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  1. That is why it is a Vorin palindrome, the H is a wild card ie Nohadon. Pure palindromes are also ok though.
  2. Ok so the idea I had would probably be best explained if I just showed you one. What is Adolin's favorite clothing company? Just find more palindromes and post them preferably question answer but not necessary.
  3. I looked around and I really didn't see this theory so here goes. I really believe that the reason that stone is holy for Shin was a religious way to keep the humans in their spot and not spread to take over Roshar. As on page 1043 the parshmen originally took them in willingly. I am saying they confined them to Shin by telling them not to walk on stone and it became a religious precept. I don't know why they must use soulcast metal. Maybe it was a trade embargo? Thoughts?
  4. I have a theory as to what Hoid is trying to do. Adonalsium was shattered into 16 different shards and while it may be to hard to start collecting the full power of the shards Hoid is trying to make himself a mini Adonalsium by collecting a bit of each shards power. What would that end up making him? Has anyone suggested this before?
  5. I believe it is. Brandon is very into the etymology of his names. (Check out some of my other posts for proof.) Ashyn is one letter off of Ashlyn a girls name which means vision or dream in Irish. The name comes from the word Aisling (can also be spelled Aishling no jokes on that H) this is taken from wikipedia In the aisling, Ireland ... laments the current state of the Irish people and predicts an imminent revival of their fortunes, usually linked to the return of the Roman CatholicHouse of Stuart to the thrones of Britain and Ireland. Check it out! Additionally, Braize sounds like Braise which makes sense too.
  6. I recently found out that Threnody means a lament, Elegy (another planet in the system) is a sad poem, usually written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead and Monody is a poem lament also. These are three of the four systems in Threnodite the fourth being Purity. 1) Why is that planet called Purity? 2) Why are those three all sad and death words? I thought that maybe it is because the fight between Odium and Ambition took place on those 3 planets but not the 4th. Or for whatever reason Silence considers her world cursed is also on the other 2. Any thoughts on the system?
  7. I asked some Q's at a signing and they were mostly RAFO 1) if Lift didn't get what she wanted from Nightwatcher (to stop aging) what did she get? Brandon-Rafo but it has to do with why she can metabolize food into stormlight. 2)Did Ishar intentionally deceive Nalan or does Ishar have bad info that he passed on? Brandon- Yes and no. All of the heralds are insane. So I clarified the question to being did Ishar know that he was lying to Nalan and got a RAFO but he added something that seemed to mean that Ishar could perhaps see the future and that each insanity was unique and that uniqueness played a part in the info. Not really sure on the last part. 3)If spren grant powers of gravitation, tension etc. physical stuff why do Ryshadium gain some sort of sentience? Not sure what the answer was here. After I thought about it it seemed like he said because that's what that bond does. Does anyone have more info about these Q's?
  8. I hear but if every epic goes through a rending now you have to come up with a reason for why prof and his group became normal maybe even a seperate reason for all of them, as well as for conflux. Did dawnslight have a rending?
  9. they can still be corrupted by using their powers. Of course if they use their powers while facing their fears or that whole thing it helps of course even prof. Steelheart 379 prof says "its passing quickly this time" and he says on 378 that he had powers since calamity so...
  10. here are some useful quotes "like on that 1st night so long ago when calamity had come and the world had changed. Impossibilities, chaos followed by epics" firefight hardcover 343 "...but i do remember calamity. The glows came immediately afterward... " ibid 72 Here is a theory, we know only from Davids point of view that epics came a year after. What if powers came slowly when calamity started but since people were scared to show them it wasn't general knowledge and a year later the majority got them. This answers some problems such as if the glows came right after calamity and dawn slight made the glows now it makes sense how it can be right after calamity. Also, the "rending" that when an epic first gains their powers goes on a killing spree, why didn't that happen to prof, regalia and that group? why didn't it happen to conflux? maybe the rending only started after a year so the good epics can stay good if they don't use their powers but the epics that gained power after a year also had the rending and so all start out bad now.
  11. Recently I was rereading Philip Pullmans "The Golden Compass" which in the book is called an Alethiometer! The Greek word Aletheia means truth which is ironic because the society is based on backstabbing. I don't think this is coincidence so any thoughts on why Brandon would choose this?
  12. Did anyone notice the small tweet on the side bar by Peter and is that picture the next update by Brandon? Also, can we get a separate section for stormlight 3 as we are getting more info to discuss and hopefully news on the release date. Check out the picture http://www.17thshard.com/forum/uploads/monthly_10_2014/post-12010-0-19503300-1412441846.png and Peters reply https://twitter.com/17thshard/status/518536169131622401 however this may be a joke look at this topic http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/18667-stones-unhallowed-is-done/ can we have a final ruling?
  13. 1)Honestly Syl reminds me of Kaladins brother how he was always optimistic about things especially because there was a flashback in WoK where he was also playing with a Lurg. Is this just coincidence? 2)Gloomspren don't seem like the type of thing that one would bond with, however who are Syl's relatives? It always seemed that there were familial ties between spren i.e. Syl and the Stormfather and Pattern and the Cryptics. Now it seems that the family extends much more. So how far does it extend, what role do the relatives play (i.e. the Stormfather tried to forbid Syl from bonding but she didn't listen) and it definitely seems that not all spren get along Syl doesn't like the Cryptics and now we see they hunt each other. I think that spren would only hunt non-sentient spren. Any thoughts?
  14. In Mythwalker (Warbreaker Prime which is for sure not cannon) the Demon Kings prison was beneath the palace. Also in Aether of Night they have a pool in Saeris Va.
  15. Are the Larkin from WoR based off of Warbreaker Primes Zquiz?
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