
        • Energy - Can imitate and replicate all base elemental magics, and do further things that are specific to it, like calling lightning - paired w/ air
        • Life - Can imitate and replicate all base elemental magics, though not as well as energy. Can also control living things - most often plants, and as a general rule of thumb, the higher the sapience of the being, the harder it is to manipulate(regarded generally as a species)
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Misc. forgotten things and characters currently in play.

here is the map:

Map of Trune.pdf

and the story:

Tales of Trune

Money system:
Redӕl - 10 Fent
Fent - 10 Nort
Nort - 10 Denp
Denp - lowest

Think along the lines of Denp being a copper coin, then Nort silver, Fent gold, and Redӕl platinum in worth.


Blank character sheet (thanks mostly to @Channelknight Fadran)









Quirks: (optional, but requested)



I am also going to add a list of current Characters here, and who they belong to. I will try to keep up with it.


@Tani: Chasm


Name: Chasm (female)

Magic: Air with limited Earth

Talent: She has a Talent of healing faster than normal. As a result of her Talent, she doesn't get sunburns, colds, or rashes. Small scrapes (small being a few layers of skin, maybe some blood but not dripping) are healed within the day. In general, the slower the injury happens, the shorter it takes to heal. (Sicknesses heal faster than cuts.)

Tribe: Air and Earth(one parent Air, one parent Earth)

Background: She is part of the Air and Earth tribes(half and half) and really, Really, REALLY likes practicing Air magic. She's not very good at Earth magic because she doesn't practice as much as she's supposed to, and is limited in what she can do with it, anyway. She's currently in Center City, as she's been apprenticed to a smith there (her third cousin once removed) so she can learn (to practice) Earth magic better. Her parents live near Keywood.

Personality: Loves talking to people, but bad at talking to people she hasn't talked to before. Trying to get better at talking to random people. Bad at remembering to practice or do things she doesn't want to practice or do. Doesn't like alcohol, doesn't like failing, really likes card games but not gambling.

Quirks: Almost always has a breeze around her. Always carries a deck of cards. Snaps her fingers when trying to remember/find where something is. Laughs when nervous. Hoarder.

@SymphonianBookwormClanda Swinnli.


Name: Clanda Swinnli (female)

Magic: Light and Shadow, but not much else

Talent: limited shadow manipulation, can change the shapes of shadows, making them larger or smaller.

Tribe: Fire

Background: She is a middle-class citizen (aged 17) in the Tribe of Fire and Light, and, though a user of Light magic, secretly practices Darkness. She knows that in her clan it would be considered at least a bit taboo to be practicing darkness, but she's never seen it as something to fear, but as something kind. Something that brings peace, shut-eye, and softness. However, it's also terrifying and overpowering, and she wants to learn how to control it, along with its counterpart.

It turned out that practicing two seperate magics, opposite, and being able to actually do well with each attracted attention from the recruiters for the School of Dragons. She's now enrolled at the School of Dragons, and is trying to forget how the people looked at her when she was forced to use her darkness (and light) in a dangerous situation. (More will come on the backstory. Still working it out. Something like she was in a situation in a Dark Alley where bad stuff was happening and she needed to escape, and in doing so used both her magics to blind and then hide.)

Personality: Sharp. She has and always will be. She’s not always good with boundaries, but is a really good listener, despite her strong personality. She’s neither quiet nor loud, but something about her voice makes you want to listen to what she has to say. She speaks with a very wide vocabulary, and has a very good memory.

Appearance: Medium-to-tall height, with thick hair and fair skin. She’s not ugly or very beautiful, but her most striking feature is her eyes, which are amber. Someone once told her that her eyes are the color of “molten gold, if gold was brown.” She wasn’t sure what to make of that. She follows fashion trends, but doesn’t think much of them  


1. Whenever she’s scared or angry, she smiles. A lot. Wide smiles that are surprisingly frightening. 

2. She carries around a mysterious notebook wherever she goes. It’s rather small, but you can see it’s jam-packed with post-its (or whatever Trune’s version of post-its is...). She also has a silver pen that’s her most prized possession (besides the book).

3. She can build a clock from scratch. 

4. She claims she has read all the books in the library by her house. No one is sure whether this is true or not. 

@Channelknight Fadran: Cherry Pyrnai


Name: Cherry Pyrnai (female)

Magic: Elemental - has a great affinity to air and water, but practices the other elements in varying degrees of proficiency

Talent: Wind reading: can see and read wind currents, identifying how fast and what direction they are going.

Tribe: Ice(water and ice manipulation is common in this one)

Background: Hails from a small coastal village in the East called Gastaiar. She started practicing magic from a young age, spending hours on the beach among the waves and wind, learning the motions of tide and breeze. After winning a competition at a nearby town (and, by extension, a cash prize that far exceeded any amount of money she'd ever seen in one place before [not that it was much]), Cherry realized that she could actually make a living out of this talent. Now she studies as a ward under a master in Center City.

Personality: Pretty confident, and occasionally a little arrogant. There haven't been many particularly dangerous or "real world" problems that she's had to deal with, so an adventure would be... potentially traumatizing (:ph34r:). She's super friendly, though, and treats pretty much everyone with the respect they deserve.


  • Gloves! Her mother made them herself, and they're very comfy. Cherry tugs at them as a nervous tic.
  • Not that she's a fashionata, but she has absolutely no reservations about being a bit dressy from time to time.
  • Favorite colors are the soft verdants (cyan, olive, etc).
  • Fillets a mean cod.

@NerdyAarakocra: Lysan Grovewater


Name: Lysan Grovewater (Female)

Magic: A Lifecrafter from the Earth Tribe. Her Talent is creating armor and weapons out of plants (For reference, see D&D 5e spells Barkskin and Thorn Whip). She also uses the other forms of Life magic, but she's not as good at them.

Talent: Plants grow fast around her

Tribe: Earth

Background: As an Earth Tribe member, she struggled with Earth magic and just didn't seem to get it. When tragedy struck her village, forcing her to flee, she blamed herself for the downfall of her home. In the wilds, she discovered her affinity for Life magic. She now lives in the wilds outside of the city.

Personality: Think slightly more mellow Kaladin.

Quirks: She's vegetarian. She isn't too fond of the City, but she goes there occasionally.



Name: Nedwin Tanner (male)

Magic: He is exceptionally naturally skilled in fire and light elemental magic. however he is too lazy to have developed much beyond raw talent

Talent: basic flame manipulation, can cause preexisting flames to twist into different shapes

Tribe: Fire

Background. Born into fire tribe. Is a member of a tanner's family on the outskirts of Devinar. His father was exceptionally skilled and thus created a thriving business. Nedwin never could bother to help out and usually spent his money almost immediately. Because of Nedwin's talent for elemental magic, Nedwin was sent to study at Keywood University. Nedwin spent all of that money and then got robbed of what he had left on the road. He has been stuck in center city for several months

Personality. spoiled and lazy but  good hearted deep down. H

quirks: he enjoys fooling people. He once convinced his younger brother that there was another world through illusion magic.

@The Known Novel: Rith Nintal, Isildore Nintal


Name: Rith Nintal (male)

Magic: Fire Mage

Talent: He is completely immune to temperature changes. He could probably swim in lava, though he's never tried.

Tribe: He is from the Fire tribe.

Background: He was a Pyronium miner, until his father died in a mining accident (his mother died giving birth to his sister). He then took his sister, who had burgeoning light magic, to the Central city where he could work and they both could learn magic.

Personality: He's pretty reckless, but loves his sister.


Name: Isildore "Is" Nintal

Appearance: She has long straight and full black hair, and coppery brown eyes. Quite tall, especially for a girl.

Magic: Light Magic

Talent: She warps light around herself. So she can appear muted when sad, or red tinted with heatlike waves coming off of her when angry. Eventually I plan on her learning to harness this to turn invisible and even change her appearance. 

Tribe: The Tribe of Fire and Light she

Background: Same as Rith, but she  wasn't ever actually a miner. Instead helping out around the house since her father and brother were often too busy or too tired.

Personality: Normally quite happy-go-lucky and adventurous, despite being weighed down by her duties. However, ever since her father died, she has retreated into herself and overall been very down.

Quirks: (optional, but requested) gDue to being stuck at home almost constantly, she a developed a near constant need to be outside and has learned to pick locks and overall escape confinement with ease.

@Shining Silhouette: Caelus Lock


Name: Caelus Lock (Male)

Magic: Air

Talent: Pitchbending- has the ability to alter sound tone/quality

Tribe: Storm/Sky tribe

Appearance: Tall and lanky, with medium length blond hair that has a streak of royal blue in the front. Enjoys wearing comfortable and stylish robes, which are often navy blue/black and carry his family emblem

Background: Though the son of wealthy, distinguished parents, Caelus has always been a rebel. Early in his childhood, he realized that he could use his talent of pitchbending to mimic those around him, and ever since, he has primarily used it to cut classes and shirk responsibilities. A chronic prankster, he's infamous across his town for his craftiness, but one day he took things too far and was banished from the Storm tribe. He harbors an intense anger directed towards his parents as they were one of the driving forces behind his exile. He is currently journeying towards the Center City where he will spend his days of banishment. 

Personality: Sly, confident, witty... but his eyes carry a dangerous intensity


  • Has singing talent, and (after he makes sure nobody is watching) likes to create his own songs when alone
  • One used his talent to make a teacher think that school was canceled for a week. He was the hero of the class
  • Is an amateur wood carver, and always carries a dagger with a mysterious symbol on it in his right pocket. He frequently takes out pieces of wood and sharpens them whenever he is waiting... perhaps as part of a larger project


Edited by EmulatonStromenkiin
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1 minute ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

Is there any land past the mountains to the east and the people just don't know it?

Yes, that land exists, but is non-accessible due to the density of the mountains. However, the Dragons know something of it. At this point, I'm not sure what to do with it, except that it will probably be the main hub of all waypoints between Trune and other worlds.

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What would you say is the most powerful countrys

Also tech level?

There's not really any countries, if you look at the map you will see that it is divided by geographical region. It is something like a combination between Mistborn Era 2 at peace and city-states.

Tech level is along the lines of Mistborn Era 2, they have steam power to an extent, but they had lost much knowledge, so there are ocasional really old high-tech devices.

6 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

So does most of the power come from the abilities themselves or with training in said abilities?

Asking for a friend who really really likes writing anime-style fight scenes with incredibly overpowered characters

Power comes from the abilities themselves, but that shows little about the application. Skill is generally better than power, though not everyone thinks so. If you want more, the magic system link in my sig should help.

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It's probably a bad idea for everyone to start in different places, just for the sake of making sense  of everything and keeping the story on track. We can do it still if you want, just know it'll be harder for you the DM.


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7 hours ago, Goob said:

It's probably a bad idea for everyone to start in different places, just for the sake of making sense  of everything and keeping the story on track. We can do it still if you want, just know it'll be harder for you the DM.

fair. Also, until RP starts, you do not need to use quote boxes.

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What does the political landscape look like? Do the different tribes hate each other? Or is everybody friends? I'm assuming the former is at least partly true, given that if it wasn't, then combining all the tribes to face the giant when he returns would be a piece of cake, but what tension exists?

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Keep in mind, the events with the giant happened between 300 and 700 years back(not certain right now, playing around with what will work best). Combining the tribes shouldn't be much of an issue when the Giant returns. The tension tribe-wise in most places is almost nil, and most people are a big blend of the four tribes. There is occasionally someone who has Sea Tribe blood, but that is uncommon, and is not visible. Tribe is currently assigned by what your parents belong to, but you are free to choose as you wish once you reach 18. It isn't a big factor, but what magics you can do are normally determined by tribe blood, and are the best factor in determining what tribe you are. Most political factions are in cities, but people outside of the cities mostly ignore them, as people do.

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My character is Nedwin the farmer, he grew up about 20 days walk from keywood

He has life elemantal abilities but refuses to aknowledge that magic exists. Growing up rural he never has seen much magic in action and thinks the idea of it is stupid. His life abilities he explained away to himself by saying he had a green thumb. Everybody in town thought he was a bit odd ( he talks to plants to do the life magic) but being magic never had occured to him. One time on a trip to a town he got into a fight with another farmer about who'se carrot was whose and he accidentally created a little carrot demon that attacked the other farmer. A dragon saw this and dicided that it would be a big waste if he wasnt invoved in the school of dragons. Nedwin at first resisted but when the dragon offered a tantalizing monetary reward for him to learn at the univestiy nedwin caved. Nedwin is now in the school of dragons, cosvinced that it is all a sham. but finding it continually harder to believe it is


I am willing to change any of this if it doesnt work with your vision

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My character shalt (I get a bit excited when roleplaying and I occasionally slip into old English) be Clanda Swinnli.

She is a middle-class citizen (aged 22) in the Tribe of Fire and Light, and, though a user of Light magic, secretly practices Darkness. She knows that in her clan (This might not be true, please correct me) it would be considered at least a bit taboo to be practicing darkness, but she's never seen it as something to fear, but as something kind. Something that brings peace, shut-eye, and softness. However, it's also terrifying and overpowering, and she wants to learn how to control it, along with it's counterpart.

It turned out that practicing two seperate magics, opposite, and being able to actually do well with each attracted attention from beings... well, not human ones, to say the least.

By that, I mean dragons.

She's now enrolled at the School of Dragons, and is trying to forget how the people looked at her when she was forced to use her darkness (and light) in a dangerous situation. (More will come on the backstory. Still working it out. Something like she was in a situation in a Dark Alley where bad stuff was happening and she needed to escape, and in doing so used both her magics to blind and then hide.)

Congrats on your 1000th post! (I still have quite a while to go.)

Edited by SymphonianBookworm
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My character is Nedwin the farmer, he grew up about 20 days walk from keywood

He has life elemental abilities but refuses to acknowledge that magic exists. Growing up rural he never has seen much magic in action and thinks the idea of it is stupid. His life abilities he explained away to himself by saying he had a green thumb. Everybody in town thought he was a bit odd ( he talks to plants to do the life magic) but being magic never had occurred to him. One time on a trip to a town he got into a fight with another farmer about who's carrot was whose and he accidentally created a little carrot demon that attacked the other farmer. A dragon saw this and decided that it would be a big waste if he wasn't involved in the school of dragons. Nedwin at first resisted but when the dragon offered a tantalizing monetary reward for him to learn at the university nedwin caved. Nedwin is now in the school of dragons, convinced that it is all a sham. but finding it continually harder to believe it is


I am willing to change any of this if it doesn't work with your vision

I see I have to clarify some things. 1. this means he is of the Earth tribe bagic-wise. 2. the Dragons do not interact at all with the school, it is called that for several reasons, including it is in the Dragon Mountains. The School has an application process, and also sends out some professors every year to remote spots to test people. 3. there are no carrot demons, or many other types. 4. given how you put it, Nedwin has not had any training for his talent, which is helping plants grow. 5. normal age for first years at the School of Dragons is 13-15, though there are some exceptions. 6. he would have to be really hermit-like and blinding himself if you don't want him to believe in magic.

8 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

My character shalt (I get a bit excited when roleplaying and I occasionally slip into old English) be Clanda Swinnli.

She is a middle-class citizen (aged 22) in the Tribe of Fire and Light, and, though a user of Light magic, secretly practices Darkness. She knows that in her clan (This might not be true, please correct me) it would be considered at least a bit taboo to be practicing darkness, but she's never seen it as something to fear, but as something kind. Something that brings peace, shut-eye, and softness. However, it's also terrifying and overpowering, and she wants to learn how to control it, along with it's counterpart.

It turned out that practicing two seperate magics, opposite, and being able to actually do well with each attracted attention from beings... well, not human ones, to say the least.

By that, I mean dragons.

She's now enrolled at the School of Dragons, and is trying to forget how the people looked at her when she was forced to use her darkness (and light) in a dangerous situation. (More will come on the backstory. Still working it out. Something like she was in a situation in a Dark Alley where bad stuff was happening and she needed to escape, and in doing so used both her magics to blind and then hide.)

Congrats on your 1000th post! (I still have quite a while to go.)

Yes, it would be considered a bit taboo by her clan. Clans are family groups within the Tribes. The main problem with her being able to control them both is that would mean that she is almost exactly half fire/half ice. No magic is evil, they are all just tools. Necromancy is not currently a thing humans can do. Also, the elemental magics cannot be used without some training, and though self-taught is possible, those have much less control. Apparently, I really need to clarify that the School of Dragons is not run by Dragons. There are many not-human beings, the ones you probably want are bone-wraiths(actually evil) or shadow-wraiths(neutral), but to attract their attention, the character would have to use a great deal of power in a wild place. Dragons would not be possible, as they only live in the Dragon mountains. If you want her to go to the School of Dragons, she can have attracted the attention of one of the professors who is looking for students. I need both the talent and a location she lived in, be it a small town(which you can make up unless you want to use one on the map), or a large city. Side note: if she has access to those two elemental magics, she will be severely limited in what she can do with the others, possibly unable to do some things.

5 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Wait a second

Can I use the Earth elementalism to give my character ODM gear

1. need def. for ODM. 2. your character would have to have a great deal of training.


I see that I need to clarify a great deal, so along with the map, I am going to put a link to the story, or what I have of it so far. The world will help, but ignore the characters.

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2 hours ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Yes, it would be considered a bit taboo by her clan. Clans are family groups within the Tribes. The main problem with her being able to control them both is that would mean that she is almost exactly half fire/half ice. No magic is evil, they are all just tools. Necromancy is not currently a thing humans can do. Also, the elemental magics cannot be used without some training, and though self-taught is possible, those have much less control. Apparently, I really need to clarify that the School of Dragons is not run by Dragons. There are many not-human beings, the ones you probably want are bone-wraiths(actually evil) or shadow-wraiths(neutral), but to attract their attention, the character would have to use a great deal of power in a wild place. Dragons would not be possible, as they only live in the Dragon mountains. If you want her to go to the School of Dragons, she can have attracted the attention of one of the professors who is looking for students. I need both the talent and a location she lived in, be it a small town(which you can make up unless you want to use one on the map), or a large city. Side note: if she has access to those two elemental magics, she will be severely limited in what she can do with the others, possibly unable to do some things.

I’m okay if she’s limited in others; I like the idea of practicing light and dark and I’ll sacrifice not being super great in other Magics. I’ll make it so she’s 17 as to not be too far from the age range. How about this; she’s been trained in light magic, since that’s a relatively common magic to have in her clan, but has tried to self teach herself darkness since she found she could. She has less control but practices a lot. She lives in Center City and her talent is Changing 3 (though she doesn’t realize that yet). I think I’ve covered all the necessary changes. 

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So maybe nedwin can be a tanners son whose parent sent him to the university of dragons after he succeded a test for fire magic. Lazy and not very smart, he spent all of his money before he could get there and is now stranded in center city. Because his father had been to the university of dragons. (he failed to pass his classes and was kicked out) he is used to being part of an influential family and getting his way. His potential with fire is strong but that's all he really has and he is unable to use it

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I wish to play

Now I need to make a character...


My character is a female-human called Chasm

She has a Talent of healing faster than normal. As a result of her Talent, she doesn't get sunburns, colds, or rashes. Small scrapes (small being a few layers of skin, maybe some blood but not dripping) are healed within the day. In general, the slower the injury happens, the shorter it takes to heal. (Sicknesses heal faster than cuts.)

She is part of the Air/Earth tribe and really, Really, REALLY likes practicing Air magic. She's not very good at Earth magic because she doesn't practice as much as she's supposed to.

She's currently in Center City, as she's been apprenticed to a smith there (her third cousin once removed) so she can learn (to practice) Earth magic better. Her parents live near Keywood.

@EmulatonStromenkiin Can you check and see if this works?

Edited by Tani
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