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Everything posted by DoctorWh0m

  1. I'd say 16 at a guess, considering this is Scadrial.
  2. Quick question about requesting books. Does Brandon send you a physical manuscript through the mail? Cause I want to ask for White Sand and Aether of Night, but I live in Australia.
  3. Right here. What PorridgeBrick said, plus the fact that the main character will be a nicrosil misting, are literally all we know about the next trilogy.
  4. Woah woah woah woah woah. That was Spook?
  5. As far as I understand, it retains exactly the same as it would at any other time. There just isn't any new Stormlight because of the lack of highstorms.
  6. We should probably add that to the list of questions: Is every instance of the same name over different books a worldhopper?
  7. Is a Shardgun possible? What would it fire?
  8. Nightblood's a Shardblade because he has enough pieces of Endowment (Breaths) to count as a Splinter.
  9. It could be that Chromium is changing something about you, which then affects others; a sort of set level of luckiness in your interaction with everything else, which is amped up or down. Kinda like how brass and zinc are Internal metals, but still allow you to affect others.
  10. But the problem is that they would have their luck going constantly, meaning that they would be lucky enough to avoid getting into that situation. If they turned off their luck, and then you got them into an unwinnable situation, then they could be defeated/killed, but they'd never end up in that situation in the first place.
  11. ...Vivenna? Are we assuming she made the crossover to Roshar as well? For some reason I can't explain, I kinda think she's Jenet, the stablemaster.
  12. I think you're mixing a few things up here: Devotion and Dominion had their bearers killed and their Shards Splintered (not necessarily in that order): the two things are not necessarily directly related. Endowment (and I think, think, Honor) Splintered themselves willingly; Tanavast was killed after Splintering (once again, I think), while Edgli, if that's his name, hasn't been killed.
  13. DoctorWh0m

    Bloody Tan

    Doesn't deal with the resurrection thing, but my personal theory is that he was a Lurcher, maybe a Sparker as well to explain how he anticipated the shot. He tapped mental speed to judge when he would fire, then pulled Lessie to the right (towards his chest, if I recall correctly) and Pulled on the bullet to make it hit true.
  14. But that wouldn't have any effect on the Physical. Actually, now that I think of it, has anyone already compared the draining of color that happens with Shardblade with that of Awakening?
  15. It could be that having multiple people trying to use the exact same set of sDNA could do some weird things, or just not work at all. Or perhaps it would weaken as more copies were made.
  16. Yeah, but it seems like Investing enough to create a magic system would be far too noticeable for a Shard trying to stay unnoticed, especially so close to Odium.
  17. What types of Allomancers/Feruchemists can burn/use the god metal (atium and sazedium) alloys: Mistings/Ferrings of the alloyed metal, god metal Mistings/Ferrings, or only Mistborn/Full Feruchemists? Or are there Mistings/Ferrings for every metal? Can a post-Final Ascension Mistborn even burn atium? If you are completely set on a course of action, do you still have multiple electrum shadows? Do you only see one if burning both electrum and atium? What is included in a Oracle's shadows; if they are holding something, does it appear? What if they are holding a person? Is there a limit on the amount of Stormlight a person can hold at one time? If a Skimmer gains proportional strength to deal with their increased weight, is there still a point where they will be crushed? Does a Firesoul gain increased resistance to heat in the same way? Is Wyndle a cultivationspren? Can a Firesoul store the heat generated by friction? If a Bloodmaker can heal a Shardblade wound, could they (with enough stored health) heal their Allomantic abilities being stolen? Is there an upper limit of damage that a Compounding Bloodmaker can endure? If they were Lashed downwards into a pulp, would they be able to heal? Can an Allomancer burning metals be lashed? Can a Feruchemist tapping their metalminds? Can a Nalthian? Can a Leecher destroy metals that are outside a body? Does an Allomancer burning aluminium have an atium shadow? Are they affected by time bubbles? What, exactly, does a Steelrunner store? Is it a combination, like with Skimmers? Does it store (with all its associated parts) the Cognitive idea of speed? Are there speedspren? Weightspren? Can a Trueself with their Identity completely stored use a command phrase to take Breaths? Is it even possible to store all of one's Identity? Can this cause mid-life crises? Does an Allomancer, post-Final Ascension, know that they have snapped? Would a bendalloy-atium alloy make the burner, and only the burner, exist in fast-time? Purely out of curiosity, if atium does swap around the Internal/External-ity of a metal, how would Internal Steel work? Would the Enhancement metal alloys just work like their Internal/External counterparts? In the same vein, is there a consistent effect when alloying a metal with a god metal? Is the new power related to the original one? Is Forging end-neutral? Does a Drab have any Innate Investiture?
  18. Glad to see someone agrees with me. Did you see her in Arrow? YES. SO MUCH YES. Ok, I don't even...
  19. Hmm... For all I know, it could be. I was just assuming that, since the WoB I had heard about the Survival Shard didn't specifically mention it being a particular Shard, they were separate Shards. Plus the fact that Investing in a planet would make it fairly easy to be found, which seems at odds with its Intent (which I'm assuming is something along the lines of Self-Preservation or Survival). Also, Silence Divine readings? Any chance of a link/summary?
  20. Well, that would actually be a good explanation for why he knows where to be, but not why: he can see where he goes, but can't see anything about what's there.
  21. ...the Ashyn Shard and the Survival Shard are different Shards. Now I feel bad for ruining your awesome theory.
  22. Title says it all, really. I was wondering if the references to cutting off the 'spirit' of a limb and such are actually accurate, or if it is actually cognitive damage, as someone (can't remember who) theorized that it was, and thus Nalan brought back Szeth by reconnecting his Cognitive aspect to his physical one. If it is Spiritual, it brings up an interesting possibility: if a Compounding bloodmaker can heal Shardblade wounds, one type of Spiritual damage, then perhaps they can heal another type: Hemalurgy, thus creating an infinite source of Allomantic gold spikes.
  23. The 'Survival' Shard is one that's been confirmed to be actively trying to avoid the conflicts going on in the Cosmere, and is just trying to survive. Someone will probably be able to find the WoB for that.
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