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About Moist_von_Lipwig

  • Birthday 10/07/1992

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  1. Adolin. because a) Live triangles are annoying and overdone b ) Adolin and Shallan are a good match c) Sylphrena is the only girl Kaladin needs
  2. Although I doubt the Alethi have considered building metal structures, The bridges could be soulcast into metal, which would surely remove the weight issue that Brandon mentioned. Though as Kurk pointed out, stone bridges are hardly difficult to build on Earth, with higher gravity, and where we don't have to ability to transform a prefabricated wooden structure into solid rock/metal. Cost could be an issue, but probably not. The Alethi are willing to soulcast enough buildings in the warcamps to create a veritable city, but some bridges are too expensive? I don't buy it. More likely explanations are that the Alethi never considered the idea, or they were unwilling to take their soulcasters out onto the plains where the Parshendi could possibly try and take them.
  3. I doubt that light-weaving was involved in this incident, it's unlikely that Shallan had light-weaving abilities that many years ago. But your point about the use of the word monster is very interesting. Perhaps this relates to the fact that there are multiple bodies that have apparently been killed by different means. The NPAM could have been a weapon (shardblade?) used by one of the dead individuals to kill Shallan's mother, an object like that might seem monstrous to a child. Shallan may have then killed the assassin/killer after seeing her mother killed, but the fact that child Shallan killed a person could lead her to view herself as a monster. Edit: Alternative theory, the NPAM was already in the strongbox. Whatever it is it could have been put in there by Shallan's father before this incident. When she asked what was in there, Shallan's father could have told her a monster was inside. Then someone comes along looking to steal it, but things go awry and he ends up killing Shallan's mother and getting killed himself.
  4. My last post wasn't that clear. I think it's very unlikely Adolin is just going to happen to be in his shardplate when Szeth shows up. What I was getting at though, is that there seems to be a general assumption around here that Szeth is just going to saunter in and go at it one-on-one with Kaladin while everyone else sits back and watches the fireworks. There's a lot of capable warriors who have a high chance of being in the vicinity when Szeth strikes. Unless he actively plans to get Dalinar alone there's a whole heap of people who might make things difficult for Szeth: - Kaladin - Bridge 4 - Dalinar himself (doesn't have shards, but worth mentioning) - Adolin (even without his plate he's still am amazing swordsman) - Renarin (doubt he himself will be much use but he does have shards, maybe he could lend his blade to Dalinar?) - Amaram (he's around now, he's a shardbearer, he's buds with dalinar) - Elhokar (Full shardbearer, almost always wearing his plate, probably not the most capable warrior though) Now it's entirely possible that none of these will be around at the time of the attack. But given Szeth's track record, i find it unlikely that he'll go in quiet. So there's a chance a few of them could be around, which is going to make this one of Szeth's harder fights at the very least.
  5. As for Szeth v Kaladin, there's also the question of backup to take into account. At the very least we can assume that other bridge 4 members will be there. Now they may not be surge-binders (yet?), but they are still capable warriors trained by Kaladin, who crucially have some prior knowledge of Wind-runner abilities. This should allow them to make Szeth's life a lot harder if they are fighting alongside Kaladin. Then there's also the question of others, particularly Adolin. Dalinar himself mentioned that Adolin was a 'genius with the blade'. Adolin with plate and blade could prove to be an opponent on par with Gavilar or better. And Gavilar almost had Szeth beat. If we have Adolin + kaladin + bridgemen guards I don't think Szeth will be winning this one.
  6. I understand what your asking, and I'm fairly certain we haven't had any confirmation on whether the ideals need to be spoken in a given order. This was my earlier question regarding Lift. We know lift has spoken at least 1 ideal, and that that ideal wasn't the 1st Ideal (Life Before Death, Strength Before Weakness, Journey Before Destination). We have no indication on if she has spoken the 1st ideal before the events of her interlude. We also don't know if the ideal she did speak is the 1st Edgedancer ideal, it could have been ideal number 5 for all we know. Edit: Now that I think about it, it would make more practical sense that ideals would be spoken in the order you 'understand' them. Kaladin could have spoken the 1st ideal first because teft told him what it was, so he had time to think on it's meaning. He then spoke the 2nd ideal in a situation where he had a choice to fight for others, causing him to 'understand' it at that point.
  7. As far as questions are concerned there's a massive thread devoted to it here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/383-the-ultimate-list-of-questions-for-brandon/
  8. But we've seen indication that Surgebinders returning may be bad somehow. If they knew Jasnah was a surgebinder they might want to off her because of that. But I agree it's a little shakey and the opposite may also be true. Also, to clarify, I was suggesting that Mr T having prominent leaders killed could be part of a plan to weaken nations and seize control of their governments, and Shallan's father's plans could coincide with that, possibly. But again, it is just wild speculation on my part.
  9. Greetings! Welcome to the forums! You're reasoning seems sound. As Moogle says, Kabsal failed, why would they just stop there? I also find it a strong possibility that Mr T. is in fact leading the Ghostbloods, if so that would strengthen the case that they're behind whatever happens on the ship. Mr. T leading them would fit. Think about it. he's having his minion assassinate leaders all over Roshar. Shallan's father was likely making a play for the throne, and he was working with the Ghostbloods. Part of a larger plan? Place agents/puppets in position to seize power, remove the previous leader and have your man take over. Viola, you now run the country.
  10. Touched upon this in another thread. But I agree with you that he wont get his third ideal until the end of his Amaram story arc. It's probably going to be towards the end of the book, at a point where Kaladin is faced with a choice. As in tWoK where he was faced with "turn and run or fight for others?" when he saved Dalinar's army. I agree with Moogle (edit: and don_karma_II) that it will probably be Leadership related. Personally I like the sound of "I will lead others to act with honour."
  11. I chose Shallan, but Dalinar is a close second. It's seems Shallan runs into some trouble in the first few chapters, perfect time to speak an ideal and get a power-up. Plus she's been given Words of Radiance by Jasnah, which must surely have some info on the Ideals of the Lightweavers. And besides, like you said, it is her book after all. Dalinar I think is due to come into his powers himself, but again, probably during a moment of crisis, like whatever Navani's journal was referring to. Plus, he's read the Way of Kings multiple times, whose teachings the Radiant's based their Ideals on after all. I see Kaladin getting Ideal three in this book, put probably more towards the end. I think he'll have to go through his Amaram story arc before he can reconcile and advance to the next ideal. Again I see it being at a moment when Kaladin faces a personal choice, choosing 'correctly' unlocks ideal 3. Renarin I could see becoming friends with Kaladin, maybe he'll ask Kaladin to train him in his newly acquired shards? Not sure when he'll get an ideal though, if he is a radiant at all. Adolin? still a ways to go. Unlikely in this book. at the end earliest. Elhokar, probably not in this book. Same again for bridge four. thought maybe some will start to attract spren. Jasnah? She's done a lot of research on this. She may of spoken 2 ideals already. That seems unlikely but you never know. if she hasn't, we'll see an ideal i would think. Lift, going with no more on this one. An interesting question though, is at what point did Lift speak ideal #1? Wild cards? In the Interludes maybe.
  12. So here are my thoughts on these chapters: 10 - This chapter raised a lot of questions - Who was the other body? - Did Shallan kill him? Did she kill any of them, or did she do something else? - That Lullaby is certainly interesting, surely it must reference something. Similar to Jasnah using children's stories in here research in WoK. - The Safe. What's in the Safe!? Fellow redditors should understand my pain with this one. Please don't be that OP Brandon. 12 - More Bridge 4 Shenanigans. Awesome - The interactions between these lot just gets better and better, a shame to think that some of bridge 4 probably wont make it through the series. - Sigzil and Jasnah are almost made for each other given their personalities. - Lopen and rock are amazing, right Gancho? - A lack of Syl in this chapter - That fight scene was great. Kaladin's abilities feel different from Szeth's somehow, maybe it's just how he's using them. - That ending, that damnation ending. why must they torture us? 14 - Let's see Dalinar's plan get put into action. - The dynamic between the brothers is brilliant, though Adolin seems more childish so far in WoR. - Adolin feeling the thrill? very ominous. Though he had an interesting reaction to it. - Adolin kicking This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules and telling the judge how it is. - Renarin has a shardblade now, I don't like this. Though neither does Renarin apparently, so that's a good sign. I-1 - Seen this before, but we get some interesting new details this time. - Szeth has an honourblade, and the listners (they have a new name it seems) apparently know a bit about them. Did they posses one at some point perhaps? - Parshendi spies, though I don't think Shen is one of them, at least I kind of hope he isn't. - Who are their gods? Why does surgebinding risk their return? Is that why Gavilar risked the return of their gods? was he going to refound the Radiants? - Stormform sounds both awesome and terrifying. I have this vision of them bringing a highstorm against the Alethi and Kaladin raising his hand and stopping the storm. I think I rambled too much there. Lady Feather, you're reactions were brilliant. You remind me of how I imagine Syl sounding.
  13. That scene raised so many questions, and offered very few answers. Tor and Brandon certainly got the hooks in us with this set of excerpts. None of the glowing objects we've seen in tWoK seem to fit for this scene. Lets look at the possibilities: A Shard-blade / Honour-blade - A sword that has just been used to kill someone could look like a monster in a child's eyes so that fits. We know that blades can glow, so that fits. But we haven't seen any modern day blades glow, why would this one be different? Even if it is an Honour-blade, it's essentially been confirmed now that Szeth has an Honour-blade, and there's been no mention of his glowing. The only blades we've seen that glowed were still in the hands of their original owners, so could this be a blade belonging to the herald that took their blade back, and thus why it still glows? -As for the other possibilities, there's been some speculation that it could be a larkin, but that doesn't seem to fit. It could also be a gem or a fabrial, but how would those be monsters? Or it could be something we haven't seen yet in the books. As for the lullaby, there has been speculation that it could refer to the shattered plains (note : chasms deep), or reference the way to Urithiru. Either way it is an odd lullaby, but may that's just the way its done on Roshar.
  14. IT'S UP! Let the speculation commence. Dead on 17:00, Tor sure keep good time.
  15. You sir, are clearly a voidbinder. All my up-votes to you. so we get 3 chapters and an Interlude this time, though I'm assuming the interlude is one that's already been released as part of the Steelhunt or in a reading.
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