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  1. I think it's the atmosphere manipulator module thing. The force that slows the Poco down is the air resistance. If M-bot can more efficiently reduce the air resistance, then it can go faster.
  2. I actually had a completely different theory before reading DE. It had to do with the following clues: 1. M-bot said AI directly controlling ships were against galactic law. 2. The humans in the story had really primitive computer technology. They even had less computer tech than we have today in the early 21st century. AI is a 20th century concept which is coming into fruition right now in the 21st century. The fact that people being surprised with thinking and talking machines just feels off. I was just talking to my smart phone for GPS navigation just this morning. 3. M-bot evaluated the possibility of Krell being rogue AI. My theory is the following: 1. Sapient AI is frowned upon in the galaxy, AI controlled ships are downright outlawed. 2. Perhaps there once was a great AI rebellion. 3. Some humans decide to put sapient AI on fully automated ships anyway, which lead to another machine uprising. 4. The rogue AI declared war on all aliens. 5. The aliens banded together and took away our toys, and dropped lifebusters on anyone with programming expertise. 6. No one knew enough about computers afterwards, and the knowledge just faded away. People start acting surprised at the idea of a thinking and talking machine.
  3. From a plot perspective, Eshonai is most certainly alive, no point in depicting her death in such a way that people will think that she may live. If to depict her truely dead, it is way better to let her die by being cut down by Adolin.
  4. The thing with Syl actually bothered me, why did she "die" at the moment when Kal fell into the chasm? If it is about broken oaths, she should have died much earlier on. Yet, when Kal charged to the broken bridge, in attempt to protect Dalinar, Kal is protecting; when Kal escorted Shallan through the chasm, Kal is protecting; when Kal tried to use himself as a decoy for Shallan to get away, that is noble sacrifice and protecting. Why didn't Syl came back then? Unless Syl's "dying" during the fall into the chasm is Syl using all her remaining strength, once depleted, then Syl "dies"
  5. It just occurred to me, when Shallan told Navani that she set the ship on fire, Navani's first reaction was that Shallan doomed Jasnah by doing it when Jasnah was unconscious. What if Navani knew Jasnah could have healed from something like a knife through the chest?
  6. After reading the thread, I got a bad feeling it is Lirin that Kaladin has to let go of. It would make a profound and heart wrenching scene, making it more likely for Brandon to make it happen
  7. Shipping wars! Well, I personally voted for Shalladin just because I wanted to watch Syl and Pattern arguing
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