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A Mistborn Series/Movie by the animators of Arcane: League of Legends


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Hello Sanderson community!

I'm new to the forum and not sure where this post belongs.. so I'll just put it out there. 

Mistborn is destined for the screen. I know it. You know it. The creator himself knows it. From the interviews I've seen, Sanderson seems to want a live action movie adaptation. This has always made me rather nervous (the world can't take another Eragon). The recent Dune movie has restored my faith in Hollywood's ability to produce a decent sci-fi novel adaptation, but nonetheless I think Mistborn should be made into an animated series. 

Ever since watching the stunning 'Arcane: League of Legends' this past November I've been hooked on the idea. I'm not sure why but while watching the first episode I just kept thinking to myself, "Mistborn should be done this way." I wasn't even reading or keeping up with anything from Sanderson at the time. The animation style just had such a Mistborn feel to it. I saw a blurb from an interview in December where someone actually brought up Arcane's success as a possible argument for an animated Mistborn. Sanderson seemed open minded, but again stressed that he still preferred the idea of a live action adaptation. This made me sad.

The animation studio that did Arcane is called Fortiche, they are based in France. I want to reach out to them. See if any of them are Sanderson fans. I think one scene with Vin and Kelsier soaring around Luthadel, or maybe a little inquistor action, would be enough to convince anyone this idea has merit.

If there is much interest I'll certainly post more of my argument. Just wanted to get this out there for now, see if other people have had the same thought. Please let me know what you think and what you have heard! Like I said I'm new to the forum, so maybe this is already a debated topic.

Thanks for reading!

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Welcome to the shard! I love that idea for mistborn to be done by Fortiche studios! it would have to be three seasons though. I think it would work FAR better as animated than live action because of the amount of stuff that would need to be done to do it in live action, plus it would be far easier to do animation I think. 

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@Thaidakar, I'm glad you agree! I like the idea of three full seasons as well. Although I did really enjoy the "animated event" style Arcane had with three mini-season-story-arc-type-thingies. Has there been much talk of this on these forums already? You seem to be a regular so perhaps you would know.

Thanks for helping the post find its proper home! @AonEne


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Having just seen the first 3 episodes of Arcane, I can see why people are so excited.  While CGI certainly exists now for Hollywood to pull off a decent live action MB film series, both the cost and risk would be immense.

I agree the animation style demonstrated by Fortiche would suit Mistborn very well, with the additional benefit of lending authenticity to the French inspiration for Scadrian character and place names.

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