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  1. Don't Truth watchers share regrowth and lightweaving? Maybe what we read was a light weave of Ym getting stabbed with a shardblade. Just a thought I had when I read that. Maybe I'm wrong on the weaves though.
  2. Oh and the map of Roshar looks like a toilet flushing. Maybe it's being sucked into shadesmar!
  3. One thing I noticed is. ...aimia is spelled the same backwards. ..... ya I know huge break through.
  4. A gay King with a wife (who loved him) and two children.... I'm not seeing this. Also I belive Brandon is mormon. I have yet to see anything sexual or straight or gay in any of Brandons works. Which is why he is so successful. I think game of thrones series is disgusting and it makes the series in unreadable. I think that series would have sold more copies if it was cleaner.
  5. I was rereading the Mr.T interlude. In that they are talking about how they created a graph to measure or guage his day to day intelligence. The first time I read it I was suffering a rather large bookgasam and didnt pay close attention. But why does he go into detail about how the graph was created and the type of graph it is. So I guess in roshar they use a logarithmic scale. Does anyone else smell somthing fishy? I haven't done any investigation yet. But I wonder if there is a logarithmic cyper or code. Time to investigate!
  6. The second also made me think of that Joseph Smith story. The first one I don't see. But the quote from Kaladin fits well. I am also Mormon and I listened to the audio book while working. When Kaladin speaks the 3rd ideal I was talking with a particularly incompetent employee I wanted to slap around. It made me think twice. Then the old saying of "We are all gods children" poped in my mind. I then changed it to "We are all gods tien's" made me calm down and do some training.
  7. You could argue that Adolin just did some protecting by killing Sadeas. Sadeas just was rubbing in his face how he was going to storm things up for everyone. Division at this moment would cause lots and lots of dead innocents. I think he did what needed to be done for two whole books. And it was very satisfying to read that Sadeas got his justice!
  8. Ask him why Thee Lopens arm grew back (old injury). While Kaladins slave brands wont heal (also old injury)? Im thinking it has to do with the glyphs.
  9. Guys this is just Mr.T's locker combination. I give up wondering about it. We need the real Pattern from the book. He could do it like the way he figured out the ciper in Tyns text. But I feel the answer is somwhere in the book. I dont think its going to be on google or anything we use "In real life". Im also sure Brandon thought this one up to haunt the 17th shard.
  10. If you look at the string the code '111' shows up regularly. I would almost treat that as a space between words. But im not sure what the rest of the code could be.
  11. Pattern is robot-spren this is why he buzzes.!
  12. I think they want us to belive that Renarin dies! If anything he will be reborn. There have been a few glimpses hinting at one of the brothers dieing. Why would they give away such a HUGE spoiler in a few snipets. This is misdirection my friends! Well played tor...well played.
  13. What is a "slave-brand-cum tattoo"? Anyone else curious about that?
  14. Order it from his webstore. That has to be the best money for him. And I think he sells signed copys! :-)
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