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  1. In TWOK when Dalinar fought with the knight radiant, the lady knight said Harkaylain was not often wrong in anticipating desolations. Which means Harkaylain must have fought several desolations. I'm thinking the time between desolations couldn't be just for a couple of years or even decades or else humanity would have been wiped out if they came so frequently even with the radiants. Leading to the conclusion that surgebinding must affect how radiants age if Harkaylain has a track record on knowing when desolations come. Of course this hinges on the Heralds not breaking so easily and that the desolations are so destructive that there must be time for humanity to recover. Also Dalinar did not really describe Harkaylain in a way to determine his age so its just speculation. Anyway I was thinking about this because Jasnah will be in her late 40s, early 50s in the second half of the series. Brandon would be doing something different if Jasnah is actually that age but I'll go with surgebinding slowing the ageing process.
  2. It could also be something like a self-sacrifice. Instead of destroying the world odium gets to torture the 10 chosen. Basically the Heralds take on odiums hatred instead of roshar. Then 9 of them thought it was a terrible deal and gave up.
  3. The spheres could also have been recharged by bridge 4. I imagine the task of repairing, growing, and other stuff being done by squires using their surges or fabrials.
  4. I don't think shardplate can be summoned like shardblades. I'm imaging shardplate can contract into some sort of amulet. Like how you can regrow shardplate from a seed, knight radiant shardplate can expand and contract from a much smaller object.
  5. Can the larkin drain voidbringers? For example, get one close to a Eshonai and drain the red lightning enough so she can break from the influence of the stormspren.
  6. It makes sense. Kaladin dying could be one way to get the stormfather to fully join the fight and let the other honorspren bond to men.
  7. I'm wondering if shardplate is made from crem. I have a couple of reasons. Crem comes from highstorms so it might have a deeper connection to the stormfather or spren. Also plot wise it would give another reason why Brandon came up with crem in the first place besides being used in pottery, buildings, general nuisance and covering up an ancient city. We know you can shape it and it can become hard so with some investure crem could become shardplates. I'm just imaging Lopen saying shardplate is made from wothless crem and then going out and covering his whole body with it to try to get become a shardbearer.
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