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Circumstantial evidence against the fall of Dalinar


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Rhythm of War spoilers ahead.

Odium's deal with Dalinar says that if Dalinar's champion loses, Dalinar has to become an agent of Odium in the Cosmere. This might happen, but if it does, I think this won't end with Dalinar re-embracing brutality forever, so I suspect that it won't happen at all.

Why? Because Brandon Sanderson's son is named Dallin. He is 12 years old now, about old enough to start reading the Stormlight books and noticing that a cool character has a name like his. Maybe Brandon did that intentionally. Maybe not. Either way, I bet this will be meaningful to the young lad. Would Brandon turn his son's special character into an evil monster forever? I think not.

Dalinar will not be a brutal monster in the end. 

Edit: I just watched a Brandon video where he says that his son Dallin, to this day, thinks that Dalinar's name is Dallin R. This supports my theory.


Edited by Vin(Diesel)
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I dunno. I'm playing the longshot, and I'd put five ruby marks on this outcome:

1. Dalinar looses

2. Everything is very problematic.

3. Somehow, Dalinar tricks Odium into breaking his word

Remember that quote? "If I break my word, our contract is void, and I would be in your power." There's a lot of foreshadowing in the deal scene about someone breaking their word. It would be quite improbable if that wasn't foreshadowing some oathbreaking-based plot twist.

Given Sanderson's writing style, I find it a pretty good theory.

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I don’t think Dalinar will ever be a monster again. A reluctant servant to TOdium, still holding to his ideals throughout the centuries despite the atrocities he is forced to commit, on the other hand, is definitely within the realm of possibility.

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Yeah, I kind of think the oaths will be broken somehow and neither side will actually win. Like, Moash tries to kill Dalinar during or right before the contest while still counting as part of Odium's forces, making Odium forfeit, but Taravangian-Odium uses whatever loophole he seemed to have noticed at the end of RoW, so T-Odium escapes but Dalinar doesn't become his servant.

Edited by cometaryorbit
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2 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

Yeah, I kind of think the oaths will be broken somehow and neither side will actually win. Like, Moash tries to kill Dalinar during or right before the contest while still counting as part of Odium's forces, making Odium forfeit, but Taravangian-Odium uses whatever loophole he seemed to have noticed at the end of RoW, so T-Odium escapes but Dalinar doesn't become his servant.

Personally, I think that Dalinar's forces will break the deal (or Dalinar will just plain old lose), but T-Odium will somehow break the deal between Rayse and Taravangian (a fitting character arc for T, imo)

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On 5/17/2022 at 4:46 PM, Nameless said:

I don’t think Dalinar will ever be a monster again. A reluctant servant to TOdium, still holding to his ideals throughout the centuries despite the atrocities he is forced to commit, on the other hand, is definitely within the realm of possibility.

Agreed that this is a possibility. Redemption and the continual choice to change even against situations when willpower is crippled is a strong theme in Brandon's books (Elhokar, Teft, Dalinar, Marsh). If Dalinar falls to the agreement, I don't think he himself will be required to become a monster at his core anymore than Marsh (which is a pretty scary threshold). If this happens, I think we can guarantee that we will get closure, otherwise Brandon will get all the complaints. Given @Vin(Diesel)'s note, he likely would have a redemption arc.

Besides, if he must fall, he'll rise again a better man.

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I just really can't see Dalinar serving Odium. It would totally betray his Oathbringer plot. At the same time there are several reasons he has to go. Contrary to Kaladin, a sacrificial death would actually fit Dalinar's arc. Which is why I think it will probably happen. But I expect him to do some great things before he goes. 

Why I think he needs to go: First of all, he is a tyrant, and almost incapable of giving up power ( like Sadeas said: he never really trusts anyone to do the work.) His style of leading is very authoritarian. This was clearly showed in RoW, especially in his interactions with Adolin (where he massively played down his own crimes, btw). 

Secondly, because of all his war crimes, Dalinar still has a bad reputation in some parts of the world. Think of his interactions with The Mink. 

Lastly, he is the only one of our main cast whose death would make sense narratively. And I can't see all of them surviving when they are supposed to take a smaller role in the back 5. (I expect Shallan and Kaladin to have a role similar to the one Jasnah has right now)   

A sacrificial death would be the perfect end for Dalinar in my opinion. This would also be a step towards equality for darkeyes, as Kaladin is his natural successor. Because, if we are being honest, Kaladin and not Dalinar would be leading the Knights Radiant if it wasn't for the Alethi caste system. I think the best way to view Dalinar is, as Wit does at some point in WoR, as a necessary evil. 

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On 18/05/2022 at 0:34 AM, Rg2045 said:

Oooo this is good. I like it and wile Dalinar might fall he might not stay fallen 

"I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man."

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