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  1. this could be complete off base but doesn't the map of Roshar list the city in a similar relationship to each other that we see in the symbol of the Knight Ridaints. Could just sleep deprivation.
  2. I think the Nightwatcher gives just one thing normally, but that thing is both boon and curse. Ex: Dalinar driven nearly insane by the death of his wife ask for his grief to be healed. So the the Nightwatcher heals it by removing all his memory of her and thus his grief. Tarvangain asked for the capacity to save the world and so his mind focus more completely on one aspect of human conciseness. He never dumber or smarter just more or less analytic. Normal Human mind is say: 25% , 30% empathy and relationships, 15% standard operation (eating, clothing, speaking, etc.), 20% observing and handling the immediate environment and situation, 10% fight/flight decision. But Tarvangain it's more random so what he thinks are his best days are just days when he is 90% long term problem analysis and solving and 10% for everything else. single changes that lead both boon and curse. All based on the old saying "When God wish to punish us the most, he answers are prays."
  3. I think that Gavilar created these Mr. T, the Sons of Honor, and probably others. But I think it was mostly by accident, these organizations being found by the men who Gavilar was trying to unite in order to follow the advice of the visions. With his sudden death there weren't linked together but of the coming Desolation. So they're each trying to follow what they believe was Gavilar's goals.
  4. We know the following: 1. Plate and Blade currently use gems for energy 2. Blades didn't always use gems, the were in fact add to the blade after the fall to allow the summoning and dismithing of the blade by there owners. 3. In the WoK prolouge Sizth refuses to use plate because the gems that power interfear with his lashings. 4. In chapter 19 of WoK, Starfall, we see knights using lashing with apparent ease. 5. In chapter 57 of WoR, To Kill the Wind, page 686 on my Nook, Kaladin realize that a shardplate helm was able to feed on his stromlight to work. 6. Finally we know form Dalinar's Visions that there was once a lot more shards foalting around then are in use on modern Roshar. From all this I theorize that gems have nothing to do with the making of shardplate.
  5. There's probably a range to precision ratio involved also the nature of what your changing something into. If I remember right Jasnah changed each of the muggers into one of the ten essence trying to turn blood into air at a range is probably impossible.
  6. I'm pretty sure I remember Wyndle talking about his people providing protection and aid to crossover and him still filling as if he lost some stuff along the way. Versus Syl a least is just about a renegade form her people.
  7. I think you may be on to something because I remember in chapter 19 Starfalls when the KR arive there is a scene when the woman heals Dalinar and Taffa she doesn't have a helmet and when Dalinar goes to help her is wearing one and Dalinar wonders when she had a chance to put in on, then after the fight Dalinar see the male KR and his helmet has disappeared. So perhaps what happened was the Spern making up the helmet coalesced and dispersed in to the air.
  8. One thing I noticed skimming through the post was a belief that the entirety of 9 order fell. But what if it was more like 80% to 95% of the nine orders broke there oaths and only one order manged to keep most its membership intact. I don't think that the KR would really be able to continue after losing so many people to the recreance. Also were assuming that it happen very quickly what if it toke years to develop. A slow decay and breaking of oaths until everything just fell apart.
  9. This is an interesting discussion but what I always thought was going on was that all KR could infuse storm-light which cause a person too subtly or not so subtly glow. Most notably the eyes, give the appearance of have eyes of light, light eyes. Therefor i think problem is a misinterpretation the text that reference the right of light-eyes to rule to mean light colored eyes rather then the original Light or Lit Eyes.
  10. i think im in the right place but i can't figure what you cant access without being logged in. Edit: I was looking in the wrong place but figured it out
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