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About Neru

  • Birthday 05/02/1991

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  1. Problem is not only the cover, but formatting and structure of both versions are actually different. Oh yeah and it also comes out 2 days after..... I'll keep an eye for the book to come back on a platform (I read on tablet, so either Kindle, Kobo or any other format is okay), and maybe Brandon does one of those "mail me the receipt for the book and I'll mail you the ebook" things he's done before. Who knows. But if anyone has news on how to proceed it will help a lot.
  2. Hello All, I had pre-ordered Oathbringer on Amazon, day one of the official pre-order as far as I know, as a Kindle Ebook. However last week my pre order was cancelled, and I just cannot find the ebook on Amazon again.When I clink on Kindle, it redirects me to the UK version of the ebook (Golancz, not Tor published), and I want the US cover/version. I am buying this from overseas (Brazil) so I usually buy the ebook now and the paperback later, for my shelf, since the shipping usually takes 2 to 3 months (AKA forever). Have anyone else had any problem of the kind with the Ebook pre-order? Any Ideas on how to get this on day one instead of just waiting for the book to arrive on Easter? I know you, more than anyone else will understand my NEED to get this on day one...
  3. Yeah, I agree with animation. Imagine Kaladin fighting in an animation like Avatar: The Last Airbender. It was silksmooth animation, pretty fluid and beautiful. The production would cost way less than a movie, and depict all scenes, including flashbacks, way better.
  4. I was calling BS in all of this until I read SHARDFORK.... How much booze do we need to make Brandon spill the beans about book 4?
  5. So, this is not a full fledged theory, more of a discussion about something I realized reading WoR. Therefore, this is not going to have a lot of quotes and chapters and stuff, I just want a good discussion. Ok, in the end of WoR Pattern tells Shallan that she doesn't have other oaths, just have to keep revealing truths. Isn't that a really good reason for Honorspren to dislike cryptics? Kaladin has 4 especific oaths to discover and follow, and if he doesn't, Syl dies and he can't be a KR. But as long as Shallan keeps telling Pattern what she ate for breakfatst (yes, I'm exagerating), she'll keep lightweaving. She can even use her powers to do anything she wants, while Kaladin can't be selfish with his powers. Looking through the eyes of a Honorspren this would be pretty unfair. The pre-requisites needed for the bond and surgebinding. I can also see this difference in words as the cryptics themselves being selfish, and feeding on the surgebinder. Kaladin needs to adapt himself and his ways to Syl her filosophys. Shallan only needs to feed Pattern with truths and lies. I was specificaly biased in this post, to expose my theory and point of view, since I could see more of Syl not liking Cryptics than Cryptincs not liking Honorspren. What do you guys think? Is this diference in oaths and words one of the main reasons Honorspren and Cryptics don't go along?
  6. Let's not forget that Adolin is also rejecting The Thrill. He really looks like a Skybreaker to me, and it will be awesome when/if he and Kaladin become flying buddies =)
  7. NOW it all makes sense to me! First I thought Zahel was one of the Heralds, but I dropped the theory in his POV. Strangely enough, in that POV I felt a huge familiarity with his vouce, and got suspicios. But all the collor talk seals the deal to me. Getting more into topic, Nightblood is actually the most awesome thing Brandon ever wrote! I went into hyped hysterical fangirl mode when I recognized her/it. I just wonder how will Szeth spend Stormlight to fuel NB. I mean, he needed the Honorblade to breath stormlight didn't he? Maybe NB gives him the ability again? so it can be fueled?
  8. I'm already seeing Despairspren.... they're like huge white balls with large black cores, like floating staring eyes....
  9. I voted for Renarin for logical reasons: He's the major underdog of the series. Therefore I expect him to be alive for more time than others. I wish Jasnah would live forever.... with me, in my hut in the woods, soulcasting food outta dead leaves and...-- I mean.... Hope she survives, but unlikely.
  10. So the Santhid is a huge shell with a huge eye? I imagined something way more complex than that, but it's still pretty cool. The eye sketch is mesmerizing. Also, I love how the glyphs intertwine themselves to form a comples image with all the meanings. Reminds me of Japanese Kanji, the way more complex Kanji are made of smaller, simpler ones together. But the glyps give much freedom on that, making it possible to just draw a picture with the meaning you want and then just fit the glyphs. Can anyone tell me who's responsible for the glyphs design?
  11. I don't know if you'll catch the reference, but I could picture some intense braid tugging in this comment....
  12. First of all: YAY I'm not alone! Second of all: I'll consider this cheap Kindle version....I haven't got a Kindle or a tablet, so reading in my 4 inch cellphone screen is going to be a literal eyesore HAHA. But it's a great idea, thanks!
  13. Okay, now I'm HYPED!! I identified with the review, Chaos, way too much for my own liking. I, myself, didn't like tWoK too much at my first read. "Too slow!" I said, "no awesome climax at the end like Mistborn". "Half the book are people standing still and talking!" But my reread was deep and I loved it. I have inmind that Brandon gave us enough basis, background and theory in the first book, and that now all that's left is ACTION AND PROGRESS!! Looking forward to it. Loved the review!
  14. I bet it is justifiable too, the non-talking. Brandon often tells in his lectures that he hates "THE MISUNDERSTANDING" and plots based on people refusing to listen or talk, specially in romance plots. I'm pretty sure that, if Kaladin spend 3/4 of the book not talking with Dalinar out of suspicion, it will actually be clear and justified by his viewpoints and past. It's gonna be an ordeal, nonetheless, but bearable.
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