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About Dearius

  • Birthday January 2

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    Idaho Falls
  • Interests
    Piano, Reading, Video Games, Anime, and Writing if I can ever get around to it.

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  1. The Idaho Falls Barnes & Noble has a display set up advertising a signing on the 29th starting at 2:00 PM. It seems to be a general signing and not Skyward specific. *Edit* If anyone has a question they would like me to ask let me know.
  2. So I was only able to ask a few questions. I was a little pressed for time after waiting in line for a few hours. I got them from @Argent.
  3. I didn’t know that about the list. I can see why though. In any case, I actually don’t theorize a whole lot about the Cosmere, despite being more or less caught up. I usually move on to other books/shows/games while waiting for the next Sanderson one to get published. The only question I remember having after reading Oathbringer had little to do with the Stormlight Archives. I was thinking about asking which named shard would scare Brandon the most if it were out for his blood. I do like your questions about fabrials though and will probably ask about that. It doesn’t seem likely to get me a rafo.
  4. I live about ten minutes away from there. I’ll definitely be going. Does anyone have some questions they would like asked or should I just check the list?
  5. Hello there my name is Drew. I have been an aspiring writer for years, but I have struggled with actually sitting down and putting pen to paper. I love creating complex plots, worlds, and characters but I never seem to be able to put it all together. I do love reading and have limited experience with critiquing. I work a night shift watching a desk and am able to spend my evenings reading and writing, so I plan on being consistent and reliable with my critiques at the very least. I am hoping that seeing other people's work helps to inspire and motivate me to finally sit down and put my ideas on paper. My greatest weakness in writing is that I have always tended to unintentionally take cues from whatever I have been reading recently. As I have looked back at previous attempts I have been able to tell what book I was reading or show I was watching. I have been working on my current world for quite some time and I finally feel confident enough that it is at least not an obvious clone of another body of work. I realize that this is a failing that many new writers share and hope that you will all bear with me as I push through it.
  6. After reading this thread I feel that I may have something mistaken. For some reason I was under the impression that the Adhesion surge did not exist in Voidbinding. I did read Oathbringer very quickly and may just have conflated the lack of a Bondsmith analogue with the surge not being present in the system. In regards to the diversion of the storm or rather weaponizing a storm I am not entirely sure if the Everstorm was summoned as a direct result of surges. I imagine that since the surges are all just natural forces they would have had to be manipulated on some level either directly or indirectly by Odium. We have seen that shards, if their intent allows and they are not opposed by another force, are able to move planets in orbit. What happened on Scadrial at the end of Era 1 Mistborn definitely involved the forces that surges grant access to. And in reference to the discussion of Connection and Spiritual Adhesion we can assume that direct manipulation of the surges and attributes can be accomplished with varying results with different magic systems and by extension different Shardic investiture. All of that aside, I feel that the practical application for Windrunners would involve manipulating a storm while they fought in it. Serving as human windbreaks for forces on the ground and causing mayhem and mischief for the enemy. I think summoning a storm using the surges is more than possible, but I doubt it will be done by Windrunners. It doesn't really seem like something that they would do. Besides that, usage of surges in that way may be what led to the destruction of Ashyn. I imagine that what the Stormfather does on some level is try to keep the weather patterns on Roshar stable, relative to normal Roshar weather of course, and mitigate the negative effects that the usage of surges has on the stability of the planet.
  7. I seem to recall seeing a Word Of Brandon some time ago regarding aloys of the base sixteen metals and the ‘God’ metals. I could be wrong, but I recall that each metal, when combined with a ‘God’ metal, would result in a new power. Essentially there would be a new set of 16 alomantic and feruchemic powers for each God metal. What I have wondered about is weather the metals alloyed with Atium or Lerasium would all share a theme based off of either shard. Perhaps powers or abilities that are generally more destructive in nature with Atium? I hesitate to try and guess powers solely on the frankly limited information that we have, but I had completely forgotten Malatium’s presence in the text.
  8. I was reading up on lizards the other day. As many people know, some types of lizards can detach their tails. This form of self-amputation is called Autotomy. Now I do realize that Autonomy and Autotomy are two different words, but the practice of self-amputation is commonly done in order to distract predators and is a self-preservation technique. Due to the fact that the two words are rather similar it got me thinking about Autonomy and how it apparently does something rather similar. Also Autonomy could be a Dragon.
  9. So I found this quote in Oathbringer page 405. The Stormfather implies in this passage that the fuses are dead listeners who did not move on, but he isn’t necessarily a reliable source for information. I personally don’t agree with your theory but it is just as plausible as any.
  10. Short answer is yes. He was a sliver and could have continued after physical death as a cognitive shadow, so I think it is safe to assume that he was ascended. They do call it the well of ascension after all.
  11. We know that the visions Renarin sees can be wrong and I feel it is safe to assume that they originate from Odium. Furthermore, Odium seemed extremely very confident that he would win, probably because of future sight. Shards can look ahead and predict the future, but there is a level of uncertainty in what will actually happen and most shards have to bank on what gives them the best probability. I personally believe that the death rattled are predicting Odium’s ideal Future and that anyone who believes they are all true will act in a way that conforms to Odium’s untimate goals. Many of the death rattled are true, but things can always change. The danger comes from the belief that they are infallible and people living with the assumption that they cannot b changed. I have a theory that one of the main purposes of the unmade is to keep people from attracting spren and becoming radiant. Not all of the unmade do this, but I see it most evident through the thrill. The death rattles may have the effect of creating a sense of hopelessness in people who pay them heed. In part five, Renarin is show to be resigned to both his and his father’s fates. He is hopeless and helpless, but Jasnah is able to save him. Every person who becomes hopeless is one less person Odium has to contend with.
  12. Near the end of the book Taravangian has his conversation with Odium regarding the diagram. Odium remarks on the diagram and is in awe of what Taravangian was able to accomplish without Fortune. Now I know that Fortune has been discussed extensively, but as far as I am aware discussion regarding it hasn’t touched on a persons ability to literally guess at the future and be correct. This makes me wonder about a number of things such as how Fortune could effect technological developments among other things. Irregardless I find it interesting that Odium mentions Fortune specifically as than may hold an implication that manipulating it may be possible on Roshar, although I may be just grasping at straws. In any case It got me wondering regarding different applications of the surges for different orders. Dalanar has been shown using adhesion to form spiritual connection in order to communicate. I have seen in other places on here plenty of theories regarding the physical, cognitive, and spiritual manifestations of surges and I wonder if Fortune could be a something that a certain order could use. On Roshar sailors commonly refer to Mandras as luckspren, although this may not be their real name. We also know that each order has been shown to have an affinity to drawing large numbers of certain spren to themselves such as creationspren, wind spren, and glory spren. I currently don’t have any theories as to which other order could possible use this as there just isn’t enough information about many of the orders. Irregardless I would like to hear some ideas and thoughts. Also if anyone has a handy link to a thread discussing Fortune it would be much appreciated.
  13. I am specifically thinking of what Adolin whitnessed with Jasnah in part five. Here’s the quote. So I think that it is entirely possible that Jasnah may have already swore enough ideals to get her Shardplate, but is keeping it a secret for some reason.
  14. I thought about that, but the back cover specifically references Radiance returning to and shining towards the people referenced. I went through the list of possible surgebinders and felt that the only ones who could fit were the two I mentioned. I personally am torn between Venli and Renarin simply because every other character referenced is a human. Venli seems to fit the description of having ambition much better that Renarin but Jasnah specifically thinks of Renarin as a traitor when she goes to confront him in part 5. The only issue that I can see with this is that the dust jacket references each of the five as either being radiant or approaching radiant. But until we get a WOB or the next book I suppose that anything is possible.
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