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SP #1: A List of Everything We Learned About This World

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This list will be updated as corrections come in:
This list includes Live-stream Q&A Spoiler Updates

Main Details

Key Worldbuilding Quote: "Spores filter down from the lunagree, visible from the island some fifty or sixty miles away. That’s as close as you ever wanted to get to the lunagree–a great shimmering fountain of colorful motes, vibrant and exceedingly dangerous. The spores filled the world’s oceans, creating vast seas not of water, but of alien dust. Ships sailed that dust like ships sail water here, and you should not find that so unusual. How many other planets have you visited? Perhaps they all sail in oceans of pollen, and your home is the freakish one."

  1. The planet is called Lumar [livestream 2]
  2. The Aethers might be the moons themselves or are living upon the moons in some way
  3. This is not the homeworld of the Aethers, but a world where an offshoot of aethers are doing something different  [livestream 2]
  4. There are 12 moons. There may be 12 Aethers now (up from 6)
    1. Issac says there are 11 spores [mistake? Spoiler?]
    2. Brandon, much later on, says there are 12 kinds of spores and 12 colours
  5. The moons are in geosynchronous orbit (possibly geostationary according to some comments by readers). The moons do not move in the sky, but match the same location always.
  6. The moons are arranged like a d12 dice and not in a circle around Lumar (but this could change in the final draft) 
  7. There are special places where one particular moon covers 30% of the sky. These are called a Lunagree
    1. Under these Lunagree, spores fall directly down to the planet. 
    2. You can see the spore-falls from more than 50 or 60 miles from the Lunagree, and you wouldnt want to be closer than that. 
    3. The Aether moons drop spores of dust at the Lunagree that can infect/destroy/corrupt a body if the spores get wet.
  8. Silver (again) and salt can purify the spores.
    1. A grey spore is "dead" and cannot hurt a person. 
    2. Tress' island of Diggin's Point is made of "barren black saltstone". The island itself might provide protection from spores.
    3. Diggin's Point is 50-60 miles from the Verdant Lunagree.
    4. People drink salty tea and eat salty food in this world as unsalted water is dangerous. 
  9. Verdent's spores cause vines to shoot from your body.
  10. There are so many spores/dust-bits that the world has spore oceans.
  11. There appear to be 12 distinct oceans. The oceans have different colours and traits. 
  12. There is an unmarried sorceress. She lives in the Midnight Sea. Verdant sees her as an enemy. She may have bonded an Aether [unconfirmed but implied]
  13. Charlie has been sent to "fight" the sorceress, but is not expected to live.
  14. A ransom request has been sent the Verdant Duke, but that ransom request has been ignored.
  15. Tress is going to go save Charlie by finding the Sorceress. 


  1. Hoid is telling this story to someone.
  2. Hoid is the "cabin boy" on one of the boats that delivers the cups from Charlie. 
  3. Since Tress got many of her cups from sailors, some of her cups may have been given to her by Hoid himself
    1. Her Iriali Noble's cup "might" be authentic.  
  4. It may be possible to figure out who the "audience" is for this story, but that detail is not vastly important [WOB]
  5. Hoid is telling the story withing years or decades of the book events happening

The Iriali:

  • The Iriali left this world 300 years before this story is being told
  • The Iriali were gone one day and that event is considered a famous mystery
  • The iriali lived on one island only
  • It is not known where the Iriali went or why.
  • The Iriali had their golden hair, and the golden hair seen as noteworthy and interesting
  • The Iriali language was important enough for a Duke's son to either understand or recognize even 300 years later
    • It is unclear if Charlie actually can read the cup as the story about the King seems unrealistic. 
    • However, Hoid may have given her that cup, so who knows what she might have in her collection.
  • The Iriali wrote "top to bottom" instead of "left to right" like on the other cups in Tress' collection.
    • Is this a hint that the Iriali were once on Sel? 
  • Does the Iriali leaving imply that something bad happened to this world 300 years ago? 

Ecological Juxtaposition

  • The story starts by saying these are not wet oceans, yet Hoid has mentioned Earth-analogue life more than any other Cosmere series. 
  • In a world so alien, the number of terran animals is somewhat unexpected.
  • Seeing as there appears to be no true oceans, the use of words like "whale" is somewhat suspect. Also: seals, fish, frogs, amphibians 
    • It may be that "whales" are not truly earth-analogue whales.
    • It is possible that oceans do exist underground, or that some regions are able to support other life. 
    • The only aquatic animal we see Tress interact with is a fish she purchases. Whales and some other animals may be considered mythical or extinct
  • Animals need to salt or silver their water as well. How is this being done? Have animals evolved? Are there different ecologies? 
  • How do trees and flowers grow naturally? Even a gardener seems like a risky profession unless we are missing something. 
  • Despite being under Verdant, attention is given to the fact that the plants are withering away.
    • Does this imply the place used to have more trees? Has something been changing over time?
    • There is no way to know if Tress' island is typical because the inhabitants are forbidden from leaving and seeing other places. 

Note: We have never seen what happens when unsalted water hits a spore. It is possible that the the people of this island are misinformed or have been directly deceived by the King in some way.

  • Animals:
    • It is mentioned that animals also must be careful with spores. It not mentioned if this applies to all animals or if there are spore-adapted animals. 
    •  A horse is seen on one of the cups
    • Tress laughed like an elephant-seal
    • cobwebs are seen meaning there are spider-like creatures
    • she buys a fish
    • like a frog upon a lilly
    • Pigeon pie with gravy
    • "I was telling him the story of the fish and the whale"
    • a "butterfly over a red ocean" is depicted on one of the cups from Charlie.
    • amphibians
    • honey -> honey bees
    • someone eats eggs -> birds
    • Charles had childhood pets
    • Animals also must be careful with spores 
  • Water
    • Plain water is dangerous. If it mixes with a spore, there may be life-threatening consequences. Salted or Silvered water is safe.
    • Even human body secretions containing water may cause spores to react
      • This is said in a way that makes the problem seem common and important
      • Examples of safe vs unsafe secretions are not given
        • What would you do about eye moisture?
        • What do animals do?
    • At least some water is sourced from underground and beneath the islands. Tress' island is an important resupply area for water.
    • There is rain in the book [livestream 2]
    • Animals exist on this planet. How do they salt or silver their water? 
    • Despite water being dangerous, and there not being a real ocean, water does not seem scarce. 
      • At least some water is sourced from underground and beneath the islands. Tress' island is an important resupply area for water and for salt.
      • Poor people are able to afford fish
      • Poor people drink salted tea
      • People talk of elephant seals
      • People know what whales are
      • Alcohol exists
      • Wood exists and doesn't seem precious
      • Is their rain? Are there forests?
  • Plants and Food
    • The last tree on the island has died. 
      • Again, this implies the island was once more "verdant"
      • Conventional farming is said to be impossible on Diggins because the saltstone ruins conventional soil over time.
    • Wooden cups are not seen as expensive
    • Wheat and flax are mentioned as hair colours
    • Alcohol is mentioned
    • Cobbler is mentioned
    • Honey is mentioned
    • Eggs are eaten
    • fish is eaten
    • small meat pie. “Pigeon,” she said, “and carrots. With a thyme-seasoned gravy.”
    • talks of baked goods
    • "carmel coloured" ---> sugar  
  • The Rocks and Material Under the Islands
    • The "seas" would bunch up under each moon due to strong tidal forces. So the area under each moon would be at a very high tide permanently and the seas would be much shallower between the moons.
      • The Rock must be a very tall mountain to be above that tide.
    • Diggin's Point is made of barren black saltstone that can contaminate soil brought to the island
    • here are water wells in the ground.
    • There are salt mines deep into the island.
    • glass is available
    • porcelain cups are mentioned

                     [Not finished this list. Many kinds or rock are mentioned]

The Law

  • The King forbids anyone but the Duke from leaving the island
    • "Regardless, with the spores, the smoke, and the salt, one can perhaps see why the king needed a law requiring the population to remain on the rock. The place was so inhospitable, even the smog found it depressing. Ships visited periodically to do repairs, drop off waste for the compost vats, and take on new water. But each strictly obeyed the king’s rules: no locals were to be taken off of Diggen’s Point. Ever"
  • The visiting sailors are instructed not to take any inhabitant off of the island. 
  • The Duke's own family has not even been allowed to accompany the King on trips (with one notable ceremonial exception to this rule)
  • The Duke's Family is permitted to accompany the Duke in order for the Heir to find a courtly wife in another land
    • It is unclear if servents are ever permitted to join the Duke on standard trips or this special trip.
  • There has been no rational reason given for why this rule exists
    • The King says he needs to ensure enough people for resupply
    • The reader is likely supposed to be suspicious of this plot point. 

The Oceans and Moons/Aethers:

  • People who bond an aether are called "aether-bound"
  • All people who would be Verdant-bound are bonding the same individual Aether (so many people bond the same source)
  • The basic mechanics are the same as Aether of Night. 
  • The Aethers believe they were not created by Adonalsium.
  • This is not the homeworld of the Aethers, but a world with Aethers on it.

    Known Aethers or Moons or Oceans 
    NOTE: Issac said in reply to a joke about Chicken Scouts, that he would try to "collect all 11 spores". Not sure if it is a mistake or an accidental spoiler
    • Verdant/Emerald
      • Causes vines to grow out of people if the spore gets wet
        • "The least bit of water would cause the spores to sprout explosively, and the results could range from uncomfortable to deadly. Breathe in a burst of verdant spores, for example, and your saliva would send vines growing up out your mouth–or, in more interesting cases, into your sinuses and out around your eyes."
      • Tress' island is not verdant in a "lush greenery" sense. The only tree is dead and there are some potted plant mentioned. 
        • "The only food the island grew came from compost vats"
    • Crimson
      • Slightly less dangerous than Midnight
      • an unpopulated sea 
    • Azure
    • Golden
    • Midnight/Night
      • the most dangerous seas and is where the sorceress lives
      • Must cross Crimson to get there from Verdant
      • "He sailed the Midnight sea, Miss Tress, underneath Thanasmia's own moon"
    • Dormancy [Possibly]
      • The new princess is from a place called Dormancy. 
      • Most Aethers on this list are colour-oriented, but non-cannon Aethers did not all have colour names. 
    • Roseite
      • is mentioned in Spoiler Stream 2

The Location inspiration and Dialect of English Used

  • The names like Charlie and Brunswick are very British Isles or Canadian East Coast
  • The islands themselves remind me of New Brunswick or Newfoundland in Canada
  • Uses British or Non-American words like calling someone a "strumpet" 

From Other Books or Wobs

  • Foil (a character)
    • Foil is an unknown entity in the cosmere that lives deep in an ocean. He has often claimed that his goal is to master the aethers. Khriss believes the discovery of anti-Light proves that she was right on a specific disagreement they had and that he should listen to her theories if he truly wishes to control the aethers.[1]
  • Coppermind (may not be true anymore, but interesting) 
    • Only certain people can activate aethers, and physical pieces of aether are not particularly useful to anyone else.[7] Even cosmere scholars such as those in Silverlight do not yet understand how to control them
  • Aether of Night
    • The basic mechanics of Aether of Nights are still true on the Aether of Night planet.
    • However, as Lumar Aethers are an offshoot of the Aether of Night world, perhaps some things are now diffferent
    • THE 6 AETHER OF NIGHT AETHERS: (Credit to Frustration)
      • Verdant allows the user to create vines, like an organic version of spiderman. Shoots are also edible and widley consumed. 
      • Amberite allows it's user to create rock-like growths on their skin, and force them to fall off, this is used to make weapons and armor
      • Beastarian allows you to graft animal parts over your injuries
      • Corprate allows one to turn themselves into a machine, such as a walker, heater or even just a support beam, called corprates, however this change is perminent.
      • Illumous allows one to teleport other people
      • Night allows one to teleport themselves, and others if they are close enough
  • Stormlight:
    • Mraize has a pink aether in his curiosity cabinet
    • A servant scrubs out an aether stain from Mraize's clothes. 

The Audience:
Note: It is unclear how "pure" this retelling is. It is uncertain and unstated whether or not Hoid is using translation/connection magic to make terminology translate more smoothly, or if this a literal and intentional usage of specific language like "geosync" or "whale" to his audience. 

  • The exact audience has not been set by Brandon yet 
  • The number of Earth Animals mentioned would make this harder for a Rosharian to understand
    • Kaladin was told a story about a dog, but the fact Kal didn't know what a dog was was highlighted in that story. 
  • The Iriali being mentioned may be a hint of some kind. 
  • Some science-literate terms used like  the phrase 'her planets had 12 moons is a very low geosynchronous orbit',
    • Could be a retelling to an advanced civilization or an educated scholar class? 
  • Knows Hoid by the name 'Hoid'; wouldn't be surprised to see him insert himself into the story.
  • Seems to imply that the person/people he is talking to have not Worldhopped or seen many "alien" ecologies
  • Hoid is telling the story withing years or decades of the book events happening


The Cups:
[Note: Brandon has said only the Iriali cup has cosmere significance] 

  1. She had fine porcelain cups with painted glaze
  2. Some clay cups that felt rough beneath her fingers
  3. wooden cups that looked rugged and well-used
  4.  She’d sip salty tea from a cup with horses painted on it
  5. It was made completely of tin, stamped with letters in a language that ran from up to down, instead of left to right.
    1. It’s old Iriali,” he said. “They vanished, you know. The entire people: poof. Away they went, gone one day, their island left uninhabited. Now, that was three hundred years ago, so nobody alive has ever met one of them, but they supposedly had golden hair. Like yours, the color of sunlight.
    2. “I’d wager this cup has quite the history,” he said. “Forged for an Iriali nobleman the day before he–and his people–were taken by the gods. The cup was left on the table, to be collected by the poor fisherwoman who first arrived on the island and discovered the horror of an entire people gone. She passed the cup down to her grandson–who became a pirate, a deadrunner even. He eventually buried his ill-gotten treasure deep beneath the spores. Only to be recovered now, after eons in darkness, to find its way to your hands.” He held the cup up to catch the light.
  6. When the first [GIFT] cup arrived. It was delivered by Hoid the cabin boy. A beautiful porcelain cup, without even a single chip in it. It came with a letter and a card with a little drawing: two gloved hands holding to one another.
  7. The second [GIFT] cup was made of pure red glass, tall and thin, like it was meant to appear as if it contained more liquid than it did. Perhaps it was from a particularly stingy tavern. 
  8. The third [GIFT] cup was a good, solid pewter mug with heft to it. Perhaps it was from one of those places Charlie had made up, where people always needed to carry weapons. Tress was reasonably certain she could knock out an attacker by swinging this cup. T
  9. The fourth [GIFT] package didn’t have a letter with it, just a cup with a painted butterfly on it with a red ocean underneath. She found it odd that the butterfly wasn’t terrified of the spores, but maybe it was a prisoner butterfly, being forced to fly out over the ocean to its doom.
  10. The Fifth Gift Cup: He wanted me to give you this,” Flik said, handing her a small sack. It tinkled as she took it. Inside where broken pieces of ceramic.


  • Charlie is a royal pretending to be a "gardener" under "verdant". Despite the name of his moon, his island's last tree has just died. 
  • Tress is a woman who loves cups, but can only fill them with salted water (salted water would kill a plant).

Mistakes I Made When Making This List:

  • Update on Release Day
    • This story is before Stormlight as Sigzil likely knows the tale


Does anyone have a list of Irali metaphors that were used by a certain character in Stormlight? I wonder if any of those will be easter eggs in this story. 

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5 minutes ago, iceblade44 said:

That part we have no indication in the text. We just know Hoid is telling it to someone. That's all for now

This came out somewhere else apparently. A newsletter update? I have just seen the discussion about this elsewhere on the forum today. 

EDIT: My mistake. Scratching that out now

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I don't know how significant it is, but Charlie's name stands out to me as a little more normal then any other names we've seen in the cosmere to date. It's balanced out by "Glorf" but still, it sticks out to me. Maybe his name is influenced by some worldhopper? I might be reading too much in to it :p 

2 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

This came out somewhere else apparently. A newsletter update? I have just seen the discussion about this elsewhere on the forum today. 

That was me! It's not cannon at all, I just think it's a possibility that Sigzil knows this story, given his history with Hoid. We really have no idea who's listening to this story though. 

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2 minutes ago, Hen said:

I don't know how significant it is, but Charlie's name stands out to me as a little more normal then any other names we've seen in the cosmere to date. It's balanced out by "Glorf" but still, it sticks out to me. Maybe his name is influenced by some worldhopper? I might be reading too much in to it :P

That was me! It's not cannon at all, I just think it's a possibility that Sigzil knows this story, given his history with Hoid. We really have no idea who's listening to this story though. 

Oh! Okay thanks. I will add a "mistakes" part to make what happened clear. 

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32 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Main Details

  1. The Aethers are moons or have taken over the moons. There are 12 moons. 
  2. There may be 12 Aethers now (up from 6)
  3. The moons do not orbit the planet but are stuck in place.
  4. There are special places where one particular moon hovers above an island. Tress is living under the Verdent moon.

An object in geosynchronous orbit does orbit a planet. It does just take as much time for an orbit as it takes to rotate around its axis. If that orbit is over the equator they seem to be standing still in the sky. Many comsats and weather satellites around our Earth work that way.

32 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:
  1. The Aethers/moons drop spores of dust that can infect a body if the spores get wet.

Infect is probably the wrong word. They just start developing and the problem seems to be purely mechanical in nature.

32 minutes ago, teknopathetic said:

Odd Details


  • Animals:
    • One of the cups has horses on it,
    • she laughed like an elephant-seal
    • cobwebs are seen
    • she buys a fish
    • like a frog upon a lilly
    • "I was telling him the story of the fish and the whale"
    • a "butterfly over a read ocean" is depicted on one of the cups from Charlie. 

They know what amphibians are.

The spores are deadly to animals, too.

Charles had pets as a child


  • metals
  • drilling wells
  • machinery that makes exhaust fumes
  • canon


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My suspicion is that other societies actively use their Aethers in some way, but for whatever reason the King does not want the people living directly under the moon of Verdant to know this. 

Too much attention is placed on the "NO ONE LEAVES" for there not to be a reason for it. 

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In the text version of the sample chapters sent to the email list, the quote is, "'He sailed the Midnight Sea, Miss Tress,' he said. 'Beneath Thanasmia's own moon.'" So that's how it's spelled, and it is capitalized. Thanasmia might be the name of the sorceress.

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Musing on Hoid's audience:

  • Only directly familiar with the ocean on their own world, so not a Worldhopper
  • Would understand the phrase 'her planets had 12 moons is a very low geosynchronous orbit', and so can be assumed to have a reasonable amount of astronomy knowledge
  • Must be from a planet with earth-like ecology, given how many earth plant and animals Hoid references.
  • Knows Hoid by the name 'Hoid'; wouldn't be surprised to see him insert himself into the story.

So this is overall looking like somebody from Nalthis or Sel. Somebody who's Cosmere-aware, but isn't a Worldhopper themselves. 

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Midnight sea immediately makes me think of Night Aethers. No hints in this chapter of why the sorceress is so hard to fight, but being able to teleport would sure be annoying. Also, she does seem to rule over something, since she "sometimes sent ships to raid the border of the Verdant Sea." 

If each sea is associated with a different moon/aether/color, I wonder what this planet would look like from orbit? Do they form sorts of rainbow bands around the world?

The animal points are really interesting. I wonder how large landmasses might get on the world. While Diggin's Point is called "the rock" its large enough to have a "fair sized town" and the manor seems to be a good distance away from everything else - so I imagine its actually a pretty decent size. Theoretically wherever the king lives might actually be pretty large.

I also wonder how long the aether dust has been falling. If its been a development at some point in the past, its possible some/many of these animals are extinct and have been passed down in stories.

Finally, there's gotta be some way the dust is being destroyed/disposed of. Even if you have efficient ways of killing the spores with salt/silver, the dead spores are still going to be filing stuff up. If your planet is getting a constant space dust dumped on it at a fast enough rate that its formed oceans - you need to find some way to dispose of it before the entire world gets covered.

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21 minutes ago, Zibus said:

Finally, there's gotta be some way the dust is being destroyed/disposed of. Even if you have efficient ways of killing the spores with salt/silver, the dead spores are still going to be filing stuff up. If your planet is getting a constant space dust dumped on it at a fast enough rate that its formed oceans - you need to find some way to dispose of it before the entire world gets covered.

One thing more. If you are on an island so deficient in fertile soil that you make compost piles, wouldn't you be happy about spores that can be turned into vegetable matter for compost just by spitting or urinating on?

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RE: Hoid's Audience:
Hoid says
"The locals worshipped those twelve moons as gods, which we can all agree is far more ridiculous than whatever it is you worship."

This tells us something about the audience's religion, I'm just not sure what it is.  Does this mean Hoid doesn't understand the audience's gods?  Or is he mocking them with "while your gods are beneath my interest, worshipping these moons is even stupider"? There is something here I just don't know what.

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RE: Geometry/Geography of the 12 Moons

  • Hoid says the moons are geosynchronous but clarifies that "In other words, they never move".  So he means to say a geostationary orbit, which is either natural equatorial geosynchronous orbits or a geosynchronous orbit at some other latitude that is not just using gravitation but is using some continuous external force to maintain.
  • Hoid claims you can always see one of the 12 moons no matter where you travel
  • Hoid claims the moons are so low they take up one third of your field of vision.

Will do some math to try and figure if this is close to litteral

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2 hours ago, platnumkid said:

RE: Hoid's Audience:
Hoid says
"The locals worshipped those twelve moons as gods, which we can all agree is far more ridiculous than whatever it is you worship."

This tells us something about the audience's religion, I'm just not sure what it is.  Does this mean Hoid doesn't understand the audience's gods?  Or is he mocking them with "while your gods are beneath my interest, worshipping these moons is even stupider"? There is something here I just don't know what.

He is basically saying that everyone has stupid happenstance religious beliefs and that people are far too quick to judge the stupid random religious beliefs of others. People with big moons make stories of moons and people without moons tend not to worship moons. It is just happenstance.You cant worship what you don't have.

Hoid has literally met all the "Gods/gods" of the Cosmere, so to him these variations of faith are a little ridiculous. 

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3 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

One thing more. If you are on an island so deficient in fertile soil that you make compost piles, wouldn't you be happy about spores that can be turned into vegetable matter for compost just by spitting or urinating on?

The story does mention that the ships bring waste for the compost.

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2 hours ago, Zibus said:

The story does mention that the ships bring waste for the compost.

And that is exactly the issue. You are sitting in an ocean of spores you can turn into compostable matter just by spitting on it. Why do you bother with the ships?

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4 hours ago, Oltux72 said:

And that is exactly the issue. You are sitting in an ocean of spores you can turn into compostable matter just by spitting on it. Why do you bother with the ships?

Probably you CAN'T do that for some reason. Or maybe people are afraid of activating them, because how inpredictable they are.

16 hours ago, teknopathetic said:
  • The story consistently mentions animals that are in direct opposition to what we would expect from a Hydrophobic Ecology. Ex: whales, seels, fish, frogs, amphibians. 
  • Seeing as there appears to be no true oceans, the use of words like "whale" is somewhat suspect.
    • It may be that "whales" are not truly earth-analogue whales.
    • However, it is possible that oceans do exist underground, or that some regions are able to support other life. 
    • The only aquatic animal we ever see Tress interact with is a fish she purchases. It is possible the people consider whales etc mythical and have never seen any.
  • Animals need to salt or silver their water as well. How is this being done? Have animals evolved? Are there different ecologies? 
  • How do trees and flowers grow naturally? Even a gardener seems like a risky profession unless we are missing something. 

I think there are real Oceans somwhere on the planet. On Earth, ocean water is SALTY. And warmer seas are more salty than colder. So there may be region when salty water seas exist, with all closed ecosystems.

Plants can be also halophils in some regions.

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18 hours ago, Hen said:

I don't know how significant it is, but Charlie's name stands out to me as a little more normal then any other names we've seen in the cosmere to date. It's balanced out by "Glorf" but still, it sticks out to me. Maybe his name is influenced by some worldhopper? I might be reading too much in to it :P

The young man uses a variant of his name as an alias. And Tress/Glorf refers to that scheme later in the story. If Hoid were to use the original pair of names, he'd risk that his listener would not get the connection. Hence he substitutes the real name with something the listener knows. Probably Tress is not called literally "Tress" but in equivalent in her own language.

18 hours ago, apepi said:

The equipment that worked in the salt mines cause black smoke(is that normal?).

It seems to me that we are looking at steam engines they use to operate equipment presumably over a system of belts and shafts.

2 hours ago, Bzhydack said:

Probably you CAN'T do that for some reason. Or maybe people are afraid of activating them, because how inpredictable they are.

So what happens if you just pour water over spores?


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1 hour ago, Oltux72 said:

So what happens if you just pour water over spores?

Only over, not on them? Probably nothing.

But why you assuming spores and whatever grows from them, is compostable? This seems to me like pure Investiture constructs, not plants.

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20 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

There has been no rational reason given for why this rule exists

  • The King says he needs to ensure enough people for resupply
  • The reader is likely supposed to be suspicious of this plot point. 

I’m guessing that the reason for the rule is to keep people on the island. The Arthur’s are oceans, but most planets in the Cosmere aren’t dominated by the oceans. Given that and the fact that there seems to be no shortage of wood, I think it likely that there are large landmasses mostly free of spores.

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20 hours ago, teknopathetic said:
  • Animals:
    • It is mentioned that animals also must be careful with spores. It not mentioned if this applies to all animals or if there are spore-adapted animals. 
    •  A horse is seen on one of the cups
    • Tress laughed like an elephant-seal
    • cobwebs are seen meaning there are spider-like creatures
    • she buys a fish
    • like a frog upon a lilly
    • "I was telling him the story of the fish and the whale"
    • a "butterfly over a red ocean" is depicted on one of the cups from Charlie.
    • amphibians
    • Charles had childhood pets
    • Animals also must be careful with spores 
  • honey, hence honey bees
  • scrambled eggs, hence domesticated birds - likely chickens
18 minutes ago, Bzhydack said:

Only over, not on them? Probably nothing.

But why you assuming spores and whatever grows from them, is compostable? This seems to me like pure Investiture constructs, not plants.

Vines are usually matter. But you are right.

(Aether of Night)


Verdant is even edible.

There is also the matter of the dead grey spores. They stay behind. If they were Investiture, they ought to vanish when destroyed.


Edited by Oltux72
forgotten dead spores
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