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Hi all, I'm Duxredux. I've been reading Brandon since picking up Elantris in my junior high library around 15 years ago. I've read all of the Cosmere books and I guess I'm joining the 17th Shard because I've had little observations and theories stewing for those last 15 years. According to the Knights Radiant quiz, I would either be a Windrunner or a Bondsmith.

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@Duxredux Hey, welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite character from the cosmere? Also, have you had a chance to read Dawnshard? I know some people haven't gotten a chance to read that one yet because it was released weirdly since the first edition was done through the WoK Leatherbound Kickstarter. Also, I'm absolutely a Lightweaver.

Also, there's a group of people here on the forums that run mafia games based on Sanderson's books. It's called Sanderson Elimination. If you're curious, you can take a read at the general rules here, and the signups for the next game can be found here.

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, I forgot about this, and somehow missed everyone welcoming me.

@Robin Sedai Thanks!

@Not an Ookla, my least favorite character... I'm not sure. Brandon writes some good characters, and even if I would never want to meet them or interact with them, he brings them to life well enough that I pause and consider if the person I dislike is too much like myself. The characters from Dreamer really rub me wrong though, which was probably deliberate on Brandon's part. 

@StrikerEZ, My favorite character probably is the one that I relate to the most, or want to be like the most at the time of reading. That's been Dalinar, Kaladin, Sazed, Elend, Vin, Raoden, Kelsier, Leras, Shuden... Probably more. I have read Dawnshard, and that created way more questions then it answered for me. I've played mafia style games before, and for some reason I usually get bumped off really quickly. Maybe when people can't see my face I would do better. Maybe sometime I'll join, but I really enjoy the theorizing and analysis of the books and magic systems, which is why I joined and started posting in the first place.

Edited by Duxredux
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