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Kaladin Muppet-Blessed (AI Generated Art of Brandon's Characters)

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There is a website that's become super popular this week. https://huggingface.co/spaces/dalle-mini/dalle-mini. You type in words and the AI does it's best to generate art based on your suggestion.  It is able to do a wide variety of art styles and is able to (I guess) google image search the people or characters you mention and identify them decently well.

Say you type in Kaladin Stormblessed Muppet


Perhaps you want to look at a courtroom sketch to confirm that Szeth Son Son Vallano wore white on the day he stood trial for (allegedly) killing a king. (hidden for size)



Sometimes it's weirdly accurate and yet completely off at the same time. Like it started reading the coppermind article of who you mentioned but went down a wiki-hole and drew whatever if landed on instead. (MB & SA spoilers)


I wanted Sazed from Mistborn checking the mail instead I got someone looking a lot like Hoid reading something from an envelope he just opened. Like it knew who was corresponding with Sazed but nothing about Sazed. 


It's terrible with characters who have no last name. If you include the book or series it will give you vibes. "Kelsier Mistborn Last Supper" (hidden for size)




Edited by Child of Hodor
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I don't think this made it to the forums officially, but we've taken a stance against AI art and other forms of generated content, and generally don't allow it. I don't consider this thread to be in violation of the rules, but I'll be locking it. 

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